The Alpha Men's Secret Club 3: Fallout: A Scorchingly Hot BBW Shifter Romance (9 page)

BOOK: The Alpha Men's Secret Club 3: Fallout: A Scorchingly Hot BBW Shifter Romance
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guided Kate to the woods beyond the circle and the stones. It was quieter here. The thud-thud-thud of music still echoed through the trees, but the atmosphere was relatively more serene.

e had plenty of misgivings. He had tried to introduce Kate to a little more of his world – a world of raves and exhibitionism and public bondage sex – but maybe it was a little too much too soon for her. After all, she was an innocent to all this. She was pure and beautiful and trusting and everything he was not.

He should not corrupt her.

Already, his urges for her were unholy. He wasn’t talking about his lust. His lust for her ripe body was infinite and shadowed only by his inexplicable affection for her. He had not felt like this towards another human being – so protective and omnipotent. Maybe it was because of the difference between their ages. Maybe it was because of Kate’s sweet personality herself. And the fact that she loved him.

He knew
that she loved him. Body, heart and soul.

He knew he did not deserve her love.

And he knew that this affection he felt for her was akin to love too. If he even knew the definition of the word.

“I’m sorry,” he said to her when they were alone. “I shouldn’t have exposed you to Teddy.”

“No,” she said softly, “you didn’t know what he said to me earlier.”

She was so beautiful in the moonlight. Her breasts wore a bluish hue, and her body was plump and supple. He felt his cock rising again.

“What did he say to you?” Rust felt his ire rising with his libido. It was a strange and yet gratifying feeling.

“Rust, let it rest, please.” She placed her hand on the smooth plane of his chest.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want a fuss. Nothing happened. Really.”

He knew she was right.
“I forced you to come here when you didn’t really want to. You weren’t ready. You may never be ready.”

“You didn’t force me to do anything I didn’t want to.
I was ready for the next step . . . but not with Teddy.” She raised her face to his. For the first time, he noticed her eyes glistening.

Anguish clenched his chest.

“Oh Kate, Kate . . . my darling Kate, I’m sorry.”

She came into his arms and he clasped her comforting body in them.
He held her for a long time and he felt the wetness on her face melt onto the skin of his shoulder.

When they emerged from the hug, he kissed her on the mouth.
His organ was very erect. He couldn’t help himself. He was always like that around her. It was one of those things about her which drove him mad.

She clasped his cock.

“Rust,” she whispered, “I want you . . . and only you. Not Carlo, not Teddy, not anyone else.
are enough for me. I understand if
may not be enough for you . . . and I’m willing to accept that. But as long as you don’t
anything for anyone else . . . I can . . . ”

She faltered.

For answer, he kissed her again. And again. Their kisses became more voracious, as they always did, and he cupped his hand over her sopping pussy and teased her juices all over her own swollen flesh.

“Rust, please take me,” she begged.
“Only you. It has always been only you.”

He lifted her up with his strong arms, and she wrapped her legs around his torso. He carried her to a tree
and pressed her back against the bark.

“Rust,” she moaned.

He entered her. She was already so wet that he slid into her tight pussy like a boat cleaving through water. His cock penetrated her all the way into the greedy mouth of her cervix which opened to embrace his tip.

Oh, but how he loved the feel of her pussy walls around his throbbing organ.
He was normally an ass man, but Kate’s pussy was a marvel of softness and tightness, like a lush cushion he could get lose himself in forever.

His hips bucked against hers, and he plunged his cock repeatedly into her pussy.
She felt . . . soooo . . . damned . . . good. So fucking good. This was further augmented by the vibrations of the ley line beneath them. The old magick was potent. It enhanced every emotion, every sensation. That was why Teddy Mitchell was so quick to anger. Why Shamilar’s penned up feelings for him rose to the forefront again. That woman had not forgotten him – had not stopped loving him.

A fact he would never tell Kate.


Oh, Kate.

Glorious, blissful Kate.

I desire you.

I hunger for you.

I love you.

As he fucked Kate, his mouth sealed over hers in a passionate kiss. It was an all-tongues, exploratory kiss – a kiss to tell her he desired her and loved her in as much a way he could ever love a woman. And that it didn’t matter if they couldn’t ever really be together in the long-term because of their incompatible genetics. They were together right now.

He felt the surge of his sap soon enough.
Kate was moaning into his mouth – little cries as she shuddered and clutched at his shoulders and squeezed his hips with her strong thighs. He recognized her orgasm when he felt it, and he let himself go as well. His semen shot into her depths, and his climax washed through him from the ground – magnified by everything around him, and by the rapture of the revelers in the circle.

His animalistic instincts soared, and he felt his teeth elongate – to sink into her neck and to crush her.
He had rein back. Had to control these intensified urges. It was the ley magick, he knew. It brought out the best and worst of him. The hormones coursed through his bones and blood, and he could feel the change coming on inside him.


He had to fight it.

He gripped Kate’s waist so hard that he could hear her cries of pleasure turn into pain.

“Rust . . . please . . . you’re hurting me!”

He fluttered open his eyes in horror.
He had to get away from her lest he hurt her. He pulled out of her quickly, his semen still gushing out of his cock in spurts. She fell to the ground before he could contain her.

Get away.


Turning blindly, he
ran away from Kate as fast as he could, feeling his bones turn into the tiger’s as he did so.



