Read The Alphas' Bliss Online

Authors: G.J. Cox

The Alphas' Bliss (17 page)

BOOK: The Alphas' Bliss
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he hit came out of nowhere. One minute we were rolling down the country road and the next, the back end of the SUV was lifted in the air. Thankfully, it didn’t flip over.

“Micha, what’s happening?” Bliss asked worriedly. She’d been napping but was now wide awake.

“I don’t know baby, but I’m going to try to get us out of here,” I said just before a second blast hit the SUV. The back end was whipped around and lifted off the ground. There was no stopping the momentum. We flipped to the side and skidded down an embankment.

Bliss’ grunt of pain and the smell of blood filled my senses. My eyes turned red and my fangs dropped. As soon as we came to a very sudden stop at the bottom of the embankment, I snapped my seatbelt off and reached under the seat for the guns strapped there. I came up with two loaded handguns.

“Bliss? Bliss!” I shouted but didn’t get an answering response. I had great night vision so I could see her still strapped in her seat. We were on our sides in the car so I crawled over to her. She’d been knocked out. I unsnapped her belt, pulling her into my arms so she wouldn’t fall onto the center console. I laid her down flat, then pushed her door open. I carefully climbed over Bliss and the seat, pulling my upper body out of the SUV. I sniffed the air, checking for gas leaks. Thankfully there weren’t any. I did pick up the scent of wolves, however. The howls came next. I left Bliss in the SUV, shutting the door tightly.

I reached out to Devin. “
We are under attack. Six miles from Ranch. Will need backup. I can smell about a dozen wolves.”

“We are on our way. Hold on Micha.”

“No worries. I’ll take a few heads off till you get here.”

I saw them headed down the embankment so I took aim and started shooting. I knocked a few off their feet but they soon got back up.

I reached out to my warriors, letting them know of the situation and my location. A collective roar entered my mind. They were pissed and on their way.

The first Werewolf that reached me, didn’t last long. I grabbed ahold of that big head and twisted it till it popped. The beast fell to the ground lifeless. Just as I was attacked by two others, my warriors materialized in the field behind the circling wolves.

“Hey assholes, how about you come on over here and take us on,” Warrick called loudly.

Several of the wolves turned to view the new arrivals. It was like a clash of thunder as wolves came against vampires. I heard the clash of swords, the sound of gunfire and the screams of the dying. I knew none of my males had fallen, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. The sting of wolf fangs in my shoulder had me paying more attention to my opponents. I had my own battle to fight.







y enforcers and I came to the clearing just as Micha fell to the ground and a wolf pounced on him. I made a direct line to them. Being shifted, I was much faster than if I wasn’t in wolf form. I pulled the large wolf off of Micha, biting into the throat killing it instantly. I went to Micha’s prone form, looking him over. There was blood everywhere but not much of it was Micha’s. It mostly smelled like wolf. I shifted back.

“How badly are you hurt Micha?” I asked helping him sit up.

“A few bites, maybe a few broken ribs. I’ll live,” he responded tiredly. We both looked into the field and noticed the only ones standing were my wolves and Micha’s warriors.

“Bliss?” I asked.

“Knocked unconscious. She’s still in the SUV. Thought it was the safest place for her.”

I nodded. “Sit tight, I’ll go get her,” I touched Micha’s shoulder then ran over to the SUV. I jumped on the side of the car, pulling the door open and saw Bliss lying flat on the driver’s side door.

“Bliss, Bliss baby, wake up,” I called out to her.

She slowly came to, opening her eyes, looking around. “Micha?” she asked immediately.

“He’s safe baby. Can you stand? Can you get to me?” I extended my hands to her. She slowly rolled over, coming to her knees, then to her feet. She took my hands and I began to pull her out of the car. Conrad was right there to lend a hand as she made it partially out. He grabbed her and pulled her the rest of the way.

“Thank you,” she murmured before turning to me.

“Are you ok?” She was wobbling on her feet so I jumped down from the side of the SUV and took her in my arms.

“I’m fine baby. Let’s get you to Micha,” I told her while picking her up and carrying her over to Micha. The minute I placed her next to him, she was pulling her sleeve up on the borrowed hoodie. All the warriors and enforcers were standing nearby.

“Feed Micha,” she directed pushing her wrist in front of him.

Micha opened his eyes, reached out and caressed her cheek. “Thank you baby, but…”

Bliss bit into her own wrist and shoved it against his lips. He’d either drink or let her bleed out. He opted for feeding after first firing off a litany of curses. I couldn’t help but smile. She had us both wrapped around her little finger.

I walked over to where the warriors were gathered. “Any alive?” I asked Warrick, Micha’s lead warrior.

“No. Sorry we didn’t think to leave any breathing,” he responded without an ounce of remorse.

