The Beast's Desire 1-3 (Paranormal Romance, Beast Lust Series) (8 page)

BOOK: The Beast's Desire 1-3 (Paranormal Romance, Beast Lust Series)
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The larger were-cat spoke from behind her as they walked. “The first part of the
Vow is sex – you give your bodies to each other. The second part is to verbalize the commitment of each person’s heart.

The Vow is only complete when the shifters consummate the relationship in both forms with their chosen mate. The words are spoken after the human-were has shifted into or out of his animal form and the female is visibly marked.”

The smaller
panther pressed his flank into her indicating he wanted her to turn left. If she walked too slowly, the panther behind her would rise up and push his huge paws against her behind to hurry her along.

If she
went the wrong way a deep growl would sound beside her, which would most likely be her only warning before she was tackled again. Chloe was quite annoyed with the fact that the lead panther could talk, but he chose not to; she assumed he must simply enjoy physically pushing her around.

“Can you say with honesty
that your feelings have not become deeper for the ape-men?” the big cat asked.

Chloe was about to answer that they had indeed
changed from attraction to fury, but she stopped herself.

When she thought of the two
were-apes, she didn’t hate them, not really. The were-cat was right – something
changed in her; she had been too angry to feel it earlier.

Still confused, she said,
“I don’t know.”

“Your scent says otherwise,” replied the larger panther. “If you are not sure, we could test the
first part of the Vow together to see if you prefer felines rather than apes.”

She blushed as she recalled
that the first part was sex. “, that’s okay,” she answered nervously.

“We shall see,” replied the were-cat
, his voice filled with anticipation. The panthers weren’t ones to ask permission anyway. They answered to no one and took what they wanted. It had been this way for a thousand years.

The smaller panther had remained quiet during their discussion, but his ears definitely perked up at hearing his leader’s comment
. Since this female was unattached and technically Vowed to no one, they were within their rights to share her as a group.

He licked his muzzle at the thought of ta
sting the woman and filling her with his cock. It was obvious to him that this was the entire reason they were taking the female away from her ape-creatures.

The big cat
s would not kill her for her knowledge of their existence, but they would take her to their Council to Vow her to one of them.

After the larger panther’s last comment, Chloe was desperate to fill the uncomfortable silence. She started rambling out numerous questions, hoping to distract the were-panthers from the topic of sex. “Wild panthers do not live
together; do you live alone as well?”

We are solitary, but we meet on occasion for important matters; for example, if one of us takes a mate.”

Great! Right back to the topic of sex again!
“Do you prefer panther or human form?”

Human for work. Panther only when we are in Apple Creek Preserve. Panther form is amazing for fucking though,” he sneered.

Now she was getting irritated! “How many shifters are in your group?”

“That is not your business, unless you agree to be mated, of course.”
Unbeknownst to her, he leered at the sight of her strong, shapely legs and tight ass barely covered by her skimpy shorts.

What a
creep! He’s obviously trying to get me to shut up.
She sighed loudly.
Maybe that’s not such a bad idea since his favorite topic is sex.

But she just couldn’t stop herself from asking one last question. “
About this Vow-thing – couldn’t I simply leave after completing the steps?”

The larger panther growled fiercely, his anger obvious. Chloe
walked a little faster to get away from the temperamental feline. Without warning, the cat behind her pushed his head against her rear end like a battering ram.

Ow!” she said loudly as she stumbled. “You don’t have to shove so hard! You
just tell me, instead of acting like an insensitive jerk.”

He growled again and swatted her ass with his huge paw. Luckily, his claws were retractable, so she wasn’t sliced open by them, but the mes
sage was clear: He. Was. Pissed.

Stop it!” she yelled at him. “You didn’t answer me. I
leave, right?”

The larger panther answered in a low, growling voice, “No. The Vow is sacred. It is a tie that binds you with your mate or mates for life. It is old magic, human.”

“So I’m stuck here if I take this Vow?” Chloe shook her head and the words were out of her mouth before she thought about it, “Then it’s
gonna happen!”

the carelessness of her words, she grimaced then clamped her teeth together to keep herself from spouting anything else in her anger.

The bigger panther caterwauled in anger at her response and Chloe was reminded that these were
also wild animals, not simply men who changed their appearance. Their humanity seemed to be holding on by a thread and she had just pulled on this one’s string of sanity nearly to the breaking point.

A series of questions ran through her mind.
What are the panthers going to do with me? Will they keep me prisoner here? Will they kill me now that they know I won’t take their stupid Vow? Will they force me to have sex or to mate with one of them?

Her own fight or flight response kicked in and she su
ddenly panicked. She sprinted forward then cut around a tree, trying to run away from the were-cats. She barely made it ten feet before the larger panther tackled her and gripped the back of her neck in its muscular maw.

screamed as her body crashed to the ground; the weight of the two-hundred plus pound panther slamming her temple against a hard, protruding tree root. The collision was so forceful, the world swam and wavy lines filled her vision before everything to faded to black.


Ronin, clad only in his birthday suit
, and Kane tore through the forest the instant Chloe screamed. The men instinctively knew that something was terribly wrong; fear ran though the brothers and both knew her life depended on them.

men shifted into Bigfoot morphology as they ran to find her, the animal form giving them greater strength and speed. Leaves slapped them in the face, and small tree branches bent and broke off as they hurtled through the forest.

