The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado) (2 page)

BOOK: The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado)
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“Children are a
great blessing of the Goddess.”

“Maybe, but with it co
mes great responsibility and I don’t need more of it. Thanks again for your help and good night.”

Nodding to him, she spun on her heel and took three quick steps toward her van. She’d almost reached it when the
five men cornered her. Why couldn’t she have seen it then? She rotated her keys in her hand and inserted one into the door lock. Her nose filled with the scents of leather and pumpkin spice as a warm gloved hand settled over hers. Anger and fear blazed within her.
What is wrong with this guy? Can’t he take a hint?

leveled him with a narrow-eyed glare. “Take your hand off me.”




Darius felt the surge of energy around Sabrina as she snarled the words and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Holy Goddess, this little witch had much more power than he’d been led to believe. If she focused all her magic on him, she’d very likely overpower him. She didn’t seem to have the skill to do it, but he decided against testing her just yet.

“Forgive me,
Lady Foxglove.” He bowed his head as he removed his hand.

Her shoulders relaxed when he stepped back, but her
pale eyes flashed with angry electric purple sparks.

“Perhaps we can speak of this more at your home. It’s cold out tonight and we have much to discuss.”

The tension returned to her frame and her eyes widened. “You think I’m going to let you come to my house? I don’t even know you. I won’t endanger my family. Heck, you carry a huge sword over your damn shoulder.”

It’s imperative that I speak to you about this.” He didn’t understand her reluctance to accept the great honor she’d been offered.

“Imperative? The only
thing that’s imperative is I get home to my kids.” She opened her car door. “And no, you can’t come with me.”

frustrating woman!

He caught the door before it slammed shut behind her.

“Lady Foxglove. Please.” Damn, it grated to have to beg. “There isn’t much time and the Court will be arriving in a few days. You must be prepared.”

Tell them to change their plans.” She shrugged. “I don’t have time to entertain the Court. I have brownies to bake for school. I have garlands to make and ribbons to buy. Plus, I have a job. I can’t just take time off. We don’t get paid vacation at Mazie’s. Send them to the Grand Canyon. Now, let go of my door.”

I cannot!” His temper cracked at her stubbornness. “This is not my honor, but yours. The plans have been laid and it is your destiny to fulfill. I’m merely here to make certain all is prepared for the Court’s arrival.”

“Don’t snap at me just because
you didn’t check with me first. I have a life and responsibilities that don’t include you or the Summer Court.” She shook her head and the ponytail of mahogany brown hair slid over her wool encased shoulders. The urge to sift his fingers through it took him by surprise. “Look, success is about communication and you can’t have one without the other. So far, your track record is dismal.”

“Communication go
es both ways.” Darius tried to wrestle his temper under control. Where was his famed unruffled demeanor? “I’m here, now, to speak to you about this great honor and event so we might arrange the procedures and protocols. We have a week before the event should occur. Certainly we can come to some sort of arrangement in such time?”

She took a deep breath to deny him, but thought better of it when he raised his eyebrows
. She pressed her sensuous lips together in a tight line. He’d like nothing better than to enjoy the feeling of them on his lips or even on his cock, but only if they stopped producing protests. He’d silenced many a woman in such a pleasurable way in the past.

fine.” Sabrina dropped her head a moment. “But tomorrow. I can’t do anything tonight and you’re
coming home with me. Tomorrow I’ll meet you at the Cloudburst Coffee Shop on River Street at 10:30 in the morning. That’s the best I can do.”

cut a full day off their prep time, but resolution filled her expression, and he had to take what he could get. Besides, his mother had often told him you got more flies with honey than with vinegar.

“Thank you, Ms. Foxglove. I shall meet you at the Cloudburst
Coffee Shop on the morrow.”

“Okay. Good. See you t

He released the door and she slammed it shut.
The motor hesitated to start in the cold, but eventually caught and Sabrina Foxglove, the Cloudburst witch, drove out of the parking lot, leaving Darius to watch the retreat of her vehicle with a frown.

No one had ever turned down such an honor before. Certainly not when delivered by him. Why hadn’t she folded under his charm

He sighed and raised his hood above his head, protecting it from the fat flakes of snow
settling over the black pavement of the little parking lot. Her obstinacy diluted his interest in her, regardless of her beauty. Women should be biddable, accommodating, amiable.

damn, she is lovely.

