Read Sweet Burden Online

Authors: K L Ogden

Sweet Burden (34 page)

BOOK: Sweet Burden
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There wasn’t much battery left, but maybe just enough to check her messages. She walked over to Obi who was situated on the floor by the fire talking to Guri, who was draped over the chair. Obi moved the blanket for her to sit down and she curled herself back up on Obi’s lap.


“What did you find?” Obi asked as he adjusted the blanket around them.


“A book and my cell phone. I’m just going to listen to my messages.”


She punched in her password when prompted and listened to the six new messages. The first message was from Bradley, who was irritated she had left the dance. The second message was from Kerry, who was digging for details about what happened at the dance. The third and fourth messages were also from Kerry telling her to feel better. Hitomi figured her mother must have told people that she was sick. The fifth message was an apology message from Bradley and he also told her to ‘get well soon’. Hitomi couldn’t help but roll her eyes as the sixth message started. It was Rediisu. He said he needed to talk to Obi immediately. She ended the call and closed the phone feeling a knot forming in her stomach.


“Here.” She held the phone out to him. He gave her a quizzical look and took the phone. “Call Rediisu. He sounded urgent.”


Obi let out a low unintelligible grumble and called Rediisu back. Hitomi looked up at Guri with worry on her face, but he returned a slight grin. She turned back to Obi waiting to know what exactly was going on. She was frightened that something had happened to her mother.


“Rediisu, what’s going on?.....The council is supporting them now…..But, how can…..” Obi shook his head as he listened to Rediisu on the other end. Hitomi hated not being able to hear the entire conversation. Obi was silent for a long time. “Okay, okay. I’ll be there in the morning…No, the morning. I’m staying here tonight.” Obi closed the phone and handed it back to her. He turned to her and leaned over to her ear. “I’m sorry Hitomi. But I need you to let me leave tomorrow. I have to go to Rediisu’s.”


“Why? What’s wrong? Is my mom okay?”


“Your mom is fine. But the Savetto is giving their full support to Domitori. They have ordered the extermination of you, me, and Guri.” Obi looked over to Guri, who didn’t seem to be affected by the news.


“But I thought that someone in the Savetto didn’t agree with all of this,” she replied.


“They have to keep their cover or be eliminated as well,” Guri commented and shifted in his seat. “Well, this sucks. All my stuff is still in my chamber.”


“So, you have to go to Rediisu’s tomorrow. Can I go with you?” She turned away from Guri.


“No. You stay here with Guri. It’s too dangerous for you to go. They will be watching the skies,” Obi answered.


She leaned her head on his shoulder and he tightened his grip around her. “What about you?”


“I’ll be fine,” he tried to assure her.


It still did not calm her fear for him. He had just come back to her. She would never be able to survive something happening to him now. The room became overwhelmed with an eerie silence. Everyone was lost in their own thoughts.


After another late meal, a large thunderstorm rolled in and knocked out the power again. Hitomi walked around and lit candles as Guri stoked the fire.  Obi came hurrying in through the front door with another supply of wood. He dropped it next to the other three piles he had brought in and went off to the bedroom. Guri relaxed back in his chair and started sucking on a lollipop. She wasn’t sure where he had gotten it from, but she was almost afraid to ask.


It was completely dark outside except for a flash of lightening every few minutes. Obi came out of the bedroom changed into dry clothes and sat down on the couch. She put down the matches and joined him, tucking herself against his body. She grabbed the book from the coffee table and started reading out loud. She had to do something to occupy her mind.


After a few hours, Guri was asleep. He was lightly snoring and his fourth lollipop was barely clinging to his fingertips. She couldn’t help but smile as she closed the book.


“I can read more tomorrow night,” Hitomi whispered and looked up at Obi. His eyes were closed too. She was a little disappointed he was already asleep, but she still didn’t want to disturb him. He looked so at peace asleep.


She eased herself from his grip and slipped off the couch. After putting a few logs on the fire, she slipped on her shoes and opened the front door. The storm was still raging outside. The rain sounded like nails hitting the porch roof. Hitomi stepped out onto the porch as the sky lit up with another flash. The anger in the sky made her shiver as she stared out into the dark woods.


There was another brief burst of light and Hitomi blinked her eyes hard. She could have sworn she saw a figure leaning against a tree. It was just a vague outline of a person. She waited for another flash of light to try to negate what she thought she saw. The storm did not fail her and when the sky lit up again she saw the figure more clearly. It was a man.


Her body trembled as she stepped back from the railing. Suddenly she stepped into a body behind her and she let out a scream.


“Hitomi,” Obi spun her around and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s just me.”


“I thought I saw someone,” she blurted out as she clutched his shirt.


“What? Where?” Obi’s voice changed from soft to menacing.