By the time they reached the pond, no one was there. Due to their heightened senses, both knew the were-p
anthers had been there recently; however, the wind had shifted, taking Chloe’s scent as well as the panthers’ away from the brothers.

men searched the clearing as well as the pond, but found no trace of either of them.

Ronin paced back and forth, angrily, “Dammit! Where would the
bastards have taken her?”

Kane shook his head, “I don’t know, brother, but we
find her before...” he trailed off, unable to complete the thought. He swayed in place as his mind was bombarded with images from Chloe.

He had heard that the bond between mates could enable communication mentally; as far as he knew, it only happened between couples or groups who had been Vowed.
He shook his head to clear the visions from his mind and ran into the forest to find their female.

A possessive animal rage took over Ronin’s mind as he thought of the many
possible ways his brother’s sentence could end. If the bastards touched his Chloe,
Chloe, he would kill every last one of them. He leaned back and screamed his fury to the sky, the enraged sound echoing through the forest.

* * * *

The larger panther carefully turned Chloe over on her back and began to lick the wound on her temple. After the bleeding slowed, he backed away from her to monitor her breathing.

Seeing her chest rise and fall evenly, he moved to her head to work on the cut once again. He cleaned the lesion until the wound clotted, then proceeded to clean
se his muzzle with his paws.

Upon hearing the sound of what he guessed to be the Bigfoot yelling, the larger feline walked away from the woman, nervously surveying the area.
He didn’t like games and he knew he was playing a very dangerous one by manipulating the ape-men. The were-panther knew when the Bigfoot brothers showed up, there would be hell to pay.

* * * *

Chloe was dreaming of her Bigfoot lovers.

The larger ape-man was behind her, driving his
long cock deep into her pussy. With every move, he would twist his hips in a way that made his hard-as-steel erection swivel inside of her; almost as though he was stirring the juices in her womb.

he shoved her body back toward him, meeting him thrust for thrust, driving him deeper within her. His heavy testicles slapped loudly against her ass as he hammered his cock into her.

Pleasure rippled through her as fingers stimulated her clit and she gasped at the sensation. A mouth sucked on her nipple, gently biting and teasing, the feeling sending an electric bolt from her breast to her clit.

She tried to see the face of the being underneath her, but her head was abruptly pulled back by the hand now wrapped in her hair. She pulled against the head restraint, knowing it was useless.

She knew the smaller Bigfoot was under her
though she couldn’t see him. Even after only one night together, her body recognized the way he nibbled on her breasts and teased her clit expertly.

The rhythm of the Bigfoot behind her began to falter, becoming erratic as he neared his climax. He growled and grunted as he pushed into her, fucking her hard enough that
the length of his erection was pleasurably hitting her cervix.

Unseen hands played with the weight of her breasts, squeezing and jiggling them underneath her body. A warm, wet t
ongue licked a line between the soft mounds of flesh, as a hand on her back pushed her down.

The beast behind her growled loudly then barked his orgasm as he leaned over her body, now at a downward slope. He sank his teeth into the muscles of her shoulder, making her cry out in pain.
The sting of his canines, turned into ecstasy as she climaxed violently.

Hot semen flooded her
womb as the beast’s seed spurted into her again and again; the amount quickly overflowing from her pussy and streaming down her thighs as the creature thrust in and out of her.

Her head was released when the ape-man behind her finally stilled, his cock embedded deeply inside of her. Finally able to see the being underneath her, she
smiled as a man who looked very similar to Ronin came into view. Though he’d never spoken it, she suddenly knew his name –
whispered through her mind.

The man pulled her head down to his lips and kissed her deeply, with such passion, she lost herself in the moment.
He broke the kiss and whispered, “Stay with us, Chloe. Take the Vow so we never have to be apart again.”

Before she could
say a word, Ronin pulled out of her. She was suddenly empty and disappointment swept through her; she longed to be filled again.

In the blink of an eye, the brothers switched; Ronin,
having morphed into his human form was underneath her and Kane was behind her. Hairy arms reached from behind her to massage her breasts and she knew the other man had shifted form as well.

In the next moment, s
he only knew pleasure as her engorged clit was being teased and stroked by Ronin. The Bigfoot behind her shoved his throbbing cock into her, stretching her widely. She gasped as she felt him inside her once again, amazed at the thickness of his member.

“Tell us you belong to us, Chloe,” whispered Ronin as his brother
thrusted into her from behind. The sincerity of his request made her heart fill with happiness and elation.

Chloe felt so tight around the wideness of his cock, Kane yelled her name as he thrust into her, not wanting to hold back and not caring about his loss of control.

Ronin flicked her sweet spot with his tongue, then manipulated the sensitive nub with his fingers. Before Kane completed his climax, she was screaming her orgasm along with him.

Images of the possible future came into her mind to show her what she could have with the brothers if she gave herself to them – love, security, happiness, a strong family bond. All of which spoke to her heart.

In her dream, her decision was made; she wanted to be with these men forever.

* * * *

The smaller panther watched as the beautiful, blonde woman dreamed vividly. She lay flat on the ground, her arms resting at her sides, her legs slightly parted. During her tumble to the ground, the light blouse had ridden up, exposing her flat stomach while her skimpy cotton athletic shorts barely covered the juncture between her legs.

BOOK: The Beast's Desire 1-3 (Paranormal Romance, Beast Lust Series)
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