Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1)
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Markus wasn’t easily impressed by the enormous collection before him. Books were not of any interest to him. He’d rather sit down with a cold beer and catch a football game.

Yet another indication of how different these two men were. Hardly twin brothers.

From the depths of the store, a short, lightly graying black man appeared and met them with a broad smile. He always welcomed a visit from William; he saw him as one of his greatest students. His protégé.

“William and Markus Marks. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He smiled big again, coming around the glass counter. Extending his hand to William, he grasped it tightly, letting his other hand come to rest over it. “Needing some new books, my boy? I may actually have a few you’ve never read before.”

“I truly doubt that. But no, that’s not why I’m here, Benton. How are you?” William asked, noticing how aged Benton had become since his last visit. The man had retired the year William graduated from college, and had come back to the Bottom to tend to his store full time.

“I’m well, boy, I’m well. So what can I do you for you both then?” he asked, motioning for the two men to follow him towards the back.

The aisles were narrow, books lining the shelves and some stacked in front of the cases with no room for a home on the shelves. William quietly smiled as he looked around, seeing that nearly twice as many books had come to stay in the little store since the last time. “Have a seat.”

He brought them to the only open space in the store, a small alcove that had a few chairs and a small wooden table. It was good for perusing a book or a few.

“Benton, you have family heritage books here, right?” William was quick to the point.

The old man eyed him curiously and considered the question. Taking the glasses from his face, he retrieved a handkerchief from his top pocket and began cleaning them.

“I do. Whom in particular are you looking for?” he asked, placing the glasses back on his face. William looked to Markus before answering.

“Lorde family?”

Benton raised a brow at the request, wondering what he could want with the Lorde family history. He didn’t say anything though; instead he pushed up from the table and disappeared. Markus looked over at William, but he only shrugged.

“You really like this kinda stuff?” Markus leaned over and whispered. William gave him an odd look.

“Dude I got a degree in English Lit. Are you really asking me that?”

“Ya know, not many people venture to look into the Lorde history,” Benton yelled to them from several aisles way, scanning the genealogy shelves. “Many just remember the name as a horrible smear on the Bottom history. But that’s speculation of course.”

Benton appeared back in the small alcove and set down a thick book. “What are you looking for anyway?”

“Did Tobias Lorde have a daughter or a wife?” Markus asked.

Benton sighed, he always knew someone would come poking around about Tobias Lorde. He had just never anticipated it would be William. “It is rumored that he had a wife and daughter. Actually, if you want the whole story, it’s rumored that he not only had one daughter but three. Triplets. But after the Fall, no such daughters or wife was found. Some said that they escaped to the Surface and others thought maybe he took them to the Dark, but no one really knows for sure.”

“But it is possible?” William questioned.

“Yeah, it’s possible but I can assure you that you won’t find those answers in this book. No, those secrets he took with him,” Benton revealed, pointing to the thick book in front of him.

William was disappointed but intrigued.

“Honestly, I’m surprised you didn’t go to your mother with these questions.”

William and Markus both shot him a questionable look.

“Our mother?” Markus asked.

“Yeah, your mother. If anyone knows anything about Tobias Lorde, it would be her. Tobias and Merrick were best friends. They grew up together. And Caroline was married to Merrick. I thought you both knew that.”

Their mother had told them a grand story, or as William called it, lies. Before they were born the Bottom had been a place of acceptance. Species were free to procreate with other species. Vampires and Conjurers, Beasts and Magi and so on. Humans were a rare exception but were accepted under strict guidelines. But that was about as much as the prior Heir and Heiress had limited.

They had ruled with gentle hands and loving acceptance of all Nations.

An activist group by the name Council had set into motion a series of events to ensure their place on the throne. To do that they would have to obliterate an entire bloodline known as the Royal Vampyr. An ancient vampire bloodline created to carry on the embodiment of the Heir and Heiress. A king and queen who had ruled over the Bottom throughout the generations. If and when an Heir or Heiress passed on, their counterpart would sacrifice herself or himself in the name of love.

To continue on through the generations, their spirit would pass on to the next born male and female Vampyr born children.

But that had all stopped some 27 years earlier when the Council employed a trusted kingdom servant. A very particular individual, one who served the Heir himself, Viktor Burm. He was charged with killing off the bloodline all the way up to the throne. And he did so in exchange for the High Chair of the Council and rule of the Bottom world.

However, after the Heir and Heiress were murdered, the Council and Viktor had accused Tobias Lorde and Merrick Marks of the crime. Forcing the men into the Dark World and into hiding for nearly as long.

