Sweet on You (The Wilde Sisters #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Sweet on You (The Wilde Sisters #1)
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Chapter Six





“Nice job, Ray-Ray. He’s gorgeous!” Thyme came up behind her and kissed her cheek.

Rayne rolled her eyes. “I told you. We’re just friends.”

“Why?” Thyme eyed him over her glass of red wine.

“Because he’s a nice guy. I can talk to him about anything and we have fun together. We run, kayak, hike, and—”

“Have hot, sweaty monkey sex?”

“Thyme! Lower your voice. No, it’s not like that. We’re just friends.”

Sage quirked an eyebrow and glared knowingly at her sister. “As if. You’re hoping for the bended knee and ring tonight, aren’t you? I warned you…” Exasperated, Rayne sighed. She knew she’d get the third degree from her sister. “Friends, sis. Just friends, Rayne says,” Sage said sarcastically.

Rayne allowed her gaze to drift to the main topic of discussion. He seemed at ease with her parents. They kept their arms wrapped around one another but actually paid attention to Trent. Her mother even laughed at something he said.

The laugh carried over to the sisters, who were setting the table. “Wow. For a second there I thought Mom was going to let go of Dad. She must have fallen for your baker as well.”

Rayne rolled her eyes at Sage and turned her back on her parents and her…friend. They had pulled two picnic tables together and draped them with white linen tablecloths. The bright colored Fiesta dishes and the bold flower arrangement Thyme made created a fun and romantic tablescape.

The night was still warm but Sage lit the tiki torches to keep away the bugs. “Dinner in five,” Sage called out and sauntered—she never simply walked—into the house.

Trent looked over at Rayne and winked. She couldn’t help but smile. And blush.

“Oh, honey. You’re in love again, aren’t you?” Thyme asked sympathetically. Apparently it was obvious to everyone but Trent. He still viewed her as a pal. Friendly pokes, hair tugs, light punches. Not something you do to someone you think of sexually. Or at least romantically.

Wishing she went for the slutty look and spent a little more time on hair and makeup, she sucked in her tummy and stuck out her chest a little more than necessary. Maybe she could work her assets to grab his attention. All she had to figure out was if he was a leg, butt, or chest guy.






Holy chest. He was getting hard while talking to Rayne’s parents. Not that they’d notice. They were stuck on each other like Saran wrap, only faintly aware of other people in their vicinity. Trent had spent hours ogling Rayne’s butt in the Zumba classes and couldn’t help noticing her mile long legs as well, but her chest had always been kept trapped underneath the Lycra constraints of a sports bra. Let them out to play and…
. The crème of the crème.

He wanted to lick her from…


“Uh, yeah?”

Suzie Wilde eyed him suspiciously. “The girls said dinner is ready.”

“Oh, yeah. Um, after you.” He smiled and gestured for the happy couple to precede him. Hopefully they would shield their daughter’s eyes from the impressive bulge in his pants.

The Wilde parents sat ridiculously close to one another at the picnic table while Thyme lowered herself next to her mother and Sage sat across from them. Rayne put a hand on his shoulder for support as she picked up her leg to straddle the bench. He got another glimpse of toned quad muscle. Swallowing deeply, he lowered himself between Rayne and Sage.

“Allow me, darling.” Neil picked up the plate of grilled salmon and served his wife, seeming to know just how much she would eat.

“Oh, sweetie, thank you.” She kissed his cheek and made adoring noises to her husband, completely ignoring her daughters.

Once the ladies served themselves, he dug in as well. “Wow, you girls can cook. This is delicious.” Thyme smiled sweetly at Trent’s compliment while Sage muttered, “Damn straight.” Their parents only complimented each other, not their daughters, who planned, organized and cooked this fine feast.

“Thyme is amazing with herbs.”
Go figure.
“She makes the best rosemary potatoes, doesn’t she? Sage came up with the marinade for the salmon. She could give you some serious competition with your grill,” Rayne said.

Trent smiled down at Rayne and whispered, “You never stayed to taste my grilling expertise, Ms. Wilde.”

She stared into his eyes, blushed, and picked up her wine glass, drinking in a way that was very unladylike. He winked at Thyme, who stared back at him with amusement in her eyes before picking up her wine and hiding her grin in her glass.

