The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (10 page)

BOOK: The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance
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“Well, we wouldn’t want to overstay our welcome,” said Night then. “I’ll go warm up the truck while you two figure out all the details. Good-bye, Dawson. I hope to see you again soon.”

“Count on it, Nightsky,” he said. “Neighbors like us really do need to stick together. Good day.”



“That was—interesting,” Night commented when Rick returned to the truck.

“Yeah, wasn’t it, though,” he laughed. “But you know females. They always attract first to the leader of the pack. She warmed up to me well enough after your sexy ass was no longer in sight.”

“Oh, come on, it must be the hat,” Night laughed.

“You know very well that it’s not,” Rick told him, trying to hide his grin. “Let’s get you back to Chastity before the little bitch turns and comes slavering after you or something.”

“Good idea,” Night agreed. “I hope she didn’t get any of her smell on me or anything. Chastity’s likely to bite her head off if she did.”

Rick laughed. “There you go, problem solved.”

“Don’t you want her for yourself, then?”

“I don’t know, she’s pretty enough I suppose, if Reina doesn’t come around,” he laughed.

“There’s always Grindelle,” Night reminded him wickedly.

“Or celibacy works,” Rick replied.

Night laughed at that, periodically, all the way to Wolfhaven. Rick left the truck with a somewhat sour expression and did not even say good-bye.

“Well, I did lay it on thick, I suppose,” Night chuckled as he went to look for Chastity and tell her how his day had gone. He decided not to mention the daughter, and speak only of the discovery of the supervisor instead.

“My darling, I have got to tell you the most amazing news,” he said as he caught her around her growing belly.

“What’s happened?” she asked as she leaned back into his arms.

“The mining supervisor is one of us,” he said incredulously. “I never would have expected that, but I do believe it might make it much easier having him as our neighbor. Of course, all the miners are humans and such, but that shouldn’t be too difficult to get around with him at the helm. He’s sure to help us keep our true existence silent.”

“But that’s wonderful news,” she said with a smile. “I have news as well. I felt the baby kicking me while you were away. Rather insistently, I might add.”

“Really?” asked Night speculatively. “That’s wonderful news.”

He spent the next few hours wondering if their child had psychic abilities and had kicked at precisely the same time as Katie had been trying to flirt with him. But in the end, since he hadn’t been trying to flirt back, he supposed it didn’t matter.

He smiled dreamily as he took Chastity’s ringed hand and began to play with the diamond. She had been trying to read as they sat companionably together on one of the outdoor benches, but when he did this she willingly set the book aside. “What are you thinking on so hard?” she wanted to know.

“Me? Just wondering how much Dawson really needs to know,” he responded. “I mean he likes that werewolves are out here trying to build a pack, but I’m not too sure what he would think of you and I, being super-wolves, trying to create more. A lot of people would probably find that offensive. Hell, you know that some of our own pack did not care for the idea.”

“That’s very true,” she agreed. “But really, this Dawson doesn’t need to know about it. He’s just a neighbor, not your babysitter.”

“I agree,” Night said. “But I really would like to invite him over to have a look around. Just so he has an idea of what it is he’s going to be helping to protect.”

“Yes, by all means, that’s an excellent idea,” she agreed. ‘The more allies we have the better, I say.”

It wasn’t three days later when Dawson and his daughter arrived, by appointment, at the newly completed gates to Wolfhaven resort. Amos Little had been set as a sort of guard there, and he was excited to have his first customers as he sat up more fully inside his little booth.

“May I help you folks?” he asked, then sniffed the air curiously, realizing what type of folks they were.

“Indeed you can,” Dawson said with a smile. “Your Alpha has invited my daughter and I in for a little visit. He’s expecting me within the next half an hour.”

“Of course,” Amos said. “He told me about it. If you’ll just drive on through to that large building there and step inside, I’m sure that Night and Chastity will be available shortly.”

