Read The Cinderella Obsession Online

Authors: Amber Carew,Opal Carew

The Cinderella Obsession (7 page)

BOOK: The Cinderella Obsession
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He raked his hand through his hair. "The big question is, how did she get her hands on the costume? I’d really like to find this woman and I think you could help. You were going to take it back Friday afternoon. I thought maybe this woman picked it up from the shop after you brought it back, but the store owner said it didn’t come back until Saturday morning. Do you have any idea what happened to it?"

Rachel gulped nervously.

"I … It was in my car when I went to lunch but then I had to go straight to my doctor’s appointment. The last time I saw it, it was hanging in the back." Her hands went to her cheeks, covering a gentle flush. "I’m sorry, Nick, I didn’t get it back." She flung her hands wide. "I thought taking it back Saturday would be okay, and then with being sent to the hospital and all…."

Nick raised his hands in a halting gesture, not wanting Rachel to get distressed any further in her delicate state. "Don’t worry about it. Someone must have taken it from your car, but it arrived safely back in the shop. No harm done."

Except to his plan to find Cinderella.

But now he wondered how his mystery woman had secured the costume. Had she stolen it from Rachel's car? Could his mystery woman be a thief as well as a gate crasher?

* * * *

Nick stepped out of the hospital and headed toward the parking lot. A light rain misted the air. Tiny raindrops glistened in the light of the street lamps.

His talk with Rachel hadn’t shed any light on the mystery, he thought despondently as he pulled his car onto the street. A lone figure standing at the bus stop--a very familiar, curvaceous figure--drew his attention. He pulled up in front of her.

"Vanessa. Hop in, I’ll give you a lift."

"Mr. Powers?" Her voice sounded shocked. "I mean, Nick. I … uh--"

"You aren’t thinking of refusing, are you? The rain is about to get worse, by the look of it, and I’m sure you’d prefer to ride in a nice comfortable car rather than a city bus."

"I don’t want to take you out of your way," she answered reluctantly.

"Get in, woman!" he said in mock impatience.

Vanessa stepped forward and slid into the car. The leather seats felt soft and supple against her hands. "I’m going to get your upholstery all wet." She chewed on her lower lip, knowing this one seat probably cost more than her entire wardrobe.

"Don’t worry about it. It’ll dry. Were you here visiting a friend?"

Vanessa nodded.

"What a coincidence. This is the same hospital my secretary is in."

Vanessa swallowed hard and stared out the window, hiding her flushed cheeks.

"So where do you live?" he asked.

She gave him directions to her low-rent building in the east end.

"I thought you said you have a car. Why are you taking a bus at night like this?"

"I do have a car, but it conked out on me this evening. It’s a bit of a clunker, I’m afraid." She shrugged. "I’ve been out of work for a while, so I couldn’t buy a newer one." She knew she was rambling, but she couldn’t help it.

"I guess you have to watch your pennies where you can. So, will you buy one now that you’ve got a job?"

"I doubt it. I mean, the position is only temporary."

"That’s true, but another position might open up before it ends. From what I’ve seen of your work, I’ll recommend you." He grinned
at her. "And since I’m the boss
that should carry a lot of weight."

She smiled back. "Thank you. I think I’ll wait until I have a definite job offer before I go checking out used cars, though."

"I can tell you’re a very practical woman, Vanessa."

He pulled up in front of her building and, before she knew it, he’d leapt out of the car and opened her door for her. He walked with her to the front entrance.

"Nick, you don’t have to see me up. I’ll be fine."

"But I insist."

She opened her purse and fumbled inside for her keys. As she snatched them out, they slipped from her fingers and tumbled to the ground with a clank.

"I’ll get them," they both mumbled. They stooped down at the same time and suddenly she found her fingers entwined in his as they grasped the keys. The strength of his large, warm hand surrounding hers sent shivers rippling through her. She pulled away at the sharply tingling contact. They both stood up slowly, gazes locked. She felt her heart flutter, then stammer forward on a faster beat.

"Allow me," he said, as he pushed the key into the lock and turned it. Pulling the door open, he gestured
for her to precede him in.