The only one not affected by his charm was the serious sister to his right. Rayne didn’t say too much about her older sister other than the fact that she liked to be in control of every situation. She seemed nice enough, but a bit too much like the Ice Queens he’d dated in the past. He supposed living with two parents who ceased to acknowledge your accomplishments or existence could do that to you. Somehow Rayne and Thyme escaped the negative, sour genes.

They ate in near silence, with only Rayne and Thyme talking frivolously, obviously trying to fill the dead air. He did his best at trying to work Neil and Suzie into the conversation, asking them how they met, but they told the story to each other, ignoring their family. Lost in their own world.

How could Rayne have such a high opinion of love and marriage after being emotionally rejected all her life?

“Who’s ready for dessert?” Sage asked when she’d obviously had enough of her parents’ neglect.

“Me!” Thyme cheered. “I can’t wait to see what Rayne made! I still can’t believe you baked. I’m assuming you had a pretty good teacher?”

“Yeah, he was all right. I’ve had better,” she teased. Sage snorted and Rayne stilled. Blushing, she stammered, “I mean, I’m joking. I’ve never…um…well, it was my first time baking…I’ll get the cake.”

Trent stood up first. “I’ll help. Your shoes aren’t really meant for walking across a field.”

She glanced down at her strappy sandals and bit her lip. “Don’t trust me, Kipson?”

“Hey, I’m just looking out for the cake.”

Getting up from the picnic table proved to be a struggle. He couldn’t swing his leg over without knocking Sage with his back or kicking Rayne in the face. “Um, you may need to get up first.”

Rayne swiveled around, putting her back to him—unfortunately—and swung her sexy legs over the bench. “Need a hand, big guy?” She held out her dainty hand and it was all he could do to not pull her down into his lap and show her exactly where he needed it.

“I’m good.” He needed a little distance to tone down his libido. “You stay here. I’ll grab it.” He made his way to his SUV and opened the back to his built-in cooler, an essential when delivering cakes, pastries, and yeah, beer.

“I am man. Hear me roar,” Sage said.

“Oh, quiet. He’s just being gentlemanly,” he heard Rayne scold her sister.

To say her sisters were impressed with the cake would be an understatement. Even Sage aww’d and rubbed Rayne’s arm. “That’s beautiful, Ray-Ray.”

“You did that all by yourself?” Thyme asked.

“Well, no. Trent helped. You know me. I’ve never even baked a batch of cookies before. Anyway, you should see Trent’s bakery. The cakes he decorates are gorgeous. Granted, I’ve only seen the three that were in the case that day…”

“Oh, easy. This masterpiece was completely Rayne. I stood by and told her what to do, but she baked the cake, made the frosting, and piped the roses. She’s a natural.” He set the cake in the middle of the table and stepped back so everyone could admire Rayne’s masterpiece.

The tender smile she gave him made him sweat around the collar.
Hell, what am I getting myself into?
It was like he was trying to woo her instead of scare her off. His mouth kept firing off boyfriendish crap.

“I take back all the nasty things I said about you, baker boy. Anyone who can convince my sister to step foot into sugar land and turn out a product like this, deserves a…kiss.”

Before he could stop her, Sage placed her hands on either side of his cheeks and planted a loud kiss square on his lips. He stood frozen, arms stiff at his side.
Had he sent signals to the wrong sister? Sage pinched his cheek before slapping it lightly. “Don’t worry, baker boy, I know you only have eyes for Ray-Ray. If you get bored with her, give me a call,” she whispered in his ear.

“I’m going to cut the cake,” Rayne said loudly, making her annoyance with her sister clear.

“Yes, cut the cake. It looks delicious.” That was the nicest compliment Rayne’s mother said all night. Trent wanted to sample Rayne’s cake—and her mouth—and get the hell out of here. Fast.






“I’m sorry. So, so sorry. I’m devoted to my family but we’re pretty dysfunctional,” Rayne said as soon as Trent slid behind the wheel.

“No apology necessary. What family isn’t a little dysfunctional?”

“Oh, God, Trent. I didn’t mean…I mean…your mom—”

“Rayne. Seriously. I’m fine. Don’t even think about it.”

She wanted to curl up and die. So much for seducing him. So much for convincing him to throw caution to the wind and give her a chance. Give a relationship a chance. Oh, and her sister. Boy, was she going to give Sage a piece of her mind in the morning. How dare she humiliate Rayne in front of Trent? Rayne sucked at seduction, but Sage sure knew how to work it.

