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Authors: Selena Kitt

Taboo The Collection

BOOK: Taboo The Collection
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A Twisted Bard's Tale

Hannah's Choice

Sibling Lust: In the Barn




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By Selena Kitt


High school senior, Moxie, agrees to be moral support for her friend, Patches, who is totally enamored with a college boy, so she says yes to a double date, even though she has to lie to her parents to do it. But Moxie wasn’t counting on lying about her age to get into an x-rated movie, and she definitely wasn’t counting on her date’s Roman hands and Russian fingers, or the fact that the pants she’s borrowed from Patches are several sizes too small. By the end of the night, Moxie finds herself in far more trouble than she bargained for!




On the Bus (Sibling Lust)
: Two stepsiblings on a cross-country trek to California find more stimulation than just the scenery! Emily is getting tired of listening to Danny practice trivia for his Jeopardy try-outs, and both of them are anxious about meeting Danny’s dad again after years of separation, but neither sibling could have predicted that a journey of forbidden sexual exploration would begin for them together on the bus.

In the Fold (Sibling Lust):
Stepsisters Rachel and Abby belong to a closed religious sect called The Hands of God. By day, they’re both innocent and pious, following Daddy Zeke’s orders—but by night, these two sensual, wanton sisters share the same bed, breaking their spiritual covenant but creating bonds stronger than any man or God could tear asunder.

In the Barn (Sibling Lust)
: The temptations of the flesh prove too much for devoutly Amish Sarah, and to make matters worse, the devil has come in the form of her own adopted brother, Eli. When she discovers him doing something strangely exciting in the barn, Sarah can’t help letting her hair down, in more ways than one, and together the siblings give rise to a new definition of sin.

Under the Stars
(Sibling Lust)
: Sissy and her adopted brother, Sam, are embarking on a long-awaited camping trip in Michigan’s U.P. They’re both in college now and their parents are finally letting them plan a trip to the family’s cabin on their own, but when Sissy’s boyfriend bails on her for the umpteenth time and Sam’s on-again off-again girlfriend gets sick and can’t go, the two of them find themselves alone and get into far more trouble than two siblings ever should.

Selena Kitt’s *Daddy’s Favorites*—where naughty thoughts and wicked temptations bring the taboo daddy-daughter fantasy to life.

Darla (Daddy’s Favorites)
: Sheltered Darla never knew her real father and now her stepfather has a whole new life and family she only feels peripherally a part of. When her stepfather asks her to babysit for her younger stepsister, Darla takes the opportunity to ask her daddy to prove his love for her in a way so illicit and wicked it shocks them both—but leaves them craving more.

Tina (Daddy’s Favorites)
Chubby Tina thinks she couldn’t hate herself any more than she already does, when she overhears her skinny mother telling a friend, “We’re going to be stuck with Tina forever. No guy is ever going to want her.” It’s her first year of college, and she vows to move in with a girlfriend instead of stay with her parents anymore. That is, until her stepfather catches her going out the door in the middle of the night with a suitcase. Tina finally, tearfully confesses, and is surprised by her stepfather’s insight and perspective—and how willing he is to show her just how beautiful and loveable he thinks she really is.

Anna (Daddy’s Favorites)
: Bookworm Anna is always reading something—unless it involves her school work. Her mother and stepfather have tried everything to get her to get good grades, and now that’s she’s at community college, they’re worried she’s never going to make it. Her stepfather comes up with an ingenious incentive plan to pay his stepdaughter for getting As—but Anna tells him she wants something far more naughty than money. She wants her stepdaddy instead.

Christa (Daddy’s Favorites)
: Spoiled Christa has never wanted for anything in her life. She’s the head cheerleader at a major university, drives a brand new Mustang, and will graduate summa cum laude this year. All the boys want to date her and every girl wants to be her—but Christa has been keeping a secret. Her parents divorced over a year ago and her mother re-married over the summer. No one knows that her new stepfather watches her practice her cheers in the yard from the bathroom window, and steals her panties out of the laundry, and watches her get undressed at night—because Christa leaves her door wide open. No one knows how much Christa wants to get back at her parents—or how much she desperately wants to steal her new stepfather right out from her mother’s nose. And spoiled Christa always gets what she wants.

Clara (Daddy’s Favorites)
: Clara is a typical farmer’s daughter, getting up in the morning to gather eggs and milk the cows before heading off for her first year at community college. She knows her stepfather can use all the help he can get, now that her mother has left them both for a richer life in California with a younger man. The two of them have picked up the pieces and developed their own routine, but when Clara approaches her stepfather with a question about sex and boys, both father and daughter discover that they are far lonelier than either of them ever realized.

Becca (Daddy’s Favorites)
: Tomboy Becca has always been the girl who caught frogs, made mud pies and climbed trees. She’s never cared for or even paid attention to boys much, unless they were tossing a ball in her direction, but when a new girl shows in up in her class at community college, all that changes. How does the new girl get so much attention just for wearing skimpy clothes? Becca discovers she does want the boys to notice her after all, and decides to find out how to make that happen. And what better place to start her experiment than at home? Because the person she wants to notice her the most just happens to be her stepfather.

