Read The Dark King Online

Authors: Jordan Summers

Tags: #Paranormal

The Dark King (10 page)

BOOK: The Dark King
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She may give her body to the King, whenever he wanted, but Opal had earned the position of Righthand.
Another thing the warriors would do well to remember
, she thought as she slinked down the corridor toward her room, her tail slashing violently from side-to-side.




Hades found himself outside of Taylor's chamber. He raised his hand to knock upon her door, then stopped short when he realized what he'd been about to do. Phantoms rarely apologized for their behavior. And Kings
did. He stared at his clenched fist inches away from her door, then turned and slammed his knuckles into the stone wall behind him.

The rock cracked beneath his fist and crumbled to the floor. He leaned forward until his forehead rested against the cool stone. What was she doing to him? How had she gotten so far under his skin in such a short period of time? Despite his determination to keep his distance from Taylor, Hades' mind sought hers. What he found only made his 'condition' worse.

Taylor's fingers were entwined in the soft curls between her legs. He couldn't
them, but he could 'see' them in her mind. That was bad enough, but the worst part was she wasn't thinking about her fingers. She was thinking about
tongue, dipping between her folds, lapping at her growing moisture, and nibbling on her engorged clit.

His claws slowly extended from his splayed fingers. He'd been semi-soft after leaving Opal, but now he was rock hard again. Taylor's body undulated, causing the warm water to lap at her nipples.

Hades mouth watered and his claws scraped the rock. Two fingers plunged inside her and he heard Taylor's internal gasp. Now she was picturing his cock, entering her, filling her, fucking her.

Hades growled, the sound vibrated his chest. The beast watched as the Atlantean part of him sought a stronger connection. His shaft bowed under the weight of his erection as he focused on Taylor. He'd never allowed himself to merge his mind with anyone before. He'd read thoughts when it was necessary...or he was curious, but he didn't go around randomly invading Other's minds and he'd always kept his distance during sex for fear of the intimacy it brought.

For Taylor, he'd make an exception. His body shook as he forced his mind into hers, forging a bond he never thought to feel in his lifetime. Never thought possible. The merge was tenuous, but it held. When he was sure that she wasn't going to toss him out, Hades began to explore. What he found shocked him. Taylor kept much hidden behind that smart mouth of hers.

There was a softness, a vulnerability that he hadn't sensed. One she kept hidden from the outside world. There was also fear, loneliness, and a deep-seated yearning to belong. He shied away from the latter thoughts before they could latch onto him and magnify his own insecurities, but not before something powerful rose inside of him. Something that demanded he protect her from any who would do her harm.

A new wave of fear struck, this one his own. Hades quickly retreated to the carnal section of her mind. This was what he'd been searching for. The only thing he needed from Taylor. The only thing he'd ever need. He observed her actions for a few seconds, then carefully joined into her fantasy.

With invisible hands, he grasped her breasts, palming their heavy weight. He groaned as her nipples hardened even more. He concentrated. His 'lips' latched onto her breast and his tongue circled the turgid flesh. Hades wished that he could taste her, but at least he could sense her reaction. Taylor gasped and her back arched out of the water, offering him more. Her fingers slipped from her channel as he continued to feast.

Put them back inside,
he willed, sending the message deep into her mind.

She stilled.

Hades had no doubt that she was looking around, trying to figure out if she'd imagined his voice. At least she'd heard him. He'd been in doubt until that moment, since they didn't have a true bond. Hades held his breath and waited, trying to ignore the maelstrom of emotions swirling around him, inside of him, inside of her. The intimacy of the moment was nearly overwhelming. Thank the Goddess that he didn't have to wait long for Taylor to make her decision.

She slipped her fingers back inside her moist entrance.

Let me fuck you.
It was a dark request, especially given what he'd just done to punish her, but Hades couldn't resist. If he could not have her body beneath his, this would have to be the next best thing. His beast growled its dissension.

She didn't answer with words, but Taylor did move her fingers out of the way. Hades focused hard, while his shaft threatened to burst. He sent the image of his cock sliding through her folds, filling her, stretching her, until she could feel nothing but him surrounding her. The surge of satisfaction he received when she relaxed was palpable.