Another couple stood waiting for the elevator and they all climbed aboard and rode up in silence. She and Nick got off at the fifth floor. She led him to her apartment at the end of the hall and waited patiently while he unlocked the door. His fingers touched hers again as they both reached for the doorknob and she felt the same frisson of excitement. She froze and their gazes locked for a moment, then her focus shifted to his lips, only inches from her own. Vanessa felt a wild urge to lean toward him and nibble on those sexy, full, masculine lips, to feel the pressure of his mouth on hers.

Instead, she moistened her own lips, which had suddenly gone as dry as dust. His eyes shifted to watch and his breathing seemed to stop.


He looked like a man tortured by an impossible decision. He wanted to kiss her, she was sure of it. And she wanted him to. Her lips ached, anxiously anticipating the touch of his mouth on hers. She could smell the tang of his aftershave, triggering the memory of Friday night, of him holding her in his arms, of him kissing her….

Of him thinking she was Amy!

She shook her head, breaking the spell between them.

"I’ve got to go. May I have my keys, please?" She plucked them out of his hand and slipped inside, closing the door on him, but not on the disturbing feelings he evoked.

Chapter 4

"Vanessa, would you come into my office, please?"

Nick strode past her de
sk and through his office door, Vanessa
picked up a pad of paper and reluctantly followed him. She sat down in front of his desk, pen poised to take notes, staring at the blank page.

"You won’t need that."

She glanced up and saw that he leaned lazily against the side of the desk, watching her.

"You’ve been avoiding me all morning. Don’t you think we should talk about what’s bothering you?"

"I haven’t been avoiding you," she lied.

"No?" He launched himself away from the desk and strolled toward her. "You’ve been everywhere but at your desk."

"I’m sorry, but you asked me to--"

"When I asked you to find out if we were running low on supplies in the main storeroom," he said in a patient tone, "I assumed you’d just go and ask the office manager about it, not do a complete inventory of the stock."

"Well, she was busy and since you wanted to know--"

"It wasn’t urgent." He folded his arms across his chest and pinned her with his eyes. "Admit it, Vanessa. You’ve been avoiding me."

She leaned back in the chair. "Why--why would I want to do that?"

He scowled and paced away, giving her some breathing space. Which she desperately needed, because she’d totally forgotten to keep on breathing.

"I don’t know."

"Mr. Powers … I mean, Nick … I’m sorry if I was gone too long, but I’m just trying to do a good job."

He let out a long breath. "Yes, I know that, Vanessa, and I appreciate it, but…." He paced a couple of steps, then turned towards her. "You’re just so uncomfortable around me."

She shifted to the edge of her chair and straightened a pile of envelopes on the corner of his desk. "I don’t know what you mean." Clearly, she’d have to do a better job of hiding her anxiety.

"Come on, Vanessa." He stepped toward her. "Every time I get close to you, you almost have a heart attack."

She scooted out of the chair, propelled by nervous energy.

He gestured with his open hand. "See what I mean?"

"Don’t be ridiculous."

He stepped forward and she stepped back. "Then why are you running away?"

"I’m not running away."

He took another step forward, forcing her back further. "What do you call it?"

She stared at him wide-eyed, grasping for
some response. "I … I…."

He examined her face closely and she felt sure he could read all her secrets, that if he stared at her long enough, he’d know she was the woman he’d held in his arms at the ball. She averted her eyes.

He stepped toward her again and she retreated, halting suddenly when she backed into the credenza. "Vanessa, you’re not afraid of me, are you?"

"N-no. Of course not."

His vivid blue eyes continued to stare into hers, darkening to a luminescent shade of navy. The effect of his attraction became overwhelming, so strong she could no more resist it than she could stop the moon from rising in the night sky.

"Good." His voice, husky and deep, heated her blood. His breath wisped against her cheek, sending shudders of excitement trilling through her. His lips, so close, so enticing, were much too far away. She longed to feel them pressed on hers. She moistened her lips and parted them slightly. His focus shifted to her mouth and his eyes grew more intense. She wanted him to kiss her, but at the same time the thought terrified her. If he kissed her, surely he’d figure out she was the one.

As she watched, his sexy mouth compressed into a tight line and she could f
eel tension emanating from him.

