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Authors: Evangelene

The Devil Behind Me (17 page)

BOOK: The Devil Behind Me
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Chris Isaak’s “Wicked Game” played throughout the penthouse as Daimon waited at the end of the foyer with his hands deep into his jeans’ pockets as he watched me. I stepped forward and took off my shoes. The bottoms of my jeans were soaked as I stepped on them. My clothes were dripping wet, making a little puddle where I stood. We both were silent. I looked right at him; the look he gave me with his crystal blue eyes was my undoing. I needed him. I wanted him. My eyes never wavered as I nearly ran to him. He took his hands out of his jeans and grabbed onto me as he kissed me; his lips were hard and fast.

drove my hands into his hair and pulled him closer. I wanted him to be inside me, I yearned for his touch. I wanted his hands all over me, taking away all the pain I felt inside. He lowered his hands, grabbed onto my butt, and lifted me up. Daimon threw me against the wall, onto a small table in his foyer. Whatever was on the table crashed onto the floor. Our embrace never once broke as we hungrily went at each other. He yanked at my shirt and pulled it over my head; in the split second it took him to take off my shirt, his mouth found its way back to my neck, feasting on me. I held onto him, forcing him to stay as close to me as he could. He growled as he licked and bit me. My head fell back as I enjoyed his lips. The heat of his hands worked my cold body into a frenzy. I grabbed at his shirt, nearly ripping it off. He pulled back and yanked it off. His beautiful cream-colored skin showed his lean muscles. He looked at me breathlessly; his eyes were demanding, his lips slightly parted, waiting to see what I wanted. I leaned up and wrapped my hands around his neck, pulling me up. I began to wildly lick and kiss him. His taste was mouthwatering as I greedily went at him. Daimon grabbed onto me and held me close as he carried me to the bottom of his stairs. He reached between us and unbuttoned my jeans. I sat on the step and watched him through hooded eyes. With one swift move, Daimon yanked my jeans off. He looked at me as he knelt down between my legs. He smiled a toothless grin, as he pulled my thighs toward him. He undid the top button of his jeans and took out his cock.

His length instantly found my pu
ssy as he slid in with ease. Daimon grunted under his breath as he began to fuck me. He rocked into me over and over again, pushing hard inside me. This is what I wanted. I wanted to lose myself and Daimon was the perfect one to fulfill my need. He continued to hammer into me; as his head fell back, he moaned low into his chest. I reached up and clawed at him, urging him deeper into me. He growled as he reached for my waist and held onto it desperately seeking his release. The mere look on his face made my insides wither away. I could feel my orgasm coming. It barreled down fast and hard. I cried out as it rippled through me, my body shook uncontrollably, but Daimon still continued to fuck me. He surged harder now, he was barely in control. He hissed in a tortuous voice as he yanked himself out of me and came onto my stomach. 

lay on his steps, breathless. He looked down at me, his icy blue eyes wanting an answer, but it was an answer I wasn’t going to give him. I shook my head and looked away. I finally found my bearings as I pushed him off me. I found my jeans and shirt and got dressed. I could hear Drako whimpering upstairs. I headed to the elevator not bothering to even look at Daimon.

“Addie,” h
e said low, but I said nothing and continued to leave. “At least let me drive you home,” he said angrily.

No,” I said quietly as the elevator doors opened. I walked in but kept my back to him. I only turned around when the doors closed behind me. Now Daimon and I were finally done. Whatever I was feeling for him would go away and I would no longer need to seek him out. He and I were finally in the past and I would be able to move on with my life as though he was never part of it.


I made my way to my street and saw an ambulance in front of my house. I stopped in mid-stride. My heart jumped up my throat as I watched closely; the paramedics were pushing a gurney, rushing it to the ambulance.

“Daddy!” I cried out as I ran toward them. One of the paramedics saw me running to them. “Are you the daughter of Mr. Sakis?” he asked.

” I said, trying to see him in the ambulance.

“Get in then,” h
e said as he helped me inside. I sat next to the other paramedic who was helping my father. I began to cry, watching him unconscious with various tubes attached to him. He looked like he was on death’s doorstep with his sunken eyes and pale skin.

