Read The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence Online

Authors: Ker Dukey,D.H Sidebottom

Tags: #The Deception Boxset

The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence (9 page)

BOOK: The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence
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I SCRAPED THE INDENTATION INTO the wall with the spoon I was permitted to eat with now. Nine small marks, that was how many days it had been since Mr. Troy had been absent, only to me though, he would still send for Maria and as much as I should have been grateful, my heart hollowed a little more every time.

If I had displeased him and he was gaining affection from Maria, how much longer would he keep me around?

The looks the giant kept giving me made my nerves more frayed than the calm I thought he tried to convey. What if he was waiting for Mr. Troy to make a choice and then he got the leftovers? My heart began to stampede once again. My mind was my worst enemy in the confines of this cell. My mind was its own cell.

The time his fingers entered me kept replaying in my mind. Every time my eyes closed the scent from his cum was tangible. What an asshole he was, who does that and then says, ‘“You’re welcome’? Like he was giving me a gift.

He was vulgar, forcing me to open my mouth, his flavor coating my lips and dropping onto my tongue. I hated him for having any effect on my body, but he had, and it left me aching for a release I refused to give myself, not just from fear of punishment but out of principle.

What kind of person was I that I would get off from my captive’s abuse? A lonely one, that’s who. I felt a deep longing inside myself for something out of my reach, not an echo of the memory to grasp, just the empty feeling in my heart. I could choke on the despair when it gripped hold of me. I found myself breaking into sobs randomly throughout the day. I was going out of my mind.

A tune kept humming from my lips but I wasn’t aware if it was significant to me or just my mind trying to fill the boredom. I walked over to Maria’s bed. She had been given a hair brush that she used to brush my hair out every night; a small piece of contact I looked forward to. When you are deprived of such simple things like conversation, touch, a small piece of anything is worth so much and I yearned to be comforted by it.

She had been gone for much longer this time. Breakfast, lunch and dinner had been brought in and she was still absent; it made me pace from my bed to hers. I inhaled sharply, stinging the back of my throat when the lights shut off. This was bedtime… was he keeping her for the night?

My stomach recoiled, an ache simmered in my jaw as I fought the sob trying to force my face to crumble. I was jealous. Damn them both. I shouldn’t be jealous, I couldn’t understand the emotion or where it had even come from. Loneliness made me need; a simple touch, a hard contact, anything so I could feel a connection with someone, anyone.

I tore off my gown, baring my naked body to the cameras I knew were in place around the room; I was counting on it. I would force his hand.

Lying back on the bed I dropped my knees, spreading my thighs. I buried the revulsion for myself deep under every other emotion I was feeling. Gliding a finger into my mouth to coat it in my saliva, I traced it down my body and slid it inside myself. My chest rose from the mattress, my hips lifting to meet my hand. Within seconds the light exploded into the room, making me squint from the intrusion.

The clanking from the door swinging open made me gulp. He was standing there. I didn’t understand the happy mixed with fear streaming through my body at the vision of him there in a black tailored suit sculpted to his frame, his dark green tie contrasting nicely against all the black. His hair was ruffled from him running his hands through it …
or Maria’s hands.
I closed my eyes to quash my inner voice raging war with my sense of what was right and wrong.

“You were warned, Belle.”

My eyes sprang open from his deep voice glazing me in a weird sense of familiarity. The giant appeared behind him. I hurried to cover myself from his disappointed gaze. Fuck him, fuck them all. They were playing with me, starving me of life.

Mr. Troy moved inside, allowing the giant to enter behind him, then came over and placed a box on the bed. “Get dressed.”

I opened the box; a deep red satin dress was inside. It felt beautiful against my fingers. Lifting it out, a creamy pearl necklace caught my eye as it lay underneath. I scooped it up, my fingers running delicately through the few layers of stunning pearls. My eyes darted to Mr. Troy who smirked. The giant had exited the room but he wasn’t going anywhere.

I dropped the cover I had used to conceal myself and draped the fabric over my head. The cool soft touch flowed over my skin, the luxury of the expensive material sliding elegantly against my body. A hiss sounded from behind me. Ignoring him, I slipped the pearls over my head, trying to work out how they were supposed to lay.

