Read The Alpha's Mate: Online

Authors: E A Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Romance, #Fantasy

The Alpha's Mate: (4 page)

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Jake hung
back; he spoke in hushed tones, “if she’s bothering you...”

Bothering me?  Really?  You clearly don’t know her very well.”

His face reddened.  “
She’s part of my pack I know her well enough!”

You ignorant mutt!”  She stamped her foot in annoyance.

He inhaled and exhaled loudly, balling his hands into fists. 

“What?  You gonna huff and puff and blow my house down?”  With that Rosalee slammed the door in his face.  She leaned against it and heard him grumble as his loud footsteps retreated.

“You didn’t nee
d to do that.”  Rosalee jumped, Carly was as quiet as a mouse.

sighed.  “Yes I did, he was being rude and no one treats my friends that way.”

smiled with pleasure.  “Thank you.”

But I think I’m just going to give the hardware store a ring, I hate to think who else might be lurking in this town...”

Chapter Four

Adam paced the Sheriff’s office, his movements irritable and jerky.  Alec leaned back in his chair watching him with a maddeningly wry smile on his lips. 
Why had Adam told him that Rosalee was his mate?  Alec had become insufferably smug since finding his own mate.

“You told them to come back here straight away after speaking to her?”

Alec nodded.

He stopped pacing, “you think it was wise to send
Jake in there?  He can be a bit brutal sometimes... you don’t think he’d go overboard with this do you?”

Alec leaned forward and put his elbows onto his desk.
  “He’s one of my Deputies, he can be subtle when he needs to be, and a sledgehammer when he doesn’t need to be.” 
Calm.  Wise. Reassuring, as always.
“Besides I sent Gabe with him, Gabe’s will temper him if need be.”

Adam nodded and threw himself into one of the chairs raking his hands through his hair. 
He was exhausted
.  He had spent the night tossing and turning over how to handle his mate.  He knew he hadn’t exactly made a good impression.  He had growled at her, made sexual innuendos, flirted with another woman and then sent another wolf over to press her for information. 
Not great

After trying to sleep for two hours he had finally given in, shifted and ran all the way to her house.  He had prowled the outside of her house all night. 
The thought of her sleeping safely inside giving him some degree of comfort. 

His wolf had wanted him to march right in there and demand she recognise him as her mate.  The human part of him however was more restrained.  He was
fairly confident she would be his.  He assured himself that it was only a matter of time. 
So what if he had to wait a few days? 
They could make up for lost time later. 

First, he just had to figure out a way to woo her.  He wasn’t exactly sure how he would do that.  Usually all he had to do was smile and wink and women practically flocked to him.  His mate however was sarcastic and disparaging.  His wolf relished the challenge, his human half on the other hand wanted to skip it and get to the sex.

He had to know first though, whether she would be up to the challenges of the female Alpha role. It wasn’t just him she would be taking on, it was the entire pack and the responsibilities that went with that.

They heard loud voices outside the door and a loud knock on the office door was followed by the two Deputies barging in.

“Well?”  Demanded Adam without preamble.

Gabe carefully shut the door and cleared his throat.  “We spoke to her,
told her to amp up her security.  She was probably already on the phone to Jase as we were leaving.”

The Alpha growled his impatience at the Deputy,
“and the other thing?”

Jake snorted, “
the moment I started in on Carly she was all over it calling me a mutt and telling me to get my hairy butt out of her house.”  He growled remembering the insults.

Gabe chuckled. 
”Yeah, he’d barely even worked his way up to acting like a dick and she was fitting his balls for earrings!”

Jake grumbled whilst the other wolves stifled their laughter.  Alec nodded at Adam.  It was clear that
Rosalee had an affinity to the she-wolf, something that the female Alpha would have.  She protected the she-wolf from what she perceived as a threat.  Rosalee probably didn’t understand why she did it, but the point is that she did.  She was a born female Alpha. 
The thought made his wolf giddy.

Alec loo
ked to his Alpha.  “You want Acksel to set up a patrol to cover the Bennett house?”

Adam’s commanding voice cut through the silence.  “
No, leave it for now.”  Adam would patrol the house himself, he wanted to be near her and didn’t like the idea of another wolf watching his mate. 

