Read TerrIIItory Online

Authors: Susan A. Bliler

TerrIIItory (5 page)

BOOK: TerrIIItory
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Chapter 9

Bethany was officially freaking the fuck out!  Since arriving at Evander’s compound, she’d slept, eaten, slept, eaten, and slept.  It should have been enough for a full healing, but nothing had changed.  Earlier, the pack healer had come and gone, and even without the aid of her wolf, she could sense the healer’s confusion.  Bethany didn’t know what was wrong, and the pack healer didn’t either.  It was terrifying.  Clay had instructed her to get dressed and that he’d be back to do some tests after Raina brought her some breakfast, but she hadn’t been able to eat.  The plate of food Raina had brought sat cold on the dresser.

I’ve traumatized my wolf. 
It’s the only reason she could formulate for why her wolf had withdrawn. 
How do I fix it?  What do I do?
  She paced back and forth, eyeing the room for some tool, some useful hint to draw her wolf forth.  She knew she needed to fix things, and do it quickly.  She had to get her wolf’s head right before Evander claimed them under false pretense.

Closing her eyes she attempted to shift.  It was the first time since she’d been captured that she’d actually tried, but nothing happened.  Dropping to her knees in the middle of the room, she squeezed her eyes tighter and tried to force a shift.  She regressed all the way back to her very first teachings.

Come on!
She imagined her limbs, ears, and nose elongating as her mother had taught her at her very first change.  She envisioned hair springing forth as her bones shifted and crunched into new locations, but no surge of power rippled through her, no pain bit, and no change came.

On her knees and panicking, her head jerked to the window.  She could jump.  The danger would pull her wolf out. 
Wouldn’t it?

She crossed to the window and hitched it open to eye the ground below. They were on the third story, and it was a long way down.  If her wolf didn’t come out, she’d definitely get hurt.

Taking a deep breath, she hiked one leg over the sill and stalled out on mustering up the courage.  It’s how she was poised when the door to her room opened.

“Hey!” Evander instantly held his hands up in a non-threatening gesture.  Any shifter worth his salt would have instantly scented Bethany’s panic and fear.

“Easy, baby.”  Evander inched into the room with Clay close on his heels.  “Calm down.  Take it easy.”

Bethany knew the sight she must make.  Straddling the windowsill, with her long, dark hair in a fuss and her bright gray eyes drowned with fear.  She knew she looked the wild thing.

“It’s three stories,” Clay interjected anxiously.  “Without your wolf,” he shook his head.  They all knew what he didn’t say.  Without her wolf, she could be seriously injured.

“It’s not that bad.” Evander took slow steps closer to her.

Not that bad?
She tried to slow her erratic breathing to snarl, “I’m
trying to hurt myself!”

“Good.” Evander’s tone was placating but he kept his hands up and moved even slower.  He didn’t believe her.

Rolling her eyes, Bethany’s hands tightened on the windowsill.  “I’m
to scare her into coming out.”  She gnashed her teeth before continuing.  “She wouldn’t let me get hurt.”  She turned to eye the ground and spoke more quietly to herself.  “Would she?”

Strong arms wrapped around her in an instant, jerking her from the window.  She squeaked as the nearness of Evander did more to pull her wolf forth than any attempt at jumping could have.

Evander lifted her into the cradle of his arms and pressed his lips to her hair.  He hissed, “
try that again.”

“I wasn’t trying to hurt myself,” she repeated, but her attempt at bravado failed with the hard trembling of her slight frame.  Her wolf hadn’t come forth.  For the first time in her life, her wolf had abandoned her, and it was terrifying.  “I don’t…” her voice broke on a sob, and she could only shake her head.  It took a few moments to collect herself before she was finally able to say, “I don’t know what’s wrong with her.  “M-my wolf,” she clarified.  “She’s confused and scared, and I can’t…”  She couldn’t finish.  To admit inability to control one’s wolf was humiliating.  Her entire youth was spent forming an inexplicable and—what she had previously thought—an unbreakable bond.  “She’s just traumatized.  Those…
feeding off us did her in.  She just needs time.”  She was speaking in a rush, and she peeked up in time to catch the exchange of sorrowful glances between Evander and Clay.

