Read Surrender to Me Online

Authors: Alexis Noelle

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

Surrender to Me (10 page)

BOOK: Surrender to Me
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Chapter Seven


I can’t believe this is actually happening.  Luke’s looking down at me and I can see how much he cares.  I used to read books about girls who fell in love in a week or two and think to myself that they were out of their minds.  I figured there’s no way that anyone can develop those kinds of feelings for someone in such a short amount of time.  I now know that isn’t true, though, because lying here, looking up at him, there’s no doubt in my mind that I love Luke with every bit of my heart.

He runs his hand through my hair and across my cheek.  “If you want me to stop at any time, Becca, you need to let me know, okay?  I don’t want to hurt you.”  I nod my head and he leans down, kissing me, and I can feel every ounce of his emotion in his kiss. 

He starts to get up and I grab his biceps.  “I need to get a condom, babe.”

He goes to rise again but I keep my hold on his arms.  “I um…I’m on the pill.  I have been since high school.”  The one thing my mother actually did as a parent was make me go on birth control, but I’m pretty sure that’s only because she thought I was going to follow in her footsteps.  “Are you okay with us being together without one?”  All I can think about was how much Jen always talked about condoms and how uncomfortable they felt.

He looks down at me and I can tell he isn’t sure how to respond.  “If that’s what you want, Becca, that’s fine.  Just so you know, I’m clean and I have never
used one before.”  I nod my head and lean up to kiss him.

He repositions himself so that he’s at my opening.  He’s managed to kiss and caress each and every bruise and scratch on my body and I know that now it’s time.  I’ve always wanted to wait for someone that truly loves me and won’t use me just for sex, like I’ve witnessed men do with my mother countless times.  Luke is that person for me; he truly loves me and I can see it in everything he does for me.

He pushes into me little by little until he’s completely buried in me.  I gasp when he breaks through my barrier and he immediately stills.  “Are you okay?”  I nod my head yes, not really ready to speak yet, and lean up to kiss him so that I can assure him that I’m fine.  “I’m going to start to move, let me know if you need me to stop.”

He starts to slide in and out of me and I can’t even begin to explain how amazing it feels.  I tighten my hold on him, digging my nails into his back and arch myself up to him.

“Baby, you feel so amazing right now.”  He resumes kissing and nipping my neck which only makes the pull I was starting to feel intensify.  I lift my legs up and wrap them around him, pulling him closer and pushing him deeper into me.  “God, Becca, you can’t squeeze me like that, baby, or I’m not going to last long at all.”

I slide my hands up and run them through his hair, letting them rest at the back of his neck.  I can feel my pleasure building and it’s starting to feel like I can’t possibly take anymore and will explode at any minute.

I feel an explosion rock my body and then filter through it in waves and I scream out Luke’s name.  “Shit, Becca, I’m gonna come, baby.  I need to know if you’re okay or if you want me to pull out.”

There’s no way in hell I can form words because I’m still riding the after effects of my orgasm.  I answer him by tightening my legs around him and when he comes he lets out a guttural moan that makes my insides come to life all over again.

After a minute, he slowly pulls out and rolls over onto his back, gently pulling me close to him.  As I’m drifting off to sleep, I feel him kiss the top of my head and whisper, “I love you.”


When I wake up the next morning Luke is still asleep.  I slip out of bed, walk into the adjoining living room and sit by the window.  I grab my phone because I know I heard it beeping at some point last night.  When I check it I see five text messages from Jen.

Jen: OMG! I just saw what happened at the concert on the news! Are you ok?!

Jen: PS-it is so hot that he jumped down there to save you!

Jen: You need to answer me chica…I’m worried!

Jen: So they have reported that there were no injuries to anyone which I am guessing means you are okay…I will also assume you must be having some mind blowing sex with the Adonis right now because that should be the only reason you aren’t answering me!

Jen: I mean it…it better be mind blowing!