Gabe coughed and looked at Adam nervously.  “Can we ask, what’s the significance of
Rosalee Bennett?”

Adam gazed at Gabe for a couple of minutes
and the young wolf fidgeted uncomfortably.

Adam’s voice rumbled through the small room.  “She’s my mate.”


The night had turned cold.  Adam was thankful he had shifted into his wolf.  He watched the flickering lights coming from the window of his mate’s house. 

Since he had arrived he had prowled around the house tracking her movements. After bathing and eating she was now watching TV, it had grown dark and she had not switched any lights on.  Perhaps she had fallen asleep.

How close did he dare get to the house?  Would it be creepy to sneak in and watch her sleep? 
Yes definitely, but still...

He pawed the ground and lay down frustrated.  Although he had spent the better part of the day
watching his mate he had not spoken to her or touched her.

settling some pack business he had sought his mate.  He had finally tracked her down to an outlet mall that stood thirty minutes drive from their town.  She was shopping with Carly.  Carly had undoubtedly known he was there but purposefully pretended she didn’t.

He had carefully stalked her from shop to shop before following her back to town.  She had picked up another pizza from Pizza
Moon, carefully avoiding either Hans or Melody who were both there again and staring daggers at one another, and then finally went home.  His wolf had huffed at him for being too chicken to approach her and talk to her, but he didn’t want to dive in and come off as a crude jackass... again.  Just being near her had been enough to ease his longing. 
For now

He breathed deeply taking in her delicious spicy yet sweet scent
.  He sighed closing his eyes. 

A loud scream suddenly pierced the quiet night.  Instantly he was on his feet and racing to the house. 
Fuck, Rosalee was in danger!


After a long day of cleaning and shopping
Rosalee had relaxed on the couch and settled down watching a bad ‘70’s cop movie.  It was dire but entertaining enough.

She felt her eyes start to droop and she drifted into sleep.  She dreamt of Adam.

She dreamt that he had come to her house.  He told her she was beautiful and began peeling the clothes off her skin.  He kissed every inch of her body worshipfully until he made his way to her sex.  Then he... then he knocked a lamp over....

’s eyes snapped open.  A dark figure flicked past her. 
Someone was in her house! 
Without thinking she screamed as loudly as she could.

She leapt up and groped for the light switch.  The black figure disappeared toward the back of the house.  She looked round for a weapon.  Picking up the broken clock
Carly had brought down earlier she readied herself for attack.

A huge crash emanated from the front door and an enormous black wolf erupted into the room snarling and snapping its jaws.  She screamed again and hurled the clock at it. 
Bullseye!  Right between the eyes.

The creature howled but ignored her and
sprinted in the direction of the intruder.

looked around wildly until she found her phone.  She called the police and babbled about an intruder and a wolf. 
She sounded nuts. 
Dimly she was aware of someone saying they were on their way before hanging up.

Looking around she noticed the broken lamp that had woken her.  She tried to slow her breathing. 
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out...

The enormous wolf casually walked back into the room.  She gulped.  The air around the wolf shimmered and in place of the wolf stood the man currently pervading her dreams – Adam.  If anything him standing there naked with blazing amber eyes was even more imposing than the wild animal.

He rubbed his head.  “You know sweetheart that wasn’t very friendly.”

She saw red.  “Friendly?  Friendly?!  I wake up to find some perv in my house and then an enormous wolf crashes through my door, and you complain at me for not being friendly?!”
  She shrieked at him.

“Well I grant you I am pretty big...”  His eyes flicked down and instinctively she looked down as well.

His huge manhood practically waved at her.  She gasped and looked away, at the floor at the ceiling anywhere but at him.  He chuckled before sobering, remembering what had happened.

“Are you okay?  Did they hurt you?”  He moved towards her and her eyes widened.

“Just stop right there buddy, I’m fine.  I heard a noise and woke up.  I saw someone run away so I turned on the light, that’s when the wolf... when you arrived and I called the police.  Did you manage to catch them?”

He rubbed his face and sighed.  “No, they were fast and they didn’t leave a scent
, they doused themself in wolfsbane.”

“Do you... do you
think it had anything to do with my grandmother?  Something she might have done while she was alive...”

He stared at her, his voice was soft with concern, “honestly I don’t know.”