His mind recalled
Sabrina’s lush curves despite the disfiguring wool jacket and thick fleece pants. He could imagine full breasts with rosy areoles and tight nipples flushed with heat from his kisses. Her coat had only hinted at the generous ass beneath, but he could see it gripped in his hands as he thrust into her welcoming heat from in front.

His cock stretched his leather trousers in response to his thoughts and he reached down to adjust himself to a more favorable position
. He considered the woman upon whom all his immediate future plans were based.

Foxglove had been blessed with strength of will and great power, unlike most of the witches he’d met in the past. Her determined resignation when faced with five opponents of greater stature than herself had impressed him. She should have used a simple persuasion spell to direct their attentions elsewhere.
Perhaps she's untrained.
Experienced or not, she remained a potent witch.
And sexy as hell, too
. When there’d been no other choice, she’d stood her ground with honor. She hadn’t cried or whined or begged, qualities he loathed in the fairer sex

Darius fastened his hooded coat around him and melted back into the alley darkness. The wind threatened to remove his hood, but he held it down with his gloved hands.
Why is it still winter here in this little town?

Sabrina would change her attitude toward him and the Summer Court when he had a chance to explain
at their meeting tomorrow. She’d see the true honor in what she'd been offered and show proper gratitude for his help. He imagined the type of gratitude he’d like. He could see her lavender eyes staring seductively up at him while her lips stretched over his hard phallic flesh and her tongue polished the head.

Ah, perfection.

He’d hoped to have such an opportunity this evening, but Sabrina proved to be more obdurate than he'd expected. Of course, she’d been accosted by those idiots and frightened. His sudden appearance may have scared her even more. Women didn’t trust men who appeared out of the dark. She’d feel differently in the light of day when his good looks and charm seduced her.

everything would be settled the next day, Darius lengthened his strides down the quiet snowy street. Silence of winter’s last gasp enveloped him, the only sounds the crunching of his footsteps.
Damn, it’s cold.
He shivered a little, looking forward to a hot bath and a warm cup of rum to see him through the night.

He stopped as if he’d run straight into the snow-draped brick wall beside him.

Where the hell would he sleep?

Chapter Two


Morning came with the usual routin
e of getting Sabrina’s six-year-old ready for kindergarten and her four year old at least dressed. Tansy happily dressed herself and combed her hair without much direction, but Holly dragged her feet and found almost anything else to do when faced with her mother’s need to get ready quickly.

“Holly, are you dressed yet?”

“I’m getting there!”

’t ‘get there’, do it.”

“Mom, can I have pigtails today?” Tansy asked as she brushed out her dark brown locks.

“Yep, come here.”

“Thanks, Mom
.” Tansy handed her two hair ties.

“Holly, are you dressed yet?”

“Getting there, Mom!”

Despite Holly’s slowness,
Sabrina managed to get everyone fed and ready in time to hustle into the car. Tansy jabbered excitedly about the May Day party at school in a few days, and Holly informed them she'd become a rainbow sparkle pony.

Well, even rainbow sparkle ponies have to buckle up their carseats before we can go.”

“Okay, Mommy.”

The drive to school filled with conversation about habitat needs of such mythical creatures and Sabrina grinned at her daughters' imaginations. She kissed Tansy goodbye before the girl scampered through the new flurries of snow to her classroom.
One down. One to go.

“Ready to go shopping, Holly?”


and Holly went to the grocery to prepare for the Beltane feast at the end of the week. Holly happily helped pick out fruits and vegetables while going on about what rainbow sparkle ponies liked to eat. Sabrina tried to focus on her daughter’s words, but her attention split between getting all the things on her list and the upcoming meeting with Darius Winterbourne at the coffee shop.

The whole encounter beh
ind Mazie’s seemed like a dream, a figment of her overactive imagination. Surely Marty, Timmy and the others hadn’t been so demonstrative in their displeasure of her marital status. And no one really carried a sword anymore, did they? Had she made a date with a dream guy?
More like a nightmare guy

“Hi, Sabrina. How are you today?”

Sabrina jerked out of her thoughts to wave at her neighbor up the street. “Good, thanks.”

Mommy, can we get star squishies?” Holly held up a star fruit.

“Not today, honey.”

Sabrina’s thoughts returned to Darius. He’d certainly been tall, dark and mysterious. Not to mention incredibly handsome. She didn’t think her imagination could have come up with anything so beautiful on its own. She recalled his sharp brows, sultry grin, and the way he held her hand in his in perfect detail.

