Read The Blogger and the Hunk Online

Authors: Jane Matisse

Tags: #humor, #comedy, #romance, #romantic comedy, #blog, #wit, #sweet romance, #contemporary, #women's fiction

The Blogger and the Hunk (4 page)

BOOK: The Blogger and the Hunk
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“That’s it. Let it go, Penelope.” She could no longer contain her panting and couldn’t stop from writhing. His dick was hard against her leg. Almost immediately she felt her release, squeezing around his fingers and letting out a sultry moan.


Before Penelope had a chance to catch her breath, Jack quickly got to work on her dress, pulling it up and over her head. Her first instinct was to cover herself, but Jack was two steps ahead of her and pinned her arms above her head before she could move them. He leaned over and nipped her neck.

“This is very daring lingerie,” he murmured into her ear.

“I was planning to be a little daring tonight. It was supposed to give me a boost of confidence,” Penelope breathed.

“And did you get that confidence?”

It took Penelope a moment to answer. “I’d like to think so,” she replied, her hands reaching around Jack’s neck as she leaned up to softly kiss his lips. He responded with vigor and quickly set to work on her see-through bra. He slowly slid the straps down her arms until her breasts were free for his eyes to feast on. Her milk-chocolate-colored nipples were tightly peaked against her light skin.

She had been nervous to be completely naked in front of Jack, but he seemed to enjoy being pressed against her full form. The sprinkle of hair on his chest tickled her nipples. A moan escaped her lips.

“Like that?” Jack asked. She could only nod.

“Uhh, Penelope. You’re killing me here.” Jack’s denim-covered groin began to rub up against her wet sex.

“Jack, I think I want you inside me now.”

“You sure?”

“Just do it!” Penelope was getting annoyed and the need that was rebuilding inside her was making her restless. Playtime was over. She needed the real thing now. She helped Jack pull his jeans down, which was no easy task with their choppy, desperate movements.

“Wait a minute. Gotta do something first,” he said with a heavy breath. Penelope looked down to see his fingers tearing at a foil packet.

A condom. At least one of their heads was screwed on right. She watched in fascination as he slid the rubber down his long length. Jack finally kicked the jeans off his legs and flung them off the bed. He leaned over Penelope and touched his forehead with hers as she felt his breath on her lips.

Their breaths mingled with one another’s and both of their bodies were beginning to turn slick with sweat. Penelope let her hands wander over Jack’s back, feeling the muscles that adorned his body. She slowly slid her hands down his spine, over his hips, around his sides, and reached the sprinkling of hair on his lower abdomen, just below his navel.

* * *

enelope, what are you up to?” he asked breathlessly.

“I’m going all the way,” she whispered, gently touching his hard cock.

“Oh fuck,” Jack grunted. “As much as I’d like for you to keep touching me that way, we’ll leave that for another time.” He moaned, placing Penelope’s hand to his chest instead. He slid his hand down to her wetness again, his fingers penetrating her entrance.

“Oh my. Oh, God.
!” Penelope couldn’t stop herself from moaning his name.

His strokes came faster and his thumb added pressure to her nub, which threw her over the edge with a cry, only this time, without letting her catch her breath, he entered her quickly, letting the largeness of his cock sink into her tight center. She stiffened beneath his weight.

“You okay?” Jack asked, trying very hard not to give in and fuck her brains out.

Penelope only nodded. He knew his cock must feel intrusive inside her tight body, but it would nearly kill him if she told him to stop.

“I promise it’ll get better.” He rubbed her clit to ease the feeling of his cock. He could feel her growing wet again, making it easier for him to thrust at a steady pace.

“Oh, God.”

“Close, but not quite,” Jack joked good-naturedly, a bit breathless and tense. Penelope chuckled and lightly slapped his shoulder.

“Jack, shut up. Just move.”

He was a little confused at the command until Penelope began to wiggle her hips from side to side.

“Oh, shit,” he breathed, and slid deeper inside her, then withdrew only to enter her wetness again.

“Oh my! Yes, faster,” Penelope called out, her head thrashing from side to side, a clear indication of her submission to pleasure. “Wh... uhh... oh God, Jack!”

“There you go. Come on,” he replied, moving at a faster pace. He wanted to brand her, make her skin smell like him, and permanently mark her so she’d never be able to forget he was her first. It could have been the masculine boost he needed, or something different altogether. He decided not to dwell so much on it and focused on sliding his tongue along hers.