And she was so Trent’s type. Just like Katrina. Crap. Katrina. Who the heck did Rayne think she was, trying to seduce—ha! If she could call wearing a simple sundress seducing—a man who was incredibly out of her league and into women more like her older sister? Maybe she should hook them up.

No, Sage would eat him alive. Trent seemed like the kind of guy who liked that, or could at least handle it. Sweet was so not his style. He made that clear from day one. And day forty-two. His kiss was simply to prove a point. Not gay. But not interested.

Rayne stared out her window into the black night. At least traveling lightless, windy back roads would keep her face hidden from Trent.

“You’re awfully quiet.”

“Just tired. Thanks for coming tonight. Sorry it was so…awkward.”

He didn’t say anything, which was worse than trying to sound nonchalant. It was the first time they sat in uncomfortable silence. Normally they chatted freely and the few times they were quiet, it was still comfortable. Not tonight.

Forty minutes later, he pulled into her lot. As he got out and rounded the hood to her front door, she thought about what to say to him. There really was no way to make the night less awkward, so being forthcoming was her best bet. Biting her lip as he placed his hand on her lower back and escorted her to her apartment door, she breathed in and out slowly.

“You seem tense. Sure you’re all right?” he asked as she got out her key to open her front door.

Now or never, baby.

Turning in the doorway, keeping Trent in the hall, she stared at his chest and blurted it out quickly. “No, I’m not all right. I like you. Like you a lot. You don’t do relationships and I do. I’m willing to bypass my usual pattern, which hasn’t been working for me anyway, and give your method a try. That is, if you’re interested. Unless you’re busy with your neighbor. Then never mind. I’m not looking for a relationship, just meaningless sex. Well, no, sex with you wouldn’t be meaningless, but I promise not to fall in love with you. Sex doesn’t make me fall in love, anyway. It’s the relationship part and we won’t do that. We’ll just be friends. And we’ll…you know. Or not. If not, we can still be friends and do fun stuff. Just not...that kind of fun stuff. ” She gestured with her hands, let out a big breath and finally made eye contact. “Think about it. Get back to me. Good night.” Rayne closed the door and locked it, then slithered down to the floor and burst into tears.









Chapter Seven





“You did not!”

“Did too.”

“And he didn’t say anything?”

“Sage, I didn’t give the man a chance. I slammed the door in his face, cried my eyes out, and called you.”

“He didn’t knock on the door? Break it down? Sweep you off your feet and screw you senseless?”


“Damn. Is the guy like Fifty Shades or something?”

“Um, bad analogy. Fifty Shades is all about sex. This guy doesn’t want it.”

“With you. Oh, ouch. I didn’t mean it that way. I mean, you told me he dripped sex. That he doesn’t do relationships, just sex. Isn’t that why you said what you said?”

“Yeah, except he doesn’t want to have sex with me.”

“You don’t know that.”

Rayne rolled over in her bed, hugging her pillow tight and switched her phone to speaker. “Yeah, I know that. He made it clear on the Fourth, remember?” She sure couldn’t forget. That kiss lingered for hours. It’s all she’d thought about for days. The reason she gave him an indecent proposal. With her past relationships, there had never been the strong chemistry, the tug at her heart, the desire to strip down naked and pounce on a man. She’d been searching for kind and nice and father material, not sex. Even Kevin with his bulging biceps, quads so big he could crush a guy between them, hadn’t turned her on like Trent. Underneath Kevin’s muscle there was a kind man. Not too smart, but a nice enough guy before he cheated. Hot sex was not part of the package she’d been looking for. Until now.

If Trent’s lips could work that kind of magic, what could his hands do? The rest of his body? God, she desired him in the worst way. But she also had so much fun with him. He was perfect relationship material, he just didn’t know it. And, yeah, she kind of lied to him. She was already head-over-heels in love with him. And he liked her a lot. That she knew. All she had to do was convince him to take their relationship to a sexual level and ta-da! Relationship in disguise.

Yeah, right. Who the hell was she kidding?






Trent stood outside her apartment for hours. Or at least if felt like it. She spooked the shit out of him. Sex? Rayne Wilde wanted to have sex with him? No-strings sex? And he was standing outside her door contemplating it like a freakin’ idiot? What the hell was there to contemplate?


Trent was no fool. It was a relationship that she was after, and she thought having sex with him would change his mind. He shook his head in disbelief and dragged his feet—and his aching groin—to his SUV. Sex with Rayne was not something to rush into.

