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Authors: Amileigh D'Lecoire

The Awakening (6 page)

BOOK: The Awakening
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“Something tells me I’ll not be hearing that very often.  Certainly you have more than proven you have a definite stubborn streak in you.” 

Her lips curved into a coy smile, and he felt his shaft twitch in response, her simple act a hundred times more sensual because she had no idea the effect she had on him.

“If I were any less a challenge, you would grow bored with me and throw me back to the sea.”

His arms tightened around her.

“Make no mistake about it,
” he said as he bent to nuzzle the curve of her neck.  “I will never throw you back.”

The rain began to fall from the sky in merciless streams of water and the
both began to laugh.  The skies churned and the thunder rolled, but it was comforting and alive, and she slid her arms up around his neck as he pulled her back against him.  Just one more kiss, she told herself, and then she would find

Because if she stayed here any longer, she knew she would not go to her wedding bed with the innocence of her youth.

~ V ~


Elvanya wrapped the blanket tighter about her shoulders and eased deeper into the cushion of the large couch, watching from the comfort of her covered balcony as rain fell soft and quiet on her gardens.  Thunder echoed low and smooth in the distance, and she closed her eyes as a cool breeze teased at her hair.  She loved mornings most, those gray-dawn hours when her flowers began to open up to the caress of beginning.  There was something oddly sensual in the way their velvet-soft petals stretched and reached for warmth and moisture, and as her happiness flourished so, too, did the rolling landscape of colorful blooms and lush green foliage that surrounded her home.

A young woman stirred at her knee and Elvanya patted her head affectionately until she relaxed, smiling as she pressed a kiss against the smoothness of Elvanya’s leg before going back to humming softly once more for her mistress. 

“It is a beautiful morning Penelope,” Elvayna said gently.

“Mm, that it is,” Penelope purred in response.  Her hand caressed the firm muscle that rippled beneath the softness of Elvanya’s skin, smooth fingers
teasing up
along her calf
, and
Elvanya smiled at the memory of their night together. 

While no man was ever allowed here in the paradise He had created for her, she was allowed all the female companionship she desired.  And Elvanya was happy and content with this.  No mortal or even male God could ever compare to Him as a lover, and when not possessed by the fevered desire to submit to His needs that consumed her at His touch, she enjoyed being in a more dominant role.  All who served here seemed happy as well, pleased in where the Creator had sent them in their life beyond life,  with only occasional squabbles over whose turn it was to serve privately at Elvanya’s side for a time.

She moved to lightly caress the back of Penelope’s neck.  For now, young Penelope was her favored consort, having come at a young age after dying in her birthing bed.  Her soul had been broken and confused, and Elvanya had taken to her immediately.  They began a journey of trust and friendship, and Elvanya had delighted in the after-life healing of the young woman’s heart.  It wasn’t until much later that Elvanya had taken Penelope as a lover, and for some time now the two had been utterly inseparable outside of those times when the Creator called Elvanya to his arms.

“He has left you with life,” Penelope said quietly.  In the gardens, voices began to come together in song as they always did at sun’s first light.

“Yes,” Elvanya answered.  She had felt the familiar flutter within her womb as well, and wondered if it would be flesh or world that would be born of their most recent coupling.  She placed her hand instinctively over her stomach.

“You are frightened,” Penelope said, turning to look up with concern.


This time Elvanya’s voice was little more than a whisper.  A memory there, dark and painful, and she probed at it as one might a sore tooth, finding the discomfort of it still too difficult to tolerate and quickly retreating. 

“I am little more than a vessel that brings about the truth of His visions.  I never know if I will give birth to a new world or a new son.  And like all mothers, I never know who will live and who will die.”  Her vision turned inward for a moment, the perfection of her beauty glossed over by the shadow of a bitter frown.

“I never know who will love, or who will hate.” 
Her finger danced along the curve of Penelope’s ear absently as she spoke and the young consort purred again, soothed by Elvanya’s touch.

“You’ve taught me so much about love.  How to both give and receive love.  How to find peace both inside myself and the world around me.  How could any child of yours not nourish the same, for you are the very definition of love?”  Penelope smiled as she spoke, a look so completely simple and innocent in its
, and Elvanya’s heart swelled at the love she saw there.

“You were so haunted when you came to me,” she whispered, and she gently cupped Penelope’s face.  “So misused by the world.  And look at you now.”  Her hand trailed low to caress the smoothness of her bare shoulder.  “So beautiful, so strong.  You’re soul is destined to be re-born, Penelope.  I’ve no doubt the Creator has some great purpose yet for you.”

Penelope smiled, but her looked was tense and uncertain.  Elvanya reached down and pulled her up to sit on her lap, and the smaller woman giggled as her Mistress kissed her neck and tickled at her waist.

“It is far too promising a day to be frowning so,” she cooed as she nuzzled the delicate curve of Penelope’s neck.  She reached up to caress her breast, squeezing and massaging as her fingers teased at the delicate pink tip.  “Surely there is something I can do to put a smile back on your face.”