I shrugged. Their scent would tell me who they belonged too. “How many of you are injured?”

“Kai took a pretty bad bite to his arm but nothing more serious than that. He’ll heal after he feeds. The rest of us are ok, considering.”

I nodded. “Do you have a ride back to the estate? I can call in extra support,” I told him reaching for my phone.

“We’re good. Jean-Luc is headed this way. We’ll take Micha back with us and have Lucy take a look at him. How’s Bliss?” he asked looking over at her. Then he cursed, dematerializing away.

I turned to see him forcing his hand between Micha’s lips and Bliss’ wrist. Micha growled ferociously. I ran over to them in time to grab Bliss and keep her from falling over.

“She’s injured Micha. You can’t take that much!” Warrick growled in Micha’s face. Micha growled again reaching for Bliss. I pulled her away from him. His eyes were blood red, his fangs dripping with Bliss’ blood. He looked down-right dangerous.

“What the fuck is wrong with him?” I asked? Warrick was holding on to Bliss as I took her wrist to my mouth, licking closed the tear that Micha had caused.

“He’s injured. We go a little blood crazy when we’ve been injured. We
feed from a female alone after injury. We need another warrior on hand to stop us from taking too much or taking the female sexually, unless she gives permission to do so. Plus, Bliss is injured. He shouldn’t be feeding from her at all,” Warrick explained all this while holding Micha down.

“Mine!” Micha growled looking directly at Bliss.

“Let me go to him,” she said weakly.

I shook my head. “No baby, he is dangerous right now,” I told her.

!” Micha growled again.

Bliss began to pull away from me. “He won’t hurt me. I need to go to him Devin,” she argued. I looked over at Warrick who nodded.

“It might calm him down,” Warrick explained. He got in Micha’s face again. “No feeding, understand?” he growled deeply.

Micha blinked a few times, his eye color receding a bit. “Hold her. Mine,” he grumbled.

I released Bliss but walked right behind her. The minute she was within reach of Micha he grabbed her and brought her down to his lap. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and buried his face in her neck. Bliss wrapped her arms around his neck and rubbed his back, whispering to him. I sat down next to them to keep an eye on things. Micha reached over to me and pulled my arm out. He nudged Bliss till she looked at him.

“Feed,” he instructed her, pushing my wrist her way. Bliss licked her lips.

“Baby, it’s okay, take what you need.” I reached out with my other hand and caressed her cheek. “Feed,” I told her.

Bliss looked from Micha to me then back again. She reached out for my wrist taking it gently in her hands. She kissed my wrist then sunk her fangs in. I hissed at the pleasure. My cock swelled behind my jeans. Now was not the time to be getting a hard on.

The question entered my mind. I looked over at Micha, but his head was buried in her neck again.

“No, she’s ok. Warrick stopped you from taking too much of her blood.”

“Not…okay. I sense…pain and smell…her blood. I can’t…let her go.”

Bliss licked my wrist and kissed it again. “Thank you Devin,” she said groggily.

“Bliss, are you injured, bleeding?” I asked her with concern. I reached out to touch her.

She thought for a minute. “I don’t think so. My head hurts but I don’t have any cuts.”

Warrick came around and began to feel around her head. Micha growled at him. He just rolled his eyes. He touched a tender spot on her scalp and she yelped.

“Found it. You have a small abrasion right here. You must have hit your head on the window when the SUV flipped.” The sound of a horn blowing got Warrick’s attention. “About fucking time.”

He turned to look at me. “Our ride is here. Can you get these two to the SUV and I’ll help with Kai?”

“Sure no problem. Micha will you give me Bliss until we get to the car?” I said softly, reaching for her. He pulled his head out of her neck to look at me. His eyes were normal once again.

He nodded handing her over. She gave a small whimper of pain. Micha growled and reached for her.

“She’s okay, I’ve got her. Can you stand?” I asked backing away from him slowly. He came to his knees then started to stand but fell to his knees again. He was much worse than he’d let on.

Before I could blink, the twins were there on each side of Micha, helping him stand. “We’ve got you old man,” Brock teased. Micha growled low making the twins smile.

We trudged up the hill as a unit. Bliss was completely wiped out. I thought she might have a broken rib because she tensed with each step I took. The twins helped Micha into the large SUV and I handed Bliss to him.

“I think she may have a broken rib. Have Lucy check her out?” I brushed her hair away from her face.

“You not coming home?” Bradley asked curiously.

I shook my head. “I’ll be there later. I need to take care of things here,” I said with regret. There was nothing more I wanted than to take care of Bliss, but she was in good hands with Micha and the twins.

“Understood. Call if you need our help,” Bradley offered, before climbing into the SUV. The rest of the warriors made it up the hill and climbed into the SUV. Warrick was the last to climb in. He shook my hand and pulled me into a tight embrace.

