Read The Billion Dollar Bad Boy Online

Authors: Jackie Ashenden

The Billion Dollar Bad Boy (3 page)

BOOK: The Billion Dollar Bad Boy
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Even so, that had been the hottest kiss he’d had for … actually he didn’t know how long. He probably should have pulled away, but he hadn’t. He’d kept his eyes open the whole time, watching the color rise to her skin, revealing the outlines of freckles beneath her makeup. Watching her lashes quiver, then fall in surrender. And then the slightest movement of her mouth beneath his. So slight he may not ever have felt it if he hadn’t been paying attention to her with every sense he had.

A crack in that irritating cool reserve she’d been giving him for the past half an hour. Christ, another couple of seconds and she’d have melted. He’d have been able to taste her. And he just knew what she’d taste like—fire.

I expected more.

Donovan bared his teeth in a feral smile at her retreating figure.

Oh, she would have more. When he kissed her again, he was going to blow her fucking mind.

The elevator door suddenly gave a loud beep, reminding him he’d been standing there holding it open and staring in Victoria’s direction for a good minute. Cursing, he stepped out into the foyer, releasing the door.

And then he remembered. He couldn’t blow her mind. She was business and he didn’t want sex getting in the way of this deal. He didn’t want
getting in the way of this deal.

He needed to let her go and forget about her. After all, he was going to a party and there would be plenty of others to choose from there. The kind of women he preferred, who were easy and flirty and only wanted light, casual hookups. Who didn’t want anything too deep and meaningful. Or intense. And who weren’t engaged.

Putting Victoria firmly out of his mind, Donovan sent off a text to his driver to bring the car around. Several people called out to him and he stopped a couple of times to chat. He did like to present an accessible front to Morrow staff since the personal touch cost nothing and did wonders for company morale.

As he approached the doors, his phone beeped, this time with a text from his brother.

You coming or what?

Donovan sent off a quick reply.
On my way.

You might want to hurry it up. Traffic’s a bitch tonight.

Great. Just his luck to run into New York traffic right when he least wanted it.

Annoyed, Donovan stuck his phone back into his pocket and strode out through the huge glass doors of the building.

Then stopped.

Victoria de Winter was standing on the sidewalk, her arm out, obviously trying to hail herself a cab. Without much luck from the looks of things as a couple sailed by without stopping.

Dammit, why should he feel pleased about that? He didn’t care that she was still here. He wanted to be away from the woman, didn’t he?

Donovan stalked down the steps of the building just as his limo pulled up to the curb.

Impeccable timing. You might get a chance to blow her mind after all.

His jaw tightened. Christ, no. He was going to Jax’s party and there would be no mind-blowing involved, least of all hers.

“Going somewhere?” he couldn’t help asking as the limo came to a stop directly in front of her.

She gave him a faintly exasperated look. “Do you have to park that ridiculous vehicle right here? I need a cab and this”—she gestured at the long sleek length of black metal that was the limo—“is blocking the curb.”

“My humble apologies.” Donovan leaned his hip against the limo door. “Give me five minutes and we’ll be out of your way.”

She sniffed and looked away.

Man, he was getting sick of her dismissing him.

Another cab drove past without stopping, Victoria waving futilely after it.

Donovan sighed. Okay, so he was the biggest playboy in New York, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be a gentlemen when he chose. Even to women who stole his moves by kissing him.

“I could give you a ride if you’d like.”

“Thank you, but I don’t think that’ll be necessary.” She was very studiously not looking at him, the pale curve of her neck exposed as she craned her head, looking down the street for a cab. Not that there were any around to see.

His gaze caught on a small, wispy red curl that had escaped from her bun. It licked the vulnerable nape of her neck like a small flame, the color vibrant against her pale skin.

He could take down that red hair. Bury his fingers in it while guiding that hot mouth of hers to his aching cock …

His muscles tensed up, desire rising up inside him, gripping on tightly.

Fuck. Where were all these damn thoughts coming from? Yes, he was attracted to her and that was unfortunate given he was doing business with her, but still. He’d never had any trouble keeping his mind off his dick before. Why should it be such a problem now?

