Read Tameable (Warrior Masters) Online

Authors: Arabella Kingsley

Tameable (Warrior Masters) (4 page)

BOOK: Tameable (Warrior Masters)
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“It seems Amanda is painfully aroused
from her spanking.”

“Yes, I know.  M
y trousers legs are wet with it.  Beautiful.  I think it should be satisfied, don’t you?”  His voice was husky.  I died with shame.

“Oh yes.  B
ut who is to undertake such a task?  You or me,” Roman enquired moving his finger further inside slipping in to the silky wet warmth of my pussy.

“No one,” I tried to say but I was breathless, especially when Julian slipped a finger inside my pussy to stroke the other curved wet lip
to compete with Roman’s caress.  I panted knowing I was trapped by my need.

Julian pinched my clit making me writhe against his legs.  His finger moved to my entrance and began to ease its way inside my slick moist channel
winning the battle.  I whimpered.

“That’s a good girl,” Roman said, kissing, rubbing and stroking my chastised red bottom seductively. 
It fuelled my ache.  He removed his finger from the side of my pussy and to my shock slipped it in the crease of my buttocks.

“No, please I have
never—” I began breathlessly.

“Hush, baby girl.”

He circled the puckered entrance coating me with the juice from his finger moving gently inside.  Nobody had ever touched me there, not even my prudish ex-husband.  The pain of Roman penetrating the beginnings of my virgin hole with his persistent digit mixed with the pleasure Julian was stoking inside my pussy.  I didn’t know what to feel first.  All that was clear was that one seemed to be fuelling the other.  I bucked against Julian’s finger as he moved another inside me to join with it stretching me just as Julian stretched his finger just inside my anus.  To my relief he did not push for full penetration.  My nerve endings were on fire moving and elongating as they were forced to submit and surrender to his dominating thrust inside me.

Julian’s fingers found the rough w
all of my vagina and the g-spot finding it easily.  I panted loudly as he began to stroke with artful precision.  I was trapped and they knew it.

to your desire, darling,” Roman urged.  “I can feel you resisting but you need the release.  It has been a long time since you were taken, honey.  Two years I think I heard you say.  Just let it come.”

How did he know that?  I said it in my head not to him.

Both men conspired against me to make me orgasm.  I imagined the picture of myself strewn over Julian’s knees, buttocks bared and flaming red as they brought me to heel with an orgasm.  I was annoyed at being so vulnerable yet the very idea and the image was intoxicating, bringing me to the brink.  I loved the feeling of being dominated by them both.  In response I moaned loudly and moved against their fingers.  I wanted to surrender and no matter how much my mind screamed at me about what I was doing and how I was a traitor to my new found independence, I wanted to be made to come.

A sharp strike to the side of my
buttocks by Roman and then one from Julian to the curve of my thighs brought me to the brink.  Both men continued their punishing assault against me.

“Come darling.  We want to see and feel you coming. You aren’t getting off my knee until you do.  Now, baby, now.”  Julian’s voice was husky with lust.  He gave me two hard slaps in between Roman’s and I screamed my release as it explode out of me.  I bucked, writhed, whimpered.  Still they continued to spank and thrust their fingers until I rode it to satisfaction.

Eventually I lay spent in a relaxed delirium of happiness of Julian’s knee.  My bottom burned but two years of frustration was beginning to ebb.  The men seemed reluctant to remove their fingers and they pulsed them gently as my body fluttered with the aftershock of my orgasm.

“That was
breath-taking, Amanda.” Roman kissed my hair.  He gently removed his finger from my anus and gave my bottom a gentle pat.  Julian did the same and finally I was being helped to standing.  Julian held me against him as he took hold of my underwear and pulled them slowly up over my burning thighs as if he were dressing a child.  Then he pulled up my jeans grinning as I smarted when they brushed my sore skin and fastened them.

I turned to them both rubbing my bottom.

“Is someone going to tell me what is going on, now?” I asked.

Chapter Three

“I wish
you had called me when I asked.” Roman gave me a frustrated look.  He shook his head and leaned back in the dining room chair taking a gulp of wine.  “You don’t realise how much danger you are in.  It’s not safe for you to be left alone.”  Roman gave me a look that said he was not convinced I was capable of looking after myself.  “I will stay here with you tonight.”

“We will both stay the night.” Julian gave his brother a dark menacing stare.  Roman returned it without hesitation making me raise my eyebrows.

Now don’t get me wrong both men were gorgeous and boy did I want them staying the night but we’d only just met and I’m one of those good boring types who don’t jump into bed on the first date - especially not with two men!  And after my spanking and what had followed I wasn’t sure I wanted to let this get out of hand.