“I’ll send you updates. Let us know if we can help in any way.”

I nodded. “Thanks. I’ll be home later.”

I watched the SUV drive away then I turned to the scene below. The SUV that Micha and Bliss had left in was on its side in the ravine. The back end looked like it had taken several blasts. Twelve dead wolves lay in the field. They’d all automatically shifted back to their human forms after death. My enforcers were already hard at work trying to find out who they were. I sniffed the air but all I could pick up was twelve unique scents that I didn’t recognize.

I called the Ranch to schedule a pickup of the bodies, then I sent out a mass email to all the pack Alphas. I wanted the bodies identified by morning. I would find out who was after my mate and why.







icha’s growl roused me from my deep sleep. We’d gotten back to the estate and Lucy had taken care of us. She’d stitched the cut on my head and Micha’s deeper wounds. Kai had fed and was recovering well from his bites. The other warriors just had bumps and bruises, nothing to be too concerned about.

“Stop being a stubborn fool Micha. You need to feed and Bliss isn’t in any shape to feed you. You’ve got to take from Ursula,” Brock argued.

I was lying flat on a couch with a heavy blanket over me. I sat up slowly. I had a broken rib after all and a slight concussion. I didn’t want to puke all over the pristine floor by sitting up too quickly.

“What’s going on?” I asked. Both males turned to look at me guiltily.

“Sorry to wake you my lady,” Brock said putting his hand to his heart and bowing low.

“It’s okay but, why are you arguing with Micha?” I climbed from the couch making my way to Micha’s bed.

“He won’t feed. He needs to recover but he won’t feed from Bradley and my source. He says it will hurt your feelings. You can’t feed him right now because you need blood yourself,” he explained.

“Micha, Brock’s right. I’m too weak to feed you and honey, you need to feed. You are looking a little gray.” I ran my fingers through his silky black hair.

“It’s another female Bliss. I remember well how hurt you were the last time I fed from someone else. I’m the fucking King and if I say I can wait to feed, then I can wait,” he groused.

“Stubborn ass!” Brock retorted. I nodded in agreement.

“Please bring her in Brock. He’ll feed.” I left no room for argument. I gently climbed into bed with Micha, laying my head on his chest.

“I’m here with you this time and she won’t be naked or trying to get into your pants. She’s just here to feed you, Micha. Please do this for me,” I begged rubbing his chest absently.

Micha kissed the top of my head and squeezed me gently, but it was enough to make me squeak. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

Brock and Bradley came through the door single file with a beautiful redhead between them. She was dressed in a long white robe, her hair done up away from her neck.

“Micha, my lady, this is Ursula. She’s been Brock and my blood source for sixty years. It would be our honor to offer her services to you both,” Brock said, bringing Ursula to the forefront.

She bowed low and respectfully. Then she looked up at us and, smiled, softening her features even more. “It would be my pleasure and honor to serve you Sire. With your permission my Queen.”

I liked her immediately. “Thank you Ursula. You have my permission but you are to keep your clothes on and your hands to yourself.” I didn’t mean for it to come out so aristocratic and haughty but it did. She bowed her head.

“But of course my Queen.” She began to fold her sleeve up, revealing a delicate wrist. Her skin was so fair; you could see the veins running under it.

Micha’s whole body was shaking and when I looked up at him, his fangs had dropped and his eyes were shining bright blue. My mate was dangerously hungry. I looked to Brock and Bradley.

“Is this safe?” I asked them worried about Ursula’s welfare. I didn’t want Micha to unintentionally hurt her.

Brock nodded. “You will ground him my lady. Just keep touching him while he feeds and everything will be fine.”

Micha took the delicate wrist in his hands and brought it to his lips. He looked directly at me and bit. Ursula didn’t make a sound. Micha continued to look at me as he pulled on her vein. He wasn’t aggressive but he wasn’t gentle either. I rubbed his chest gently, soothingly, and he made a sound much like a purr. His color came back gradually as he drank. He drank for a moment longer then released her wrist. She took it up to her mouth and closed the pin-pricks herself.

Micha turned to Ursula and bowed his head. “Thank you for your service Ursula,” he said formally.

Ursula smiled again. “It was my pleasure Sire. Should you or the queen ever be in need again, please just call upon me,” she turned to the warriors and nodded her head. They quietly escorted her out of the room.

Micha turned to me and growled low. I looked up at him quickly. “What’s…” I began, but his lips quieted the question. The kiss was rough, his tongue stabbing deep, his fangs rubbing against my bottom lip. He nipped me and blood came to the surface. His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to his body. He turned on his side so we were facing each other.

“I know you are hurt baby, but god, I need you,” he said hoarsely, needful.

