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Authors: G.D. Lang

Swarm (Dead Ends) (28 page)

BOOK: Swarm (Dead Ends)
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To my dad:

You instilled in me a unique sense of humor - equal parts cynical and cerebral - that naturally comes through in all of my writing. We have a different way of viewing the world and we don’t often share it with others. That, to me, is what makes it so special. Our connection goes beyond words. I suppose you could say it’s a Lang thing. No one has ever worked harder or longer to put food on the table and to make sure we never went without. But seriously, take a vacation once a while, will you?

I wouldn’t change a thing about either of you. Except maybe that pesky nicotine habit. Your unwavering support humbles me. Thank you for always letting me be myself. I love you both so much.

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BOOK: Swarm (Dead Ends)
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