Daddy,” I whispered as I reached for his hand and held it. He was cold and lifeless. “Daddy, I'm so sorry,” I sobbed holding on to him tightly. 


had taken my father to the emergency room. I was left despondent and completely wrecked for what felt like hours. I stood next to him, waiting and worrying. I had done this to him. I pushed him too hard and triggered an episode. After a few hours, I watched as a few doctors converged and spoke about him, looking through my father’s chart. 

“Ms. Sakis?”
The head doctor came up to me. He smiled gently as he walked me over to the other side where there were a few chairs. “I'm Dr. Cohen. I'm the head of the Gastroenterology department. Your father has a severe case of Crohn’s. I’ve checked with his doctor’s file, he truly wasn’t doing much for him.” He looked over the files again and shook his head. “Ms. Sakis, your father will need surgery. He cannot continue this way, he’s malnourished and his system had overexerted itself,” Dr. Cohen said softly.

“What kind of surgery?” I
sobbed. I was barely keeping it together.

“It’s called a
colectomy. Essentially, we will be going in and removing his entire large intestine, which is severely compromised. I will then create an ileostomy; it’s a small hole, which will be on the exterior of his body where a small bag will be attached to the abdomen allowing your father to have his bowel movements. By taking out his infected intestines he will be somewhat cured,” he watched me closely as he explained the procedure. 

“What do you mean by somewhat?” I asked.

“Well, you are never cured from this disease, but at least he will not feel the pain anymore. Do you understand what I’ve just explained to you? It’s vital for your father’s survival.  He needs this surgery,” he implored and I nodded. “I will prep him for tomorrow,” the doctor said, standing up. “See you then.”

He left me there all alone to
absorb all the information he told me. I hung my head and cried. Everything I touched ended up getting fucked up. Why did I have to push for him to sell the diner? Why couldn’t I fucking make it all work? I stood up from where I was and made my way to my father. I watched him lay on the gurney, lost to the world around him. He was thinner than me; his face was hollow and he barely had any life left in him. I left the emergency room and called Darren to let him know I couldn’t work this week. I told him about my father and what I had to do. He asked me if there was anything I needed but I said no. The sun was now shining brightly as I sat on the window ledge watching people come and go; some were happy, others sad. I fucking hated hospitals.

I’d have to sell the house to pay for the surger
y and the debt the business had incurred. I could feel myself wanting to cry. I wanted to simply wail, but I stifled it, pushing it deep inside me.

I slept by my
father’s bed that night. I watched over him every hour, hoping he’d wake up but he didn’t.
Daddy, what am I supposed to do if I lose you too? God, please let me have my father at least.

doctor in charge of my father’s case came early in the morning, already dressed in his scrubs.

“Good morning
, Ms. Sakis.”

“Good morning
, Dr. Cohen.” I smiled meekly.

“Don’t worry
, he’s in good hands. The surgery should take a few hours. Once he’s done I’ll come out and see you,” he said reassuringly.

y wheeled my father out and I followed until I neared the waiting room. There I sat and waited. I curled myself up into a small ball in the chair, my mind wondering off to places it shouldn’t go. I kept praying, making promises to whoever was there to hear me. 

Here.” A Starbucks’ coffee cup dangled in front of my eyes. I followed the hand up to see Daimon standing there in a full suit.

What are you doing here?” I asked as I slowly stretched my body out from the fetal position I was in. 

Take it,” he insisted. I took the hot coffee and held it, still watching him. “I heard from Darren that your father is having surgery. Are you okay?” he asked as he sat down next to me.

You and I are done. There is no reason for you to be here,” I said coldly.

“I thought so too,
” he smiled and took a sip of his coffee and looked out the window that overlooked the hospital’s center. “How long has he been in for?” Daimon asked, still drinking his coffee.

“A few hours.
He should be done by now, I don’t know why they are taking so long,” I said softly, looking toward the surgery area. 

“Are you going to tell me what that was
two nights ago?” he asked, turning his attention to me.

“It was nothing,
” I said under my breath. He chuckled.

, Addie,” he drank the rest of his coffee and said nothing else. We both sat there quietly waiting.

Dr. Cohen emerged and headed toward us. 