“I-I’m almost... there... Jack!” And just when she reached the peak of her orgasm, her wetness closing in around his hard cock, he thrust deep. His balls tightened and his cum released. He grunted and groaned, slowly rotating his hips inside her, post-orgasm. His arms gave way and he fell onto his side, his head bent at the crook of her neck.

After they had caught their breath, Jack stood to dispose of the condom in his bathroom trash can.

“Sorry. I should’ve gone slower,” he said softly as he returned to the bed. A small snore answered him, and he looked down to see Penelope had fallen fast asleep. He chuckled a bit to himself and lay back down, pulling the covers above them both, his eyes closing. The last thought that popped into his mind was the hope Penelope wouldn’t cling to him in the morning.


peaking from experience, being a twenty-six-year-old virgin is a bit of a burden. I don’t have any virgin friends, and the friends I do have just happen to be gorgeous women with wonderful personalities. It’s obvious they have a lot of guys lined up, just waiting for a chance to breathe the same air as them. But my question to you, reader, is this: Is it any better losing your virginity for the sake of it?


Penelope woke up to a throbbing head. Her eyes burned with the reflection of the sun in the room. She slowly opened her eyes, letting herself focus on her surroundings. Her eyes fell on a pair of boxer shorts on the floor.

“What the fuck?” she murmured, her voice groggy. She sat up, and the covers fell to her lap, exposing her naked breasts. “What the hell?” she said, a little louder this time.

There was a slight grunt and some movement to her side. Her breath caught in her throat, and she practically flew off the bed, grabbing a throw blanket off the floor and covering herself with it. The large body turned toward her and let out another sleepy sigh.

“My God, he’s beautiful,” she murmured, trying to keep quiet.

In that moment, everything that had happened the night before came to her in a flash. “Oh, my God.” The sex. The wonderful, pleasurable, mind-blowing sex. The moment Jack had first thrust inside her, she’d felt both a slight burning sensation and a completeness. She was no stranger to penetration. She had used slim vibrators before. The only difference was that this time, it had been a real cock inside her and it was larger—much larger.

A loud ringing tone jolted her from her memories, and she headed out of the room toward the sound. She found her clutch carelessly thrown on the sofa in the living room, and opened it to grab her phone inside. She looked through the text messages and the missed calls, all from Stephanie and Jasmine. She sent Stephanie a quick message, letting her know she was alive.

Penelope walked back and looked around the bedroom, spotting a dresser. She quickly opened the first drawer and looked through the neatly folded clothes until she found a large hoodie and sweatpants with a drawstring and threw them on.

“I’m stealing your clothes,” she whispered to a sleeping Jack. “There is no way I’m walking out in the dress from last night.” Penelope activated the location settings on her phone, trying to figure out where the hell she was.

“Venice Beach, not bad.” After looking through the numbers for a cab, she found one and called.

“Yes, could I have a cab here on Sixth and Longfellow, please. Thank you,” she whispered. After grabbing what little she had brought, pulling on a pair of his socks, lifting her hair back into a ponytail, washing off the gunk on her face, and brushing her teeth—with his toothbrush, wasn’t like they didn’t have their tongues down each other’s throats the night before—she spotted his wallet on the floor.

“Well, I gave you my virginity. The least you can do is pay for my cab,” she softly told a sleeping Jack. Penelope grabbed a twenty-dollar bill from his wallet on the floor. There was a pen and a notebook on the corner desk. She ripped out a page and scribbled a small note, leaving it on the bedside table along with his wallet. With one last look at the beautiful, sleeping man, she quietly slipped out of the room, leaving her first lover and all the memories of the night they’d shared together.

* * *

ou scared the shit out of me, stupid! I was calling you all morning thinking the worst that could have happened to you!” Stephanie scolded Penelope, walking through her apartment door. “Where did you go? Huh? Don’t you know how to use a phone and call back or send a stupid text mess—”

“Hey! Hey! Okay, I get it,” Penelope responded, feeling a little guilty. “Look, I’m fine, I’m alive, and I’m here.”

Stephanie only grunted and threw herself on the couch. Penelope sighed good-naturedly and went to sit next to her friend. “Did you have a good night?”