He rocked his hips, slowly at first as he imagined the feel of her tight channel gripping him. Taylor's little moans filled his mind. Hades closed his eyes and tried not to think about the feel of the real woman or he'd lose himself. Instead, he focused on her pleasure. His claws retracted and he reached out to the air as he imagined, swirling his fingers around her clit, teasing her, drawing out her need.

Taylor's body quivered and Hades rocked faster. Her breathing was coming in gasps now. He could hear the sound echoing inside his head and feel her tightening around him. She was so close to release that he could taste it. His tongue swirled around his lower lip as he latched onto her nipple and drove himself deeper 'inside' of her.

He felt the beginnings of a shudder. His breath caught. The shudder was followed by a low keening cry as Taylor fell apart. Hades' body jerked as she came, the physical reaction yanked him out of her mind, leaving him momentarily dazed. He tried to get back in, but her mind was closed off. He longed to feel the connection they'd shared, even if it were only for a minute more. Blackness met him.

"No!" He cursed as the stone hall came back into focus. The expletive was followed by a groan of frustration as he glanced down at his straining shaft. He hit the wall once more, punishing rock, punishing himself for being so stupid, then he grasped his cock and shoved it back into his pants.







Hades spent a restless night reliving his moments with Taylor in her bath. Eventually he'd grown tired of his wayward thoughts and gotten up. If sleep wasn't an option, then he might as well work. He was peering over his Kingdom's ledgers, when a knock sounded on his chamber door at dawn.

He scrubbed a hand over his tired face and slowly rose to his feet. "Enter," he said.

A guard stepped inside his chambers. "Sorry to disturb you so early, Your Highness, but Phantom Warrior Linx is here. He’s being quite insistent that he see you immediately."

Hades frowned. What was Linx doing here? He wasn't supposed to return for another six days. Had he already gotten King Eros' permission for Taylor to stay? It seemed unlikely given the amount of trouble the cat went through to secure her a spot in the Keep, but why else would Linx be here other than to take her back to New Atlantis with him?

The thought nearly caused a blood vessel to burst inside Hades' skull. A sudden surge of panic nipped on its heels. Both reactions were unexpected and entirely unwelcome.

He sighed. Wasn't he just telling himself last night that the sooner she was out of his care the better? Hades should want Taylor gone. And he did. Really. She’d managed to engage him, enrage him, tempt him and shame him, and it had only been twenty-four hours. He wasn’t sure he would survive a whole week with her.

Let the cat take her and be done with her distracting ways.

Even as the thought slipped through his mind, Hades knew he couldn't let Taylor go. Not yet. Not after the intimacy their minds had shared last night. He needed
. Hades braced himself. "Show him in."

Linx stepped through the door and gave the guard a knowing smirk. "Told you, he'd see me." The cocky cat strolled into the room with not a care in the moons.

"What do you want?" Hades asked, his face a mask of boredom, despite the unease churning inside of him.

Linx arched a brow. "What do you mean what do I want? I came here as fast as I could.”

What in Zaron’s stars was he talking about? Hades took a deep breath and mentally counted to five. "I have no time for your games, Linx," he said. "State your business and be gone."

Linx’s eyes widened in surprise. “You don’t know why I’m here. Do you?” Amusement laced his words.

Hades’ gaze narrowed, his temper made short through lack of sleep. “If I knew, then I wouldn’t have asked.”

“Interesting…” The damn cat looked as if he were ready to burst out laughing.

If he did, Hades’ claws would be around his throat before he could gasp for air.

Linx must’ve sensed the danger he was in because he hurriedly added, "I'm here to retrieve Taylor. She sent word last night to come and get her. I have to admit that I’m surprised. I thought she’d at least make it a few days with the Dark King.” He shrugged. “But if she’s calling for help after one day, then staying here is really not an option. I'll have to see if I can find her a Phantom to bunk with in New Atlantis. I'm sure one of the warriors wouldn't mind sharing his bed with her." It was a deliberate taunt. One Hades should ignore, but couldn’t.