She hugged her arms around herself.  Before she could stop him he was in front of her and he enfolded her into a tight hug.  He rested his chin on her head and rubbed her back soothingly.

The feel of his strong arms around her was comforting and she relaxed into his body.  He felt the tension leave her
and he relaxed a little too.  But he was still anxious with the knowledge that someone was in her house perhaps trying to do her harm, and despite being close to the house he hadn’t been able to stop them. 

She ran her hands up the smooth tight muscles of his back.  The feel of his erection pressing tightly into her stomach was electrifying, heat pooled between her legs.  She closed her eyes and sighed as she inhaled his masculine scent. 
He smelled beautiful, like fresh rain.
  She wondered if he tasted that way too.  Perhaps she should just lick his chest, she could tease him and bit one of his nipples....

Her eyes snapped open. 
No, no, no this was not happening.
  She wriggled trying to get away from him but he only held on to her tighter.  If anything his erection seemed to grow at the friction her struggles caused.  It was so big it was almost painful.

She gave in.  “What are you doing here anyway?”  She asked slightly muffled by his magnificent chest.

“I came by to make sure you were okay Rosalee.”

“I had no idea you cared Arnold.
  Please call me Rose.”

His chest heaved with
laughter, the sound resonated through her body.  Every nerve ending tingled pleasurably.  “I do care

They stood entwined for a few minutes until a sharp cough startled her.  Adam reluctantly let go of h
er and they turned to see that the Sheriff Alec, out of uniform, and Deputy Jake, still in uniform, had arrived.  She didn’t even hear their cars.  Too engrossed with the perfect specimen in front of her...

Adam moved slightly in front of
Rosalee as if shielding her for the other wolves.  Rosalee was embarrassed about being found in the arms of a naked man but the other wolves didn’t bat an eye. 
Mac was right, nudity really doesn’t bother them.

Quickly Adam explained what had happened. Alec and Jake went outside to look around. 
Rosalee quickly slipped out of the room and came back carrying a large pink bath towel.

Flinging the towel at
him she said, “for the love of Zeus, please, cover up.”

He wrapped it round his lower body and smiled at her seductively.  “All right, but only because I like it when you beg.”

She pursed her lips before raising an eyebrow.  “Good
, because I’ve already suffered enough tonight.”

“Hey you want me to ease your suffering just say the word, as you can see I’m more than ready.”  He adjusted the towel around his groin and without thinking she looked directly at the bulge.
Why couldn’t he stop teasing her?

“Ugh! You are such a butthole!”

The Sheriff and Jake came back in the room.  Jake snickered at the pink towel his Alpha wore but quietened under the warning glare of the Sheriff.

“I’m Sheriff Alec Hart and Beta of the Grey wolf pack.  I’m sorry we’re meeting under these circumstances ma’am.” 

She guessed the Sheriff was in his mid-thirties.  He had dark brown hair and green eyes.  Broad shoulders and a wide chest packed full of muscles barely contained by the t-shirt he was wearing.  He must have stood at least six feet three tall.  Like Adam, Rosalee could sense power radiating from him.  Unlike Adam he was direct and no nonsense. 
Adam was all nonsense, at least with her he was.

“Please call me
Rose, it’s nice to meet you.”

Alec asked her some questions about what had happened and took notes.  Adam and Jake listened patiently.

“Whoever it was must have come in through the back door, we found a key still in it.  There was one of those hide-a-key rocks on the porch.  They’re not exactly hard to spot.  It is possible this was just a spontaneous crime, someone who thought the house was empty since Iris was dead might have thought to rob it.  We’ve had that a few times over the last couple of years.”

That’s just a guess though right?”

The Sheriff looked at her directly.  “
Yes.  For now I really think it would be better if you packed a few things and spent the night in town at the bed and breakfast.”

She looked at him obstinately.  “I don’t want to be run out of my home
... even if it is a temporary home.”

ake rolled his eyes and tried to reason with her.  “You’re being foolish...” 
He didn’t get off to a good start.

m snarled at him and Alec placed a hand on his shoulder.  “Jake go and fetch some board for the front door.  Now.”

Jake, seeing the murderous look on his Alpha’s face, ran out of there as quickly as he could.

Rosalee looked at them wonderingly. 
Why was Adam so angry at Jake?  Why did they need board?

