Authors: R. Richard

Tags: #Erotica


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I then stop by a place the clothes lady recommends and I buy some whore makeup.
I always used classy, subtle makeup in my previous life.
However, my new job requires flashy, conspicuous makeup.
The lady not only sells me the makeup, she gives me a lesson in how to use the new stuff to best effect.

I stop by a restaurant and get a bigger meal than I thought I was going to get, as I suddenly realize that dancing burns a lot of calories.
I sit in a corner and reflect upon my new life.
I have gone from pampered rich bitch to fetish whore in record time.
I'll now fuck any man who can come up with the rather high price The Pussycat Lounge charges for rental of my pussy.
I apparently will also suck the cock of any man who comes up with The Pussycat Lounge cock sucking price.
I'll dance nude and expose myself as much and as sexily as possible, to better sell my pussy.
I'll make very good money from my efforts.
All I have to do is to keep convincing myself that what I'm doing is better than being dead.
I finish the meal and find I have to force myself to get up and drive to work.

I get to the Pussycat Lounge and I'm told by the bartender to go see Andre.

I walk into his office and Andre tells me to suck his cock.
I'm thunderstruck at his demand and apparently it shows in my face.

Andre tells me, “I need to know if you're up to Pussycat Lounge standards for that sort of thing.”

With no real choice, I tell Andre, “I'll do what you ask.”

Andre unzips himself and pulls out his cock.
I kneel and get the tip of Andre’s cock in my mouth and work the shaft with my hand.
I suck as hard as I can and try to get Andre off as fast as possible.

Andre is, however, an old hand at the game and manages to make it last for a while.
However, when he does come, I manage to get Andre’s cock out of my mouth and directed away from me before he can come in my mouth or in my face.

Andre is pissed off!
He yells at me, “Dammit, the only place that a customer’s cum is going is in your mouth or in your face.”

I get up and tell Andre, “I know that Andre dear, however, you're not a customer.”
I may be new at the game I'm now playing, but I'm learning fast!

I then find and talk with Desiree.
I tell her of my encounter with Andre and she tells me that he can do what he just did; however, he's on very thin ice with the owner about such demands.
I didn't do myself too much harm.
However, I had better watch Andre very carefully in the future.

Desiree and I then discuss the best place in the dancing rotation for me.
I'm very pleased that Desiree is willing to put me in the best place in the rotation for me, because it means that I'm going to be a hot item in The Pussycat Lounge!

Desiree has also arranged for me to move into the same apartment building in which she lives.
It's expensive, but it's better than getting beat up and raped in a cheaper place.
I get the necessary information from Desiree and I'll move in tomorrow.

All too soon it's time for the show to start at The Pussycat Lounge.
I go back into what's laughingly called the ladies dressing room.
I change from my street clothes into the fetish gear we dancers wear while dancing at The Pussycat Lounge.

My turn comes up and I dance out onto the stage.
The Stage Manager tells the customers that I'm the hottest dancer in the city and that I'm appearing exclusively at The Pussycat Lounge.

I give it my best and use some of the new dance steps Judy has taught me.
However, new steps or old steps, my principal strategy here is to show off my breasts and my pussy.
My breasts get money put in my tip jar out front and so does my pussy.
However, my pussy makes the real money in the back rooms.

As I dance, I try to spot customers who want to rent my pussy.
I don't have any real success finding a horny this time.
However, after I finish my dance, the Stage Manager nonetheless gives me the high sign that I have a hard cock waiting for me in a back room.

I walk down the corridor, working on my pussy with my fingers.
I meet the customer in the back room.
The guy is an average sized guy with a fairly big cock.
The sign the Stage Manager gave me lets me know the guy has paid for me to fuck him in nylons.

As I walk in, the guy is getting himself naked.

I think I'll have to hurry to catch up and then I realize that all I need to do is take off my French bra and kick off my shoes.
I begin to strip off my bra, giving the guy a show as I remove the bra that covers nothing at all.
I then kick off my shoes and jump on the bed.

The guy has just finished putting on his condom and he eyes my pussy before he climbs on me.
I tell him, “I need you now and you should put that big cock in me right now!”

The guy climbs on the bed and does just that.

Since I have been wanking myself as I walked back to the room, my pussy is well lubed.
The guy gets in deep from the very first stroke and I begin to try to bring him off as quickly as I can.
He gasps for me to, “Wrap those nylons around me!”

The customer is always right!
I wrap my legs around the guy and thrust back as he thrusts deep into me.
I give it everything I got and quickly bring the guy up to the point of a climax.

The guy doesn't want to climax too quickly, but I clamp down on him and bring him off before he really wants to.

I can feel him shudder as he shoots as much cum as he can into his condom.
Then he rolls off me.

I tell him what a stud he is.
Meanwhile, I am trying to get myself together to get up off the bed when he tells me, “Wait!
The nylons.”

I can't believe he wants the ripped and run nylons, but that's exactly what he wants.
What the hell, the customer is always right!

