Read The Crimson Castle Online

Authors: Samantha Holt

The Crimson Castle (9 page)

BOOK: The Crimson Castle
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Pity was the last thing he wanted and yet he knew when he met her with
his battered face it would be what he received. Why, then had he searched her
To prove his worth to her mayhap?
His mind
battled with his heart, knowing of the irrationality behind his behaviour.
Falling for the intended bride of his lord had to be his most foolish deed
throughout his years of service to

“Oh Gabriel…was this…?” she trailed off as he neared her, her voice
filled with remorse. “Was this because of me? Did
punish you for my behaviour this day?”

Seeing the pity and unable to bear it, he turned his face from her.

no matter.”

“I am sorry.”

She reached up to him and ran a finger over his cheek, tracing the
cuts. He closed his eyes momentarily and turned back towards her. She put her
other hand up to his face and cupped it gently.

“I am sorry,” she repeated, brushing her hand over his swollen lip.

All coherent thought gone under her soft caress, he grasped her hand,
placing quick fevered kisses against her palm with no thought for what her
reaction may be. Instead of withdrawing she pushed her palm into his lips, her
mouth opening in a gasp, her lids fluttering closed. He could not help but stop
and stare in awe at her beauty, the last of the daylight highlighting her lips,
begging to be kissed.

 “I would take a thousand beatings for you,

Her eyes opened at his words and, leaning towards him, she placed a
kiss upon the corner of his lips. Gabriel jumped slightly at this touch but,
before he had had time to take any other action, she had shifted her mouth,
placing her lips fully on his. He whispered her name against her lips and
gripped at her shoulders, as she clutched at his upper arms. His mouth was
still sore but the honeyed taste of her made him forget his pain as his mind
fell into a deep haze of desire, and he bundled her closer to him, her
fragrance engulfing him.

Disbelief registered in his
thoughts briefly, wondering mayhap if he was in a sweet, sweet dream, as he
gratefully tasted the lusciousness of her inviting lips. All doubts of the
reality of their embrace were erased when she spread her hands across his chest
with a gentle moan, their featherlike touch scorching a fiery path through his
shirt, forever imprinting the feel of her caress in his memory.

Evelyn found herself lost in the feeling and wanting more. A gasp
heaved from her as he opened his lips to hers and she felt the hotness of his
mouth, her knees trembling beneath her. She inhaled in wonder at the intensity
of the sensations that shot through her, all rationality gone.  The image
of his handsome face, marred by the consequences of her actions, pulled at her
heart and she finally came to understand how her recklessness had such an
effect on others. As his tongue brushed against hers, the images faded and were
replaced with an uncontrollable urge to touch him.

Struggling for air, Gabriel broke the connection and trailed kisses
down her neck. She moved her hands down his arms, enjoying the feel of his
powerful form, his muscles undulating under her touch. Her hands slid around
his back and under his shirt, finally rewarded by the warmth of him under her
fingertips. She felt him shudder under her touch and she marvelled at the feel
of his smooth, taut skin. Her hands travelled up and down his back until her
fingers brushed against one of the many scars scattered across his back.

Gabriel stiffened at this, quickly lifting his head, an unreadable look
on his face. Evelyn dropped her hands abruptly and looked at him in confusion,
chest still heaving.  They stared at each other for a moment; their faces
still close enough to feel the breath from one another.

She reached up a hand to his face, the light touch causing him to
flinch and, as if she had set him alight, he pushed her back roughly so she
stumbled, almost losing her footing. She looked at him in astonishment as he
cursed crudely and, as he ran a hand through his hair, he finally looked up at
her, regret etched across his face.

late, my lady, I shall disturb you no longer.” And with that he left, leaving
her to watch the broad outline of his back fade into the darkness.