“Ms. Sakis, the surgery had a few complications. It
took far longer than I expected,” he said ruefully.

“Is my father ok
ay?” I asked in a panic. Daimon’s hand slowly caressed my back.

e’s in the ICU. It wasn’t only the large intestine, but the small intestine had been affected too. I needed to remove part of that as well. Ms. Sakis, your father was gravely ill. I'm surprised he was able to survive as long as he had.”

But he’ll be fine, right?” I asked.

We’ll see how he heals,” The doctor said. “You’ll be able to see him in a few hours,” he smiled. Relief washed over me as I sunk back. I didn’t realize it, but I was leaning up against Daimon.

“Let’s go
, Addie. It looks like you haven’t eaten in days,” Daimon remarked.

“I can’t leave him,
” I nearly snapped.

Addie, he’s in the ICU. You’re no good to him if you fall ill too. Come on let’s go,” he insisted, grabbing my hand and taking me to a small café across from the hospital. 

He ordered me a t
ea and sandwich. I picked at the food while looking out the window onto to the street in front of the café.

eat,” he ordered, but I ignored him. “How are you going to pay for all this, Addie? I highly doubt your money making restaurant which is now closed for God knows how long, will make you enough to pay for all the bills you’re accumulating,” he said smugly like he was ready to gloat, telling me he was right all along, like I didn’t know. 

“I’ll take care of
it,” I said quietly. 

“How?” he asked. 

“I’ll figure it out,” I said grimly. 

“If I know you, you’re
thinking of selling your house. Trust me, Addie, it’s not worth anything,” he said bluntly. The pit of despair I was already in had only grown darker with Daimon’s words. I had nothing of value left. “Why don’t we extend our contract?” he said. I raised my head up and glared at him. The sexy little smile sat proudly on his face as he looked at me.

“What?” I could barely say the word.

“Marry me, Addie. Make me a happy man and marry me,” he laughed.

“Are you insane? Are you seriou
sly doing this now?” I hissed.

Don’t get me wrong, Addie; this is business, nothing else. It would appear that I still need you.”

Are you emotionally blackmailing me?” I looked at him incredulously.

“Of course I am. Why?
Because I can. Addie, I’ll give you all the money you need. I’ll pay the debt, the mortgage and the hospital bills. All you have to do is marry me,” he smirked. He looked like he had won. Fucking Daimon. He knew I would cave if he waved the money I needed in front of me.

“Screw you
, Daimon. Why can’t you just give me the money and I’ll pay you back?” I pleaded, but Daimon chuckled.

, I'm not a stupid man. It will take you years if not your whole life to pay me. This way I’m just asking for a few years of yours in exchange for the freedom you seek. Besides Addie, you’re fun and you take away the loneliness I sometimes feel. I like your company. So what do you say, Addie? Be my Mrs. Evans.”

I sat completely stu
nned at how emotionless he was. He had all the money in the world and giving me the money I needed wouldn’t even affect him in the least; yet, here he sat with a smug look on his face waiting for me to say yes. The world around me seemed bleaker than ever; in my heart of hearts I knew I would accept. I had no other alternative, but right now I felt violated. He had completely disregarded how I felt.

“You pick now to say this to me, now
when I'm exhausted and guilt ridden. You know what I’ll say and yet you sit across from me with that stupid grin on your face, like I’m a toy. What am I saying? I’ve always been your toy. No point in changing it now is there?” I laughed cynically. “Just when I thought there might be an ounce of humanity in you, you never cease to surprise me, Daimon. Fine! I’ll be your wife,” I said brokenly. “What choice do I have?”

’s face fell.
Could that be guilt I see from Daimon? Please.
I stood up to leave.

“Wait, Addie. I didn’t
mean it like that. I am…sorry. I should have picked a better time than this to ask you,” he said ruefully.

Ask me?” I looked down at him. “You didn’t ask me. You manipulated me and handled me, Daimon style. Ask? Please, Daimon, at least say it as it is. You saw your chance and took it. I guess daddy dearest is still pushing for Clara. Well, he’s in for a disappointment when he sees the loser you married.” 

BOOK: The Devil Behind Me
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