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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags: #explicit adult fiction, #short erotic ebook, #anal finger

The Claiming (2 page)

BOOK: The Claiming
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"And how's that going?"

"I can't wait to get back."

"City life too much for you little

I knew the peace wouldn't last for too



"Why do you always do that?"

"Do what little Jade?" He smirked at

"Put me down in some way."

"I wasn't aware that I did."

"Well you do...a lot, it's not nice,
especially since I've never done anything to you."

"But you do."

"What, what the hell have I ever done
to you?" I was at a lost for words, had I inadvertently done or
said something to cause this? If I had I had no recollection of it

He looked at me for a long time without
answering, then....

"I changed my mind, I think
we should turn in after all; Denise's room is made up so you can go
on up, I'll be up later after I close things up down

I guess I've been dismissed, whatever,
good riddance, grouch.





I tossed and turned for what felt like
hours, the howling wind beating against the windows keeping me
awake. There was a loud crash and then the lights went

I was out of the bed and running before
my brain knew what my body was doing.


"Brax...I'm scared." Please
don't let him rebuff me, not now, I hate storms ever since I was a
kid they've always done something to me that I never

"Follow my voice baby, I'm right

I made my way in the dark
over to his bed; I didn't stop to think about the impropriety of my
actions, all I knew was fear, heart wrenching gut-churning

It sounded as if he climbed down off
the bed then I felt his hand come around me making me

"Ssh, it's only me, I've got

He led us back to his bed and sat me on
the side before going back around to his side.

I heard the striking of a match and
then there was light, the light of a single candle. My breathing
headed back to the vicinity of normal and I looked around

I'd never been in this room before, it
was so him, all dark woods and minimalist. He had a wall full of
CDs and DVDs, a huge entertainment system that my dad would
probably sell his first born namely me, to get his hands

His bed was one of those plush pillow
things that felt like a cloud under me.







I'm in deep trouble here, then again
I've been in trouble ever since I met her a year and a half

Her special blend of sweet, sexy
innocence was a cocktail for disaster where I was

My little sister's best

She was a transplant; her
father had taken the job as head of the search and rescue team in
our little corner of the state and brought his only child with

As providence would have it, my father
had asked me to come home a year later to help out on the

My business was such that I could run
it from anywhere in the world thanks to technology and a team of
executives that I paid extremely well to look after my interest
with drop ins back east every once in a while.

I'd done everything in my power to
fight the attraction and it had been working, almost too well.
There was a strain between us from day one.

I hated her youth and her
innocence; I hated them because they were an impediment to me
having something I wanted.

Whenever she was around I
made my dislike known, especially when that Bryan kid or Justin or
Ben or any of the other young bucks that were forever sniffing
around her were present.

I'd left her alone because the reality
was that any one of them would be better for her than I, they were
more her speed.

That too pissed me off, though to be
honest Jade was usually off to the side with a book while the
others were being rowdy teens.

I knew she thought I hated
her, but nothing could be farther from the truth, what I felt for
her was at the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

I'd fallen in love with a
girl almost half my age, when we met I was thirty one she was just
eighteen, one year later thirty two and nineteen didn't sound much

Now here we are, alone, I'd made sure
that this had never happened before, that we'd never been alone
together at anytime.

Looks like fate had bit me in the ass
once again.

I lit the candle from my drawer and
looked at her sheet white face, she was terrified, I was about to
cross a line that I'd drawn in my head but there was nothing else I
could do.

"Come here."

Laying back I eased her into my arms,
her small body ice cold with fear.

I rubbed her back to get her warm again
and she sighed and drew closer making me hold my breath.

I pulled the covers over us and folded
her body closer, she seemed to still be clutched in the arms of
whatever fear had sent her running to me.

Without thought I started humming a
lullaby, one that I'd learned as a child when my mother kept the
boogeyman away.

Her body, soft and now warm, relaxed
against me as she calmed down.

I became aware of two things at once,
my dick was hard as a pike and her leg was rubbing against


She drew her leg back quickly and tried
turning away.

"Ssh, it's okay." I was back to running
my hands up and down her back.



"Why do you hate me?"

Shit, she must be really
scared to not be monitoring her thoughts; she'd never have asked me
that question if her defenses weren't down. There'd been many times
in the past that I saw the fire in her eyes when I'd made some off
handed remark, seen the need to blast me for my callous words but
she never did, she'd always just walked away. That only made me
want her even more.

"I don't hate you Jade."

"Yes you do, you're always being mean
to me, why?"

I took a long time to put my words
together, if I told her the truth she will be under me in ten
seconds flat, if I continued in the same vein as before, I might
lose her forever.

I guess my tongue made the decision for
me because it was moving before my defense mechanism kicked

"I'm attracted to you."

"You are?" She pulled back and looked
at me in surprise.