Warning: This title contains shamelessly wicked displays of pseudo-incest between stepfather and stepdaughter so hot—careful!—it may just melt your e-reader!








Complete Collection


By Selena Kitt





On the Bus (Sibling Lust)

Do you know why animal crackers have that little handle on top of the box?” Danny asked, nudging his stepsister with his knee.

No,” Emily sighed, putting her own book down and switching off her reading light, waiting. There was no use doing anything else—he was going to tell her, whether she wanted to know or not.

They were introduced in 1902 as a Christmas novelty and packaged so they could be hung from Christmas trees,” he said, reading from the book in his lap.

“How interesting.”
She rolled her eyes. It had been like this all day, and now halfway into the night—a constant stream of interruptions with various bits of trivia. She hadn’t even made it off the fourth page of her own book!

How many different animal shapes are there?” he asked, cocking his head at her.

I don’t know,” She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the seat, feeling the rolling wheels of the bus underneath them chewing up the miles between here and California. “Twenty-seven?”

No!” he scoffed. “Eighteen—two bears, a bison, a camel, a cougar, an elephant, a giraffe, a gorilla, a hippopotamus, a hyena, a kangaroo, a lion, a monkey, a rhinoceros, a seal, a sheep, a tiger, and a zebra.”

“Okay, seriously, Danny.” She shook her head but didn’t open
her eyes. “Alex Trebek is not going to ask you about animal crackers.”

You never know,” he said, sounding hurt.

“Yes, I do.”
She ignored the tone in his voice, pushing onward. “Jeopardy asks questions about the periodic table and Queen Victoria, not snack foods.”

Fine.” He jerked himself toward the window. “I’ll just shut up and leave you alone.”

Emily smiled, still not opening h
er eyes, breathing, “Finally!”

It was quiet only for a moment before he spoke up and asked,
“What does the chemical symbol Fe2O3 represent?”

“Danny!” S
he groaned, slapping her forehead. “I have no idea! I’m not the Mensa member here.”

Rust,” he replied, looking smug. She hit him in the arm. “Hey! I’m just trying to expand your horizons a little!”

I don’t need my horizons expanded.” She got up and flounced off to the bathroom.

Emily splashed her face with water, pushing her hair out of her eyes. Her eyes were blue and bright, like her mother
’s. Danny, on the other hand, was dark eyed and dark-haired, like his father, the man Emily had called “Daddy” until she was twelve. He hadn’t been, of course, and Danny wasn’t really her brother, only by marriage, both of them coming along as a package deal when Emily was just a baby and her mother recently widowed.

This is his fault
, Emily thought, scrubbing her hands fiercely. If only her stepfather hadn’t ever moved out to California in the first place. But off he’d gone, leaving Danny behind, leaving all of them.

She sighed, turning the hand dryer on. When she
’d agreed to this cross-country trek to visit Danny’s father, mostly so her younger stepbrother could to try out for Jeopardy now that he’d reached the eligible age of eighteen, she hadn’t counted on having to listen to Danny “practice” for hours on end. She loved the kid—but come on! There was only so much trivia one person should be forced to listen to, wasn’t there?

He was turned toward the window when she got back, look
ing at something on his video iPod. She flopped into her seat, digging through her backpack for her own.

“I’m sorry.”
Danny apologized without looking up.

She softened, hearing his hurt tone.
“It’s okay... I’m just... you know, not looking forward to swallowing the whole Dad and his new wife and kids Happy Family Meal...”

Yeah,” he agreed, rolling his eyes. “No doubt.”

Damnit, I left my headphones in my suitcase.” She sighed, tossing her iPod back into her bag.

Do you want mine?” Danny asked. “I’m just reading...”

“Reading? On your iP
od?” Emily made a face. “Don’t you listen to music and watch videos like normal people?”

Just more research.” He shrugged, not meeting her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Dan.” S
he apologized again, touching his arm. “I didn’t mean... what are you reading?”

Porn,” he replied, still not looking at her.

She laughed. “Very funny.”

“Well, it’s not really...” he admitted, giving her a sheepish grin. “It’s just an e-book of useless sexual trivia.”

More trivia, huh?” She smiled, shaking her head.

It’s interesting,” he said. “Did you know the tapeworm has the most sexual organs of any living being?”

Oh gross!” She groaned, hiding her face in her hands. “Danny, please!”

“Okay, okay.” H
e grinned. “How about this... How many orgasms do you think was the most ever recorded for a woman in twenty-four hours?”

Emily cocked her head at him, frowning
. “I don’t know... nine? Ten?”

His smile grew.
“A hundred and thirty-four.”

Her eyes
widened. “Oh my god! I’d die!”

For guys it was only sixteen... although I swear I’ve beat that...”

Danny!” Emily hissed his name, glancing around at the sleeping bus to see if anyone was listening.