When out of her sight he laid against the stone wall momentarily,
hoping to abate his passions in the cool night air. His fist clenched in shame
as the memory of her hot kisses, her willingness echoed in his mind. So
unexpected were they, he could barely believe what had just taken place and he
angered at his own eager response, knowing hers were likely to be caused by

Once again he had proved himself contemptible, behaving as an oaf
rather than with chivalry as a knight ought. If she would ever forgive him for
his rough behaviour, he would be surprised. And he would not blame her, for
what kind of a man takes a woman in his arms only to fling her away?

Gabriel’s body throbbed from his beating, but he was glad of the pain.
It served as a reminder as to the danger that woman was. If
ever found out that Gabriel had laid a finger on Evelyn, he would probably have
his hands removed.

If he was lucky, he thought grimly.

She would feel rebuffed tonight
but he felt sure she would be grateful to him in the morning for putting a stop
to their mindless behaviour. He had no doubt in his mind that she would regret
her sympathies towards him. Pushing away from the wall, he resolved to keep his
behaviour in check from now on, for her sakes just as much as his own.


Evelyn had not seen him again until the morning and from the rumpled look
of him, she suspected he had indulged heavily that night. The embarrassment
served to quieten her usually sharp tongue and they partook in breakfast in
silence, giving her sufficient enough time to contemplate her odd behaviour.
Annoyance had taken the place of embarrassment and had brewed within her; any
feelings of sorrow for his having taken a beating were replaced with a slow
burning resentment.

For a fleeting while, Evelyn had considered that there was more to
Gabriel, the flickers of kindness and courage seeming to be concealed behind a
hard exterior, but after his treatment of her last night she concluded she had
been mistaken. He was nothing more than what he seemed - an uncultured,
malicious man, barely worthy of her thoughts. The folly of her actions last
night she attributed to the strain of the past few days and, as she put a hand
to her lips, which still felt the incredible heat of his mouth, she vowed it
would never occur again.

Chapter 6

The days were warming, the chilly spring air giving way to the balmy
feel of summer, and Evelyn took the opportunity to ride out to the edge of the
castle walls, the lush green of the lightly rolling hills beckoning to her.
Crossing the causeway she rode up the mound that over looked the castle before
dipping down into the moat.

A sullen eyed guard watched her every move but she tried not to let it
bother her, inhaling the fresh air, feeling the warmth of the sun prickle at
her skin. A lone tree stood amongst the grass and she tethered the palfrey to
it, sitting just out of the shade that it cast. Her contemporaries would gasp
in shock at her choice to sit in the bright midday sun, but Evelyn was blessed
with naturally pale skin that never deepened in shade no matter how much time
she spent out of doors.

The paltry sense of freedom
filled her, replenishing her waning spirits, the sun seeping into her and
bolstering her courage. Inhaling the air, free from the smells of the village
or the suffocating atmosphere of the castle, she wished she could remain here
until the grasses grew over her, moulding her into nature’s floor.

Unbeknownst to her, blue eyes watched her as she tilted her face to the
sun. From his post atop the curtain wall, he could see clearly the outline of
her profile, her cascading waves nearly brushing the ground as she paid no heed
to the damp earth soiling her gown. Gabriel watched with amusement as she
removed her slippers, pressing her feet into the dewy grass, and had to supress
a chuckle as the bewildered guard looked on. So unbidden was she that he
struggled in vain to decipher the thoughts behind those quick green eyes.

No better example of her spontaneity lay before him than that of their
forbidden kiss. He knew she regretted it, he could tell by the look on her face
when her eyes reluctantly met his. Not that she had allowed that to occur too
often. She had done her best to avoid him since then but the memory of her
caresses, of her unexpected passion, burned within him and he did not think
he’d had a full night’s sleep since.

Since his callous treatment of her that night, she looked at him with
nothing but disgust. But that was the way it had to remain. She could not know
that the mere thought of her inviting lips aroused him beyond anything he had
felt before, that but one word from her and he would be enslaved to her for
eternity. It was a dangerous path he trod and he could not take her along with
him, even if she were willing.