Hell, he’d known the woman for two months. Longer than any woman he’d dated in the past. And that was why he couldn’t jump into her bed. He had to be sure. They’d talk about it in a few days when she had time to come down from her disappointing visit with her parents.

And if he did this, if he did have sex with Rayne, he’d have to be straight-up honest. More honest than he’d ever been with any other woman. Damn. How did his life turn so complex?






Normally Rayne didn’t answer her iPhone while she was running, but she’d been waiting for a call from Trent for three days. She slowed and glanced at the number. Not him, but close enough.

“Hey, Claire.”

“Rayne! How are you? I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend much time together on the Fourth. I’m hoping you’ll come up to the lake with me on Saturday? Stay the weekend?”

“Um, I don’t know. I have to teach a class in the morning…”

“I wasn’t planning on leaving until ten or so. I’d like to drive up during Faith’s morning nap. Does that work for you? A day on the lake, floating or boating, whatever you prefer. I don’t know about you but I could really use some girl time.”

Girl time. Yeah, that did sound good. And no Trent. Yeah. She could do that.

“Sounds wonderful. Should I meet you at your place?”

“That would be great!”

“What can I bring?”

“Whatever your drink of choice is and maybe some snacks? I’ve got the fridge pretty well stocked. Brian and I were up last weekend opening up the camp. A little later than usual, which seems to be my life now with Faith.” She laughed.

“Sure. Let me know if you need anything else.”

They chatted for a few minutes before hanging up. It wasn’t the person she had hoped to spend the weekend with, but maybe a few days with Trent’s sister would give her some insight on him. A girls’ weekend. Just what she needed.

“Oh, this is beautiful, Claire,” Rayne said as they pulled into a small dirt driveway on Saturday afternoon. A cluster of large pines surrounded the A-frame camp, and the grassy backyard was wide open, leading to a long dock where a boat bobbed up and down against the small waves.

“Thanks. It’s been in Brian’s family for years. We live the closest, so we’ve sort of accepted responsibility of opening and closing, but that also means we get to use it more often.” Claire smiled as she unhitched the infant carrier from the backseat of her Tahoe.

“Where does Brian’s family live?”

“You’ve met his mom, Marie. She lives outside of Portland, but since Brian’s dad passed away a few years ago she only comes to camp for family gatherings. His brother married a few years ago and they moved to Texas. His other brother is in D.C. and he has aunts, uncles, and cousins scattered around the Midwest who make it out here every so often.”

“That’s nice,” Rayne said as she unloaded a cooler from the back.

“Come inside. I’ll show you around.”

Claire led her into the small kitchen. The refrigerator and stove looked like they were at least fifty years old but they fit in the barely-accessible space.

“Not a lot of counter space, but we manage.”

The kitchen, eating area, and living room were all open to each other. The walls were covered in dark brown clapboard and decked out with trophy fish and family photos. She’d have to check those out later.

“Here’s the bathroom.” The door opened to a tight space just large enough for a toilet, sink, and super-snug shower. “Brian and I usually sleep in the loft because it’s more open and has a great view of the lake, but we’ll take this back bedroom in case Faith wakes up in the middle of the night.” Claire shifted the baby to her right hip.


“Trent will sleep wherever. The couch, the other bunk in the loft, or…”

Oh no!
“Trent’s coming?” she whispered.

“Yeah, the boys are coming tonight after Bri’s shift. We’ll get some girl time in today and tomorrow morning while they’re out fishing. Actually, now that I have you to keep me company, Brian will probably try talking Trent into going out fishing tonight as well.”


“Rayne, is everything all right? I thought you two had smoothed things over since the Fourth.”

Claire obviously had no idea about the indecent proposal she laid on Trent last week or the fact that he hadn’t talked to her since.

“It’s just that…well, Trent and I aren’t really talking anymore.”

“Oh dear God.” Claire laid out a quilt on the living room floor and set Faith down with some toys. “What has that ass done now?” She tugged Rayne over to the sofa and gently pushed on her shoulders. “Do we need drinks for this conversation? Yes, by the look on your face, we do. I’ll give the baby a bottle when she’s hungry, so I can have one drink. White or red? Or something harder?” Claire bustled to the fridge.

“White’s good.” God, what should she tell Claire? The woman was sweet, adorable, and definitely good friend material, but she was also Trent’s sister. A little awkward.

“Here. Drink first, then spill. Don’t hold back. Just because we share blood doesn’t mean I’ll take Trent’s side. I have a feeling I’m going to side with you. I like you a lot more than him right now.”