Annoyed with himself, Donovan tried to relax his tight muscles. “Why not?”

“It’s too far out of your way.”

“Oh, really? And where exactly are you going? If you’re thinking L.A., you might possibly be right.”

She kept her face averted, but he could see the tension in her shoulders, in her whole posture. In fact, she was giving off prickly vibes like an irritated cat.

“What?” he couldn’t resist asking. “Worried you might forget yourself and kiss me again?”

“Hardly. I don’t tend to make the same mistake twice.”

“That’s good to know. I was worried for my virtue there for a second.”

She didn’t reply, still craning her head, every cab still driving by without stopping.

Then abruptly she turned around, her pale face set and determined. “All right,” she said curtly. “Here’s the deal. I’m coming with you to your brother’s party tonight.”

Again she’d surprised him. Completely. “What? My brother’s engagement party? At the 2nd Circle?”

“Unless there’s some other massive engagement party going on somewhere else, yes.”

“But … weren’t you going home?”

“I was.” Her gaze was direct. Cool. “Then I changed my mind.”

He smiled, unable to help himself. “The kiss was that good?”

“I don’t want to talk about that kiss. It never happened.”

She could not be serious. Surely. “Oh, it most definitely did happen, Ms. de Winter. Can’t dismiss a kiss like that.”

Her jaw tightened, that luscious mouth of hers thinning again. “Are you going to give me a lift to this wretched party or not?”

“I haven’t decided.” He lounged against the car, surveying her. “Tell me what changed your mind.”

“Business, Mr. Morrow. I presume you don’t mind doing business at parties?”

“Excuse me?”

“Next Friday is too late for me. But you’re here now, which means we can talk this through at your brother’s party tonight.”

Christ, the balls of the woman.

Donovan was aware his smile had become rather fixed. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”

“No, Mr. Morrow. I am not

Apparently she was serious. Which was a problem. He didn’t want to talk about this deal now, not until he’d spoken with Jax.

“Victoria,” he said, deliberately pausing over her first name, hoping it would irritate the crap out of her. “I’m afraid you’ve got it wrong. I don’t ever do business at parties.”

For some reason, the tightness in her jaw eased, the firm line of her mouth becoming softer. “I guess there’s a first time for everything then.” A crease appeared between her brows. “I could, of course, take this to your brother instead. If you don’t want to deal with it. I hear he’s desperate to get rid of the land.”

Oh, Jesus.

The last of Donovan’s humor vanished. Not that he’d had much to start with. He could just imagine Jax leaping at the De Winter offer. Selling it to them without a second’s thought.

His legacy. His birthright.

No fucking way.

He gave her a smile that could have cut glass, it was so sharp. “You can leave my brother out of this. I’m in charge of this deal. I’ll handle it.” With a quick, hard movement, he pulled open the car door. “Now, Ms. de Winter, if you would be so good as to get in the fucking car, we can get to this fucking party.”

And Victoria de Winter’s beautiful mouth twitched. As if she wanted to smile but couldn’t quite let herself. “Of course. There’s no need to be rude about it.”

Then she turned and got into the car.


Victoria arranged herself in the interior of the limo, pulling her jacket straight, smoothing her dress, and making sure her laptop bag was at her feet, her briefcase in her lap.

She ignored the hot ball of satisfaction that burned behind her breastbone.

Donovan Morrow had not been pleased at her inviting herself to his brother’s party that was for sure. Neither had he been pleased with her suggestion of taking the deal to his older brother Jax.

Well, that was too bad. She wasn’t going to wait until he deigned to give her a meeting time. Some other company might get in with a better offer before then and there was no way she was letting that happen, not when there was so much at stake.

Her father had always taught her not to wait to act so she wasn’t. Strike while the iron was hot and all that. Except the iron wasn’t particularly hot when it came to Donovan Morrow’s intention to sell his family’s land. In fact the iron seemed downright cold, his reluctance palpable. Which was interesting.

Why wouldn’t he be keen to sell it? Especially given the press interest in the Morrow family, intent on dragging their criminal past back into the light. And it didn’t make it any easier that his brother was now engaged to a crime lord’s daughter.

