Read Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2)
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“Good. Keep it that way,” Zoey says.

Turning her nose back up, Stephanie walks away, thankfully to a table at the other end of the room.

“God, I can’t stand her!” I grit out.

“I know. None of us can, but her money is as good as anyone else’s. For that reason alone I can put up with her for a few hours.” She takes her seat again, her eyes pinning me in place. “So, are you ever going to fill me in on what happened when you stormed out after Jase last night and never came back?”

My eyes dart away from hers as I take another gulp of my drink. “Yep, one day. Just not tonight.”

I haven’t come to terms with it myself yet so there’s no way I’d be able to explain my actions to anyone else.

She chuckles, shaking her head. “I already know, but I can’t wait for the juicy details.”

Oh, they’re juicy all right.

Thankfully, I’m saved from having to say more when a woman in a dress suit takes the stage. “Good evening, ladies, and thank you for joining us tonight for our first annual Date For A Cause auction. My name is Lindy Armstrong, president of the fundraising committee at the Children’s Miracle Center, and I will be your MC for the night. I want to send out a special thank you to Zoey Anderson for not only coming up with this magnificent idea but for allowing us to host it here in her establishment. The turnout has been more than we could have hoped for.”

As we all applaud Zoey gives a shy smile and a short wave, uncomfortable with the attention.

“Who here is ready to meet our fine gentlemen of the hour?”

I smile at the next round of applause and can’t help but feel sorry for all the guys. Well, except for Cam. He’ll eat this up, but I’m sure the rest of them will feel awkward about a bunch of women bidding for their time. Or maybe not.

Will Jase be? Or will he soak it up like Cam?

It doesn’t matter, Sam. Don’t think about him. Bid on someone else, it will be a good distraction.

“Without further ado, please welcome the charming and courageous men of Fire Station Two.”

The entire place erupts in applause, women whistling and catcalling as sixteen spiffed up men in black tuxedos walk out and line up. My eyes immediately stray to the one man I haven’t stopped thinking about. The one whose touch I can still feel burning beneath my skin.

All the memories of last night come flooding back on a rush, making my entire body flush with heat. His eyes move along the crowd, as if he’s searching for someone. It’s not long before they lock with mine. The entire place fades away as we stare at one another. There’s no exchange, not a wave or a smile, but there’s no denying the electricity that passes between us. It’s powerful enough to pin me in place.

“Good god they’re beautiful,” Zoey says, breaking through the spell that had been cast upon me. “What the hell is it about a tuxedo that makes an ordinary man look…extraordinary?”

I’m a girl who appreciates the simplicity of a pair of kick ass jeans and a T-shirt but there is no denying the way these men fill out a suit, especially Jase. But I have a feeling there isn’t much out there that wouldn’t make him look good.

After Lindy goes through the rules and explains how it will work she introduces the first guy, Tristan, who I’ve never met but have seen around. She starts the bidding at seventy-five dollars and he has no problem being bid on. It ends up tapping out at five hundred dollars.

A great start.

The next three are close to the same. When Cam is called up, his bid finishes at twelve hundred dollars.

“Oh my god, this is insane,” Zoey says excitedly. “I knew it would be a hit.”

Austin is called up next, dozens of paddles rising once again, including Zoey’s.

“I don’t think so, ladies. This one’s mine,” she says, chasing each bid.

“You have a thing for Austin?” I ask, shock coursing through me.

She shrugs. “Of course. Who wouldn’t? If I had the time I’d have already snatched him up, but as you know, I don’t.”

That’s because the responsibility of her sister lies solely on her since their mother is a deadbeat.

“But I can spare one night and that one is going to be with him.”

Nothing would make me happier if she and Austin hooked up, because I know he would treat her the way she deserves. Zoey is used to having to take care of everyone. It would be nice to see it happen to her for a change but it would be a tough wall to knock down. She’s stubborn.

I applaud loudly when she wins the bid, paying a thousand dollars. However, my excitement dies when Jase is called up next. I consider locking myself in the bathroom until this is over so I won’t give into temptation.

My stomach clenches at all the paddles being lifted, Stephanie, of course, being in the lead, constantly raising each bid. It takes every ounce of self-control I have not to jump in.