“They don’t go there, Belle, although I’d be happy to give you one that did.” He lightly chuckled.

Confusion pinched my face, and he walked over to me. Taking them from my neck he rearranged the loops then dropped to his knees in front of me. His hand came out to tap my ankle. “Oh my God,” I breathed. They were underwear.

He caressed them up my legs, the beaded balls kneading the flesh as they travelled up my thighs, skimming under the red satin dress that had gathered around the top of my legs.

Cool beads came to rest over my bare pussy, a string of them sitting against the crease of my ass like a G-String, two layers resting above my hips. His warm fingers stroked at my flesh as they left me, making the air around us thicken, his dark pools penetrating my inner whore. I craved his touch and as much as I hated him for it, the craving was the stronger urge now.

He moved away from me, standing and turning to leave, crooking a finger over his shoulder at me to follow. Placing one foot in front of the other, I gasped as the pearls moved over me in delicate strokes. Biting down hard on my lips to stifle my heavy breaths, I followed his lead, passing the giant in the hall.

My footfalls tapped against the cold floor, and I stopped at a door when he did. It opened into a warm, richly decorated room; heavy curtains draping from the ceiling, creating a gothic vibe. The dark red matched the color of my dress. A dinner table was set in the center of the room.


Walking to one of the seats at the table I slowly lowered myself down. I jumped violently as he swiped his arm across the table, knocking everything that was on it to the floor. The cluttering noises made my heart stop, before rebooting with his next command. “On the table, Belle. You wanted to give me a show… I want it up close.”

I didn’t move. I didn’t know if I could move. He refused to wait; he reached out, grasping a fistful of my loose hair. Each follicle blazed from his rough hands. He dropped into the chair at the other end and placed me between his splayed thighs. His hand relinquished its hold on my hair as he reaffirmed his authority with both hands digging into my hips, lifting and placing me on the table. “Like to taunt men, Belle? Like to touch your pussy and cum in my honor?”

My head was shaking back and forth. “I didn’t cum. I couldn’t for a pig like you,” I spat. The backhand to my cheekbone stunned me, the pain exploding heat along my entire right side. Tears filled my eyes, my hair flailing with the sharp twist of my head.

The sound of the ripping fabric of my dress and my body jerking from his brutal assault now reinforced my attention on him. My pretty dress was being ripped straight up the center, his fingers tearing at the silky material. Why the hell did he bother to make me wear it?

“Let’s test that theory shall we?” The shreds fell in two, some silk still on my arms and dropping to my sides, exposing my frame; naked apart from the pearls decorating me. His temper and lust were clear in his stiff posture, his glassy orbs burning through me; he was teetering on the edge and it was contagious.

He walked over to a cabinet placed next to a huge love seat then came back with what looked like a wand with a ball thing on the end. My eyes widened. Was he going to hit me with that?

“Lean back, place your hands on the table and hold yourself up on your elbows.”

“What is that?” I asked.

His eyes went to the object then devoured my body with a look, making me swallow. “Feet on the table. Legs open.”

I obeyed his command. The embers still burned on my cheek and I wouldn’t risk another blow. Twisting the bottom of the wand-looking object he sat back down in the chair, giving him a full view straight between my spilt thighs. Lifting the object, he placed it on the pearls covering me.


It was vibrating, making the tiny balls tap dance over me. It was taunting and incredible. I tried to control my thoughts, to think of something else but it was impossible, the tiny rumble of the pleasure beads coated my entire pussy with a delicious pulse. He added pressure right above my clit and my hips lifted from the table to reach for the building release.

“You’re glistening, Belle, coating the pearls in your own sheen. Does that feel good?”

“No,” I growled but my heavy breathing, hard pebbled nipples and writhing hips betrayed my words.

“Do you want to cum, Belle? Leak your release and let me lap it up? Want me to bury my tongue in that hot little cunt of yours? Do you want my big thick cock to fuck your tight little hole, fill you all up?”

Oh God. His filthy mouth was building me with the tempo of his movements. That magic fucking stick thing he was using made my insides tighten the deep pull in my core.

“Do you want it, Belle? Tell me, do you want me inside you, fucking that throb you have building. Does your greedy little pussy want to be fed? I can smell you. Damn, I want to fuck you. Do you want me to?”