Even with these thoughts in mind he found himself making his way
through the gate towards the spot in which she lay, unmindful of the guard who
stood solemnly a few paces away. Duty, he reminded himself. It was his duty to
ensure her safety and these were dangerous times. Anything could happen beyond
the town walls and some whelp of a soldier would be little protection against
outlaws. As he strode purposefully towards the guard, he ignored the voice in
his mind that reminded him of the irrationality of his actions.

With a silent nod, he excused the guard, who gave a sigh, gladdened to
be relieved of his tiresome duties. He obviously did not appreciate the beauty
that was laid before him, hair splayed out behind her, arms relaxed above her
head. She lay as if waiting for a lovers caress. His hands itched to slide
around her delicate ankle and then brush higher, against the soft skin of her
thighs, until she begged for more.

harden, he was grateful for his long surcoat, for he would surely frighten her
if she took notice. Unwilling to give her up to reality, he watched her lips
part, as she took in a steady breath, causing her breasts to rise. Her lashes
laid like a fan against her pale cheeks, her dangerous eyes hidden away, and
for just one moment he pretended she was his, awaiting his touch. A slight moan
left her lips and he wondered if she were dreaming. Feeling like an intruder,
he stepped closer, his shadow falling upon her, breaking the spell.

The light behind
her eyelids darkened and, as she roused from her light slumber, a prickle of
awareness invaded her body. Eyelids flickering open, she jumped with a start,
sitting upright at the sight of Gabriel. The sunlight cast behind him
silhouetted his figure, making him appear as a dark apparition. She blinked in
the light as her eyes travelled up the broad length of him until she met his

“What are you doing here?”

“Watching over you.”

“That is evident. You need not watch over me so closely. I am sure the
same could be achieved with sufficient distance.” She looked around. 
“Where is my guard?”

“He has been relieved. You may rely on me for protection.”

And pray tell who is to protect me from

 Her cheeks tinted, knowing he would understand what she was
referring to, her quick tongue revealing thoughts that she had wished to keep
hidden. He was not to know that she had been dreaming of their embrace and that
his hot mouth upon hers had stirred longings within her that she had not known

He crouched beside her in an uncharacteristically casual movement,
picking at the wild flowers within the grass. Looking at her from under his
brow, his eyes reflecting the clear blue of the spring sky, she gripped at the
grass in an effort to control her yearning. He humiliated her and yet she would
still willingly submit to him. The knowledge shamed her, her judgements against
him still strong, and she wondered how her body could betray her so.

A hand moved towards her and she feared her heart would leap from her
throat as he placed a flower behind her ear. A frown came across her face. Who
was this man sat beside her? How was this man capable of such gentleness? It
was as if the heavy shroud he carried with him in
presence had been cast aside.

“Do you need protecting from me?” he asked earnestly.

“You tell me.”

He considered her for a moment, his eyes tracing the contours of her
face, the confusion upon her brow.

“Aye, mayhap you do.”

A silent thrill thundered through her at the promise behind his words
and she looked away, her usual bold manner stripped away under his scrutiny.

“You are a most bewitching creature,

He uttered it as if to himself but her eyes widened at his words,
unsure of how to respond to such a remark. He gave a dry smile and stood
slowly, his form towering over her once again.

“Do not concern yourself, my lady. You have naught to fear from me;
even I would not stoop so low as to force my attentions where they are not

Staring at him incredulously, she wondered how to respond to his
forthright honesty. Should she admit to her feelings for him in spite of her
misgivings? No good could come from such words.

“I am gladdened to hear it,” she croaked out, the words twisting at her
heart at the darkening of disappointment in his eyes as she failed to address
the honesty of his words.

Surely he too could see the folly of an attraction between them? Did he
not realise that she was speaking merely out of self-preservation? She found
she did not wish to pain him and longed for a way to express as much. Tangled
in a web of Lord
weaving, she was aware of
the dangerous position they could place themselves in and she could ill afford
to enrage the man that held her fate within his crushing hands.

BOOK: The Crimson Castle
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