Read The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series) Online

Authors: Carmen Caine

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The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series)

BOOK: The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series)
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The Highland Heather and Hearts

Scottish Romance Series

Book Two


The Bedeviled Heart



Carmen Caine


Kindle Edition



Published By

Bento Box Books


Edited By

Louisa Stephens


Cover Art By

Mehrdad Azadi


Copyright © 2011 by Carmen Caine

ISBN: 978-0-9835240-4-7


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Mehrdad, no one encourages me more than you … thank you

Kian, you are my heart

Kailyn, you are my soul


Angie, I’m glad you are here


Author’s Note


Though Cameron and Kate never existed, the story of Thomas (Robert) Cochrane, King James III, and his brothers is based on actual historical events. In some ways, King James III of Scotland was a man born before his time, more a patron of the arts than a warrior. But it was his habit of exalting low-born favorites, among them the architect Cochrane, combined with his fascination for the Black Arts that brought about some of the first documented cases of witchcraft trials in Scotland's history.

"The Bedeviled Heart" is a slight departure in historical flavor from that of "The Kindling Heart" with "The Bedeviled Heart" being the first book in this series to cover the significant historical events of 1479. And as these events took ten years to come to a resolution, this fascinating backdrop will be continued throughout the remainder of the books in this series: "The Daring Heart" and "The Loyal Heart".

And while my goal is to weave history throughout these stories in an effort to make them all the more entertaining, these books will always be romances first and historical second. I will primarily focus on the human relationships between all of the characters in the entire four book storyline.

"The Kindling Heart"
begins the story with Bree and Ruan in the Isle of Skye.

"The Bedeviled Heart"
covers Cameron and Kate's dramatic romance against the backdrop of court intrigue and witchcraft.

“The Daring Heart"
brings the adventure of Lord Julian Gray as he meets his match in the Italian assassin, Liselle.

"The Loyal Heart"
weaves the spell of fated love with Merry rescuing Ewan in the events leading up to the Battle of Sauchieburn and completes the circle of how it all began.

Table of Contents

Chapter One … The

Chapter Two … Can a Man be Changed?

Chapter Three … The Court of the King

Chapter Four … Eight Shillings a Year!

Chapter Five … The Passionate Blood of the Stewarts

Chapter Six … Love Potions

Chapter Seven … What Have I Done?

Chapter Eight … The Prophecy

Chapter Nine … The Princess

Chapter Ten … A Foolish Vow

Chapter Eleven … Witchcraft

Chapter Twelve … Craigmillar

Chapter Thirteen … The Tolbooth Prison

Chapter Fourteen … Skye

Chapter Fifteen … The Wedding

Chapter Sixteen … Dunvegan

Chapter Seventeen … The Countess


Excerpt from “The Daring Heart”

Chapter One - The Outlaw


Stirling Castle

Scotland, 1479


Cameron Malcolm Stewart, Earl of Lennox, Lord of Ballachastell, Inchmurrin, and a score of other holdings, ducked his head and entered the dim interior of the alehouse, pausing for a moment on the threshold to sweep the room with a penetrating gaze.

Broad-shouldered and tall, he possessed the arresting combination of elegance and danger that resulted in a naturally imposing presence. His shoulder-length dark hair framed a devilishly handsome face with chiseled lips and a dash in the middle of his strong chin.

Unclasping the brooch that fastened his cloak, he tossed the garment at the young lad scurrying to greet him and settled with the sleek grace of a cat into the darkest corner of the establishment.

Beckoning the alewife with a long finger, Cameron waited patiently for his tankard of brew. It was not long in coming. He took a swig and winced slightly. The quality bordered on unacceptable, but he didn’t come here for the ale. He came to escape court intrigue, prying eyes, and endless hours of banal conversation.

The door opened again, and a diminutive lass slipped inside, accompanied by a gust of wind and the momentary sounds of spring. Hefting her basket to one arm, she smoothed her well-worn skirt, adjusted the kerchief capturing the silken mass of her brown hair, and subjected the occupants of the room to a shrewd eye.