He felt heat building inside of him. The room went red a second before his beast struck. Claws sprang from his fingertips and he heard his shirt rip as his Other burst through his skin.

Linx ignored the sudden change like it was something that happened to him everyday and scanned the shelves that held Hades’ favorite reading material. "I'd assumed that you had told her to call," he said absently, then glanced at Hades, before going back to perusing. "I see now that Taylor didn't tell you." Had Linx been in his Other form his tail would've twitched. As it was, he grinned knowingly.

Hades’ gnashed his teeth. "You assumed wrong."

Linx looked deceptively innocent. "I told her not to call unless things weren't working out between you two.” He tapped his chin. “I believe I used the word ‘emergency’."

What had Taylor told him? What had she shared?

The events from last night flashed through his mind. Hades felt the color drain from his face as he fell into a well of shame. He’d acted like a brute, giving Taylor multiple reasons to run. His beast receded, its sudden silence confirming his misdeeds.

If she was truly upset, she should’ve come to him. Confronted him. Railed at him, before contacting Linx. Taylor had more fire than that. She was a fighter. He’d sensed it inside of her. So why hadn’t she? Hades flushed with newfound anger, determined to find out. Wait until he got his hands on that little minx.

When Hades could speak without anger sharpening his words, he said, "I believe you've been misinformed. I told you that I would keep her for seven days to pay back my debt to you. My mind has not changed." His knuckles cracked as he clenched his fists, but at least his claws were gone. "You may come back and retrieve her at that point, if King Eros wishes."

"And what if he doesn't?" Linx asked. “What if he orders her to return to Earth?”

Hades ignored the questions because he wasn’t ready to confront the answers. He continued on as if Linx hadn’t spoken. "Until then, Taylor shall remain under my protection. Are we clear?"

Linx beamed. "Oh, I understand completely. The question is, do you?"

"Get out!" Hades bellowed.

The guard threw open the door and rushed inside, sword drawn.

Linx held up his hands, but his grin never wavered. "I was just leaving. Don't get your uniform in a twist," he said. "See you in a few days, Your Majesty." He bowed. Hades heard him chuckle on his way out the door.

The Dark King glared at Linx’s back until the cat was out of sight. Despite what he’d said to Linx, Taylor wasn't going anywhere until he deemed it so. Hades knew he was being unreasonable and abusing his power, but he couldn't seem to stop himself. "Bring me the Earth woman!"

“What if she’s not awake?” the guard asked.

“Then wake her! I want her brought to me immediately!”

"Right away, Sire!" The guard bowed and swept from the room.




Taylor stared at the communication device. From what she could tell, there hadn't been any messages left. Why hadn't Linx called her back? She'd expected to hear from him last night or at the very least first thing this morning. Did she somehow mess up the call? Maybe the device didn’t work.

What do you expect from something shaped like a rock?

Taylor had checked the device before she'd jumped in the shower, and checked it again when she got out. Nothing. No sound. No chirp. No message. Her towel was still wrapped snugly around her, when someone knocked on the door.

"One minute, I'll be right there." Maybe Linx hadn't bothered to call back. Maybe he just came instead.

She rushed to her closet, but before she reached it a guard she didn't recognize pushed the door open and entered her room. Taylor screamed and grasped her towel.

The guard flustered and looked around. When he spotted no enemy, he said, "You need to come with me." His gaze caressed the bare skin sticking out beneath her short towel, but his grim expression never changed.

"Let me get dressed first," she said.

He shook his head. "No! Now!" He grabbed her arm and led her out the door.

Taylor barely caught her towel before it hit the floor. "Where are we going that is so important that I couldn't get dressed first?"

The guard glanced at her, but didn't slow his pace. "The King demands your presence."

Taylor's heart jumped in panic. After his performance at the Pit and the daydream she'd had last night in her bathtub, the last thing she wanted was to face the Dark King.

"Then I definitely need to get dressed first." No way was she facing Hades wearing nothing but a towel.

Taylor dug in her heels, but the guard didn’t seem to notice. She might as well have been trying to stop a rhino with a butterfly net. The guard was on a mission and her wants and needs were not part of his vocabulary.

BOOK: The Dark King
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