He stepped back and raked his hand through his hair. "Vanessa, maybe it would be better if you didn’t work for me."

She felt the blood drain from her face in horror. The feeling of rejection jolted her like a dousing of ice water.

"But, Nick, you … you can’t mean that." Even though she’d tried to keep her voice calm, a note of panic edged her words. Oh, Lord, if she wasn’t Nick’s secretary, she wouldn’t have the chance to intercept information that might give away her identity … or to get her earring back. Rachel had been right about that. Vanessa needed to keep this job.

His gaze scanned her face. He stepped toward her
, close enough to
steal her breath away. "I think it would be best if--" A rap sounded at the door and it swung open.

"Nicky, darling. We’re going to be late."

Vanessa jerked back, her whole body stiffening at the sudden appearance of the breezy blond intruder. Nick stepped back but his gaze never left Vanessa’s face.

The woman glanced from Nick to Vanessa then back again, her eyes twinkling.

"Oh, excuse me. I didn’t realize you were in conference."

Vanessa’s face flamed. The woman’s sharp green eyes had fixed on her, assessing. Cat’s eyes--curious and knowing.

"Amy, what are you doing here?" Nick asked.

Good heavens, what must she think? A red haze of embarrassment forced everything out of focus. Her face flushed at the thought of how much she’d wanted to kiss him, how much she’d longed to be held in his embrace. How could she have forgotten about his involvement with Amy?

Rachel had told her that Nick and Amy were just friends, but Amy had called him things like ‘darling’ and ‘Nicky’. Clearly, there was something between them. Vanessa realized she was fighting a losing battle. If Amy believed Vanessa was a threat to her relationship with Nick, she’d be sure to insist Nick get rid of her. And he would, of course. After all, why would he risk a long-term romantic relationship over a temporary employee?

"Nicky, have you forgotten our reservations at Les Jardins?" the other woman crooned. "You were going to help me celebrate the Brewster deal."

Frustration flickered across Nick’s face, clear in the tightening set of his jaw. "Yes, of course." Nick glanced at Amy, releasing Vanessa from his gripping stare. "But would you wait outside for a few minutes, please?" he asked. "I need to talk to Vanessa."

"No!" Vanessa blurted. "It’s all right. I’ve got things to do."

She skittered toward the door, her gaze averted from Amy’s probing eyes. She didn’t want to give him the chance to fire her right now. She needed time to think. She grabbed her purse from the closet and raced out of the office. She had to come up with some way to keep this job.

* * * *

"Damn it, Amy, you could have chosen your timing better." Nick drew Amy’s coat from her shoulders and hung it up. The maitre d’ led them to a table by the window, then pulled out a chair for Amy.

"Don’t blame me, Nick sweetie. I didn’t know you’d be chasing your secretary around the office." She smiled as their host placed an open menu in front of her, and Nick clenched his teeth. Once the man left, she continued. "It’s really not like you, you know? Where’s Rachel, anyway? Is she off having the baby?"

"I wasn’t chasing her." He snatched his napkin from the wine glass and shook it sharply.

"True. You seemed to have caught her by the time I arrived."

He glared at her. "Amy."

She clasped her hands on the table in front of her and smiled sweetly. "Nick, you know I’m just teasing." She sipped her water. "But truly, the woman did look a bit skittish."

Nick stared at his menu, bent on ignoring Amy’s teasing. The look on Vanessa’s wide-eyed face just before Amy had walked in still bothered him. He hadn’t intended for her to think he’d fire her. He’d only meant to suggest that he transfer her to another department, into a permanent position. It would be better for her in the long run and, after perusing the personnel file on her this morning, he’d intended to do it before her contract ended anyway. From the high praise Meg Jameson, her last supervisor, had given and what he’d already seen of her work, he knew Vanessa was an excellent worker and he’d hate to lose her.

And, he admitted to himself, he liked Vanessa--a lot. Maybe too much. He didn’t understand this wild attraction he felt for her. She wasn’t at all like the women he usually dated--the intelligent, assertive, career-minded type. Not that Vanessa wasn’t bright, and wonderfully efficient, but she was a little too shy and easily intimidated. She’d never make it far in the business world.