I laugh and text her back, letting her know that I’m fine and will call her later tonight.  As I’m looking out over the city, I think about everything that has happened in such a short amount of time.  I never would have thought that this is where I would be a month ago.  When Luke told me he loved last night, it took my breath away.  Just knowing that he cares about me helped to make my decision about us being together that much easier.  I’ve held off for so long because every time I would even come close to being with someone in such an intimate way I pictured my mother with her countless men and everyone at my school who assumed I would turn out just like her.

I remember how devastated she was every time she gave herself over to a guy just to have him leave the next day without so much as a goodbye.  She’d built a reputation in our neighborhood, and I paid for it.  All through high school, people would constantly make comments about how I just
to be easy like her and how they were sure I picked up some pointers.  The treatment that I received only made me more determined to never be like her.  I knew that I would never let a guy use me for sex because I deserve better.  When Luke first asked me out, I assumed that was all he wanted, and even though I may have wanted it, too, I had to know he actually cared about me.

Thinking of how gentle and caring he was with me last night makes me smile.  Aside from Jen, no one has truly cared about me for a long time. It feels so good to know that I have someone who will be here for me if I need them.  I feel Luke’s arms wrap around me and it breaks me out of my reverie.

“Hey, what are you doing out here?”

I turn around to face him and hook my arms around his neck.  “I was just looking out at the city; I didn’t even hear you get up.”

Luke leans down to kiss me.  “So, tomorrow we’ll officially be on the road for two months, are you ready?”  I nod my head, needing a second to catch my breath.  This is all so overwhelming and it’s happening so fast.  “I want to do something today, though; are you up for it?”

“Sure, what do you want to do?”

He pulls me up so that I’m now standing, pressed against him.  “Well first, if you’re up for it, I want to have you again.  As for where I’m taking you later, it’s a surprise.”

His hands move down my body until they reach my thighs, then he lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him.  I lean down and press my mouth to his, letting him know how ready I am.  When I slip my tongue into his mouth he lets out a primal groan.  He starts walking toward the bedroom but stops and heads into the bathroom, instead.  He sets me down on the counter and walks over to the enormous bathtub.  Once he turns the water on he comes back over to me.

“I know that you’re probably sore, babe, so if it gets to be too much, let me know.”  Before I have the chance to respond his mouth is on me.  My hands encircle his waist and I trace my fingernails over his skin.  He grips the hem of his shirt that I’d slept in and lifts it over my head.  My first instinct is to cover myself; I’m still not very comfortable with being naked in front of him, especially now that I have all the cuts and bruises.  I’ve never been one of the skinny girls; I have bigger hips and a bit of a ‘bubble butt’, so even on the beach I usually wear something more than just a bikini.

He pulls back to look at me and I drop my gaze to the floor.  Luke grabs my face between his hands.  “Don’t hide from me, Becca.  You have
to be ashamed of.  You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen; not only that, baby, but your body is so fucking sexy.”  Hearing him say these words only makes me want him that much more.  I can tell that he means every word of it, and if I’m going to be with him, I definitely need to work on my confidence.  He grips my waist, pulling me closer to him, and I can feel how hard he is through the thin material that separates us.

His hands slide up my torso and cup my breasts, making me let out a moan.  His head dips and he takes my earlobe into his mouth, dragging his teeth over it, before slowly making his way down my neck.  When his mouth reaches my breasts he takes my nipple in his mouth so roughly that I let out a gasp.  He begins to sink down to the floor, his mouth never leaving my body for more than a second.  When he gets to his knees, his fingertips find the waistband of his boxers that I have on.

“I didn’t get to this last night, baby, because I didn’t want to overwhelm you, but I can’t wait to taste you.”

Before I can respond, he’s pulling the shorts down and I’m lifting myself off the counter in an attempt to help him.  Once the boxers are gone, he presses his mouth to the inside of my leg next to my knee, and continues his slow journey to my center.  He’s so close that I can feel his breath on my core; what I wouldn’t give for him to stop torturing me and give me what I want.  