Rita stared at the gates of the Mitchell Long Island mansion.
Private property. Why was she here? Well, she knew from her sources that Rust O’Brien had received an invitation for an annual no-holds-barred party from this estate. A very private party rumored to feature sex and drugs and public nudity.

She was here because she instinctively knew everything was connected somehow, and that the
O’Briens were just the tip of an iceberg waiting to be uncovered.

By someone like her.

It would be intense if the Mitchells were also involved in the conspiracy. If there was indeed a conspiracy to cover everything up, which she was sure there was.

She had seen Rust O’Brien’s limo go through the gates much earlier.
Limo after limo was admitted. Fancy car after fancy car. No one had come out yet. The party was obviously in full swing.

Then the gates opened.

A Lamborghini Gallardo pulled out at top speed. Rita caught sight of the person behind the wheel. She recognized the blond, tousled head of Teddy Mitchell. He was with someone in the passenger seat beside him.

A woman.

The car weaved slightly, but sped off into the dark lane.

Teddy Mitchell was interesting in a blond, male Lindsay Lohan sort of way, but he was not the type of reporting fodder that she was interested in.

She waited.
She could wait all night if she had to.

Five minutes later, the gates swung open again.
What? The party was over? This time, the limo Rust O’Brien and Kate Penney had come in appeared, headlights almost blinding her. She could not see who was in the limo because it had darkened windows, but it too disappeared down the lane, en route to the roads which would take it back to the highway. Rita knew Rust and Kate were staying at the Four Seasons.

Would they head straight back there?
Or do something that would reveal a little more of who they truly were?

Rita started her car again, and sped after the limo as fast as she could without attracting attention.

Or so she hoped.



“You all right, Miss Penney?” Hector said from the front of the limo.



No. She didn’t know what to say to him.

She was so bewildered when Rust tore away from her after giving her one of the best fucks she ever had in her
entire life. He had pounded into her, and the fiery, sexual atmosphere had driven orgasm after orgasm through her body.

And then she had felt
his teeth graze her neck. Only it wasn’t his human teeth. These were elongated and very sharpened canines made for rending and tearing into flesh. His fingernails too dug into the soft flesh of her waist. Only they weren’t human fingernails anymore either. They were claws. Tiger claws.

He was turning into his animal self even as he came inside her.

She had cried out. Tried to warn him he was hurting her. He heard her, and he
. And so he pulled out. Dropped her to the ground and ran away, bounding into the woods and metamorphosing as he did so.

She was bleeding where h
is claws had indented her flesh and where his teeth had nicked her neck. The pain itself was not intense, and she knew that Rust had not been able to control himself. Maybe it was the magick of the place. Maybe it was something else. But she was shocked and hurt and bewildered altogether at once.

She had lain there by the tree as her blood trickled to a stop.
These were flesh wounds only and they would not cause permanent damage. But she wanted Rust to come back. To explain and hold her and tell her how sorry he was for having hurt her.

But he did not come back.

Someone else came for her, however.

The phoenix mask of Aaron Mitchell
appeared after a while. As soon as he saw her, he rushed to her.

“Are you hurt?” he said urgently.

“No. I don’t think so.”

He helped her trembling body up.
“I’ll take you to the house. We have a first aid kit there. Tell me what happened. Can you walk?”


She leaned on him as he slowly guided her back to the mansion, using a path away from the revelers.

Once they were inside,
he brought her to his den. A butler brought some towels and a first aid kit. He tended to her wounds gently, and she was right. They were barely dents on her skin, and they looked far worse in the beginning than they did all cleaned up.

“Do you need to go to a hospital?” Aaron asked solicitously.

“No. Where is Rust?”

“Probably working off his
animal lust. Don’t worry about him. He’ll come back when he’s exhausted it. It happens to the best of us.”

Her heart sank.
“Will he be all right?”

“Yes. Shall I fetch you home?”

“I have a driver . . . he’s probably waiting for us out there. His name is Hector.”

“I’ll get him.

And here she was, with Hector, in the car.
Going back in anxiety – worrying about Rust.

There was nothing she could do but go back to the Four Seasons and wait for him there – if he turned up.

She took a long bath and waited. She was not hungry, despite not having eaten for a while. Her pussy was still sore from his pumping and his seed was still deep inside her.

She waited and waited.

But still, he did not show up.

It was already three a.m. She was tired. And so she spread herself on
the bed and fell into an uneasy sleep.



When Rust woke up, the sun was shining
strongly from a blue sky. He was naked and his body was streaked with dirt. But he was thankfully in his human form.

The change had come very suddenly and powerfully last night.
He barely remembered what happened. In his brain was a fuzzy recollection of running through the woods, crashing through the undergrowth. And hunting.

The rending of flesh between his teeth.

He sat up in horror. Surely he did not hurt Kate, did he?





The taste of it was still strong in his mouth. He ran his tongue over his teeth, tasting, imbibing. The iron taste of blood was still there, embedded in his teeth.

He had eaten something.

But he had to determine what
. His memory was going to be hazy, as it always was when the change came over him as overwhelmingly as it did. That was the danger of augmentation by the ley line – it forced out the most feral parts of themselves like a tumbling house of cards.

He had a top priority now. He had to get to Kate and make sure she was OK.


He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her
because of what he did.

BOOK: The Alpha Men's Secret Club 3: Fallout: A Scorchingly Hot BBW Shifter Romance
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