If only he could figure out why she was so nervous. From what Meg had told him, Vanessa hadn’t been the least bit uncomfortable around her, yet when he’d gotten close to her, even before she’d thought he was going to fire her, he’d seen a mixture of desire and something akin to fear. What in heaven’s name was she afraid of?

An unsettling thought pushed into his brain. Did her nervousness stem from the fact he was a man? Had some previous boss put her in a compromising position? The thought of someone taking advantage of Vanessa tied a knot in his gut. Maybe that was why she was still a temp despite her exceptional skills.

Damn it, whoever the guy was, he’d obviously affected her whole way of life. Nick decided he would do something about it. Somehow, he would help build up her confidence. He’d also show her that some men could respect her for her skills as well as her beauty.

"I hope you’re not going to brood all through lunch," Amy complained. "I have wonderful news and I want to share it with you."

He raised an eyebrow, looking at her for the first time. She seemed positively radiant. He smiled, pulling himself from thoughts of Vanessa.

The waiter arrived and took their drink orders. They perused the menu and once he returned with their beverages, they ordered from the house specialties.

"So, what is your wonderful news?"

Amy put down her goblet of Perrier and dropped her hand on top of Nick’s. "Brace yourself." She smiled brightly. "I’m pregnant."

Nick’s eyebrows quirked up. "Pregnant? This is a surprise." He’d never thought Amy would allow herself to be tied down by children. "Does Kyle know?"

"Yes, I told him last night. Right
he proposed to me."

He grinned. "So, what about your career? Do you plan to continue working after the baby comes?"

"Of course. I’ll stay home for three months maternity leave, then we’ll hire a live-in nanny so I have the flexibility of working late when I need to. Of course, I’ll have to go out of town occasionally, but between Kyle and the nanny and I, someone will always be there for the baby. Don’t worry, I’ll have it all figured out by the time the baby arrives."

Amy was being her usual, practical self, but suddenly Nick felt a cold lump form in the pit of his stomach at the lifestyle she described. He wouldn’t want a child of his to be bounced around like that.

She leaned her chin on her hand and stared at him. "Now, tell me about the party last Saturday. Kyle phoned me up the next morning carrying on about you and I out in the garden and some show-stopping kiss." Her green eyes glittered with curiosity.

Nick told her all about the beautiful stranger in the Cinderella costume, and how events led up to their moonlight encounter in the garden.

"Kyle, with his usual lousy timing, burst in on us and interrupted what was probably the most explosive kiss I’ve ever experienced," Nick concluded.

"Really?" Amy’s eyebrows shot straight up and a smile curled on her mischievous lips. "I’d loved to have seen that. The always-in-control, never-affected-by-a-woman Nicholas Powers, drooling over a woman."

"I wasn’t drooling." He turned his attention to his steak, cutting off a bite-sized piece with great precision.

"If that’s what you think, honey, you’re only fooling yourself."

He chewed his steak with great care, deciding to ask Amy’s advice about his current romantic problem.

"Amy, we’ve known each other for a long time."

"Twelve years."

He put down his fork and watched her as she spread butter on her roll with thorough strokes. "You know I’m not the type to go over the deep end for a woman."

"Amen to that."

He lifted his gaze to hers and found her watching him back. "Then why is it that in the past week, I’ve found myself totally blown away by two different women?"

"Two? Are we finally talking about that little secretary you had cornered in your office?"

"I didn’t have her cornered."

"Well, she wasn’t trying to scratch her way out, I’ll give you that."

"Do you want to hear this or not?"

She leaned her elbow on the table and rested her chin on her palm. "I’m all ears, honey."

He brought his finger to the single rose sitting in the bud vase. The dark pink petals felt almost as soft and velvety as Cinderella’s lips, and were almost the same color.

"After I kissed the mystery woman in the garden, all I could think about was finding her and … and…."

"Taking her to bed," Amy offered.



He folded his hands on the table. "No woman has ever affected me like that. All weekend I’ve been dreaming about her."

"And your secretary affects you the same way. So, are you going to keep searching for this mystery woman, or are you going to do the sensible thing and grab onto this secretary of yours with both hands? Figuratively speaking, of course."

BOOK: The Cinderella Obsession
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