“Chastity?” Katie smirked. “She doesn’t sound very hot with a name like that.”

Amos raised a brow at this. “Girl, if I were you, I would not make disparaging remarks about the Alpha or his wife within these walls. Folks here tend to be very loyal to what amounts to our royal couple. I can’t vouch for your safety if you have that sort of attitude around them.”

“Thanks for the advice,” she replied.

“Advice that never should have needed giving,” her father growled irritably. “When are you going to learn the meaning of respect, Katie? You’re lucky I don’t dump you outside the fence and continue inside alone.”

“Sorry,” she said contritely.

Inside the large building, Tess was standing in as receptionist while her kids sat quietly nearby, playing with coloring books. She smiled at the two people as they stepped inside.

“Oh, hello,” she greeted them. “I thought there was only one of you coming along. I’ll let Night know that you’re here. It should only take a minute or two before he comes.”

“Thanks,” Dawson said with a smile.

Katie looked around at the building, which clearly had only just been built. “Nice place,” she said. “I like it around here.”

“Just keep that in mind before you misbehave again,” her father replied.

“Yes, sir,” she said in a long suffering tone.

“Oh, you’ve brought your daughter, I see,” said Night as he began to fidget. “I thought Rick was going to show her around.”

“He did, yesterday,” said the man irritably. “But she insisted on coming along today as well.”

“I see,” Night replied. “Well, here’s my Chastity now. Do try to be polite, Katie. Pregnant women who are very much in love with their mate can be pretty vicious about protecting their territory. And I am equally in love with her.”

“Fine,” she grumbled. “I get it.”

“I hope that you do,” Night replied.

Katie was staring at Chastity’s ring as they began to walk. “Nice rock,” she told her with an insincere smile.

“Thanks,” said Chastity, aware of the negativity in the air. “I didn’t know Dawson was bringing along his wife.”

“Daughter,” she grumbled. “Single daughter.”

“Well, I suppose you’ve come to the right place,” Chastity answered with a smile. “Most of the men are untaken here.”

“Most of them,” she agreed with a dejected sigh, leaving Chastity wondering what her problem was. She cast Night a questioning look, but he merely rolled his eyes.


Chastity grit her teeth when Amos called in to announce that Katie Dawson had just come through the gate. Over the last couple of months, the girl had become more and more pesky, mooning after Night at every available opportunity and doing her best to start trouble whenever she came to visit. Today there was no real reason for her presence that Chastity could think of, and that just made the arrival more annoying than ever.

She came down to greet her, even though her belly slowed her down a bit these days. This was only the fifth month of her pregnancy, but with the use of the enhancing supplements, it was likely to be her last. But it wasn’t herself she was worried about this week, it was Tess. That woman was due to give birth any time now, and the two of them were more excited about it that words could express.

“Hello, Katie, how are you today,” said Chastity pleasantly, to the loathsome young woman.

“Very well, thank you,” she replied with acid sweetness. “My father sent me with a message for Night. Have you seen him anywhere?”

“Not since we got out of our bed this morning. He and I are supposed to have lunch together soon. Perhaps you’d like to tag along, at least long enough to share your news?”

“Oh, no, that’s all right,” she said. “I’ll just go look for him now, and then you can have him when I’m done with him.”

“How kind of you,” Chastity said, coming very close to slapping the insolence right off her.

“Don’t mention it,” she smirked.

“Just don’t take too long, though, Katie, since he’s really looking forward to our outing and he’s just too polite for his own good,” Chastity added.

“Yes, that’s true,” she agreed. “He’s very sweet that way.”

Chastity grit her teeth as she walked away. She decided to go check on Tess, since last night she’d been feeling rather anxious about the number of time’s her belly had tightened that day, and the baby hadn’t been kicking her a whole lot, as it usually did.

Both of them were certain the child was resting up in preparation for the big day. In fact, when she came to check on her, Tess insisted she was certain it would be sometime that evening.

