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Authors: Ella Jade

Surrender to Me (5 page)

BOOK: Surrender to Me
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Martin nodded.

“Roxy was trying to help me.”

“Roxy was in a hard position. She knows she can’t speak to a Dom or deny him access to a booth, but she also knows you are mine.”

Arianna was about to object, but Martin pressed his finger to her lips.

“You’re my attorney,” he clarified. “At the club, you’re my responsibility. I brought you in, but since you don’t practice my lifestyle it’s my job to make sure you’re safe when you’re there.”

“Is Roxy okay?”

“I took care of it. There will be no ramifications for her actions, but in the future I’d appreciate it if you didn’t come into the club without me or Hunter.”

“I understand.”

“Thank you. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

“I can handle myself.”

“Maybe in a courtroom, but a playroom is an entirely different animal.” He stroked her hair, indulging in the way her soft, silky stands felt against his fingers. “Maybe I’ll show you mine one day.”

“You have a playroom?”

“That’s a dumb question, counselor.” He smirked as he continued to play with her hair. “What kind of Dom would I be without one?”

“Where is it?” The color in her cheeks changed from their normal cream to a dark shade of red.

“Here in my apartment in the city, and a much larger one in my home in Connecticut.”

Her breathing picked up, and he could see her nipples straining against the thin cotton material of her tank top. His touch affected her, but how far could he take this? He’d thought about her throughout the weekend. He’d even discussed his interest in her with Cade and Gracie. Once they had gotten over the shock that Martin was entertaining a relationship with a non-sub they encouraged him to take a chance.

“Will you come to Connecticut with me?”

“You’re asking?” She smiled as she challenged him in her quiet way.

“I’ll try to get better at that.” He could do that for her.

“Then I’ll go with you.” She reached out and touched his face.

Her gesture took him by surprise, and he instinctively pulled away. He wasn’t used to being touched without granting permission.

“I’m sorry.” She retreated to the end of the couch. “I didn’t mean—”

“No,” he cut her off. “It’s me. I’m not used to letting anyone touch me unprovoked. I’m usually the one in control.”


“Most of the time.”

“You’ve never been in a, um, what kind of relationship would it be?” The skin just above her adorable little nose crinkled. It did that when she was deep in thought.

“Vanilla.” He laughed. “And, no, as an adult I’ve never been in a non-dominant relationship.”


“That’s what we call sex without the toys and games.”


“I suppose, but I hear there are many couples who are very fulfilled with ordinary.”

He’d had vanilla sex with Gracie many times over the course of their relationship. She had been his permanent sub. She lived in his home and served him on a regular basis, but there were times when they both needed a bit of normalcy. Martin had always been the one to initiate how and when, and Gracie did whatever he wanted. That was her role.

“Are you hungry?” Her voice pulled him from his thoughts.

He inched closer to her and then ran his fingers down her cheek, eliciting a subtle shiver but he noticed. “I’m sorry I pulled away.”

“It’s okay.”

“You know how my lifestyle is new to you?”

She leaned into his hand and nodded.

“Well, yours is new to me.”

“Maybe we could learn together.” She looked up at him with her mesmerizing, wide eyes.

He took her hand and placed it on his cheek. “I’d like that.”

For the first time in his life, he was attracted to a woman who could challenge him and teach him something different. He wanted to take a chance on her. It was time to let go of the past. Gracie was happy with Cade. Martin had always wanted that for her, but now he needed to focus on a future. One he hoped included the beautiful woman who looked at him with nothing but trust.


Chapter 5


Arianna sat out on the wraparound porch overlooking Martin’s well maintained Connecticut estate, sipping fresh brewed iced tea and reading a magazine. Martin busied himself with his afternoon laps in the oasis of a swimming pool just across the yard. Why he would ever want to leave this home for the stress of the city was beyond her. His house had every amenity, luxury, and necessity known to man, including a pool, hot tub, workout room, and a playroom. They had been there for a few days and she had yet to see his special room. Of course, the house was so big, she hadn’t seen many rooms, but the playroom had been on her mind since they had arrived there.