Thankfully, one lady continues to raise her, and as much as I hate to see Jase on a date with someone, I’ll take anyone over her. Unfortunately, the lady drops out at eleven hundred dollars.

“Eleven hundred,” Lindy announces. “Do I hear twelve?”

My heart pounds and palms sweat at the blanketed silence. Jealousy spreads through me at the triumphant smile on Stephanie’s smug face.

“Eleven hundred going once—twice—”

It’s then that my traitorous body has a mind of its own. I jump to my feet with my paddle in the air. “Thirteen!” I yell, feeling my legs quake beneath me.

“Yes!” Zoey hisses.

My eyes lock with Jase’s and I’m not sure who is more surprised—me or him.

“Thirteen.” Lindy points at me excitedly. “The highest bid so far tonight. Do I hear fourteen?”

“Fourteen!” Stephanie tosses out, her anger evident.


“Eighteen!” she yells, throwing a challenging look my way.

“Get her, Sam. I have some room on my credit card!” Zoey grinds out.

I would never take Zoey’s money but I raise her anyway, knowing I will figure out some way to get it. Even if I have to ask my father. Yeah, that would go over really well. I can just see it now.
“Hey, Dad, I know you hate Jase Crawford and all but can you loan me a few thousand bucks. I sorta paid to have a date with him.”

Oh god, I’m pathetic…but not enough to stop.

It turns into a battle. Our paddles lifting after one another. The higher it rises, the faster my adrenaline rushes.

Jase shakes his head at me, telling me to bow out. I don’t know if it’s because he wants to go on a date with her or he doesn’t want me spending that much. I’m hoping it’s the latter because I can’t stop. I can’t let her win. It will totally kill my pride and well…probably my heart.

When we get to twenty five hundred dollars I can’t take it anymore and jump ahead, hoping to end this once and for all. “Four thousand dollars!”

Gasps sound around the room just before it falls to a dead silence, everyone freezing in place.

Oh shit!

“What the hell are you doing?” Jase gapes at me from the stage, his words loud enough to hear.

“Amazing,” Lindy says, sounding as shocked as I feel. “Four thousand going once, twice… Sold!”

The knot in my stomach tightens.

What did I just do?

Stephanie wastes no time approaching me. Her expression is stoic but her eyes are raging. I brace myself for the catfight I’m sure is about to ensue.

“Only you would have to pay that much to get a date. I, on the other hand, already had him for free,” she taunts, giving me a smug smile.

Before I can tell her to go to hell she’s gone, leaving me to stand here like an idiot.

“Ignore her, Sam. She’s jealous,” Zoey says, trying to make me feel better.

I look around the place, the next bid already off and running. My eyes land on Jase again to find him still staring at me like I’ve lost my mind.

Shaking my head, I swipe my purse from the table. “I’m sorry, I have to go. I’ll call you later.”

I feel bad ignoring Zoey when she calls me back, but I need to get out of here before I completely lose it. Pushing through the door, I step out into the fresh air, the cool evening breeze a welcome relief to the fire invading my cheeks.

Jase comes crashing out not long after me. Unable to deal with him right now, I turn away and move for my car.

“I don’t think so, baby.” He grabs my arm and swings me around to face him. “What the hell was that? Are you fucking crazy?”

I rip my arm back, all my pent-up anger bubbling up to the surface and exploding like dynamite. “Yes, I am! I’m crazy because she makes me
and so do you. Now I’m standing here in the parking lot screaming like a crazy person, but you know what? I don’t give a shit,” I yell, unable to stop my tirade, no matter how much my mind is telling me to shut up. “Everyone always talks about how sensible Sam is. Well Sensible Sam has finally lost it. First I fuck my brother’s enemy in the back of his truck, then spend four thousand dollars on a date with him, but at least that one is for a good cause. So you all can take Sensible Sam and shove her up your asses!” By the time I finish, my throat is dry and chest heaving.

Jase stares back at me, seeming at a loss for words, the beginning of a smile playing at the edge of his perfect lips.

Releasing a deflated breath, I drop back against the concrete building. “I really have lost my damn mind,” I mumble.