Blood will win out, the press all said.

She thought they’d be desperate to sell. But not, apparently, Donovan Morrow.

Victoria watched him as he slid in beside her and closed the door.

Get in the fucking car.

God, he was an arrogant SOB.

He leaned forward to murmur something to his driver. Then he shifted across to the long leather seat in front of her, facing her, and pressed a button, raising the glass between them and the driver.

It made the space abruptly very intimate. Too intimate. Like the elevator.

Where she’d kissed him.

Her breath caught, her mouth suddenly burning, leaving a mark. She felt too hot. Restless. The interior smelled of expensive leather and the warm, musky scent of his aftershave, a sensual combination that she couldn’t ignore no matter how hard she tried.

God, what had possessed her? She’d only wanted to gain the control back from him. Teach him a lesson. Show him she wasn’t to be played with like he played with all his other women, using his own weapons against him.

And yet …

You weren’t expecting to be affected.

Well, she wasn’t affected. Her response to that kiss had been an aberration. She couldn’t think what had come over her but one thing she was sure of. It wouldn’t happen again.

She was a businesswoman and this was business.

End of story.

Opposite her, Donovan sprawled out like a big, lazy, arrogant cat. He still had his tie and the top button of his shirt undone and she could see the base of his throat, where his pulse beat strong and sure.

“So?” He shifted one leg, the back of his calf brushing against hers. “What’s the rush for this deal?”

A streak of fire went through her at the touch. She gripped her briefcase hard but didn’t move away. “The land is in high demand, as I’m sure you’re aware. De Winter wants it and we don’t want anyone else to close us out.” It wasn’t quite the exact truth but giving away the fact that this was personal for the de Winters would be giving away an advantage.

“De Winter or you?”

“Does it matter?”

His gaze didn’t waver from hers, an aggravating smile playing around his mouth.

A beautiful mouth. His lips warm. Firm. James never kissed like that …

Victoria forced the thought from her head. Yes, James. Her fiancé. Which meant she shouldn’t be thinking of that kiss. Or of Donovan’s mouth. She had a business deal to pull off and that was far more important than a kiss.

“I’m interested to know,” he said. “Just like I’m interested to know what more you expected from that kiss.”

“I told you that kiss never happened.”

“Oh, come on, Ms. de Winter. After saying you expected more, you then also expect me to pretend it never happened? Surely you know that no man likes to have his prowess questioned. Especially so blatantly.”

“I would have thought you’d be a little more confident of your prowess than to let my opinion bother you.”

He lifted one black brow. “And why shouldn’t your opinion matter?”

Oh, sure. Like he really cared what she thought. He didn’t care about anyone and was famous for it. “The only place my opinion should matter is around the negotiating table, Mr. Morrow. Now, can we move on from this discussion?”

“Why?” He shifted again, his calf brushing hers for the second time, another electric jolt going through her. God, was he doing this on purpose? “I’m rather enjoying it.”

She held herself very still. “I thought you were interested in why I wanted this deal so badly.”

“Well, that, too. But you wanted to talk business at the party. And we’re not at the party yet.”

“Then what else do you want to talk about? Women? Parties? The number of times you’ve had a YouTube video go viral?”

His mouth curled. “You must think I’m a very simple creature.”

“In my experience, men are simple creatures.”

“So you’ve had a wide and varied experience then?” He tilted his head, amusement glittering in his eyes. “Tell me about it.”

Her fingers tightened on her case. Yes, she’d had a lot of experience with men. In the boardroom and around the negotiating table. But she wasn’t stupid, she knew the subtext of his question, though if he thought he could rattle her again he had another think coming. She’d faced down worse than him. “Of course they are,” she said coolly. “Promise them a blow job and they’re anyone’s.”

He laughed, a much warmer, more spontaneous sound than she’d heard before, giving her a small glow of pleasure she tried to ignore.

“And exactly how many blow jobs have you ever given a man, Victoria?”

She refused to look away. Or back down. “A few.” It wasn’t a lie. There had been a couple of times with her college boyfriends, an unpleasant experience for all concerned.

BOOK: The Billion Dollar Bad Boy
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