Read Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) Online

Authors: Rayne O'Gara

Tags: #bbw fiction, #bbw adult romance, #bbw romance, #bbw and detective

Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2) (9 page)

BOOK: Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)
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“Well shit,” she grumbles before taking a drink of her own soda.

“Yeah. Exactly.”

“Okay. We have all day and night to get your words right. And whether you say them or write them down in a note for him to read tomorrow you’ll tell him the truth.”

Oh good Lord.

“Pushy much?” Where did this forceful side come from? Maybe I
rubbing off a little. Makes me a little proud.

“You want this fixed, babe?” she asks softly in an almost whisper.

Do I?

Pictures of him flash through my head. Him smiling. His kisses. Him inside of me. The sweet morning snuggles. Then of him leaving me. Never seeing that personal ‘I got you’ smile again. Never to hold him again.

I make my choice.

“Yes. I do.”

Chapter Nine





The next morning after seeing Bronnie out, I made myself ready to face the firing squad. Even with the long hours of talking and laughing about what I was going to include in my apology, I am still nervous. Dressed in my best yellow sixties vintage sundress I inhale a long deep breath before ringing Luc’s doorbell.

I’m not opposed to using my contacts. So first thing over cereal and milk, I called Sofie. Told her straight up I messed up and needed his address to apologize personally. She gave it to me and was gone with a ‘go get ‘um, tiger’ and a click of the phone. The drive didn’t take long so I was in front of his house sooner than I wanted to be.

I ring again and add two sharp knocks to the door. One more ring then I’m out. He must not be home…or in bed. I won’t even entertain the thought of him with another woman. A man who goes that long without sex does not pick up a one-night stand.

At least I hope he wouldn’t.

Reaching my hand up to knock for my last time, I get one rap in before the door swings open to reveal a scowling Luc.

Wow, he does that well.


His eyebrows lower into a glare.

God that was stupid. ‘Hi?’
What the fuck, Harmony

“I came to apologize.”

There, that’s a little better.

His still stony visage doesn’t waver and my courage starts to dissolve.

“You took me by surprise, Luc. All those things you said weren’t true. Never even ran through my head until you said them,” I rushed out in one breath. Sucking in another lung full, I make myself slow down and stare right into his burning eyes. “I am so very sorry I didn’t say anything. So sorry I didn’t correct your thoughts. I know you’re extremely angry, I understand, and you have every right to be, but I needed you to know that. I never…
, considered you a secret, dirty or otherwise. I really enjoyed being with you and I don’t want it to be over. I would like another chance.”

His face softened slightly during my speech but his mouth has stayed shut. Nothing. Well, I guess there’s my answer. My rapid heart rate starts to slow with my disappointment, so I decide to throw his words back at him and beat feet away from here.

“Balls in your court, baby,” I say softly.

Spinning on my heel I walk away, wiping the sweat off my palms onto my skirt, and swallowing the lump in my throat. Unlocking my car, I go to grab the door handle but a large tanned hand stops me. His hard body pushes up against my back. My eyes close and I smell his spicy scent. His erection pushes into my lower back and my pussy responds instantly, dampening my panties. His callused fingertips on his free hand graze up my arm, my shoulder, my collarbone, to wrap lightly around my neck in a possessive collar. My breath hitches in response and he leans his head in closer.

“Seven o’clock. Be ready.” His voice, harsh and gravely, washes over me making me shiver in his arms.

“I will be,” I answer him.

“Good. It’s a date.” I hear the smile in his voice.

A light kiss to the back of my head then I’m free from his grasp.

“Safe driving.”

I don’t look back at him until I’m locked safely in my car. His broad back and lean hips move effortlessly as he walks back into his house. A jungle predator.

He makes me feel so safe and at the same time so scared.

Turning on the ignition, my dash clock blinks on and a smile creeps on my face. Whether I feel safe or scared I’ll have to be put on hold. Because I have a date in nine hours. I’ve got to call Bronnie.


A full day of pampering and a little shopping finds me standing in front of my closet in my underwear. The scarlet bra and matching panty set was the easy part, now for the hard part. Frowning and with the clothes tornado that has hit my room at some point, I am no closer to figuring out this conundrum.

Why didn’t I ask where we were going?

If I knew then this wouldn’t be so damned difficult! Do I need classy restaurant dress or seductive cocktail dress? Casual or flirty? Heavy or light? Then the shoes! Oh no…I can’t go there yet.

A nervous look to my clock shows only one hour before he shows up and he is definitely the punctual kind of guy.

“AH!” I scream in frustration and throw my hands up into the air before letting them fall back down to my sides.

You know what? I’m just going to put on something red for seductive, black pants for casual, and go classy with my make-up and hair then wait and see how he dressed for the shoe selection. Ha! I win.

Grabbing up three different pairs of shoes, I arrange them on the floor by my bed for easy grab access and start dressing. Smoothing the red lace and silk camisole over my stomach, I sigh at the cool feel of it. I think I might have a silk fetish. I laugh at the wayward thought. Sure I like silk, but enough to constitute as a fetish? Surely not. Looking at all my scattered clothes surrounding me I snort and shake my head. Yeah, it’s a fetish…an addiction. I roll my eyes and pull on my black dress slacks. My hands skim over my fabric covered hips and thighs, smoothing any wayward wrinkles away before heading into my bathroom.

A brush through, twist, and some bobby pins have my hair up in a simple but elegant French twist. I leave my bangs down but swoop them across my forehead to rest over my right eyebrow. I go with soft smoky eye look with just a hint of matching red eye shadow on my lid crease to give it an extra flare. A smear of lip gloss finishes me off.