“I’m yours Micha. Always.” I kissed his chin, and each side of his neck on his pulse points. I slid my hand under the blanket down his torso, over his thighs and back up to his six pack. He growled, making me smile. “Is there a particular place you want me to touch?” I teased.

His hips bucked, his cock hitting my thigh. “Jack me off,” he demanded roughly.

I took his long hard cock in my hand, gripping it tightly like he had shown me. I slid my hand down the velvety steel rod, then back up again. He moaned loudly, pushing his hips into me again.

“More,” he begged.

I didn’t hesitate. I started working him at a fast pace, occasionally running my thumb over the head to pick up the moisture that gathered there. He got harder, longer, and wider the more I pumped him. My fingers couldn’t close around his cock he’d swelled so much. I looked up at him and his head was thrown back, his fangs buried in his bottom lip. I could see the muscles in his neck and shoulders bunch. His right hand gripped my ass cheek.

“Bite me,” he instructed, pulling me closer.

“Micha, you’re hurt,” I reminded him, still working him. He was close. I could feel the pulse of him through his cock.

“Fucking bite me mate!” He growled squeezing my ass cheek.

I didn’t warn him, I just struck that bulging vein in his neck, digging deep. He roared deeply and came hard. Burst after burst of his hot semen hit my thigh and covered my hand. I stopped working him when he started to twitch, becoming too sensitive for my touch. He was breathing hard and still had a firm grip on me. I’d have a bruise in the shape of his hand.

“God, thank you sweetheart,” he kissed my forehead, relaxing his grip on my backside.

I kissed his chest. “You’re welcome. How about a shower now?”

He stretched mightily. “Hmm, sounds like a plan,” he said jumping from the bed, obviously feeling fine after feeding. He was still covered in bruises but even they were beginning to heal.

He picked me up, carrying me to the large bathroom. He set me down close to the stall, reached in and turned the faucets on. He then proceeded to remove the scrubs I’d changed into after Lucy had examined me. He looked me over with a critical eye.
“Did feeding help?” he asked lightly touching my right side where I had a broken rib.

“Yes, I’m not as sore,” I said touching my rib cage. “I assume it is healing.”

“Good. That means I can eat your pussy while we’re in the shower,” he stated simply. My face flamed and he laughed heartily.

“My sweet innocent virgin,” he said playfully pulling me into the shower. I yelped when the hot water hit my back.

“Virgin no longer,” I smiled up at him.

He cupped my back side again, this time with both hands. One of his fingers delved between my cheeks making me tense. “You are still a virgin in one place,” he said pushing his finger inside my backside.

I gasped. “Micha...” I groaned trying to escape the foreign sensation.

“Shh, baby. Relax for me. I won’t take you here today but eventually Devin and I will want to take you together. Your pussy is too small and tight for double penetration, we’d hurt you so the only other option is for one of us to take your ass,” he said all the while working his finger in and out of me.

I shook my head. “You’re both too big to take me there,” I tried to convince him.

He gave me an evil smile. “There are devices we can use to stretch you, to train your backside to take us. We’ll start working on that tomorrow.”

My head fell forward against his chest. He laughed. “We’ll make it enjoyable baby. You’ll see it won’t be so bad,” he gave one final thrust of that finger then pulled it out. I sighed in relief.

“Now, I promised to eat your pussy. I expect at least two orgasms from you,” he said pushing me back against the shower wall. He knelt in front of me, picked up one of my legs and placed it over his shoulder. His other hand gripped my thigh. I grabbed the handrail that was connected to the shower wall.

He didn’t waste a moment. He went directly for my clit and sucked it between his teeth. The fiery sensations had me jumping and moaning.

“Be still!” He grumbled, then went back to work. And oh my god, did he ever work at getting those two orgasms out of me. After the fourth one, I begged him to stop. I couldn’t take anymore. I was completely wrung out.

“Please Micha, no more,” I pleaded pushing at his head. He gave my clit a soft kiss then came to his full height. I leaned heavily into him, my eyes closing.

He proceeded to wash me and then himself, all the while holding me up. My long hair proved to be difficult but he got the job done. When we were all rinsed off, he took me from the stall, wrapped my hair in a towel and quickly dried us both off. He donned a pair of drawstring pants and wrapped me in a big towel. He picked me up like I weighed nothing and headed out the door. We bypassed the hospital bed, and went out into the main hall. Just as we were headed to the main door that would lead up to the house, Lucy stepped in front of us.

“Everything okay?” she asked looking over us both with concern.

“Yeah, just taking my mate up to our room. Can you come by later to remove the stitches?” Micha asked.

“Of course. Go rest…and I mean it Micha…let her rest,” Lucy reprimanded with a knowing smile.

Micha smiled and nodded in return. I leaned my head back on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Sleep came quickly.



BOOK: The Alphas' Bliss
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