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Authors: Jessica Daniels

Sweet Addiction (9 page)

BOOK: Sweet Addiction
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I brush my lips lightly
against his, cutting him off mid-sentence. “It can’t just be what I want. If
you don’t---”

“Dylan, of course I
want it too. Do you think I haven’t thought about it?” His hand comes up and
strokes my cheek as I trace the outline of his chest. His face is completely
serious and I’m suddenly grateful for my extreme case of mouth diarrhea. 

“Okay.” I step back out
of his arms and hooking my fingers into my panties. I watch him watch me slowly
pull them down my legs and step out of them, leaving me standing in only my
garter and stockings. If it’s even possible, he gets harder. My eyes bulge in
my head as he sits down on the couch, pulling me towards him.
Oh God, he
wants me on top?
I slowly, almost hesitantly straddle his waist as he
watches me, his eyes never leaving mine. I brace myself on my knees. “Umm, I’m
not used to doing it this way. I don’t really know if I’ll be good at it like

The corner of his mouth
twitches. “You can’t be bad at it, love.” His big hands cup my breasts and
begin to slowly knead them, my nipples scratching against his rough palms.
Moving closer and relaxing down a bit, I gasp when he brushes up against me,
rubbing me in the most perfect way imaginable. He moans softly. “See, whatever
feels good for you will sure as hell feel good for me.”

“Oh. OH wow.” I groan
as I move against him, up and down in my wetness as his hands slide down my
sides and grip my hips. He controls my movements, not allowing me to speed up
when I want to or hover over him to allow him to penetrate me. I grip his head
between my hands and lock eyes with him as my body responds to his.

“Reese, I need you.”

“Mmmm, I love it when
you say that.” He closes his eyes tightly, a low growl emanating from his throat
before he opens them again. “Fuck, you feel incredible against me. Can you come
this way?” He slowly trails kisses along my jaw.

I knew I could. This
felt almost as amazing as his mouth on me. He is unbelievably hard and I’m
completely drenched. Plus at this angle, our faces are inches apart and I can
see just how much he is enjoying this. Soft deep groans escaping his slightly
parted lips and his forehead is glistening with sweat.

I groan before I
answer. “Yes, but I want you in me. Please, please let me fuck you.”

He moves in and pulls
my bottom lip into his mouth, urgently swiping his tongue against mine. He
tastes like me, like my orgasm, and it’s surprisingly hot. I moan and put
everything I have into this kiss. I can’t get enough. His mouth can please
every inch of my body and I want to surrender to him completely. 
at this rate, I should just sign the rights to my body over to him now and be
done with it.
No other man will ever make me feel like this. My thighs
shake against his and I move quicker, gliding up and down against his length
that is now soaked from me. My hands grip his head, tangling in his hair as my
body begins to pulse against his.

“Please I need you.”

As his one hand holds
my hip tightly, his fingers digging into my skin, he positions himself under me
and drives his hips up and into mine. We cry out together. He’s so deep in me
this way, deeper than anything I have ever felt. “Reese.” I go to rock forward
on him when his grip on me tightens.

“Shit, don’t move.” He
closes his eyes and drops his head back onto the couch. I stare wide-eyed as
his adam’s apple rolls in his neck, the veins along the sides pulsing against
his skin. 

Oh crap. What happened?
“Is it okay? I mean, does it feel okay?” I’m suddenly wondering if I’m completely
screwing this up and way the hell out of my element. But it’s a justified
question. I really have no idea what I’m doing here.

He tilts his head up
and looks at me curiously, brushing my hair behind my ear. “Is it okay? I’m
struggling to not blow my load in you right now and you’re not even moving.” My
eyes widen and I can’t contain my smile.
I’m making him lose it. Yes!
give me a minute.”