Teasing me again, he pulls away and does the same thing to the other leg.  I’m so worked up that I’m practically ready to finish and he hasn’t even touched me down there.  This time, when he reaches my center he looks up at me with a fire in his eyes that warms my whole body.

When he lowers his head and takes my clit into his mouth I scream his name and my fingers tightly grip his hair.  I feel like I need to hold onto him or else I’ll float away.  I hear him chuckle and know that he’s enjoying this as much as I am… almost.  He pulls away from me and his hand that had been gripping my thigh slowly makes its way up until his fingers part my swollen lips.  He inserts one finger into me, slowly stroking my insides, then follows it with another.

When I hear him speak, I look down at him.  “Becca, you taste so fucking good, baby.  I can’t wait to make you come and then sink myself deep inside of you.  This is mine, Becca,
mine.”  The only response I can come up with at this point is to nod my head.  “Tell me, baby; I want to hear you say it.”

He wants me to actually be able to form words right now?
  “I’m yours, Luke…I think I have been since our first date.”  His fingers are still stroking me and I can feel myself teetering on the edge.  He smiles at me, enjoying being able to get me to this point, and then once again lowers his mouth to me.

I’ve gotten so worked up, that the moment his mouth descends on my clit and he drags his teeth over my most sensitive spot, I’m gone.

“Luke!”  I scream his name, and when I look down at him he’s licking his lips and smiling at me.

“That was sweeter than I ever could’ve imagined.”  He stands up, picking me up off the counter and my body molds into him.  My legs are shaking and if I even attempted to walk on my own, I’m sure I would drop to the floor.   Luke carries me over to the tub, gently setting me on the ledge, and I slide down into the warm water.  I feel like I’m in heaven as I relax against the side of the tub and watch as he removes his shorts and climbs in.  He moves to the opposite side, facing me, and before I can ask him to join me he lifts my foot onto his lap.

He begins to knead and massage my foot as I lay my head back because it feels so damn good.  Every once in a while he stops and drags his nails down the arch of my foot, causing chills to erupt throughout my body.  This man knows what he’s doing when it comes to pleasing a woman.  Once he’s finished giving both of my feet the same treatment, he places them back onto the floor of the tub and I open my eyes to look at him.

His head is resting back against the tub and droplets of water are clinging to his beautifully sculpted chest.  Before I have time to think about what I’m doing, I start to crawl over to him.  I want—no,
—to be able to make him feel as good as he had done for me.  I sit between his legs, on my knees, with my butt resting against the heels of my feet.  I rest my hands on his shins and started to slowly massage them while making my way up his legs.  When I reach the apex of his thighs, I circle both of my hands around him, completely surprised to know that he fit inside me so well last night.  I slowly begin to stroke him, moving my hands up and down while using an almost circular motion.  He thrusts himself higher into my hands and his mouth forms a little ‘O’.

I remove my hands and place them on the ledge of the tub, hovering over the top of him.  He opens his eyes, and once he realizes what I’m doing, his hands move to their favorite spot and he grips my hips.  Before he can utter a word, I lower myself onto him and moan at the fullness I feel with him inside me.  This feels so much different than last night—I’m filled almost to the point of bursting—and I can’t be happier.

I bow my head and rest it against his forehead, letting myself get used to this sensation.  “Becca, you are killing me, baby.”  I smile at him and begin to move myself up and down, front to back.  My clit is rubbing against him at just the right angle and I feel as though I’ll fall apart soon.  His hands grip my hips tighter with every motion, and when I start to lift myself up and crash back onto him, he lets out a moan.  He pulls my mouth down to his, slipping his tongue in to claim my own.  He captures my bottom lip between his teeth and pulls on it like an animal.  In this moment, he is so raw and it’s sexy as hell.

“Becca, I’m gonna come, baby, and I want us to go together.”  He removes his hands from my hips, one finding my breast and rolling my nipple between his fingers, the other reaching my clit and massaging it.  I can feel my orgasm rising to the surface, and as soon as I feel him pulse inside me, I let go, our cries mingling during our mutual release.

BOOK: Surrender to Me
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