“In the woods.”


Obi started sniffing at the air. “This damn rain doesn’t help, but I don’t smell anyone. C’mon, let’s get you inside.” He ushered her inside and locked up the door. “Guri, get up,” Obi kicked at the chair.


Guri was startled awake. “Huh? What’s going on?”


“Hitomi thought she saw someone outside. I need you awake.”


Guri let out a big yawn and stood up. “Okay, I’m awake.”


“I’m going to get her into bed and I’ll be right back out.”


She couldn’t stop shaking as Obi steered her towards the bedroom. He pulled back the covers and turned back to her.


“I’ll let you get changed. I’m going to go check around.”


“I’m fine. It was probably just my imagination,” she said her lips still trembling. “Obi?” she quickly grabbed his hand. “Will you come back after you check?”


“Absolutely.” He gave her hand a squeeze and left the room.


She changed into some shorts and a t-shirt then crawled into bed. Hitomi lay there trying not to think of the figure, but when she closed her eyes she saw a flash and the man standing there. She knew it was not her imagination. He had been there. He was real. She continued to try to put together a mental image of any noticeable features.


It wasn’t too long before Obi quietly entered the room. He blew out a few candles, leaving the one beside the bed lit.


“Find anything?” she asked.


“No,” he turned around somewhat surprised that she was awake. Obi moved over to the bed and sat down. He pulled the covers up over her. “I didn’t find anything. Not even a hint of a scent.”


“My eyes were probably just playing tricks on me,” she stated not believing her words.


He gave a nod and she could see that he didn’t believe her either. He got up and moved around to the other side of the bed. “I’ll check again in the morning.”


She heard him rustling around and then felt his weight beside her. She rolled over facing him as he made himself comfortable.


“Just get some sleep.” He moved closer to her and reached over her to the candle. He extinguished it with his fingers and wrapped his arms around her. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”


“I know you won’t.”


Exhaling heavily, he was tense and she could feel it in his body. She couldn’t see his expression in the darkness, but she could feel his breath hot against her. Unexpectedly his lips were on her forehead. She closed her eyes as he brushed his mouth down to her nose and then lightly kissed each of her eyelids. Her pulse quickened.


“Hitomi?” His breath tickled her lips. “I would really like to kiss you again…on the lips. Would that be okay?”


“Mm hm,” she mumbled trying to contain her anticipation.


Slowly his lips were on hers. The heat rose inside her as she pressed herself against him. He placed one of his hands on the side of her face as his mouth moved with hers. Hitomi couldn’t help but think how perfect his kisses were. It was as if his lips were made for her.


After a few minutes Obi pulled away as his fingers left a hot trail from the side of her face to her neck.


“You are amazingly addicting,” he whispered.


She was suddenly glad it was dark as she felt her face redden. “You don’t have to stop.”


Immediately his lips were kissing her again with a new sense of urgency. He pulled her tighter against him as his hand moved down her back. He tugged at the edge of her shirt and then his fingertips were against her bare skin tracing a line up her back. The sensation made her shudder.


need to stop now,” Obi mumbled as he pulled away.


“No you don’t.”


“Hitomi, I need to stop,” he said more seriously. “I don’t want to hurt you.”


She felt her mouth form a pout as she sighed. “Just so you know, in the future you don’t need my permission to kiss me.”


“I’ll remember that.” Lightness returned to his voice and his body relaxed.




It was still somewhat dark the next morning when Obi awoke. He let out a huge yawn blinking his eyes open and promptly realized he couldn’t move. He looked down and Hitomi had her head on his chest, her arm over his stomach, and her legs intertwined with his. During the night she had managed to kick all the covers completely off the bed.


He rubbed his eyes and looked down at her face. He wasn’t sure how she managed to look completely adorable in the morning. Obi laid there memorizing everything he could about her face and body for the next 20 minutes. He groaned realizing he really needed to get to Rediisu’s.


He carefully moved her head onto a pillow and disentangled his body from hers. Obi got out bed so not to disturb her and walked around the room gathering some clothes. He got dressed and left the room. He went over to Guri and tapped him on the head.


“I’m leaving now. Take care of Hitomi. I should be back before it gets dark.”


“Does she know you are leaving?” Guri mumbled.


“She’s still asleep.” Obi grabbed his boots and started lacing them up.


Guri groaned and got up from the chair. “You better leave her a note or something.” He moved into the kitchen and let out a yawn. “Since she’s your girlfriend now.”


“Girlfriend?” Obi’s head shot up.


Guri smiled as he started to heat some water. Obi huffed and went into the kitchen. He grabbed a slip of paper and a pen. Guri let out a snicker as he walked past him.

BOOK: Sweet Burden
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