She’d debated whether to ask him to see his private room several times, but couldn’t find the nerve. What was it about that room that intrigued her? It wasn’t as if he was going to invite her to play. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to. She continued with her research on the BDSM lifestyle when she realized she had chemistry with Martin. She wanted to become more informed about what he liked. The sexual tension crackled between them anytime they were in the same room, but neither of them did anything about it. She was too timid to make the first move. She hadn’t had sex for almost two years. She wasn’t naïve, but knowing the experience Martin had intimated her. Then there was the incident in his office. All she had done was touch his face and he retreated like she had the plague. It wasn’t his fault, but she wasn’t prepared for his reaction. She didn’t want to set herself up for rejection. Her ex-husband had rejected her far too many times and she didn’t like the way it felt.

Martin walked down the stone path shirtless and wet as he made his way to the porch. She’d never seen abdominal muscles that perfect before. They seemed to disappear right into his bathing suit.

Oh my.

“Hey, Ms. Covington, enjoying the view?”

“I wasn’t looking at you.” She continued to flip through the magazine, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing he was right.

He laughed as he grabbed a towel from a basket in the corner of the porch. “I meant of the backyard.”

“Yes.” Her mouth watered as he dried off his chest and stomach.

Get over it, Ari. What are you, sixteen?

“It’s so peaceful here. I haven’t been to the country in years. Philadelphia and New York are so crazy, you know?”

“That’s why I bought this place. I only go back to New York when I have to.” He sat down on the edge of her lounge chair. His close proximity gave her chills.

“What about the club?”

“Alex runs it for me. He keeps me posted on who is there and what’s going on. I pop in as often as I can to make sure things are running smoothly. It’s a quick plane ride away if I’m needed.”

“How long will you stay here this time?” She’d only planned to stay with him a week. She assumed they would resume business in the city.

“I’ll go back to Manhattan with you because we have that deal to close, but then I’ll probably finish out the summer here. You’re welcome to return with me. I have plenty of room.”

“I don’t know,” she said. “I just moved to New York.”

“You can keep your apartment. There’s a new complex in the developing stages over in New Haven by the college I’m interested in. I’ll keep you busy.”

“I’ll think about it.” His offer was more than appealing but she didn’t want to appear anxious.

“I’d really like you to consider it.”

“Are you asking, Mr. Abrams?”

He sighed. “Ms. Covington, will you please consider spending the remainder of the summer here at my home? It would be my pleasure to have you as a guest.”

“I’ll let you know.” She giggled because he seemed receptive when she teased him.

“That sound is adorable. You don’t do it nearly enough.”

“I haven’t had much to laugh about these days, I guess.” Her failed marriage had been a deterrent when it came to being happy.

“I can change that.” He scooted closer to her face. “Will you let me?”

“You’re asking again. You’re getting the hang of this ordinary thing.” She swallowed hard and hoped he couldn’t hear the loud strum of her heart pounding against her chest. Her body responded to him in ways she wasn’t used to.

“I have a feeling there is nothing ordinary about you.” He brushed his lips against hers.

She wanted to say something witty and bold, but all she could think about were his warm, soft lips lingering against hers. She parted her mouth, and then ran her tongue along his bottom lip, eliciting a low, feral moan from somewhere deep within his chest. If he was freaked out about not having total control, he didn’t show it.

He closed the space between them, pressing his lips to hers, and then slipping his tongue inside her mouth, eagerly seeking out hers. She had to squeeze her thighs shut when she thought about him pleasing her between her legs. When he tangled his fingers in her hair and deepened the kiss, she had to touch him. She slid her hands over his shoulders, enjoying the way his hard muscles felt. She wanted to explore every inch of him with her hands, mouth, and tongue.

“Enough,” he whispered.

“Too much?” She stopped touching him. “I’m sorry.”

“I could never have too much of you.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “No need to apologize for wanting.”

“You need the control.”

“Yes, but not in the way you might think.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Arianna, if we didn’t stop, you were thirty seconds away from being naked and underneath me.”

“Now I really don’t understand.”
Why the hell did we stop?