Penelope laughed again and Elvanya silenced her with a kiss, enjoying the cinnamon and spice taste of her as their tongues danced and caressed against one another.  Penelope sighed and spread her legs, and Elvanya quickly moved her hand from her nipple to probe between moist, swollen lips, loving the honey smooth heat of her as she slid her finger inside.

“Oh,” Penelope breathed closing her eyes.  Elvanya bent to reclaim one pink nipple with her lips and was just beginning to tease that most sensitive part of Penelope when she felt the approach of her messenger just outside.  She bid the winged warrior enter – a silent command as their minds joined together - then had her wait as she continued to toy with Penelope.  She stroked and caressed for several moments, until the young girl at last cried out in Elvanya’s arms and clung to her, her body rippling with pleasure as the walls of her channel sucked and squeezed at Elvanya’s fingers.  She held Penelope close to her for several moments while she recovered, then kissed her softly on the lips and pushed her gently away.

“Go and bathe, Penelope, then dress and join me in the Gardens.  I see that Chante needs to have a word with me.”

From the doorway the tall, lanky woman with slanted eyes and exotic good looks smiled and nodded, not the least bit bothered by what she had just watched.  It was something as natural as breathing here, and all that she felt was a bit of regret that she had not been invited to join them.

“As you wish,” Penelope said, her face flushed and hair now slightly
.  She gave her mistress one last, lazy smile, bent to kiss her hand and then disappeared through a massive door that led to the bathing hall beyond.

“You have good news,” Elvanya said with a smile as she stood and went to pour tea for them both.  A large silver service set waited always just to one side, the water always perfectly hot, the tea leaves always fresh and sweet.  Chante came to stand beside her and accepted the
porcelain cup
with a nod, enjoying the long-standing familiarity the two of them shared.  Chante had served as the head of her guard for many centuries now.  Not that Elvanya needing much guarding.  But there were those times when – for reasons of His own – the Creator would cut Himself off from her, and at those times the dark Gods always lurked close, hungry always for a taste of their Creator’s mistress, even at the forfeit of their worthless souls.

And so there were those like Chante – winged warriors who fought off the darkness with a fierce protectiveness that transcended the
of devotion.

“I do, Mistress,” she said with a teasing smile as she sipped her tea.

“Don’t tease me, Chante, or I’ll make you take Penelope with you for a week.”
The warrior grimaced affectionately.

“That young pup would not last a day.  The first time she broke a nail there would be no end of the complaining.
“Oh stop!” Elvayna said with a laugh.  “You always did enjoy poking at me.”

“My greatest joy in life.”  Behind her, Chante’s wings ruffled slightly, a sign of great affection.

“Your son plans to take a mate.”

Elvayna felt her heart begin to race, and the fluttering within her stomach became erratic and agitated.  She felt a momentary wave of nausea pass through her and she sank down into a nearby chair.

“You are ill,” Chante said, rushing to her and going down on one knee to cover Elvanya’s hands with her own.  “You carry life this time,” she observed, her look guarded.  “Let me go for Nanya, she can help with the –“

“No,” Elvanya said with a wave of her hand and a weak smile.  “I am fine.  This one is progressing quickly, that is all.”  She never knew how long life would grow and develop inside of her.  Some took days, others took decades. 

She was only a vessel, and little more.

“Get a message to Aramis.  Tell him that I will come when I can to give my blessing.”

Chante nodded and started to rise, but Elvanya gripped her suddenly by the shoulders and held Chante’s eyes with her own.

“Tell him that he must not allow Melisande to get near until I have blessed his bride.”

Chante sneered.

“As if he would a
such evil near her in the first place.”

“Melisande is clever.  Do not underestimate her.  And warn him against the same.”  She gripped harder at Chante’s shoulders.  “Tell me you understand how important this is!”

“Yes, yes, of course,” Chante said, all serious again as she studied Elvanya.  Clearly she was agitated and this had Chante more than a little concerned.  When the beloved of the Creator of all things was
, it was never good.

“Go now with all haste.  And tell him I love him.  Always.”

Chante stood and then gave a dignified bow. 

“By your leave, Mistress.  I will take your message to your son.  Now, you go and care for that sweet young consort of yours, and let her ease your cares for a while.”  Elvanya smiled.

“Thank you, Chante.  May the Creator’s light keep you safe, and may my love keep you warm on your journey.”  Chante smiled, bowed her head once more in acknowledgment of the blessing, then quickly disappeared.

In the emptiness left behind, Elvanya began to cry.


~ VI ~


The next two days were a whirlwind of activity for Thais.  The island had barely recovered from the annual festival of Azurete’, and now their Lord was taking a bride!  The very air pulsed with excitement and wonder as the priests and priestesses began preparations.  Amid meditations and fasting, all began their journey to connect to Aramis on a spiritual level, that they might begin the process of bonding to Thais.  It was an arousing symphony of emotion and devotion that perfumed the air, for all were more than eager to accept her into their hearts.  Everywhere Thais had gone on the island since her
her songs had left a trail of hope and love that bloomed as radiant and bright as the most splendid of the Creator’s gardens.  Already she had touched the hearts of so many – bonding to her was a gift beyond words for them.

BOOK: The Awakening
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