Both Markus and William had been under the impression that Tobias and Merrick were nothing more than acquaintances. Two noble men of the kingdom. Best friends though. Since they were children. This was news to the brothers

For William this only furthered his belief that his father was nothing more than a murderer.

“I just never really thought she would be helpful. She always made it out to be that Merrick and Tobias only befriended each other after the Fall, not before.” William felt betrayed more than anything. Another lie to add to the ones he believed she had told him.

If only he knew how betrayed he would feel soon.

Benton shook his head. “No, those boys have been together since they were in diapers

He wasn’t sure why Caroline would choose to omit the fact, but assumed it was probably for the best, considering he knew the truth about the boys. And about so much more that had happened.

Benton went to say something when the door chimed, alerting them to a new customer. He stood up. “Duty calls, boys. Will you be taking the book, William?”

“No use for it now. I appreciate your time though.”

“Not sure I was much help, but I’m always happy to see the Marks boys,” Benton said. Picking up the book, he nodded for the boys to follow him through the maze, to the front of the store.  

“It helped, Benton, more than you know,” William assured him, patting the man on the shoulder. “I’ll visit soon for those books you claim I haven’t read yet.”

“William and Markus Marks.” The voice caught both men off guard. “Should you even be on the Bottom?”

The brothers stopped as their eyes met their unexpected enemy, Caleb Burm, Viktor's son.

“Union Amnesty after the Fall.” William reminded him.

A treaty enacted by the Council to ensure children resulting from mingled relationships went unharmed. The Council had been many things but child-killers they were not. However, many parents had not been spared so easily. William’s and Markus’ own mother was one of the few who had escaped. And only because she belonged to the Conjurer Dimension. A free pass to most Conjurers that had been caught in mingled relations.

The distaste William had for Caleb ran deep. He had had his fair share of run-ins with him on the Bottom and the Surface. And their hatred was reciprocated.

However, both men shared a very similar interest. An addiction that had them at odds on more than one occasion. Two predators going after the same prey too many times. They had become rivals by both associations and territory turf wars.

“I don’t think that law applies to children that protect their killer daddies.”

“Oh fuck you, Caleb,” William snapped, ready to throw the first punch. But Markus was already pulling him towards the door. “Tell me something – How is your psycho daddy these days? Viktor still losing his mind?”

“William, come on. He isn’t worth the breath,” Markus insisted as he held tightly to him.

“Why don’t you come here and…” Benton was quick to come between them, placing a firm hand on Caleb’s chest, warning him to back down. The old man looked helpless and frail, but anyone that underestimated him would discover quickly that he was quite powerful. Caleb gave him a stern but complacent stare before forcing himself to relax.

“William, Markus, always a pleasure.” Benton nodded, waved them off. “Caleb, come on, I have what your father requested right here.”

Caleb gave a smug smile as he turned. He leaned down on the old, glass counter. “What the hell are William and Markus doing here?”

“No different than you Caleb. Just looking for a book.” Benton placed several books down before reaching below the antique register to retrieve a brown paper bag. Neatly he placed the books inside it.

“Really? Can’t get books on the Surface?” He looked around the shop. Caleb could sense something more. Their conversation lingered in the air. It was tainted with a sneaky nuance.

“Caleb, just take the books for your father.” The man encouraged him with a sigh.

As he reached for the brown sack of books, his eye caught the title of another:
Lorde Family History.

He narrowed his eyes over at Benton and then picked up the book. The old man inwardly admonished himself for having left it in plain sight.

“Now what are the odds that this book and William Marks are out at the same time?” Caleb said. Benton reached for the book but Caleb jerked it away. “No, I think I’ll take this one too.”

“Suit yourself. But one has nothing to do with the other.” He shrugged.

“I doubt that,” Caleb retorted, throwing several crisp bills on the counter. “Nothing is that coincident.”

Caleb hurried from the book shop, searching through the crowds of people for Markus and William. Just when he thought they were long gone, he spotted the back of William’s head. Tucking the brown paper bag under his arm, he pushed through the people to follow.

Caleb followed them back to the alley, and keeping against the wall, he peered down at them. William went through first and then Markus. Once they were out of sight, he started down between the two towering buildings.

“Okay William, let’s see what you are up to,” he whispered to himself as he approached the portal wall.