“She’s just frightened.” She rushed on, wincing at the fact that she was repeating herself.  Every shifter knew that a wolf’s emotions were a direct reflection of their humans.  “She just needs a minute.”  Dropping her head, she babbled on. “It’s why she’s attached herself to you.”  She peeked up at Evander, then quickly dropped her head.  “She’s seeking out protection, strength.”  Her head jerked up when Evander’s chest rumbled.  Had she offended him?

“It’s not personal, Alpha Kane, she just…”

He didn’t allow her to finish as he strode to the bed and set her down gently.  “Your wolf has attached herself to me because she is mine.  Don’t tarnish that by claiming that she’s merely seeking strength.  She knows what you still haven’t come to terms with.  She’s looking to me to protect her because it is my duty and honor to do so.”  He rolled his head on his shoulders as if attempting to force himself to relax.  “Take a minute, and then come down to the kitchen.  Clay’s got a plan.”

Hope bubbled forth. 
A plan!


Bethany took a moment to collect herself.  She couldn’t help the giddy thrill that tore through her at Evander’s declaration. 
‘Because it is my duty and honor to do so.’
  Who talked like that?  She didn’t know, but it didn’t keep the smile from curling her lips.  Evander believed they were true mates. 
If only!
  She still thought her wolf was attaching itself to him because she was traumatized and was seeking out an Alpha for guidance, but a small part of her couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to belong to Alpha Evander Kane.

A short time later, she made her way down to the large kitchen.  The space was roomy and warm with its earthy tones.  She was relieved to find only Evander leaning leisurely against the counter while Clay sat on the kitchen island in the center of the room.

As she entered, Clay hopped down to eye her.  Evander still stood with one hip leaned into the counter and both strong arms crossed over his thick chest.  She noticed he stood like that a lot.

“So, what’s the plan?”  Her eyes only touched on Clay before her attention centered on Evander.

“Clay’s got an idea, and I think it’s worth a try.”

Nerves suddenly flitted to life in Bethany’s belly, and Evander must have sensed it, because he uncrossed his arms and his tone turned gentle.  “It’s nothing crazy.  Just hear him out.”

Clay stepped forward.  “We’re all in agreement that you should have fully healed by now.  Even injured, you’d at least have begun the process, but nothing’s happening.  You said your wolf only peeks out when you’re around Kane.”

Bethany flicked her eyes to Evander and blushed at Clay’s statement.  Didn’t the guy believe in some form of doctor/patient confidentiality?  To her relief, Evander seemed proud rather than put off.

“So,” Clay continued.  “I think, if we can force your wolf to come out fully…”

“Force?”  Bethany stepped back.

Kane’s soft growl of warning had Clay shifting uneasily.  “
.”  He amended quickly.  “If we can coerce your wolf into coming out, she can heal you.”

“And just how do we

Clay smiled and shrugged negligently.  “Easy.  Mate mark.”

Bethany felt the color drain from her face.  “W-what?”  She looked from Clay to Evander.

“If your wolf knows she’s claimed, and that she’ll be protected, she might come out willingly, Beth.”  Evander walked closer.

“But you can’t mark me.  You’re not my mate.”

His angry growl of dissent sounded loudly through the room.

“I thought we discussed this.”  She was pleading with Evander.  “My wolf only attached herself to you because she’s traumatized.  She attached herself to the first strong male she found.”

Steely green eyes narrowed on her, and she watched as Evander’s jaw ticked.

“I’m sorry, Evander.  I’m not trying to insult you.  I just don’t want you making a mistake because my wolf is all screwed up.”

He took a step closer to her.  “You.”  Then another step.  “
.”  Another step.  “My.”  He was right in front of her now and reached for her.  Strong arms lifted her easily, and he turned to place her on the counter, so she sat eye level with him as he positioned his large frame between her knees.  “Mate.”

Clay simply smiled when she looked to him for help.

“Tell him this is a bad idea,” she implored, but Clay shook his head.

“It’s worth a shot, Bethany.”  Clay seemed pleased with the idea.

“Worth a shot?”  She pushed at Evander’s chest when he crowded her.  “If he’s not my mate, and he marks me, then what?”  She scowled at him.  “Then you’ve claimed me, and I’m not your one!  That isn’t fair to you, and it isn’t fair to me.”