“Mom, can I watch a movie when we get home?”
Holly perused the gum at the checkout aisle.

“You’ll have to ask Matilda. She’s coming early because I have an appointment today.”

“Well, tell Matilda I can watch the Rescue Fairy.”

Sabrina laughed, shaken from her musings. “We’ll talk about it.”

“Thirty-three, eighty seven, Ms. Foxglove.” The cashier waved at Holly, making her giggle.

Thanks. How’s school going this year?”

They finished their shopping and returned home in record time despite the slick, snowy roads. Most people in
Cloudburst knew how to drive, but the Spring Breakers who showed up in droves often made the short commutes an exercise in stunt driving. Sabrina’s gratitude for the end of Spring Break Season held no bounds.

Matilda Middleton, Sabrina’s babysitter, met her at her door and happily took charge of Holly while Sabrina put the groceries away.

“Mommy, I want to watch the Rescue Fairy!”

abrina shot a look at Matilda. “Are you okay with a movie? I have the appointment this morning and then work till seven. I'm sorry it will be so late.”

s not a problem, Sabrina. I'm saving up for a car and need all the extra money I can get.”

“If you're sure…”

“Yeah, it’ll be fine.” Matilda waved her off. “I can get Tansy after school, too.”

so much, Matti.”

kissed Holly goodbye and jumped back into her car for the trip to the Cloudburst Coffee and Spa. Only newly opened, the Cloudburst had taken off like wildfire. Moira Callahan had a special gift for knowing what the customers needed each day, and Sabrina had always found the coffee shop soothing when stressed. Sabrina had come back often and struck up a friendship with Moira.

Sabrina pulled into the parki
ng lot and turned off the car. Snow peppered the windshield in dry, cold flakes rattling with the sound of sand grains. The heat immediately decreased and her breath fogged the windows.
What the hell am I doing?
Who went to meet a big guy with a huge sword spouting about the return of the Fae for Beltane? She should call the cops and go back to her normal life.

Yeah, and they’ll so believe you,” she muttered. She didn't need to paint herself as a lunatic. Not even the local coven would support her.

“Ugh!” She thumped her forehead against the steering wheel. “Why do I do this to myself?”

Jamming her tuque onto her head, she got out of her minivan and hurried into the Cloudburst to get out of the weather. The interior of the coffee shop had a warm and comfortable décor with brass accents and fixtures, cozy armchairs and couches guarding elegant glass topped tables, and polished, resined wood floors. Moira had decorated her establishment with a retreat in mind and comfort settled around Sabrina’s shoulders.

Everyone who entered felt welcomed and protected
. Moira had added a back room where the patrons could order a massage from her business partner. An odd combination, true, but Sabrina appreciated the eccentricity, and Moira insisted there was more than one way to relax. Why drown your sorrows when you could have them rubbed out of existence?

Too bad I can’t rub out this problem.
She stifled a giggle. She sounded like an old Mafia movie.

Sabrina paused inside the door
, allowing the scents of cinnamon and hot cocoa to soothe her as she scanned the few patrons already taking advantage of the warm interior. She loved this place and no matter what Darius Winterbourne might want, she felt safe here. Most of the bar stools and chairs sat empty, but her eyes found Darius’s broad-shouldered form reclining on a loveseat against the brick wall across from the counter, his sword conspicuously missing. Her tension returned and she took a deep breath as she wound her way through the other chairs toward him.

He turned his head and her steps faltered.
Holy Goddess, he's better looking than I remember.
Eyes an amazing color of deep teal never wavered from her as she approached and her heart pounded with each step. Wearing an expression mixed of frank assessment and sensual desire, Darius Winterbourne embodied a predator, man used to getting his way every time.

I'm not giving up my way of life just to appease your lofty opinion of yourself, pal.
What had he called himself? The Chamberlain of the Summer Court. Talk about arrogance.

she shivered with feminine appreciation of his virility. What would it be like to have a man so powerfully built look at her with real desire? Her ex hadn’t given her such attention except during rituals when drunk on lust. Oh, he’d desired her body, but the woman inside? Not so much. She inwardly smacked her forehead and squared her shoulders as she stopped before Darius’s reclining form.

“Well met,
Lady Foxglove.” His warm voice wrapped around her and she damn near melted where she stood.

“Mr. Winterbourne.
” Sabrina sat down on a plush arm chair across from him and tried to find some composure.

tation flitted across his face, but disappeared before she could catch more than a glimpse.

