Read The Alpha's Onyx & Fire Online

Authors: Jess Buffett

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Paranormal, #Menage

The Alpha's Onyx & Fire (8 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Onyx & Fire
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“Yeah. Fuck. Christ, Leontis.”

Leontis crushed his lips down onto Sage’s, and he was helpless to do anything besides hold on. Sage took control, showing a mastery that sent his lust surging higher.

Leontis felt his balls draw up tight and he knew he wasn’t going to last any longer. “Sage,” he whimpered as he came.

In front of him, Sage strained, a guttural sound leaving his lips as he added to the release spilling between them.

All Leontis could think at that moment was how gorgeous his mate looked right then. He gave a grunt when Sage collapsed into him, but he didn’t care. Leontis brought his arms up and around the smaller man, enjoying the bliss that encompassed him.

“Damn, this was…”

“Yeah, it was…”

“Maybe we shouldn't have done that…”

“Right outside Tessa’s home?”

Sage grunted. “My home, and I was going to say where someone could have stumbled upon us. Besides, if I have it my way, Tessa will be moving in with us.”

“Us?” He quirked a brow. “I don’t remember being asked to move in.”

The expression of vulnerability that flashed across Sage’s face made him regret his words. “I...ah, no, I didn’t. Sorry. I just assum—”

Leontis leaned forward, cutting him off with a kiss. “I’d love nothing more.”

Sage sighed in obvious relief. “Now we just have to convince our mate.

Leontis grimaced.
Yeah, nothing was ever easy, was it?


“Tessa. Please, no more,” Oliver begged for the umpteenth time.

“Trust me, having this talk is just as painful for me.”

“I highly doubt that,” he muttered.

“Seriously, Oliver. You need to think this through. You are way too young to be thinking about that sort of thing.” She knew she sounded like a hypocrite, but dammit, he was seventeen. Forever was a long time for anyone. “And...I mean, do you even like guys?”

The brat rolled his eyes. “Yes, Tessa. I like guys. Always have.”

“’re gay?”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

Her brother shrugged. “I’ve never told anyone. Not something I could talk to mum and dad about. Knowing my luck it would have been the one thing they actually cared about. Next thing I know, I would have found myself out on my arse, and who would have taken care of the others?”

Tessa’s heart broke. They had never really discussed what had happened to him and the others after she had gone away to school. “I’m sorry. I’m so damn sorry. I didn’t know how bad things had gotten.”

“God, Tessa,” Oliver suddenly shouted. “There you go again. Taking responsibility for their actions, placing everyone else's needs and feelings above your own. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s commendable and all that, but for the love of God…”

She gaped at Oliver, not having heard him so vocal like that before. “I…”

“You think of everyone first,” his tone was serious, grave. So much older than his years, so much like her. “Stop putting your life on hold for everyone else. Yeah, it wasn’t pretty when you left, things got a hell of a lot worse, but we will survive. Don’t run from them.”

Tessa became very conscious of the fact they were having this conversation with Sage’s siblings in the kitchen, only meters away. “I’m not running away. I’m just focusing on you guys right now.”

“And who says you need to choose? Why can’t you have both?” Oliver asked simply. “Deciding to be with them, doesn’t mean you stop taking care of us.”

“Oliver’s right,” whispered a small voice from behind.

Bailey, April, Jay and Ryder all stood there, Bailey with his arms around April and Jay, and little Ryder in front of them with a small smile on his face.

April stepped forward slowly. “I’ve got to admit, you being with two guys seems weird to me, but Chase was telling us all about mates and, I don’t kind of didn’t seem so strange after that.”

Tessa choked. “Chase told you about what?”

“Ummm, yeah, I may have let a few things slip. My bad,” Chase said, popping his head around the corner with a little wave, before ducking back into the kitchen.

Oh, she was having words with him.

“Right. Well…”

A knock at the door cut her off, and Tessa already knew who it was. She had wondered how long Sage and Leontis would wait until they wanted in on the family meeting.

Sighing, she stood, hugging her siblings one by one before walking to the door. Opening up to the two gorgeous men who wanted to claim her as theirs, Tessa melted a little. Damn.

“Come on in. You may as well join the party.”

“Better yet, how about you go,” Oliver said.

She spun around and stared at her brother. “What?”