Seeing the confused look on her face the Sheriff explained.  “We need to do something about your front door, we can patch it up tonight but it’s
gonna need to be completely replaced.”


Adam having calmed down put his arm around her shoulder.  “I broke it down after I heard you scream.”

“What?!”  She rushed to look at it and sure enough it looked like it had been shredded.  “You butthole!  Look what you’ve done!”

He smirked and readjusted the towel drawing her eye to the bulge again.  “The door was
, I had to break it down to get in.”

She groaned.  “Terrific” she muttered dragging herself back into the living room.  She slumped onto the couch.

Adam sat down heavily in an armchair.  “Hey I thought you were being murdered in here, sweetheart I will buy you a new door.”

The Sheriff stiffened and sniffed the air
groaning loudly.  A few seconds later Rosalee was surprised to see the plump blonde girl from Pizza Moon rush in.  Her hair was stuck up at different angles and she was wearing a large blue sweatshirt over a pair of pyjama shorts and some tennis shoes.

“What are you doing here?”  Asked Alec heatedly.

Rosalee cringed at his forceful tone but Liv huffed at him.  “Mac rang me and told me what happened.  I thought Rosalee might need to be comforted.”

Alec glowered at her. 
“It’s not safe for you to be running around at night on your own, and half dressed no less!”

could hear Adam stifling a laugh.  Liv put her hands on her hips.  “I am fully dressed.”

“People can see your legs.”  Ground out Alec.

“Don’t worry I haven’t had any complaints.”  Alec growled throatily.  “Rosalee! Are you okay?  What happened?”  Liv rushed to sit by Rosalee’s side on the couch and put a comforting arm around her.  “I’m Liv by the way, Liv Briers-Hart.  The cute scowly one is my mate.”  She gestured at Alec who gave her a dark look.

alee smiled at the energetic and sweet young woman, immediately liking her.  “It’s nice to meet you Liv.  Someone broke into the house but I’m fine really, nothing happened, they broke a lamp and then ran off when I woke up.  I’m sorry I didn’t mean for you to be dragged out of bed.”

Liv’s faced creased in worry and she tightened her arm around Ros
alee’s shoulders.  “You poor thing, is there anything I can do?” 

alee felt pleased at Liv’s attention and smiled again.  “No really, I appreciate you coming by, really I do, but I’m fine. You should get home.”

Alec came and stood by his mate. 
“You hear that angel?  She said she’s fine.  I’m taking you home.”

Liv frowned.  “What about Ros
alee?  She can’t stay here.”

“I agree.”  Rumbled Adam
leaning forward in the armchair.  “You can come and stay at my house sweetheart.”

alee cocked an eyebrow.  “I think I might actually be safer here, and you still haven’t explained what you were doing hanging round my house anyway before you made mincemeat of my door.”

Adam faltered for a second
before beaming triumphantly.  “Your house backs onto pack land, I was patrolling the area.”

She looked at him in disbelief.  “Lucky you happened to be right here then.”

“Couldn’t agree more sweetheart.”

Liv snapped her fingers. 
“If you like I can spend the night here?  Safety in numbers and all that, and I am already in my pjs.” 

“No!”  Yelled Alec.
  “Rosalee, you are welcome to come and stay at our house, but you!”  He pointed at Liv.  “Are not staying here.  You are coming home, end of discussion.”

alee was again taken aback at the Sheriff’s insistent tone but Liv just giggled.  Seeing Rosalee’s surprised face she whispered to her, “ignore him, he’s a sweetie really.”

Adam chuckled
.  “Or I can stay here?”  He offered with apparent indifference.

“That’s really not necessary...”  Rosalee started to speak before the large Alpha leapt to his feet and bounded across the room to her.

alee felt a surprising rush of excitement at seeing him coming towards her, for a second she thought he was going to pounce on her.  She was annoyed at how disappointed she was when he stopped and stood next to Alec.

“Well,” he began in a deep rough voice that had every nerve ending tingling, “either
you stay with Liv and Alec or I stay here with you – dealer’s choice.”  She smirked at her.

alee balked at the idea of the sexy naked Alpha under the same roof as her.  She could tell he was aroused by her, a flicker of her eyes to his groin confirmed that.  He was erect and ready to go, the towel did nothing to hide that fact. 

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