“Okay, take your time.”
I’m completely giddy as he resumes his position, closing his eyes and leaning his
head back. I stay perfectly still on top of him, my hands slowly trailing down
his neck to his shoulders. Molding my hands against him, I take this
opportunity to feel his every muscle. I run my palms down his arms and back up
again, softly massaging his biceps and triceps. Skating down his chest, I trace
the define lines of his abdominals that are clenched tight and seem to firm up
even more from my touch.

“That feels really
good,” he says as he lifts his head and watches me.

“What? You in me or my
hands on you?” I keep my eyes on him as I rub him, wanting to feel every inch
of his skin underneath my hands. It feels amazing touching him like this,
feeling his body react to mine and seeing him relax from my contact.

His hand comes up to my
face and he strokes along my jaw. “Both,” he replies, his green eyes burning
into mine. 

I wink at him as my
fingers trail up his sides and back to his chest. “What does it feel like?”

“Being in you like
this?” I nod and he continues. “Warm, and really soft.” His eyes drop down
between us and he stares at me. There. I swallow loudly. “It feels like I fit
in you perfectly. Nothing has ever felt like this, for me anyway. Have you ever
felt like this before?”

I stare at him, unable
to blink as he studies my face.
What did he mean by that? Was he just
referring to the sex? Or did he mean just being with me? The two of us
together? Shit.
His question is fucking with my head.
I’ve sure as hell
never felt anything like this, in both ways. I’m drawn to this man. The
undeniable tangible pull between us is electric. But I’m sure it’s one-sided.
He’s just referring to the sex.

 “Never. Can I
move now please? I’m dying here.”  I’ve never been on top during sex and
suddenly have a strong overpowering desire to do it and do it well.

“Please,” he answers as
he keeps one hand on my hip, digging into my skin.

Gripping onto his
shoulders, I rock my hips forward against him, moaning loudly as he slides out
of my wetness. I push back and continue riding him, back and forth, up and
down, bringing him almost completely out of me before taking him back in.

“Holy shit. Just like
that, love.” He clenches his teeth and rocks into me as I drive against him,
pushing himself deeper and deeper with each move. One hand teases and massages
my breast while the other holds my side. “Jesus, you feel incredible. So
fucking good, Dylan.” He keeps his eyes on me as he leans in and pulls my
nipple into his mouth. I throw my head back and scream his name as the fever
begins to spread throughout my body. He sucks and bites me as I still my
movements, arching my back to give him full access to my breasts. I look down
and meet his eyes as his mouth stays latched around me, pulling my nipple into
his mouth and flicking it with his tongue.

“I love your mouth.”

A small smile pulls at
his lips as he moves to the side of my breast and sucks hard, leaving a very
prominent red mark on my pale skin. His eyes study mine for approval.

“Do that again.”

He licks over to my
other breast that is now being teased with his fingers. Sucking on the skin
just above my nipple, he pulls back after a few seconds and admires his work.
I’m marked by him, where only his mouth has pleased me and it’s the hottest
thing I’ve ever seen. He’s claiming my body and I’m willingly letting him have
it. His hands move to my ass and he grips me tightly, picking up my pace.

“Yes. Ohgod. Ohgod.” My
stomach clenches and twists as my pussy aches. He slides one hand around my
waist and down my stomach until his thumb is working my clit. My fingernails
dig into the leather as he rubs me in the way that only he knows how. I’m
pulsing, shaking against him. My climax was already on the brink before I
crashed down on top of him and the feel of him inside me with no barrier and
now working me the way he’s doing pushes me quickly over the edge. I throw my
head back and give into the release. “Reese. I’m coming.” His hand grabs my
face and tilts it down, forcing me to look at him. His eyes burn into mine,
capturing me as he grunts loudly.

“Dylan, oh FUCK.” I
feel his orgasm burst inside me, warm and lingering, and I never want anything
more than I want him in this moment. This is amazing. Everything about him is
amazing. He pumps once, twice, three times and stills, his eyes staying on mine
and giving me the satisfaction of watching him come undone. And then I collapse
on top of him, my head hitting his chest as his hand comes up and holds me
there. I’ve never felt anything like that. Not even close. He has officially
ruined all other men for me and I am perfectly fine with that.