Back in front of my mirror in my bedroom I scrutinize my reflection. I lift my naked arms up and drop them to my sides. My brow lifts at me from reflected me. This won’t do. What if he wants to take a walk, or the place he takes me to is chilly? Shivering is not attractive. I need something…but what?

Oh! I know!

Hanger after hanger grate across the pole in my closet as I look for my add-on in a frantic gesture.

Where is the blasted thing!?

“Yes!” I yell out in victory. On the second to last hanger in the very back of my closet is my prize. I quickly slide my arms through the long sleeves of my black half shirt cover up. I flick my eyes to my bedside clock as I tie the loose ends into a knot under my bust line and let them fall over my rounded tummy. Almost out of time. So I take one last, I hope, look into my mirror for a looking good confirmation.

Damn but this makes my boobs look huge!

A smile creeps across my face.


My heart starts a double beat when I hear knocking at my door. I gulp in a huge lungful of air before slowly releasing it. I try to stop the shaking of my hands as I walk down my hallway. Why am I so nervous? It’s not like a blind date. Can this even be considered a first date if we have already slept together? Jesus! We’ve known each other for years, stop this foolishness.

I reach out to open the door and notice my somewhat of a pep talk didn’t work. Hands still shaking, I pull the door toward me revealing Luc’s masculine frame to my greedy eyes. His smirk flows into a full smile showing off his white even teeth and his eyes travel down my body. His slow perusal leaves me to do my own up and down to him.

He cuts a nice form in his gray dress pants and black button down dress shirt. I’ve noticed he likes to wear a lot of that color but it’s okay because black likes him right back. Done with my lustful looks, I notice his gaze stuck to one particular spot on my body.

So I clear my throat wanting his attention back up to my face and off my breasts. “Like what you see?” I ask playfully.

His molten eyes lock onto mine when he answers with a very serious, “Yes.” All playfulness leaves me. My body responds to the heat in his voice and I am on fire. He steps forward but stops in my doorway, leaving only half a foot between my craving body and his.

“We should get going. Are you ready?” he asks.

His hand reaches up to my face but falls before the connection is made. Disappointment runs through me. Why didn’t he follow through? He has to know how badly I want his touch. I guess my face shows him my confusion because he explains to me softly.

“I told myself I would try to go slowly with us. If I touch you now we will never get to where were going.”

Oh my.

My downstairs muscles clench at the ideas his words produce.

“We could just stay in. I’m okay with that,” I huskily say.

“No, Harmony. I want to do this right. You ready?” he asks again.

Sighing loudly, I start to nod my head but stop.

we going?” I ask.

I was going to follow his lead here, but his loafers are not an indicator I can really follow.

“Can it not be a surprise?” He smirks at me.


“If that’s the case then give me just a moment and I will be ready,” I say with my own smirk.

Turning away, I leave him in the open doorway to walk briskly into my room. I slide on my black flats and snatch my wallet.
No fuck me pumps for him tonight
. Snickering to myself, I spin around to my hallway and catch a watching Luc just outside of my bedroom. His eyes on the other two pair of stand-by shoes on my floor.

“Wear those,” he rasps out, pointing to none other than the red stilettos.

“Nope. You wouldn’t tell me what kind of place we are going to so this is your penalty. Maybe next time I will wear them for you if you are a good boy.” Smiling hugely at our banter, I step around him and into my hallway. I laugh when he turns to me and winks.

“Yes, ma’am. But if I am really good, can you add in some matching thigh highs to go with those shoes?” he asks,
so not
pulling off the innocent voice he tried to.

“I’ll think about it. Now come on, let’s get to this surprise place.”

“Yes, let’s.” His deep laughter follows his words and we both chuckle all the way to the elevator.

I have never laughed or smiled so much with a man before, I think, surprised at myself. And from someone who I have fought with for so long. I didn’t know he had this side to himself. I wonder what else he has hidden away?




Shit. I completely lost my head back there. That door opened and fuck! Every thought in my head disappeared. She looks incredible tonight. Every time I try to make some kind of small talk I catch a whiff of her sweet vanilla perfume and all blood rushes to below my belt and I am left looking like a fish, mouth gaping and gasping for air. The elevator ride down to my car was pure torture. Not knowing who we were going to come across, the battle that waged between me and my cock was hard pressed. Finally thinking about sport stats had my cock deflate enough I was able to walk without too much pain or embarrassment. Once in the car though? End game.

Enclosed space with close range contact is not helping. I want to show her I want to get to know her in a better sense than just sexual, but one look down and she’s going to think that’s all I want her for.

Turning into my driveway, I stop and park. I jump out of the car and go around to open her door. I wipe the sweat from my palms onto my pants before gabbing the handle. I put a lot of thought into tonight to make it special. Even called the mom. That was tricky in itself. How to get information from your mother while hiding all information from her? I’m not sure I succeeded and will be getting a call or visit tomorrow for a complete rundown. That woman could have excelled in a job for the CIA.

Harmony’s soft hand in mine pulls me back into the here and now. All thoughts of anyone or anything else is gone when her sweet, shy smile crosses her lips.

“Welcome to my home.”

Her shocked eyes at where I brought her on our date has me inwardly smiling like the cat from Wonderland. She wasn’t expecting this. Good. Unlocking the door and escorting her inside, I flick on the light switch in the living room. I set the lighting low and step back from her too tempting body.

“Would you like some wine? I have red and white,” I ask.

“Red please.”

“Make yourself at home and I will be right back.” I motion to my couch before giving her my back and entering the kitchen. With the wine uncorked already, both of them just in case, I make quick work pouring two glasses. I press a couple buttons on my oven to heat up the dinner I made before picking her up and walk back into the living room.

BOOK: Taming Her Past - Protecting Her Future: BBW Erotic Romance (Hearts of Heroes Book 2)
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