I put my shoes back on and wiggle over and sit in a chair and remove the ripped, run and stained nylons.
I make sure the guy gets a good view of my red, dripping wet pussy as I remove the nylons.
Then, without thinking I make the best move I could possibly make.
I sign the nylons with a marker pen from the little towel shelf.
I write, “For a stud who took EVERYTHING, Nocturne!”

The guy reads the nylon as I put my shoes back on again, snag a towel and ease out of the room.
The expression on the guy’s face as he reads the nylon looks like he wants to fuck me again, right now!

As I walk down the back corridor, wiping myself with a towel, I begin to understand The Pussycat Lounge business model.
The customers don't want naked ladies.
They want nude ladies.
They want ladies who are already showing breasts and pussy, but still have to strip a little before they fuck.
Of course, they don't want anything to interfere with their view while the lady strips.

I then realize that I can sell nylons, garter belts and maybe even French bras to the guys as a souvenir of their conquest of the famous Nocturne.
The guys get the fetish stuff as a souvenir.
Meanwhile, I get their money as a souvenir.

I get back to the ladies dressing room and finish cleaning up.
I break out a fresh set of nylons and one of the girls asks, “Did you get a nylon fuck?”

I tell her yes and even give her a wicked little smile.
However, I don't tell her of the message I wrote on the nylon before I gave it to the customer.
In The Pussycat Lounge, it's every girl for herself!

I don't skip a turn and rest.
I need to stay in front of the customers as much as I can if I'm going to make the kind of money I want.
Right now, I have to work hard to be ready for my next dancing turn, especially right after a fuck.
However, Judy tells me that I'll build endurance over time.

As it turns out, I dance a few more turns with no back room dates.
This is despite the fact that my red pussy shows the customers that somebody got to me.
Oh well, you can’t win ‘em all.

Finally, I get the high sign from the Stage Manger again.
I have sold my second fuck of the night!
Unfortunately this one won't be a nylon fuck, but it'll still make me good money!

I walk into the back room and there stands a large, black man.
I'm stunned.
Somehow, I never thought that some of my customers would be other than white guys.

I have never before had a black man.
However, skin color means nothing to me.
I'm into green power here.
I take off my French bra, making sure that the guy notices that my young breasts are full and firm.
I also make sure that he notices that they can still jiggle a little.

The guy doesn't come just looking at my tits, so I sit on a chair, slip out of my shoes and begin to strip my nylons off.

The guy watches my pussy as I manage to show quite a bit more pink than absolutely necessary in removing my nylons.
The guy reacts to the little pussy show and rolls on a condom as he starts to get hard.
However he's obviously not gonna just come watching me and I'm gonna have to work for my money.
I put my shoes back on, walk to the bed and jump on it.

I'm a little surprised at the black guy’s cock in that he's the largest customer I have fucked. However, legend aside, he doesn't have the largest cock.

I do mention that I charge an extra $20 for large cocks.

The black guy joins me on the bed and then mounts me.
He slides his cock into me the same as usual.
However, the black guy’s stroking is somewhat different from the technique used by the white guys.
The white guys just pump their cocks in and out.
The black guy goes up to the top of my pussy, down to the bottom of my pussy and all around my pussy.

The black guy’s fuck is easily the most erotic I have experienced.
If I hadn't already been fucked once and danced several times, I would probably have climaxed.
However, I'm able to hold on as he ‘boldly goes where no man has gone before!’
I'm incredibly excited and I finally climax hard.
I do clamp on his cock as I climax and apparently draw the black guy along with me.
He pumps his cum into the condom and he groans something like “Take it all whi’ ‘ho!’”

I take it all and then try to roll him off me.
No such luck.

I ask him to get off me so that I can get up.

He tells me, “Well now, I think I'll just take my time.”

Taffy appears and tells the guy to roll off or Taffy will roll him out.

The black guy gets up and eyes Taffy with some anger.
The black guy is taller, Taffy is thicker.
Taffy flexes his muscles.
The black guy thinks things over and decides to leave.

I get up, put my shoes back on and once again I stagger down the back hall and into the dressing room.
Once again one of the brainless little girls asks me, “Well, how do you like big, black cock?”

I tell her, “I like all colors of cock, but I love long green much better than cock.”

The Stage Manager pokes his head into the room and tells me he needs an autographed garter belt.

I take off the one I have on.
It's already autographed and I hand it to the Stage Manager.
I get another garter belt out of my locker, put it on.
The Stage Manager just stands there staring at me.
I'm surprised, because he sees tits and pussy all night long.
I'm a bit annoyed and I ask him, “Do you need something?”

He asks me, “How did you get the extra $20 from the black guy?”

I tell him, “Honey that’s saleswomanship!”
I also tell him, “A guy who buys stuff from me with a back room date gets not only just my autograph, but a personal message as well.”

The Stage Manager grins at me and says, “You’re learning!”

I dance my shifts for the rest of the night, but get no more back room dates.

After the place closes, Desiree tells me I made more in tips than any of the other girls.

I'm delighted!
I may be a whore.
However, I'm a Pussycat Lounge girl and I'm not a cheap whore!

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