I was wrecked, ruined,
and completely okay with it. I stayed in Reese’s arms after we both climaxed
for what seemed like hours. He held me, never asking me to move or shift in
anyway. I could feel him slowly getting hard again inside me but he didn’t push
for us to do it again. He seemed as content as I was just softly stroking my
back as my head nuzzled into his neck. I relished in his scent, the smell of
him after sex. He still smelled like citrus, but it was mixed with sweat and I
knew right then that nothing would ever smell that good. Or feel this good.
Which I hated myself for thinking. His air was the only air I wanted to breathe
now and it did me no good to think like that. But I couldn’t help it. I was
officially screwed and I knew it.

We spent an hour on the
couch together, laughing and talking as he held me against him. I felt terribly
embarrassed for not knowing minor details about the man that brought me the
most pleasure I’d ever experienced. Like the fact that he was thirty-one years
old. He grew up in south side and graduated from the University of Chicago when
he was twenty-six with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting and a
Master’s in Business Administration. He made partner when he was twenty-eight
which sounded like a major feat for someone so young. The man was as smart as
he was attractive, and I felt completely relaxed listening to him talk about
college and his family. He had a younger sister who lived in Detroit who was
married with two kids, and his parents were still married after thirty-eight
years and lived in Maywood. I told him about my parents and how they encouraged
me to open my bakery. Being an only child, they were immensely proud of me and
spoke of me like I had invented a cure for cancer and not a fabulous white
chocolate truffle recipe. We talked about how close I was with Juls and Joey,
and how Juls and Ian were practically living together now. Inseparable and mad
for each other. I told him about my morning runs and how most days I wished
that I had an IPod to drown out Joey’s bitchy rants, but other days I enjoyed

It was an amazing night
and not just because of the sex. I’d never enjoyed just talking with someone
the way I did with Reese. I didn’t want to move at all. I could have stayed in
his arms all night but I knew I shouldn’t. No sleepovers. After a few hours, I
asked him to drive me home and the look on his face when we pulled up in front
of the bakery was priceless. He had no idea I lived there.
Of course he
wouldn’t know that, you aren’t dating, Dylan.
I kissed him briefly good
night, wanting more than anything to invite him inside to see my place but I
didn’t. I managed to be strong in that one moment. This was just sex and if I
wanted to keep doing this with Reese, I needed to remember that.

I hadn’t seen or talked
to him since our amazing fuck fest on Tuesday which was making things easier
and harder at the same time. Easier because I was realizing that he saw this
for what it was and it was making me keep myself in check. And harder because a
part of me didn’t want him to see it that way anymore. I spent all day
Wednesday staring at my cell phone, waiting for a text or a call from him until
I stupidly realized that he never actually got my number from me. The one time
he had called me, he’d called the shop directly.

Thursday, Joey and I
were slammed with four consultations, two weddings, an anniversary cake, and a
birthday cake request. The wedding consultations both took forever because the
brides had decided to include the grooms inputs and no one could decide on
anything. Luckily for me, Joey was great at getting people to compromise, a
trait that I loved more and more about him with each passing wedding
consultation. After I had finished up with my meetings, I spent the rest of the
evening in the kitchen throwing together the tarts I had promised the gentleman
on Monday. They were relatively easy to make after I fucked up the first one
royally. I ended up using strawberries, kiwi, and mangos to top the tarts with
an apricot jam.  After managing to only eat one of them, I passed out in
my bed and dreamed the same recurring Reese sex dreams that kept getting
better. I stopped fighting it. It was useless really. Besides, the sleep I was
now getting was some of the best I’ve ever gotten. Especially when I woke up
from an orgasm.