“Amanda, relax.  We are not inviting ourselves into your bed,” Julian said with a small laugh, sitting next to me
, holding Puzzle in his lap.  “I will sleep on your sofa and Roman can take the chair.”

I gave him a startled look.  He wasn
’t giving me a choice and I was now sure they could really read my thoughts.

“I didn’t think for one moment that
...  ” I blushed and blustered.  I was so embarrassed.

“Not yet anyway,” he added with a grin and a wink.

I was speechless and decided to change the subject, put them on the spot.

“When are you going to tell me why I am in danger?
And who are the Trians?  Are they really bloody aliens,” I demanded with angry disbelief.  I shuffled uneasily in my chair feeling the sting of my disciplined bottom as it rubbed against my cotton panties and jeans.

The brothers looked at each other, but no one said anything.  I reached for my bag on the floor ready to call their bluff.

“If you don’t, I am going to call the police,” I threatened on the verge of losing my temper.

  I pulled out my mobile and began to punch in 999.
  A tinny dis-embodied voice echoed on the phone asking if I wanted the police or ambulance.  I opened my mouth to answer when both men still looked at each other as if having some secret telepathic conversation I wasn’t allowed to hear.  But I was to receive the surprise of my life.

The line suddenly went dead and all power to my phone died.  My mobile was snatched out of my hand before I could blink.  It flew through the air and Roman caught it elegantly as he stood up
on the other side of my round glass dining table.

My jaw nearly hit the floor.

“Calling the police is not going to help you, Amanda.  They cannot protect you from this.”

“You will find hard this to digest.”   Roman
paused eyeing me carefully to judge whether or not I was really ready to listen to what he was about to say.  “I know Julian has already told you some of it but I will fill in the gaps.”

“You are special, different to the other women that you know and I believe a part of you will have always known
that.”  Roman stopped again flashing a nervous glance at his brother.

“Unfortunately there are some men in this world who wish to possess you because of your wonderful difference and others who want to tear you apart for it,” he informed me in his warm gentle voice.  ‘Let me explain.’

I think I stared up at him like a wild frightened rabbit for most of the time he spoke or maybe a startled deer caught in headlights might be more of an accurate description of how I looked.  Well, what would you do if you were told you were the child of a human woman and a man who was both a Trian alien born and bred in the world of Trianon in another Universe?  And wait for it...  we children of these unions are born human but at some time in our lives we will make a transformation into a fully-fledged Trian with all sorts of weird powers!  Apparently, I would gain vast psychic gifts, the ability to sense and open portals allowing me to time travel and move instantly to other worlds, shape shifting and telekinetic powers!  The males have these abilities but not to the strength of the females expect shape shifting.  Their abilities lie in their vast warrior strength.

Roman and Julian were warriors from the Royal Trian army and high
aristocrats in Trian culture because of it.  They believed the blood in my veins was linked to the royal Trian line and the long lost royal family of Trianon missing in time and space since the Sailiean Alliance’s invasion of their world.  I was a prize to the Trian warrior male hybrids and pure breeds because of it.  They only took mates from the royal line and those affiliated with it.

At first I couldn’t work out if Roman was completely bonkers or
that I might be hallucinating. I stared at him dumbfounded as he continued his disbelieving story whilst fighting the temptation to make a cool sharp exit and call the men in white coats. 

But that wasn’t the best bit!  Oh no
.  Apparently all Trians who came to earth in the last century when their planet was taken and human hybrids are provided with a mate by fate.  And after the change he will just turn up and knock on my door ready to claim me.  How sweet.  NOT!  But there’s more...  there will be challengers to this mate’s claim upon me, and it is up to my mate to fight them off in a sword duel before we can bond together.  If he doesn’t do his job properly I am done for, tied to some Neanderthal wife beater or a used car salesman with bad breath for life and eternity without reprieve.  I remember swallowing hard when I heard this last bit.  But this is Peachum, Essex, not Area 51, my mind kept screaming.  This kind of thing doesn’t happen somewhere like this.  It is too boring a place.  It shouldn’t even happen at all!

men in the garden were all potential mates or challengers.  The identity of the true mate would not be known until my transformation was complete.  These men, for want of a better word and for the sake of political correctness, were all drawn to me because I was nearing my transformation.  Unfortunately, some of them were desperate for a mate and would not wait to see if they were the chosen partner and would simply make me their own in the most brutal fashion.

brutal,” I insisted folding my arms defensively.

I looked up at him again frowning at his silence.  He rested his hands on the table and couldn’t seem to make contact with my eyes.  That just fuelled my suspicions and I found myself trembling.  I noticed his brother Julian did not proffer an answer to my question either.  Silence hung uncomfortably in the air around us.  Finally, Roman looked up at me and had obviously made a decision to be totally frank.