“I really wonder if you should stay with me for a few hours,” she said nervously.

“But Night and I were planning on having a picnic this afternoon,” said Chastity. She was not nearly as disappointed as she was apprehensive. Katie had gone looking for Night, and if she had found him and Chastity did not appear to rescue him, who knew what sort of ideas the girl might get concerning him. Chastity was sure Night would never bother with Katie, but that didn’t stop the girl from trying to bother him.

Spell it out,
she told herself firmly.
You think she’s going to try to kiss him—or worse. And considering how much the man likes kissing, he might very well kiss her back. But whether he does, or whether he doesn’t, your friend needs you and you really should stay with her.

“I’ll call him,” she decided. “And tell him we’ll have to picnic over here. And not to bring that stupid little miner’s daughter when he does.”

“You mean Katie?” Tess asked. “Why would Night want to bring Katie? He can’t stand her.”

“I know,” she sighed. “But she just showed up looking for him, talking about how she has some stupid message from her father for him and said she’ll give him back to me once she’s done with him. I hate her.”

“If she’d said something like that to me, I think I’d have ripped her head right off,” Tess said as she rubbed at her aching abdomen. “You’re being much too tolerant, don’t you think?”

“If I bite her head off, her father might decide to tell the authorities what’s really going on here,” Chastity pointed out. “That’s the last thing we need.”

“Call your man, silly,” Tess told her. “Don’t let some stupid little wench try to pull you two apart, especially when neither of you even want to be pulled.”

“You’re right,” she said with a sigh. “It’s just really annoying, that’s all.”

“Call him now.”

Chastity pulled her cell out of her pocket and pressed the two buttons it took to dial Night. When he answered right away, she smiled.

“What’s up, sweetheart?” he asked.

“Tess is worried that she might be in labor,” she said. “We could always have a picnic right here with her.”

“That’s a great idea.”

“And Katie is not invited,” she had to add.

“Katie? What’s she got to do with anything?”

“She didn’t find you then?”

“Haven’t seen her,” he said. “Damn it, don’t tell me she’s here again.”

“She’s looking for you, as a matter of fact,” Chastity warned him. “Says she has a message for you from her father. I think she was just trying to mess with me.”

“Must have been, since I’m standing in plain sight in the courtyard,” he agreed. “She would have to have seen me right here.”

“Good, I don’t want her anywhere near you anyway,” Chastity grumbled.

“Me neither,” he chuckled. “Unfortunately, I just spotted her heading this way.”

“Good, I’d love to hear what she tells you her father supposedly had to say.”

“In my pocket you go, lover,” he chuckled. “Just remember, don’t play with anything in there you don’t plan on satisfying completely.”

“How could I?” she asked with a chuckle. “It’s virtually impossible.”

Night laughed as he put the cell phone, still on, into his pocket. Katie stepped up to him soon after.

“Hello, Night,” she said in a sultry tone.

“Um, hello?” he said, backing away as she invaded his personal space. ‘What are you doing here?”

“Does a girl have to have a reason to be somewhere?” she asked. “Maybe I just enjoy the company.”

“Oh, I see,” he said. “Where’s the company you’re enjoying then? You don’t seem to be talking to anyone around here.”

“Except you,” she pointed out.

“Well, that’s great, but I’m afraid I don’t have time to keep you entertained today,” he said dryly. “Chastity and I have important things to do. I’m meant to go meet her shortly, so I suppose if you intend to stay you should probably go find Rick or somebody else to pester.”

“So I’m a pest, then?”

“Apparently,” he said. “Chastity sure thinks so.”

“And you always worry about what she thinks?” Katie scoffed.

“Always,” Night said pointedly. “Well, I need to get going. You have a nice day.”

As Night stepped away from her, he pulled his phone from his pocket again and spoke into it. “Well, you nailed that right on the head.”

BOOK: The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance
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