With a chuckle he falls back next to me. “Well, we’re all bound to lose it sooner or later. I lost it over peaches last night,” he says, tossing a sexy smirk my way.

“I just couldn’t do it,” I admit on a whisper. “I couldn’t let her win. Usually, I’m not catty, but she brings out the worst in me.”

He grunts. “Yeah, she’s got a gift for that.”

Glancing over at him, I gather up the courage to ask a question I fear to know the answer to. “Are you upset I spent that kind of money or because you wanted that date with her?”

His eyes narrow. “What the hell do you think?”

I shrug. “I have no idea. That’s why I’m asking you. She seems to think you guys have more. Regardless of the money I spent, I have more pride than to be someone’s second choice.”

I’m caught off guard when he pushes from the wall and crowds me against it, his arms caging me in on either side of my head. “Let’s get a few things straight. Stephanie and I have been over for years. It ended the night she fucked your brother and it has stayed that way.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to defend Sawyer, but I don’t get the chance.

“Secondly,” he says, his hand moving to brush my hair away from my neck where it hides the mark he left on me. My pulse speeds up as his thumb caresses it. “You could never be someone’s second choice, Sam. You’re too good for that.”

He’s wrong. I’ve been people’s second choice. I was Grant’s second choice many times when it came to other women. I was such a fool back then.

“Do you have that kind of money?” he asks, changing the subject.

“Yeah,” I lie. I’ll find a way to come up with it. I would never back out.

“Then I guess I owe you a date,” he says, sending butterflies to dance in my tummy.

I try to mask the effect by crossing my arms over my chest. “For four thousand dollars it better be a good one, Crawford.”

With a smirk he snags me around the waist and pulls me flush against his hard body. “Trust me, baby. It’ll be worth every fucking penny.” His warm brown eyes hold me captive as his mouth descends upon mine, stealing my breath and crashing into my soul like a freight train.

How on earth does he do that?

Uncaring at the moment, I wrap my arms around his neck and take what I haven’t stopped thinking about since last night.

Growling, his tongue glides in, doing an erotic dance with mine that sends my heart and senses reeling. We stay locked in the heated bliss for so long I lose track of time along with oxygen, but I couldn’t care less. I don’t care if I ever breathe again if he’s the one stealing it from me.

With his fingers gently gripping either side of my jaw, he pulls back, but remains close, his lips hovering just above mine.

Slowly, I open my eyes and find him staring down at me, his intense gaze penetrating the depths of my soul.

“I’ll pick you up next Saturday at four. Be ready.”

My gaze narrows, his order cutting through my lust-induced haze. Just when I’m about to say something he steals my lips one more time with a quick, hard kiss then starts off to his truck.

“Hey! How do you know I’m free? Maybe I already have plans,” I yell, feeling my blood heat at his audacity.

His hand rests on the handle of his truck when he turns back to me, gracing me with that sexy yet irritating smirk of his. “If you do then cancel them,” he says so casually. “For that entire night and following morning, Sam—you’re mine.”

Without another word, he climbs into his truck and drives away, leaving me to gape after him.

He has some nerve!

We’ll see how smooth he is when he shows up at my apartment and I’m not there… Oh, who the hell am I kidding. I’ll be there waiting, anticipating what I’m sure will be another unforgettable night with him.

I’m in so much trouble.



few days later, I walk into my childhood home, my stomach immediately grumbling from the sweet smell of baking.

Ah, a perfect day to stop by.

Walking into the kitchen, I find my mom pulling out squares, muffins, and banana loaf from the oven. She turns around when my boots hit the linoleum, a genuine smile spreading across her face.

“Jasiah,” she says, using my full name. “I didn’t know you were stopping by today.” Losing her oven mitts, she comes over and pulls me down to kiss the shit out of my face.

“Hey, Mom,” I grumble, thankful no one else is here to witness this shit. I would never say anything to her about it though because I know it would hurt her feelings. And no one hurts my mom’s feelings, not without the wrath of my father or me.

She takes my face between her hands and looks me over. “I swear you get more handsome every time I see you. Just like your father,” she says. “When are you gonna give me grandbabies?”

I grunt but refuse to answer. It will turn into a long, drawn-out conversation like always, and I don’t have time for that today.

BOOK: Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2)
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