Stephanie lifted her arm from her face and gave her the stink eye for a moment, before smirking. “Yeah, I did. Went home with what’s-his-face and we shared phone—” Her eyes widened. “Wait a minute! I should be asking you this!”

“What?” Penelope asked innocently.

“Oh stop playing with me, Penny! You went home with a sexy stud. I was drunk but I wasn’t shitfaced.”

Penelope’s face turned tomato-red. She didn’t want to explain her sex life to her friend. “Uhh well... I—”

A sudden knock at the door made her jump.

Who could that be?

“Is it him?” Stephanie asked suggestively.

“No, it’s not! I don’t think so.” Penelope was unsure, walking toward the door to unlock it. She barely had any time to turn the doorknob before Jasmine barged in.

The first thing she did was stare pointedly at Penelope. “Penny! I was so worried! Where did you go? Who were you with? You know it’s not safe to go out alone with a guy you barely know.”

“Hey, wait up! Both of you had flings last night, and
the one who can’t go home with a guy? Seriously? That is

“You’re new meat, Penny! If you’ve never done it before, it’s a risk you’re taking. We just want to watch out for you,” Stephanie replied.

“Well, you guys won’t have to worry about it again because last night was the first and last time I’m ever doing that.”

There was silence from her friends. Penelope looked from one to the other. “What?”

“What’s the story?” Stephanie asked.

“What story?” Penelope said innocently.

“Stop fooling around, Penny. We can both tell you were fucked very thoroughly last night,” she retorted.

“Yeah, you smell like it, too.” Jasmine wrinkled her nose.

Penelope looked at them both, incredulous. “Well, maybe because I haven’t had time to take a shower this morning. I had just been here for five minutes before Steph decided to pay me a visit!”

“So you did do it!” they both exclaimed.

“Details, details!” Stephanie squealed.

Penelope was speechless, the warmth of her blush creeping up her neck. “I went home with the guy and spent the night at his place. End of story.”

“Wait, what do you mean, end of story?” Jasmine exclaimed.

“I mean that I am not going into any details.”

“Well, was he any good?” Stephanie inquired.

Penelope hesitated. “If last night was any indication of how sex really is, I would definitely want to do it again,” she confessed, a small smile on her face.

There was more squealing. Penelope cringed at the sound.

Jasmine responded first. “So, did you get his number or what?”

“Yeah, are you meeting him again?”

Penelope shook her head. “It was a one-time thing with a great guy who took pity on the virgin—”

“Oh, fuck off, Penny! If he sexed you up, that meant he wanted you big-time!” Stephanie angrily explained.

“Either way, we won’t ever meet again. It was a great experience and I enjoyed it.” Penelope explained how she’d woken up and left without disturbing a sleeping Jack.

“That’s our girl. No walk of shame,” Jasmine replied. “And hey, you got a memento to remember that night forever,” she continued, pulling on the hoodie Penelope was wearing.

“I guess so.” Penelope took a deep breath, taking in the aroma of Jack’s clean clothes.

“So, are we going or what?” Stephanie asked, waiting impatiently to leave for their lunch.

Penelope nodded and finally had a chance to run away from her friends. She escaped to the bathroom, and took her clothes off piece by piece while remembering the night before. She’d had time to take some aspirin for the headache before the girls had decided to bombard her apartment. Now, standing in front of the full-length mirror behind the bathroom door, she took a good look at herself.

She hadn’t fully looked at herself naked in the longest time, but now she felt a little different. The level of self-consciousness had lowered, and she could look without thinking her large thighs and chubby stomach were disgusting. She looked at three bruises on each hip bone. Penelope traced them and realized they were left over from the way Jack had held on to her last night.

“Oh, Jack.” She let herself dwell on the memories of the night before. It all still felt like a dream, but the slight ache between her legs and the marks he had left all over her body proved it was all reality. With a last sigh, she turned to get under the shower, ready to let the warm water wash away the evidence of the night before.


riends are BAD influences. They take you to a bar, they leave you alone while they go off into a dark corner to dry hump the bejesus out of a muscleman, and they let you leave the bar with a complete stranger. A STRANGER. What happened to Stranger Danger? What happened to the Buddy System? These are the things they fail to reteach you in college.

BOOK: The Blogger and the Hunk
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