How many for you?” he asked, looking at her speculatively.

“I don’t know.” S
he shrugged, biting her lower lip. She had the distinct feeling she shouldn’t be talking about this with her stepbrother. “Probably five... maybe six...”

He winked. “But you guys... or gals, I should say... get to have longer orgasms. A man’s climax only lasts ten seconds, tops... girls have had orgasms for nearly a minute...”

Emily squirmed in her seat.
“Dan... let’s change the subject...”

Why?” He gave her a sideways look. “You want to talk about animal crackers some more?”

No!” she protested. “Okay, fine, tell me more sex trivia...”

There are only five calories in the typical male ejaculation.”

Oh good god!” she laughed. “That’s a good reason not to swallow!”

Eh, not really. Sexual intercourse burns about three hundred and sixty calories.”

Well, at least I can say I’m multitasking...”

Did you know a woman’s nipple can swell up to twenty five percent when she’s aroused?”

Emily flushe
d. “Is that so?”

Well, that’s what it says...” Danny’s eyes moved over the front of his stepsister’s blouse. “And this is kind of neat... there’s a tribe on one of the Cook Islands where boys of a certain age are actually taught how to have sex... everything from intercourse to cunnilingus, and methods for delayed ejaculation...”

Like... hands on?” Emily swallowed, wiggling in her seat.

I think so,” he nodded. “Which, when you think about it, could be really useful...”

She nodded.
“I can see that... most of the guys I’ve been with...”

When she trailed off, h
e glanced over at her. “Yeah?”

Well... let’s just say, they could’ve used some instructional techniques.”

Danny sighed. “I could’ve used some too.”

Emily looked at her brother, a little smile on her
face. “I bet you do all right.”

“I’m a geek.”
He shrugged. “Geeks don’t get the girls, you know.”

“Ha!” S
he nudged him with her shoulder. “What about that Sarah girl last year? I saw you guys in the pool that summer...”

Danny flushed.
“Yeah? Well... you should have closed your bedroom door when you and Max were... ya know... getting busy...”

Emily felt her face fill w
ith heat. “Dan! You didn’t...”

He shrugg
ed, busily studying his iPod.

I think we should try to get some sleep,” Emily whispered, reaching up and turning off his reading light. The screen of the iPod still glowed in the dark.

Emily reached under her seat and grabbed the sleeping bag she had packed, snuggling underneath. The rocking of the bus, which should have lulled her off to sleep, seemed to vibrate through her body, making her feel on edge. Still, she gave it a valiant try, only succeeding in to
ssing and turning in her seat.

I can’t sleep, either,” Danny whispered in the dark, shifting in his seat.

Emily sighe
d. “Here, do you want covers?”

Danny accepted the other half of the sleeping bag, pulling it over his shoulders.
“Are you thinking about Dad?”

“No,” she admitted.

“Me, either,” he replied.

There was a long silence as the bus traveled on in the dark. Someone coughed. Up fr
ont, another light turned off.

What were you thinking about?” Emily whispered.

There was another sil
ence. Then, Danny said, “You.”

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. Part of her wanted to know—another part of her didn
’t. “What about me?”

Remember that time when we all went camping in the mountains?”

Yeah.” Her memory tuned to it, as if finding the right frequency or channel. Ninety degrees in the shade and they were sleeping in one tent, while their parents shared the other. Both of them had slept naked on top of their sleeping bags in the dark, although Emily remembered being careful to get dressed before the sun rose.

“It was so hot... remember?”

She nodded and, although he couldn’t see her in the dark, she knew he somehow felt her assent.

There was one morning when you went down to the creek to take a bath and I followed you...”

Danny...” It should have come out as an admonishment, she meant it to, but instead it was just his name, almost tender on her lips.

I was just thinking...” he whispered. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful...”

That was before they got divorced,” she said, touching his hand under the sleeping bag. “Before everything changed...”

I know.” He squeezed her hand. “I love you, Em.”

“I love you, too,” she said.

“Come here.” He pushed up the seat divider and reached for her. Emily moved in to snuggle against him. It just felt right somehow, in that moment. He held onto her, stroking her hair, and they both drifted off to the rocking motion of the bus.

e dreamed about the mountains—splashing naked in the creek, the cold water a shock to her body as she splayed herself against the smooth rocks on the riverbed. The rushing water flowed over her belly and breasts, and she spread her legs like she was fucking the whole world, letting the rushing foam pulse between her thighs.

Had she known he was watching? In her dream, she knew. He was standing there, transfixed, looking at her like she was a goddess, and that
’s just what she felt like. Letting her long hair fan out in the water behind her, she gave herself over to it, to him, to everything, opening herself to the world.

Emy...” It was a whisper, his pet name for her, leftover from when he couldn’t quite say his L’s.

In her sleep, she shifted, the Birkenstocks she had worn in honor of their California trip left somewhere on the floor, her long skirt riding up her thighs as she snuggl
ed closer to him in the dark.

BOOK: Taboo The Collection
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