“Admittedly, your wolf is a little screwed up right now.  Right?”

She crossed her arms over her chest and refused to respond.

“And since my wolf has a clear head, I think we should trust that he knows what he’s doing.”  When Bethany dropped her chin, Evander used a strong finger to force her head back up to meet his gaze.  “I’m not trying to take advantage of you here, Beth.”

“I didn’t say…”

“I’m trying to help heal my mate.  You need to trust me.  You need to let me do what I can to help your wolf.  She’s injured, and she’s afraid.”

He dropped his hand, gripping her thighs to pull her closer to him.  Bethany sucked in a sharp breath at the action, and he scented her sudden interest.

going to do what I can to fix you.  And you are going to let me.”

The words hung in the air for long moments before Evander prodded.  “Agreed?”

Heart pounding, and unsure what else to say or do, Bethany simply nodded once.

Without taking his eyes off her, Evander growled menacingly, “Leave us!”

Bethany didn’t have to look up to know that Clay had exited the room.

She couldn’t tear her eyes from Evander.  Her heart literally skipped a beat when his hands on her thighs tightened and he pulled her closer still.  “I’m going to go first.”

His tone was deep, and held the barely restrained hint of a growl.  He was excited, and so was she.

Lifting a hand with borrowed courage, she swept her hair to one side and tilted her head, the whole time keeping her eyes locked on Evander.  Bethany felt her face flush. 
It’s no big deal
, she lied to herself. 
Wolves do it all the time.

She licked her lips in nervous anticipation and felt an ache center low in her belly when Evander’s eyes dipped to watch her mouth.  She knew the voluntary display of her throat was submissive and against her nature, but she wanted this done quickly.  Already the room was beginning to heat and scent of her more than piqued interest in the Alpha, which didn’t bode well for her belief that she wasn’t his.  Her belly churned with equal parts nervousness and excitement.  This was it.  If they were truly mates, then his mark would call out her wolf, and she’d begin to heal.  She struggled to keep from getting her hopes up, while a secret part of her clapped excitedly and prayed she was his.

Chapter 10

Evander stared at Bethany’s offered throat, and he couldn’t stop the eager growl that rumbled forth.  Her gaze jerked to his, and he cleared his throat, attempting to hide his wolf’s natural response to her.  His eyes darkened, and he had to fight to remind his wolf to take it easy.  Their mate didn’t believe it was a true claiming, and now that he was finally getting the chance to prove it, he didn’t want to scare her off.

His hands slid to her hips and tightened as he leaned into her. 
he commanded himself as he heard her startled gasp.  No doubt she felt his erection as it pressed into the cradle of her thighs.  His lips parted, and his canines elongated.  He ignored the tremble in his hands and the pounding erection in his jeans as he strained against the need to crush her to him and sink his teeth into her before she could change her mind.

Inching closer, he drew in the soft scent of her. Pumpkin spice and caramels.  His lips tweaked.  His mate smelled like Halloween. 
Good enough to eat!

He felt her tremble when he brushed his nose against the satiny column of her throat.  By the Gods, he loved her reaction to him. 
What if he
…  Before he could stop himself, his tongue stroked along her fiery skin at the bend between her shoulder and throat.  Hell, she even tasted like Halloween; sugary, dark, and a little naughty.

Bethany jerked, and her body tensed.  Before she could open her mouth to protest, Kane had his teeth resting against her skin.  Her breath hitched once, and then she held it.  Inside, Kane’s wolf was jumping excitedly, demanding the claim.

With a groan, Evander sunk his teeth into her exposed throat.  His hands held her firmly in place, even as his eyes closed against the sweet, addictive taste of her.  His tongue lapped at her blood while his teeth remained inside her, and he struggled to keep from pushing her backward on the counter and fucking her.  Her breathing hitched to match his own, and his heart thundered loudly in his ears.  In that moment, everything in the world ceased to exist but her.  He was lost, and there was no going back.  Regardless of what she thought, he was claiming her, and he was going to keep her one way or another.

Forcing his teeth to retract, he kept his lips in place to gently lap at the blood that spilled free.  He cleaned her with his mouth, and slowly pulled back, knowing what she’d see.