Standing behind the
counter at 11:30 a.m. on Friday, I let my mind wander to what Reese is doing at
this exact moment. I can picture him strikingly sitting behind his desk,
working on some audit or whatever and doing it in a way that only he can make
sexy. His hair is a right sexy mess, his green eyes are narrowed in on his
task, and his massive erection is waiting for me. The shop door opens and I
shake my head to clear it.

“Something or someone
on your mind, cupcake? I know that look.” Joey strolls in, returning from our
favorite little sandwich shop down the street and placing the bag of the best
chicken salad sandwiches in Chicago in front of me. My mouth begins to water at
the smell and I suddenly realize that all I’ve eaten the past few days has been
predominately sugar.
I was going to develop diabetes if I didn’t watch

“No, nothing on my mind
except for this sandwich that I’m about to destroy.”  The bell on the
front door dings and I glance up, my heart thumping hard against my bones at
the sight of the delivery man. 

Joey hurriedly scurries
to my side. “Ooohhh goody. Today has sucked ass and I need something romantic
from my favorite numbers guy.” The delivery man smiles and places a small brown
envelope onto the counter, handing me a slip to sign on his clipboard.

numbers guy? And what about Billy?” I ask, handing the man back his paperwork
and staring at him suspiciously when he doesn’t exit the shop.

“He’s not a numbers
guy. He’s a lawyer. A hot ass lawyer who is taking me someplace uber fancy

“Awesome. Did you need
something else?” I ask the man who stands patiently waiting.

“I’ve been instructed
to wait until
you’re read the letter to leave,” he states

“Oh, okay.” I turn to
Joey who looks at me like he has no idea what is going on either as I open the
envelope and pull out a small card. My heart begins hammering in my chest and I
automatically reach up and place my free hand over it.


It’s come to my
attention that the only number I have for you is the bakery number. Now how am
I supposed to send you text messages saying that I want you to sit on my face?
Or that I can’t stop thinking about the way it felt to be inside you? OR that I
want to see you sometime this weekend if you’re free. Please be free.

X Reese

P.S.  If you would
like these sorts of messages, please give your number to Fred.

Oh man.
I sigh loudly as Joey snatches the note out of my hand. Finding my notepad
under the counter, I bite my cheek to stop from smiling so much as I scribble
down my cell number and hand it directly to Fred, the delivery man.

“Thanks, Ms. Dylan.
Have a great day,” he says, turning quickly and walking out of the shop.

“He wants you to sit on
his face? Well, that’s it, Billy needs to take lessons from Reese on explicit
letter writing.” He hands me back the note and I place it back in its small
envelope, putting it under the counter where I’m now storing them in a small
tin. “You know you’re practically swooning over there right?” he says to me as
I pull my hair up into a high messy bun.

“Swooning? Who the fuck
says swooning? What are you, ninety?” I pull a few stray pieces out and tuck
them behind my ears.

He pulls his sandwich
out and hands me mine and we start digging in. “So, what did he mean by ‘the
way it felt to be inside you’? I mean, you’ve already had sex with him so why
would he... oh... oh my God. Did you fuck him without a condom?” He spits bits
of chicken salad at me as he shouts hysterically.

“Jesus. Close your
mouth. I’d prefer to not be covered in your sandwich.”
Crap. I really didn’t
want Joey to know about this but I manage to forget how fucking insightful he
is sometimes.
I grunt loudly before I answer. “Even though it’s none of
your business, yes, I did.” I make a face and wipe a hunk of mayo off my apron
that had managed to hit me in the middle of my shop logo.

Slamming his hand on
the counter for dramatic effect, like he needed it, he finally speaks after
chewing and swallowing his bite. “That’s fucking huge and really fucking
never even done that. Shit, how was it? Good enough to
swear off condoms permanently?” He smiles wickedly at me as I nod slowly.

“With him? Yes,
absolutely. It was perfect.”