“I need to have some restraint with you.”

“Nice choice of words.” She laughed.

“You’re not making this easy.” He stood. “Let’s go to dinner. I need to make a few calls. Why don’t you go and get ready, and then we’ll leave.”

“I’m fine with staying right here.” She settled against the lounge chair. “All night.”

“I don’t think so, kitten.” He pulled her out of the chair and swatted her on the backside.

“Hey,” she screamed. “That hurt.”

“Old habits die hard. You’re lucky I only gave you one hit, so technically it isn’t a spanking.”

She stared at him with her mouth open in total shock that he’d smacked her ass. No one had ever done that before. Would he spank her if she provoked him? Did she want to know?

“You’ve got one hour, kitten. I’m not a patient man. Don’t be late.”

“Or what?”

“I’ll show you what it means to really be spanked.” He winked, wrapped the towel around his waist, and headed into the house. “From the look on your face, I’m guessing you might like it.”

Ari’s hardened nipples rubbed against her shirt, and a sudden rush of warmth flooded her panties. She took a deep breath as she pushed the hair from her face. For a moment, she considered being late to see how far he would take his threat. She smiled as she walked into the house.

Two could play at this game.

* * * *

After Martin finished his calls, he took a shower. As he dressed for dinner, he thought about the past two weeks. Arianna was different than the women he surrounded himself with, and he found the change refreshing. He liked having her around.

He wanted to get to know her better. He hoped she agreed to spend the rest of the summer with him at his house away from the hustle of the city and the distraction of the club. Martin hadn’t been interested in participating in the lifestyle since Gracie left. He hadn’t tried particularly hard to find a replacement for Gracie, but maybe he wasn’t looking for a new sub after all. Maybe it was time to look for a woman who could challenge him in other aspects of his life.

Arianna proved to be funny, smart, and beautiful. She was interested in his lifestyle, he could tell by the questions she asked, but Martin didn’t see her as any man’s submissive. Of course, that didn’t mean they couldn’t play from time to time, but would vanilla be enough for him? He’d spent years perfecting the art of dominance. He owned a club, played matchmaker to others, and spent countless dollars on toys and equipment. Could he walk away from it all?

Arianna was certainly someone to consider. He hadn’t known her long, but there had been an instant attraction. There was a definite pull, one he couldn’t ignore. If his lifestyle was too much for her, he could adjust.

He waited in the foyer for his date to join him. He glanced at his watch, grinning when he heard her stilettos against the hardwood of the steps. He looked in her direction and almost lost his breath. Her tight black dress clung to her shapely curves, stopping mid-thigh, and hinted at enough cleavage to drive him insane the rest of the evening. The straps were thin and adorned with shiny, silver rhinestones that matched her silver heels. Her thick, flowing hair hung loose and curled at the ends just the way he liked.

“I’m on time.” She shot him that sexy, little I-win smirk.

“You actually have thirty seconds to spare. I’m impressed.” He took her hand when she reached the end of the staircase. “A little disappointed I won’t be able to make good on my threat to spank you, but impressed.”

“I told you I’ll never kneel for you.” She slipped her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Hmm.” He ran his lips along her jaw, stopping at the corner of her mouth. “Kneeling may be overrated.”

He moved his free hand down her exposed spine, resting his fingers on her lower back. There was no way she wore a bra with this dress. The low-cut dip wouldn’t allow it.

Arianna placed her hand on his face and gently pushed him away. “We don’t want to be late.”

“Maybe we should stay home.” The raging hard-on inside his pants liked that idea.

“You said you would take me out to dinner. I got all dressed up for you.”

“All for me?” He allowed his gaze to greedily drink in her beauty. Superb. “You look stunning. How will I keep my hands off you?”

“I’m hoping you won’t.”

* * * *

Martin had called ahead to the quaint little inn earlier that afternoon. He hadn’t stayed at the bed-and-breakfast in over a year, but he enjoyed the intimate atmosphere of the restaurant. Once they were seated, he ordered a bottle of the most expensive champagne on the menu.

BOOK: Surrender to Me
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