“Go with your mates, Tessa,” Oliver insisted. “We will be fine.”

Tessa was shaking her head before he had even finished. “No. I can’t leave you here alone, even if it is just to the main house.”

“Then don’t.” Oliver shrugged. “I’m sure Chase and Rourke won’t mind staying.”

One glance at the brothers showed they were nodding.

“We can definitely stay,” Chase offered.

“Even Dominic?” Oliver asked eagerly.

“Oh hell no,” she muttered.

“What? Why? Do you honestly think he’d do anything wrong?” her brother asked with a pout.

“I’m not worried about Dominic doing something to you, I’m more worried about you doing something to poor Dominic.”

There was a chuckle from the doorway and Tessa turned to find Dominic standing there. The large man looked slightly uncomfortable as he shifted from foot to foot. “I’ll be fine, Tessa.” His gaze landed on Oliver briefly before returning to her. “I think I can handle him.”

Tessa didn’t quite believe that. She knew just how convincing her brother could be when he wanted something. And by the look on his face, there was nothing he wanted more than to jump Dominic right there in front of them all.

Jesus, when did the twerp grow up and turn into a little hornball?

She bit down on her lip, looking at Sage and then Leontis. Tessa really did want to spend some time with them, and Oliver was didn’t have to be a one or the other thing. That seemed to be the theme lately. Have your cake and eat it too. Could she really handle two men?

Before Tessa overanalyzed anything, Sage stepped in. “I want you to all remain vigilant and keep an eye out for anything unusual. I don’t like how quiet Aidan has been. We’re gonna take Tessa over to the main house. Are you guys good?”

Everyone except Tessa nodded, even little Ryder.

Looks like I’m out numbered.


Chapter Seven


Tessa looked back and forth between the two men.

Two of them. Wow.

Leontis lounged in the armchair, looking every bit the lion she now knew he was as Sage brought over three hot chocolates. She shared a small smile with him, remembering the events last time they had shared the drink.

“You know Oliver is safe, right? When it comes to Dom,” Sage reassured her.

“I know. It’s just...he’s my brother. And I’m kind of in shock because I never knew he liked guys.” Tessa struggled to understand what she was feeling. She had no issue with men loving men. Hell, she was seriously considering a relationship with two men who clearly planned on being together as well. But there was something. Whatever it was ate away at her. An awkward, uncomfortable...doubtful, feeling. And then it hit her. “Shouldn’t I have known that? I mean, what kind of a sister am I if I don’t know something like my brother is attracted to men? A sister should know that right? A good sister would be aware of all these things. How he likes men, how-”

“How bad things were at home?” Sage offered knowingly.

And yeah, he was right. A part of her hated him a little for that.

“Sweetheart, you couldn’t have known.” Sage moved to position himself in between her legs where she sat. “It isn’t your fault.”

Leontis stood and moved to take the spot next to her, his large dark arm coming to wrap firmly around her. “Brothers...they are good at letting you see only what they want you to see. Whether it’s good or bad.”

“You sound like you know?” Sage tilted his head considerately. “Do you have brothers?”

Leontis let out a bitter laugh. “A few actually. I’m the baby of the family.”

Sage narrowed his gaze on him.

“They weren’t good to you.”

Tessa could tell it wasn’t a question.

“My brothers weren’t bad...most of them anyway. When they found out I was a Black Lion I garnered more respect from them at least. My father had been thrilled to have a Black Lion for a son. He just wasn’t so hung up on the bisexual part.” The way he attempted to shrug it away, as if it meant nothing, hurt to see. “When I said I was leaving, at least half of them were sad about it.”

Leontis’s joke fell flat.

Desperate to break the silence, she asked, “What’s so special about a black lion? You said your father had been thrilled when you shifted for the first time, but why?”

“A black lion is unique, rare.” Leontis cleared his throat awkwardly. “Black lions are very...dominant. Strong, fierce, Alpha like.”

“But you aren’t,” Sage added. Her other mate peered at Leontis for a moment. “That’s why, isn’t it? Your father had hoped you would take over the Pride. A black lion leading them, news would spread, your Pride would grow and so would his power. But you, your human side is passive.”