“Call me Darius, please. We will be working too closely to
stand on titles.”

You’re making an assumption, Mr. Winterbourne.” Sabrina leaned back and crossed her legs to give herself a little more armor against his smooth ways. “I told you I’d hear you out and here I am. I didn’t promise to suddenly drop everything for your needs.”

His irritation
flashed again until she said the word “needs.” Then sly, seductive amusement flooded his face and exhilaration shot through her.

“My needs are another matter entirely
and I’m certain we’ll get to them eventually. I’m here today to discuss the matter of the Summer Court’s visit.”

She didn’t know if she wanted to laugh in disbelief or smack him for his audacity. She
settled for a roll of her eyes.

“Focus, Mr. Winterbourne. What exactly do you want and what does it have to do with me?”

He opened his mouth to make a no doubt smart-ass comment and she held up her hand. “Rein it in, please.”

He chuckled, sitting forward to lean his elbows on his knees.

“As you command, my lady.” He inclined his head. “My petition is the same as last night. Beltane is a week away. The Summer Court has chosen your fair little town as the location where they shall perform the healing ceremonies to strengthen the wards, and you’re the only witch here who can perform the rituals correctly.”

That’s debatable,” she mumbled, but he didn’t seem to hear her.

“Come now,
Lady Foxglove, you must understand what a great honor this is. The opportunity to serve the Court in this way is not offered lightly.”

abrina snorted. “I thought I’m the only witch in Cloudburst who could correctly perform the rituals. It doesn’t sound like selection so much as desperation. I’m the only one you know of here, so I’ll have to do. Right?”

His patronizing smile never slipped. “They would not have chosen
Cloudburst were it not for you.”

Baloney!” She grimaced and flicked one hand. “Got oceanfront property to sell me in Arizona, right? Nice try. Tell them to visit Sedona, then. I’m sure the Vortices are in need of a good realigning.”

s smile began to fade and he took a breath to say something as the waitress appeared beside him, her gaze fixed on his handsome visage. Sabrina smiled, grateful for the interruption, and ordered hot coffee and a blueberry scone.
Gather your wits, because this guy will run all over you if you let him.
Darius’s ridiculous demands to host the Summer Court of the Fae ranked up there with cleaning out the sediment trap in her shower.
Yeah, not going to happen

Darius turned his brilliant smile on the waitress and she fluttered and simpered, twirling one lock of hair around her pencil with a giddy smile. Sabrina
sighed, hoping the girl wouldn't forget her order. Darius played up the charming, handsome, and virile male. She suspected women fell all over themselves to attract his sparkling gaze.

At last, the girl flounced away, her hips swinging in invitation
, and Darius watched her retreat with a satisfied smile on his face. Sabrina shook her head in bemusement.
You’re just mad because he doesn’t look at you like that.

Why the hell would she want him to look at her favorably? She wanted not
hing to do with men.
Selfish, manipulating, responsibility-avoiding bastards
. Darius fit in just right. She bet he’d slept with more women than the flakes of snow falling outside the coffee shop windows.

Yeah, but think of how experienced he’d be

She stifled a groan.

Darius’s gaze fastened on her like a magnet and he cocked his head in inquiry.

Crap, he can’t read thoughts, can he?

“Where were we?” His question accompanied a smug smile.

“You were just getting ready to suggest the Court should go to Sedona for Beltane.”

The warmth in his smile dimmed and she countered his hard look with lifting her chin. He spread his hands with mock regret, but his eyes remained chips of jade stone. “Would that I could, my lady, but once the Court has determined the place for the rituals, it cannot be changed. I’m afraid it’s Cloudburst, or nowhere.”

“Nowhere, then.”

He sighed. “Listen to me, Lady—”

“No, you listen to
, Mr. Winterbourne.” She used her best mommy-voice. “I have a family, school obligations, and a job right now. I don’t have time to entertain the Summer Court for Beltane. I have to bake brownies for my daughter’s kindergarten class, for goodness sake. I have no place for the Court, in my life
in my house, and besides, I haven’t done the High Beltane rituals in four years.”

“I’m sure it will o
nly take a little brushing up—”

“I don’t
to ‘brush up’ on the rituals. You’re not hearing me. I. Am. Not. Doing. The. Rituals.”

BOOK: The Beltane Witch (Cloudburst Colorado)
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