Chapter 7






William stared at the cell phone on the kitchen counter longer than he had wanted to. His mind was having a tug of war; call her or don’t call her. Between their date on Sunday and then his impromptu trip to the Bottom, he couldn’t get her out of his mind. He was almost certain that there was a relation between her and Tobias. Just not sure what that relation was. Father? Distant Uncle?

He picked up the phone, lit up the screen and then set it back down again. Pushing away from the counter, he turned away and rubbed the top of his shaved head.

“Ahh, this shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”

Becca made him nervous and awkward. His hand rubbed the back of his neck as he turned to look at the phone again. He went back to it with determination and grabbed it. Again he stared at the lit screen, her name staring back at him.

“Just call her.” He pushed the call button. It rang several times, his stomach twisted in knots and he was about to hang up when he heard her voice.

“Hello.” She sounded groggy.

“Did I wake you?” He threw his hands up and mouthed ‘stupid’ to himself.


“Yeah. Look if you were sleeping…?”

“No, no it’s okay. What’s up?”

“Ummm…” he froze and his mind went blank.


“Yeah...ummm…you wanna go out tonight?” As he spoke his free hand waved animatedly in the air. He could almost hear her smile through the phone.

“I’d love to. What did you have in mind?” she accepted.

William realized he had not gotten that far in the scenario. He had only thought about how he would ask her out.

“William? Are you still there?” Becca giggled.

“Yeah, I ummm…” He sighed. “I didn’t think that far ahead.”

“Are you nervous?” She giggled again and the sound put him at ease. He leaned against the counter on his elbows, and a smile touched his lips.

“You got me.”

“Ha, ok. Well the Raymont Fall Festival is going on. We could do that.” She made the suggestion and he immediately felt relieved.

Oh thank you,
He thought to himself.

“That sounds great. Pick you up in an hour? Text me the address.”

“Can’t wait.” She sounded giddy and as she hung up the phone William’s stomach twisted again.

“Oh what am I getting myself into?” He groaned.

Throughout his years, dating just wasn’t something he did. Vampire or human alike. He was more a one night stand kind of guy. Sticking around long enough to fulfill the most important needs like blood and affection. But to take it any further than that was never in the cards. Until now. Now he found himself smitten and head over heels for a girl he barely knew.

And he had no idea what that meant.

William bolted up the stairs and into the bedroom. He agonized over what to wear, much like a girl would. Inside the closet he just stared at the clothes hanging in it. Why was this hard? He wondered, pushing each hanger aside.

“She’s just a girl,” he mumbled, finally settling on a long-sleeve dark blue button up and black jeans. “It’s no big deal.” His clammy palms though proved differently.

William was mostly trying to justify spending time with a human. If he were seen or caught it would create a mountain of trouble for him, his family and more importantly Becca. But yet he just couldn’t seem to stay away from her, like there was an invisible bungee forcing them together. He couldn’t ignore that and he didn’t want to.

Wasting no more time worrying about the consequences, he left the house and headed into town. Raymont had come to life. Tourists and locals lined the sidewalks, headed for the yearly fall festival. William had never gone before. But he found himself excited. Finally immersing himself in the human world. It made him wonder why he had been hiding away all these years. Only coming out when the Beast commanded it.

William only hoped he could keep the Beast chained and his emotions in check. It occurred to him the last time he had been with that many humans was in college. And those years were his worst for the thirst and his addiction. He was older now though, and confident that he had control of his urges now.

Becca’s house was on the other side of town, in a cul de sac with three other houses. William appreciated the feeling of community here. He assumed she had probably lived in the same house her entire life. She probably knew the neighbors, and if they had children of their own, she probably had grown up with them through the years.

He parked the truck and walked the short distance to the front door. That’s when he felt the anxiety return, his heart racing and his hands sweaty again. Rolling his eyes and pushing the feeling aside, he rang the doorbell.

And waited.

There was yelling and giggling before the door swung open. Z stood in the doorway, eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms.

Oh boy.

“So you must be William,” Z said, standing firmly in the door.

A smirk flashed across William’s face and he offered him a hand. Z took it reluctantly as he sized up the man Becca hadn’t shut up about.

“You must be Z.” As their hands closed around each other William felt that familiar pull again. Just as he did with Becca. With Z though, it didn’t make sense to William. Z’s father was Danny, not Tobias. What possible connection could there be?

“Z, stop trying to play big bad cousin.” Becca giggled, pushing him out of the way. “This one is a gentleman.”

“Mhmm.” Z crossed his arms. “We’ll see.”