“They will bite you harder and more viciously than the ritual demands to brand you and rape you at the same time to consummate the bond.  And once it happens, no one will be able to reverse it.”

I stood up at this point.  “This is all mad.  I don’t believe what I am hearing.  Maybe you should both leave now before I
start losing it and deck the both of you,” I shouted with irritated fear.

Roman raised one sexy eyebrow in disbelief and then frowned.  He didn’t move a muscle. 
His brother gave a small laugh and when I turned to my side to glare at him, he was leaning back in his chair, stroking Puzzle, totally relaxed and sighing with a wide smile.

“I love this part,” he said.  “Hybrid children never believe you when you tell them what they really are.  It’s the human in them.  It makes them cynical and narrow minded,” he told his brother.  “
There’s always denial at first then acceptance and then surrender.”

“The Saipieans, the people who invaded our planet, are also a danger to you.  They have always been envious of the power of our women and seek to join with them.  It is a Saipiean who is kidnapping women in Peachum looking for a Trian mate.  He is more than likely murdering them when he finds out they are not Trian.  The Saipiean men lost their women to a mysterious plague and part of the reason they tricked us with their offers of peace was to gain access to our females.  They are very similar in their genetic make-up, beliefs and powers to us.  Some of their ancestors were also ours.  But they are a violent race and do not care much for life they do not value or is of use to them.  If he catches you and can’t establish a bond he will kill you without hesitation.  My guess is that he is looking for you.  You are very strong in your powers.  The hybrid women are becoming more so...  ”

I interrupted him.

“You and Julian are potential mates or challengers?” I pushed.

He didn’t answer me.  I started to shake just that little bit more.  I folded my arms trying to hide it.

“So, they are moving in like vultures waiting to take me for their own.  Is that it?” I asked.

handsome features remained hard and serious and I knew he was going to give me it straight from the hip again.

“Yes, they are.  But they aren’t the only ones you must be protected from.  There are others.  The
Saipiean slavers who are looking to round up hybrid females to take back to their world for forced mating.  They make our women sex slaves.”  Roman became passionate with his anger as he told me about these monsters.  “My wife didn’t die in a car crash.  She was murdered trying to escape a slaver when I was out one day and I could not reach her in time.”

fell quiet feeling the blood drain from my face and pool in my feet.  It was all too much to hear.  Roman stood quiet.  I shivered.

“My daughter, she
—  Her father was human.”  Well that was one word for him.

“No matter.  She has your genes.  They are stronger than those belonging to a human.  She will also make the change at some point in her life just like my son.  His mother was human.  Like you they will grow and age in appearance to their middle twenties but the conversion may not be induced until they are in their fortieth or even fiftieth year of age.  Did you really have no idea of your her
itage at all?  Has it not made you wonder why you do not age?”

My look was blank.  I was confused, fearful and hurt my parents had never trusted me with the truth but then they had died when I was but ten years old and I had been brought up by relatives.  Nobody had confided in me.

“I am sorry but you need to know the truth,” he said firmly realising he was not going to receive an answer from me.

“What am I going to do?” I whispered to myself as my mind raced.

Roman moved to my side and gently placed his hand on my shoulder.  It felt warm and comforting but I couldn’t look at him.  I was too afraid.  His fingers caressed and held the side of my face, lifting it up towards him as leaned down to look at me.

“I will take care of both you and your daughter,” his voice was soft, deep, soothing and more importantly, convincing.  “I will make sure you are safe and well protected.  I give you my word.”

Julian moved to my other side after lowering Puzzle to the floor and stroked his finger along my neck.

I stared up at him, a frightening thought searing into my mind.

“I will also protect you and your daughter.  I give you my word,” he told me fiercely.

“You said you were one of them, Roman
, Julian.  Which ones are you?  A challenger or my chosen mate?” I ventured again moving my eyes between the two men.

dark hypnotic eyes narrowed ever so slightly with what I fancied was determination.

“I don’t know yet.  Julian
and I won’t have that knowledge in my mind until after you change.  You will know before us as the conversion begins.  It will be up to you whether you tell me or not.  The knowledge will come to you soon.”  His voice deepened and although it remained soft and coaxing it sharpened ever so slightly with menace.  “But I will do whatever it takes to make you mine.  I’ve waited too long for you to arrive in my life.  I won’t let you escape or be taken by another.”

He brushed my forehead with a light kiss that almost made me melt as quickly as a chocol
ate fireguard. 

“As will I,” Julian
informed softly repeating the action.  “Even if it costs your life in our duel, brother.”

“It may well be your own life that is
lost, brother.”

I had only been in the street a week and now I had been attacked by an alien, told I was an alien, found myself in danger and caused World War III between two twin brothers.  Way to go Amanda!

BOOK: Tameable (Warrior Masters)
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