I nodded as I studied her chocolate
brown eyes.

She squinted in confusion.

"But…I don't understand, why
do you say such mean things to me then?"

"Because you're too young
for me, we can never be together..."

"But why?"

"Jade, I'm almost twice your

"So, what does that have to do with

She seemed honestly perplexed, well


"Your father for one would not condone
a grown man having his daughter, others might see it as

"But it's not their decision
to make, what if I said...what if I told you that I feel the same
way?" Her voice had softened there at the end.

"Oh man." I pulled her even closer, my
heart racing like a teenager with his first crush.

"Don't say things like that,
not now..."

"Why not, it's the truth, I've liked
you for a long time but I thought you hated me."

"I could never hate you, my
sweet girl." I played in her hair the way I'd always longed

"Such beautiful hair."

"Hmmmmm." She groaned as she went back
to rubbing not just her leg this time, but her lower body against

"You know what's going to happen don't

She nodded and hid her face in my

"Are you a virgin Jade?"

If possible she turned even redder and
I could actually feel the heat from her body.

"Technically yes, I kinda
lost it when I fell off my bike at nine, but I've never..." She
shrugged. "You know."

I felt such euphoria at
hearing that; no one else's ever, only mine. I whispered those
words to her as I put my hands on her for the first

The thrashing of her heart under my
palm soothed me, the look of adoration as she looked up at me made
me feel like I could conquer the world.

I studied her as I lowered my head to
take her lips for the first time.

"Give me your

I spent the next five minutes teaching
my little novice how to kiss. Did she know that with every
revelation of her innocence she was sealing her fate?

She was mine to ply as I
wished, first her body, then her heart. I kissed her in all the
ways a man could kiss a woman, first softly, gently, then more
forcefully, followed by all the pent up passion I had inside for

Our clothes were removed
under the covers; I felt her sweet curves against my harder frame
and time stopped.

"There's no turning back now Jade, be
sure that this is what you want."

Her answer was to open herself to

"I have to prepare you

Kissing my way down her body, I reveled
in her every sigh, her every moan, they spurred me on.

I reached her core and inhaled her
scent, an involuntary groan escaping me.

I kissed her pussy before licking it,
running my tongue back and forth. When I pushed inside a little to
test her tightness she reared up, hands fisting my hair tightly,
thighs clenching around my head.

I used my hand on her belly to ease her
back down on the bed, never stopping my tongue's

"Oh, Braxton,

I didn't answer her, instead shaking my
head from side to side, sending my tongue deeper inside

Her juices flowed as her muscles flexed
around my ears. I had in my hands the two hottest fucking ass
cheeks in creation. Using them, I pulled her onto my mouth as I
devoured her.

Her screams were loud in the room as
she came with a rush of liquid that ran into my mouth.

I fisted my cock in one hand and
stroked up and down as I kept at her, I couldn't get enough of her
sweet taste.

I stayed there until I was
sure she was ready to take me, before easing into her body slowly,
bit, by bit.

"Wrap your legs around me."

She rushed to comply, locking me in
once more. I held still when I reached her end.

"Soft, tight, sweet, fuck." I hadn't
realized I'd spoken out loud until she spoke.


In her eyes I saw need, longing. She
wanted something no needed it, but because this was new she didn't
know what that something was.

"You want me to move in you?" I teased
with a short jab.

It backfired on me because she followed
my movement, then she got the hang of it and took me for a


I was hard pressed to keep up with her
hips as she fucked back at me. The sounds and sighs she made
brought me to the brink as I plowed into her tight pussy over and
over again.

Taking one of her tight nipples in my
mouth I bit her. She came all over my cock as she screamed and kept
thrusting her hips up at me.

I'm so deep inside her, her walls felt
like nothing I'd ever felt before, she fit me like a fucking

When she came for the third time I
pulled out and turned her over. I had to take a bite out of that
gorgeous ass. She wiggled it at me and laughed.

Climbing to my knees, I took her
breasts in my hands and pushed my cock into her.

"Arch your back baby...good

I didn't have to tell her
anything else after that; the sensual creature took me over once

She pulled on and off my dick as I held
still for a moment, before the need to pound took over and I took
her hips in my hands and fucked her the way I'd wanted to since the
first time I saw her.

"Damn Jade, shit...fuck." I
didn't know what the fuck I was saying anymore, all I could do was

"Hold on baby."

It was the only warning I gave her
before I lost my fucking mind. I forgot that she was an untried
virgin as I pounded her with my hips and cock. Her body shook as I
gabbed her tits once more. Nice, plump, round, full. My dream girl,
an ass that won't quit and a nice handful of tit.

"I'm going to cum in you, I
need to cum in you, please let me cum in you..." My words ran
together but she said that one little word that sent me over the

BOOK: The Claiming
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