“Oh my goodness, Zachariah, get in here.” Nikki scolded him. “You aren’t some big bad thug like you think you are. Have fun, you two.” She waved and started closing the door. It didn’t stop Becca or William from hearing her scold him even more. “Why do you do that to her? You’re just embarrassing her.”

“So you met Z.” Becca giggled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “He’s just overprotective, that’s all.”

“Can’t really blame him.” William shrugged, motioning towards the truck. “Ready?”

“Yep.” She seemed delighted to see him again and that sent a thrill through him.

Becca had settled on jeans and a sweater this time to keep the cool air from cutting their night short. Like before, he was quick to open her door for her.

“I get it already, chivalry isn’t dead,” she teased, stepping up into the truck.

“Even if it was I’d still do it.” He smiled before closing the door.

When they arrived at the fair it was already swarming with people. More than William had ever taken on at one time. Even in college. It took a mountain of strength to maintain his control as his body absently fed from the emotions and energy around him. Eventually though, he found a balance as they navigated through and he became more distracted listening to Becca.

“So what do you do, William?” she asked, finally finding the courage to interlace her fingers with his.

“Really wanna know?” He looked down at her and she nodded. “Stock market.”

“Like you invest and stuff?”

“Yep.” He nodded. “I went to college and got a degree in English Literature. And while I was there I met a professor who taught me a lot about the stock market. When to buy, when to sell. And it just kind of snowballed from there.”

“And that’s what you’ve been doing since college?” Becca was intrigued.

“Yeah, truth is I’m not much of a people person. And that accommodates it.”

She stopped him and turned to face him. “You’re not a people person?”

“Nope, I’m happy alone with a book.” He smirked. “English Lit major, remember?”

“Interesting.” She narrowed her eyes up at him. Becca couldn’t believe this man was an introvert. Much like her. He seemed so much more confident than that.

They roamed the festival, entertaining each other by people-watching. Pointing out the most interesting ones to each other and coming up with outlandish stories about them. William found Becca to be like a breath of fresh air. Her smile, the sparkle in her eye when she would look up at him. The feel of her hand locked in place with his.

For the first time in a very long time he didn’t feel like a monster. Like some cage for the Beast.

As the night neared an end, William was hit with the presence of another vampire. It prompted him to put his arm around Becca and keep her close. It wasn’t unknown, either. He recognized this feeling very well. It was Caleb.

Vampires felt vampires differently than other species. It was more of a knowledge that they were around than a physical feeling. If it had been a werewolf or witch, William’s reaction would have been physical. And when it came to Caleb, William knew that man inside and out. How he felt when he was around, and how he would think, too.

It made him wonder how long Caleb had been watching. And was it Becca who had him that distracted.

“I guess I should be getting you home.” He pulled her close.

William tried to sound natural but Becca sensed something more. She cuddled into his embrace and wrapped her arm around his back as they walked. Keeping the stuffed bear he had won tucked under her other arm.

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just don’t want your cousin hunting me down.” He chuckled.

“Can’t say he wouldn’t try.” She confirmed.

William became more alert until he could almost feel Caleb’s movements altogether. Opening the door for Becca, he scanned the area but saw nothing. The feeling stood prevalent though. He was out there watching them. And that didn’t sit well with William.

Taking her home and delivering her back to her front door, he felt some reprieve from the tail. Caleb had backed off significantly. The fact that he was watching though presented more than William was willing to chance. He was going to have to distance himself from Becca.

“So am I gonna see you this week at the bar?” She looked up at him, her fingers twisted with his.

How could he stay away from such a beautiful woman? He couldn’t, that was how.

“Perhaps.” William let the back of his hand graze her cheek, and in that moment he knew there was nothing that could keep him from her. She was worth the consequence.

“Don’t make me wait too long.” She smiled before pushing up to meet his lips. He couldn’t resist the feel of her tongue pushing for access to his. His fingers twisted into her soft red curls, and he snaked his arm around her waist to pull her closer. Her body melded against his perfectly.

“Why not stay?” Becca whispered against his lips.

“I can’t, Becca.” He forced himself to say the words. William wanted nothing more than to explore her entire body with his lips and his tongue. But the threat of Caleb lurking around held him back.

“Are you sure?” She stuck out her bottom lip. He nipped at it and then kissed her deeply, leaving her breathless.

“Yes I’m sure.” William insisted, pulling away. “I’ll see you later this week.”

“Okay,” she accepted. “Like I said though, don’t make me wait too long.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it, love.” He pulled her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly.

BOOK: Surface Below: Dark Secrets (The Surface Below Book 1)
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