“Yes!” I screamed, dying a little inside. My body was ready to combust. His chuckle mocked me.

His other hand gripped the top of the pearls resting over my hips and lowered them to my thighs as he stood over me. “You really asking, Star? Does your pussy want to strangle my thick cock?”

“Damn you, Troy, just fuck me!” I screamed at him. I was sick of the games. I just wanted to get on with the inevitable and release the burn inside me.

“You asked, Star.” He dropped his fly, freeing his engorged cock. Instead of moving the pearls to the side, he used the slackened strings to cover over my entry and then without mercy, he forced his cock into the hilt, every inch of him coated in pearls.

I screamed out from the abrupt intrusion. I was snug all around him, my inner walls squeezing at him, the stroke of the balls felt unnatural in the most extraordinary way.

The smooth pearls were rough inside me, each swipe of them, along with his cock, stroking the pleasure higher and higher until all I could feel was our fucking.

There was no other sensation. No sound filtered into my head, no air filled my lungs; even my nerves had frozen, allowing only bliss to build with each plunge of him inside me.

He wasn’t gentle, his harsh grip on my skin painful and cruel but my body ignited, my pussy clutching him tight so he couldn’t escape from me.

I yelped when I was suddenly flipped over, the pleasure suddenly disappearing when he pulled out and squashed the front of my body into the cold table. A fire grazed my ass as his palm struck it, the slap loud enough to release me from my daze. I pushed back, demanding more, begging for more. I couldn’t handle the incredible hunger inside me. I was thirsty for stimulation, panting for release.

“Look how beautifully your skin wears my mark, Star. My branding suits you.”

I screamed again when he struck me once more, the blaze of pain firing up the scorch of lust. “Fuck me,” I ordered through clenched teeth.

“Ask me nicely. Ladies should maintain their manners.”

I growled at him over my shoulder. His spiteful smile poured hatred into every part of me, yet it still wasn’t enough to dampen the need. I sneered at him. “Please fuck me, Mr. Troy.”

He laughed loudly, his face full of beautiful ruthlessness that made my heart still. “I love it when you beg but let’s not pretend you’re a lady, Star. We both know you’re a dirty little slut and you proved it so easily it’s disappointing.”

He slammed back inside me, causing my back to arch painfully. My heart seemed to stop while it simultaneously sped up, the beat of it matching the rhythm of his fucking, the contradiction causing a severe pain to crush my breastbone.

His fingers slid up the center of my back, the palm of his hand pressing against every groove of my spine until he fisted my hair and pulled my head back. His balls spanked my clit with every thrust inside me, his fingers fired shots of pain through my skull, his thick cock stretched me to an agonizing fullness – and I freaking loved it. I relished in the pain. I savored the sweet bite to each of my nerves. I possessed the driving ecstasy that tore through me and used it to pull my orgasm from its depths inside me.

Pleasure rolled over me, my body vibrating in total rapture as he thrust harder and harder. The snatch of his hold on my hair increased when I felt his breath on the side of my face. “Tell me how much you love it, Star. How good my cock feels inside you. How your body is humming and begging for me to let you fly.”

I nodded, screwing my eyes closed as my mind vomited with the betrayal of my body. “Yes,” I choked out as the thrill became intoxicating.

“Tell me,” he repeated sternly as he pressed a hand down between my shoulder blades, driving the pain to clash with the pleasure sailing through me.

“I love it,” I screamed as my thighs started to clench. “Your cock feels so good.”

He slammed inside me hard as his orgasm continued to rip through him. He yanked my head back further, the pull in my neck excruciating. “Open your eyes, whore.”

The way he spat the words sent a chill through my body. I snapped them open as a climax so intense caused my body to seize, each muscle contracting in a blissful torture.

A sob tore from me as I witnessed them watching me through a glass window. Four of them stood, their hands pressed to the glass, their eyes heated and narrow as lust and depravity contorted their faces.

Yet still my climax hit, the stare from our voyeurs intensifying my orgasm until my bones seemed to crack under the pressure. I couldn’t catch a breath as my eyes rolled and a delicious tightening in my body fired levels of pleasure so extreme through me that I felt everything sway and blur.

BOOK: The Deception series boxset: FaCade, Cadence, Beneath Innocence
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