“So you two are
officially a couple now? Fuck yes. That’s what I’m talking about, bitch.” He
holds his hand up for me to high-five him and I shake my head as I chew up my
Damn it. Thanks for the reminder.

“No, we’re not a
couple. We’re monogamously casual.” I take another bite of my too die for

“What the fuck does
that mean?”

I swallow my bite and
stare at my sandwich, avoiding his judging stare. “It means we’re not serious
but we’re only sleeping with each other. So it’s still casual and only about
sex.” I feel a sharp pain in my chest. “Now that we both have established that
we’ll only be with each other in that way, we don’t have to use condoms.
Besides, he was my first and I was his.”
And that part right there eases
that pain.
I glance up at him and see his unconvinced expression.

“Umm, okay. Honestly, I
think you’re both delusional if you think it’s casual for either one of you.
light up when you talk about this guy and
writes you love
letters. Fuck the casual bullshit.” He crumbles up his wrapper and shoots it
into the trash can. “On another note, I think it’s really sweet that you were
each other’s first times without it. I’m sure it meant just as much to him as
it meant to you.”

I grumble loudly. “Shut
up, it’s just sex. And he doesn’t write me love letters. He sends me flour and
panties with tiny notes.”

“Yeah, you keep telling
yourself that. Want something to drink?” he asks, moving towards the kitchen as
my phone beeps in my pocket.

“Please,” I reply,
pulling it out and seeing an unknown number.

Unknown: There you are. Now I don’t
have to worry so much about Fred intercepting my letters to you.

I smile and type

Me: Here I am. And I happen to like
your letters so I hope you don’t mind the risk of Fred intercepting them.

Reese: The risk is worth it, love.
Can I see you this weekend?

Me: I think I can squeeze you in somewhere.
I have a wedding cake to work on tonight but I’m free tomorrow night.

Joey returns with two
sodas and places one in front of me on the counter.

“Thanks. So, where are
you and your hot ass lawyer going tonight?” I force myself to keep my eyes on
Joey and not the phone that is in my hand.

He notices the struggle
instantly. “Some ritzy Italian joint. And you don’t have to hide your
enthusiasm about Reese texting you. I’m done trying to convince you that it’s
more than you’re both letting on.” He takes a sip of his soda and pulls his
phone out, pointing to the clock on the wall and smiling wide.

“Sweet. Dance party
time.” I squeal, setting my phone down on the counter as he docks his phone
onto the speaker station and flips to a song.

Every Friday at noon,
Joey and I dance and sing along to one song in the shop. It doesn’t matter if
customers come in and it doesn’t matter how busy we are. We always make time
for one song on Friday. A few months ago, I had an entire wedding party in here
dancing along to “Locked out of Heaven” by Bruno Mars. It was awesome. Justin
Timberlake’s “Love Stoned” blares through the speakers as I spin around and
begin dancing and singing along to the lyrics with Joey.

I’m on a serious roll
when he cuts the music and stands staring at the shop door, the familiar
guy in the building
look on his face. Spinning around to see what the fuss
is about, I see a very amused face staring at me. Smiling in a suit and tie,
the attractive blond steps forward and tilts his head.

“Well, thank Christ I
decided to stop in here during my lunch break. Otherwise I might have missed
that hot little show.” He steps closer to the counter and presses his hands on
the top, causing me to stumble back a bit.

“Sweet mother. You’re
like a sexy man magnet lately,” Joey mutters to me softly.

I clear my throat and
smile. “Sorry about that. Can I help you?”

“I hope so, Dylan.” His
eyes drop to my name tag and then flick back to my face.
Good but didn’t
have the same effect as my name coming out of Reese’s mouth.
He’s tall and
blond, hair cut short and spiky with chiseled cheek bones and thin lips. “My
father came in the other day and requested something. He’s not feeling well so
he sent me to come pick it up.” He glances down at the display case and then back
up at my face. “Do you have any idea what I’m referring to because he wasn’t

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