“You do? Why? What else has he done?”

“You look like you’d rather swim across this lake than face him. The snide ass. And he never said anything when I told him about this weekend.”

“You told him I’d be here?”

“Of course. He thought it was a great idea.”

“He did?” Maybe he was too afraid to face her alone and he felt he could hold off her sexual prowess with others around.
Great. No action for me.

“So, spill.”

Oh, yes. How much should she say? “Well, he didn’t actually
anything. That’s sort of the problem. I told him I was interested in being more than friends, and he hasn’t talked to me since. It’s been a week.”

“What did he say when you told him this?”



“I sort of closed the door in his face and didn’t give him time to react.” Rayne went through the story again, explaining her embarrassing proposition.

“Hmm,” Claire said, tapping her lip with her finger. “Probably a good thing. If he needs time to think about this and didn’t quickly pounce in your bed, I’d say that’s an improvement.”

“I’d say it’s rejection,” Rayne mumbled and finished off her wine.

Claire quickly refilled the glass. “No, this is good. He likes you. Respects you. He’s not going to use you like he has other women.”

Feeling a bit braver after the second glass of wine she accidentally guzzled, Rayne confessed some more. “I wouldn’t mind if he used me.”

Claire snorted her wine and covered her mouth as she laughed. “Oh, you’re in deep.”

“I know. That’s the problem. I do commitment, he does not. He was quite clear on that from the beginning. I know it has to do with your mother and father…sorry.”

“Oh, don’t apologize to me or for Trent. We grew up in the same house and had the same crappy mother and father. I chose to learn from them and their mistakes and look at me.” She beamed. “I have an amazing husband and the most wonderful daughter in the world.” She turned her tender gaze toward Faith, who chewed on her toes and cooed. “So perfect. Trent can take his sour attitude and shove it. He probably believes all relationships are doomed. And if he does, well, then Brian and I take that personally.”

“He’s only said wonderful things about the two of you. He sees you as the exception to the rule. He doesn’t say much about your parents or his childhood. All I know is it has caused him a lot of pain.”

Claire sighed and tucked her feet under her legs. “Yeah. His childhood pretty much sucked. He did everything possible to please our dad. Once he hit junior high, he started hanging around with some pretty tough kids. Got into a lot of fights but Dad didn’t seem to care. All Dad talked about was Mom. He’d take off for days, weeks actually, in search of her, and Trent had to take care of me.”

“Did your father ever find your mom? Did she ever give any reasons for abandoning you?”

“Yeah. In a nutshell, she said we cramped her style. I was pretty young when she left us and never had much of a relationship with her anyway, so I didn’t miss her. Trent spoiled me and took care of me. I grew up believing that was normal. I don’t think he ever loved or missed our mom. His anger is more selfless. He wanted
to have a mom. And he wanted a dad to notice him. I guess that’s why he turned into an overprotective brother.”

“He loves you a lot. I always wanted a brother, but Sage inherited that role. She meddles in my and Thyme’s business and scares the boys away.” Like last week when she hit on Trent. Rayne was used to her sister doing things like that and trusted Sage completely.

Claire laughed. “I’d like to meet her. You’ll have to invite your sisters up next time.”

“I’d like that.” Only if there was a next time. It would all depend on Trent’s decision.

“Well, my brother is an ignorant ass but I do love him dearly. I hope he can let go of the past and not ruin things with you. Let’s start on lunch and finish off that bottle of wine. I have a feeling you’re going to want to be nice and buzzed when my idiot brother shows up.”

Oh, she loved Trent. And his sister too.

Two hours later, the idiot brother gave Rayne a shy smile and a quick, “Hey,” and continued unloading his SUV. So much for keeping things normal or falling at her feet. She’d settle for either. Preferably the latter.

Of course her shy, “
How’s it going?”
didn’t inspire any titillating conversation either. “Can I give you a hand?”

He barely made eye contact before sticking his head in the back of his vehicle. “Sure. I’ve got some groceries in the back seat.” So much for a brush of his arm against her chest as he passed her something from the trunk. No, she’d schlep to the front of the vehicle and carry the damned bags. Ripping open the car door a little more forcibly than necessary, she snatched up the three reusable bags—
he cares about the environment! Gah! One more thing to drool over!—
and used her hip to close the door.

BOOK: Sweet on You (The Wilde Sisters #1)
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