A self-deprecating laugh bubbled out of him. “Yep. When I’m human I don’t have an Alpha bone in my body. So much so that even when I shift…”

“You’re still able to submit,” Sage finished for him, a look of dawning spreading across his features. “Because you did. To me. You shouldn’t have been able to, not while shifted, but you didn’t even hesitate when I had you pinned.”

Tessa couldn’t understand the look of awe that Sage wore as he stared at Leontis. Only human herself, these shifter rules, behaviors, were all so strange to her. However she knew enough to know what was being said now was significant.

“Which is why I would have never belonged in my family's Pride.”

The crack in Leontis’s voice broke her heart. Sage moved over, wrapping the other man up in the tightest embrace. “I’m so sorry. So fucking sorry,” he whispered over and over again.

When Leontis finally crumbled into Sage, Tessa didn’t hold back. Leaning in, she brought her arms up and around the pair. Tessa joined Sage in his soft murmurs of comfort. “I get it. I may never have had a Pride and may only be human, but I know what power your family has to hurt you.”

“But you both have a family now, don’t you see.” Sage pulled back to stare at them both. “Leontis, you have a home here now, so please don’t ever think about leaving. And Tessa, I know you have your siblings, but you have us too. We are your mates. We will do anything for you. You belong with us.”

Tessa momentarily lost her breath. She stood, needing her space, but the men followed her, their hands never leaving her. The conviction and adoration in the Alpha’s eyes leaving her speechless.

“Sage is right, honey. You’re ours. Stay with us.”

“Move in,” Sage blurted out.

Tessa jerked back, though Sage refused to let her go, keeping her left hand trapped against his chest. “What?”

The Alpha pinned her with his gaze. “Move in with us. There is plenty of room for you and the kids.”

“Sage, I ca—”

‘You’re our mate,” he repeated. “You belong here with us, in our home, in our bed.”

“ don’t want us,” Leontis whispered, his look of uncertainty crushed and yet infuriated her.

“That’s not fair. I’m human, guys. I may know all about shifters, but the rest of this,” she waved her free hand, encumbering all three of them. “All of this is just too much. Give the human chick a break, okay?”

She felt Sage’s laugh rumble through his chest under her palm. “Human chick?”

“Yes,” she said indignantly. “Plain old human.”

“Oh, honey,” Leontis’s voice was smooth as whiskey. “You are anything but plain.”

“Definitely not,” Sage agreed, pulling her down the hallway. Tessa felt helpless to stop them from ushering her into a large bedroom she could only assume was Sage’s. She took a moment, just a quick one to inspect the room. A large bed, larger than a king sat in the middle, grand and sturdy in its design. Warm tones of amber and jade colored walls and bedspread. So much masculinity encompassed in one place, it made her shiver. A light kiss to the side of her neck drew her attention to Sage as he walked her backwards, closer to the bed. “Tessa. You are smart, sexy, feisty, but will never be plain.”

Tessa moaned as his warm breath felt like a small, hot wind across her neck. His hands were massaging her sides, working their way up toward her breasts, and his lips were teasing her flesh so damn wickedly that she forgot why she had come in here in the first place. Her thighs tightened, thinking about the naughty things he could do to her—that they could both do to her.

“Joining us, Leontis?”

She heard a low growl as Sage pushed the hem of Tessa’s shirt up and over her head, groaning when his eyes landed on her breasts. She was nervous and excited all in one. Tessa had never dealt with another man in the equation before. Two of them. Could she really do this? Just the thought of both of them touching and kissing her made her shudder. She needed skin. Tessa pulled Sage’s shirt that was tucked in his waistband free, and then slid her hands under the soft material to feel the hot flesh beneath her fingers. The hunger began to build inside of her.

Even to her human nose, the scent of Sage infused her senses. It was male, hot and dark, captivating, as she trembled under his touch. His honey-brown eyes seemed to darken as he gave her the full weight of his stare. Sage was just as hungry as she was, his tiger so very close to the surface. Tessa could see it in his eyes, sense it in his touch, and taste it in the very air around her.

She fought for breath as she felt warm hands skim down the curve of her back and knew they didn’t belong to Sage. Her body was gearing up for the claiming these two men had promised her. She was ready, but terrified of the intensity she could feel pulsing through her like wicked licks of flames. When Leontis pressed his chest into her back, Tessa knew there was no stopping them.

BOOK: The Alpha's Onyx & Fire
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