Bethany felt her wolf stir and forced her eyes open to stare up at Kane. 
His lips were full and bright-red with her blood.  The eyes that met hers were darker than she’d ever seen them, and she could clearly read their lustful intent.  He was fighting his wolf’s natural instinct to do more than leave a mate mark.  It was a shitty thing to do to their wolves, and she actually felt a pang of guilt.

“You’re turn.” Evander’s tone was rough, and so deep that his words were barely distinguishable.

Without asking, he lifted her off the counter and shelved her ass with a strong arm.  Awkwardly, Bethany wrapped her arms around his neck and, unsure what to do with them, wrapped her legs around his lean hips, hoping to offer an assist to the effort of holding her up.

When he turned his head to the side, Bethany didn’t hesitate to lunge at him. 
Get it done quickly, get it done quickly, get it done quickly!
  She slammed her eyes shut and bit him, hoping he ignored the scent of pheromones that perfumed the air when he’d bared himself to her.  It was more erotic than she’d ever expected to have a strong Alpha offer himself up.  She knew that the sight of him baring his neck had never been witnessed by another, and she found it more erotic than he’d ever know. 

She was in trouble!  This was supposed to be an easy deal.  Mark each other and either prove he was hers or he that he wasn’t.  Why couldn’t anything ever be easy for her?  Her teeth sank into him, and she was going to pull out quickly before ever getting a taste of him, but that didn’t happen.

She froze with her teeth half way out.  When his blood dripped on her tongue, she slowly pushed her teeth back into him and drew in a mouthful of the coppery nectar.  To her utter shock and mortification, she wrapped her arms and legs tighter around him just as an orgasm seized her.  It was bliss, and her brain clouded with rapture as she ignored the hissed, “Fuuuuck!” that escaped Evander as she moaned long and low, pulling him hard into her as she rubbed sensually against him.

She was supposed to simply bite him and pull back, but the need to drink from him couldn’t be ignored.  Her lips locked onto his throat, and she continued to rub against him shamelessly, riding out her orgasm as she continued to drink.  One of his hands left her hip to ease around and grip her ass, his fingers settling into her cleft.  She was lowered slightly, and when she felt her throbbing clit rub against something long and hard, she ground against it.

At her ear, Kane’s breathing quickened, and she could feel his heart thundering in his chest, pulsing at her lips.

Oh God!
  She was going to come again!  She drank more of him and rubbed harder, loving that both his hands were suddenly cupping her ass, gripping and squeezing.  He lifted her to create more friction, grinding against her.  When climax hit her again, she jerked her teeth free, and threw back her head to scream, “KANE!”

The sound was drowned out by Kane’s roar, and with him still holding her, Bethany could only cling to him as they both came down from whatever in the hell had just happened.

Realization was mortifying.  She’d just dry humped the Alpha to completion, while …
drinking his blood?
  She scrambled frantically in his arms until he lowered her, his eyes finally opening.  “Easy, baby, you’ll fall.”

As soon as her feet hit the ground, she spun, and with a mumbled, “I’m not your baby,” she raced out of the room. 
What in the hell was that?

It wasn’t so much the dry humping she was concerned about; although, that was humiliating.  Right now, she was more concerned, not just with the fact that she’d drank from Kane, but with the fact that she’d
really, really
enjoyed it.

Shifters didn’t drink blood.  It was a vampire trait…  She slowly lifted an arm and traced absently at one of the many bite marks she’d suffered while being held captive. 
Could I be?

She hurried down the hall to the living room and took the stairs two at a time to get back to her room.  She couldn’t face Kane.  Not now, not like this!  She needed a minute to sort through what had just happened.

Kane’s scowl deepened.  He stood dumbfounded as Bethany rushed from the kitchen.

  Their reaction to each other was overwhelming.  It hadn’t been his intention to go as far as they had, but how in the hell could he have known what her teeth in him would do?  Add to that the fact that he’d never marked a female before.  He licked his lips at the taste that lingered there. 
taste!  She’d been exquisite and he wanted more, but first he needed to change.  Damp seed from his pubescent-like eruption soaked the front of his jeans and was highly uncomfortable as well as deflating.  He wanted to be inside his mate, not grinding against her fully clothed body. More importantly, he wanted to know why the obvious proof of the fact that she was his was so upsetting to her.  It was a hell of a blow to his ego.

BOOK: TerrIIItory
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