The young lad greeted her with a toothy grin before scuttling through a low arch in the corner of the room. Shortly thereafter, the alewife’s voice bellowed from the back, “Kate! I’ve been waiting for ye, lass! Give me a wee moment, will ye now?”

Wrinkling her nose in a smile, Kate leaned forward and called in return, “No need to rush! I’ve plenty to keep me busy.”

As the muffled sounds of the alewife’s cackle filtered from the back, Cameron’s dark gaze followed Kate as she sauntered towards a pot-bellied man slumped over the table next to his own.

The lass was slender, shorter than most, with fine brows arching over unusually large and particularly striking brown eyes—eyes that sparkled in silent laughter, even as her brows furrowed and her full lips drew into a serious line.

Setting her basket down on the pot-bellied man’s table, Kate shook the man awake. “And a braw day to ye, sir!”

The man slowly lifted his head and squinted. His eyes lit, and a smile immediately crossed his face. “Come here, ye bonny lass!” he slurred, lurching unsteadily to his feet.

Lifting her basket over her head, Kate deftly twirled to the other side of the table as she chirped with a pert smile, “A fine mariner, are ye now? How soon do ye set sail?”

“Sail?” The addled man glanced around before spying her across the table. He stumbled a little in surprise and collapsed back onto his bench. “How did ye get there, lass?”

Kate’s lively brown eyes crinkled in the corners. “Ach, ye can do with a wee bit more luck now, can’t ye?” she asked, dipping her hand into her basket to draw out a small round stone. “With this charm, ye’ll sail with more wind than ye would have without it!”

The man grinned foolishly, nodding several times, and then a look of bewilderment crossed his face. “Sail? Lass, I sell fish in the market!”

Smoothly selecting a larger stone, Kate bent forward and whispered loudly, “Then, this is what ye need, my good man! ‘Tis a charm for luck. Carry this with ye now, and ye’ll sell more fish than ye would have without it!”

As the man blindly mimicked her vigorous nods, Kate leaned across the table and helped herself to his money pouch. “Ye’ll be right pleased with this charm, I’m sure!” she promised, poking through the contents with a disappointed frown before making her choice.

Cameron tapped his finger on the table, a touch amused. The man was obviously a careless fool, and from the looks of the lopsided grin on his face, he was enjoying her company. Aye, being swindled by such a comely lass hardly seemed unfortunate, even for a fool.

“Thank ye for the pleasure of such fine company!” Kate bestowed a brilliant smile upon the man as she returned his pouch. And then absent-mindedly patting him on the head, as one would a dog, she surveyed the room for her next victim.

Suddenly, the alehouse door crashed back, and a rowdy bunch of men entered with hoots of laughter and a storm of curses. Calling for ale, they stumbled towards a table, overturning a bench along the way.

As they passed Kate, one particularly foul-mouthed, lanky fellow grabbed her arm. “Come here, ye fine wench, and give us a kiss!”

Pushing his tankard aside, Cameron rose swiftly to his feet.

“Thomas MacCallum, I do believe?” Kate clucked in a superior tone, shaking her head slowly and making no move to wrench free from his grasp. “What will your wife say when she hears of ye begging for kisses in the alehouse?”

The man’s fingers slackened, and the silly grin left his face. With a frown, he all but pushed her away.

Placing her hands on her slim hips, Kate eyed the men up and down. “Is that really Jamie Boyd? What if your mother finds ye here, lad? And, that can’t be ye, Sean Gordon? I doubt your father will be pleased hearing ye’re back to swilling ale now, so soon after he paid your debt!”

this lass?” Jamie hissed.

They all began to back away.

“Hie off with ye now!” Kate flapped her hands at them. “And think twice afore ye foist your unwanted kisses off on hard-working womenfolk!”

BOOK: The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series)
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