Summer Wine: Taste of Seduction, Book 1 (3 page)

BOOK: Summer Wine: Taste of Seduction, Book 1
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“Not Blake,” Lily disagreed glumly.

“Does he have a penis?”

She made a choking sound. “He does.”

“Then he wants to kiss you.”

“Somehow I doubt that. He’s had ample opportunity and never acted.”

“Okay, look, Lily. I’m confused. Can you just lay it on the line for me?”

“Lay what on the line?”

“You kissed me. Like a woman who wants to kiss a man. Yet you’re in love with someone else. I don’t get it.”

“Don’t get what?”

“Why you’d kiss me back?”

Her blush deepened. “Because I wanted to.”

“But you’re in love with someone else.”

“I love him, Angus. He doesn’t love me. There’s no obligation on my side. No loyalty. No need for it. I can kiss whomever I want.”

“Then why did you stop?”

“Because I’m in love with Blake.”

“So why did you start?”

“We’re going around in circles.”

“Just trying to understand here.”

“Okay, then I’ll explain it in simple terms. I want you. I want you to kiss me and strip off my clothes and fu—and make love to me. All night long. I have since we shook on the contract for you to work on my garden.” She flexed her right hand.

Did she remember how it felt to shake on their deal? Had sharp sparks of electricity shot through her arm at the innocent touch too?

“Now that you’ve kissed me, I only want you more. However…” Her voice trailed off.


“However, I want Blake too. And I don’t think it’s fair to lead you on, to continue kissing you until there is no stopping if I want someone else too.”

Angus sighed. “Christ.”

“See, a conundrum.”

“A what?”

“A puzzle. I want you

He shifted in his seat, not so sure he agreed. If she really wanted him, she could have him right here, right now. His dick was all sorts of hard. What man’s dick wouldn’t be hard when the woman he hungered for admitted to wanting him? But with a dick this hard, he didn’t see any conundrums or puzzles or whatever the fuck Lily saw. All she needed to do was pull over to the side of the road, loosen his zip, tug that wisp of a dress over her hips and lower herself onto his waiting lap.

Like she said, she had no obligations to Blake, no loyalty. Angus could deal with her being in love with the man, so long as it was his dick she lowered herself onto—and not Blake’s. “It’s only as complicated as you make it.”

Lily glanced over at him, a bemused smile on her face. “You think it’s that simple?”

He held his hands up, silently asking what else it could be.

“You haven’t met Blake yet.”

And he wasn’t sure he ever wanted to now. Damn pity he was riding in Lily’s car, with her at the wheel. Didn’t leave him with any options destination-wise.

“Tell me about him.” Christ, why’d he ask her to do that? He didn’t want to know.

“He’s a good man. Generous, kind, fun and happy. Always so happy. I think that’s the first thing I noticed about him.”

“He grow up in the Hunter with you?”

She shook her head. “No. He’s from Sydney. Lived there all his life. We met on a plane trip home from England. Sat next to each other. I, er, I might have fallen asleep on his shoulder.”

“Might have?”

“Okay, I did. But I was exhausted. I’d just finished exams, hadn’t slept in days and had been so late for my flight I almost missed it. The plane hadn’t even taken off and I was asleep. I woke up to find my head on his shoulder. And, as he explained later, apparently it had been there for a good few hours. We’ve been close ever since.”

“That when you fell in love with him?”

Lily thought about the question. “Maybe. Probably. It feels like I’ve been in love with him forever.”

Angus regarded her with narrowed eyes. “Mind if I ask you a personal question?”

Lily gave a not-so-feminine snort. “Does it get more personal than me telling you I want you and I love Blake?”

“Have you been with anyone else since you fell in love with him?”

“Been with?”

“Slept with.”

“I have.”

Ouch. Why the fuck had he asked? To find out she could sleep with other men, just not him? Angus pursed his lips.

“But the truth is, it doesn’t matter who I’ve been with, or how long I was with him, no one’s ever compared to Blake. I, uh, I tend to think about Blake the whole time I’m with the other guy.”

Right. Now Angus remembered why he’d asked. “Do me a favor?”


“See that glade of trees over there?” A ring of massive eucalyptus trees with dense branches created an inviting stop-off point on the side of the road.


“Pull over. Please.”

Lily looked at him curiously but pulled over and parked in the thicket of trees. Angus didn’t give her a minute to think. The instant the motor was off, he removed his seatbelt, leaned over and kissed her again.

So, she was in love with Blake? Big fucking deal. There was no commitment there. She’d responded to
kiss, once. Time to see if she responded again.

She did. Fuck him, did she ever. She opened her lips to his before he even tried to deepen the contact. And this time he didn’t have a chance to slip his tongue into her mouth. No, this time it was her tongue searching his mouth, her tongue exploring. And Christ help him, it made him as hard as a fucking rock.

The kiss went on forever. Or maybe just a minute. Didn’t matter. Angus lost touch with time. Hell, he lost touch with reality. The only thing he kept track of was the feel of Lily’s lips against his own, the slide of her tongue, the softness of her skin and the scent of strawberries, violets and jasmine.

“Lily,” he whispered hoarsely.

“Mmmm?” Her eyes were closed, her skin flushed, and her head rested against the headrest.

“Tell me who you thought about while I kissed you.”

“Didn’t think,” she murmured. “Just felt.”

He kissed her again, taking control, tasting her mouth this time. She moaned against his lips, tangled her fingers in his hair and twisted in her seat, trying to get closer.

He pulled away. “Try, Lily. Give me a name.”

She opened her eyes, looked at him with passion-drunk pupils. “Angus.”

His grin was born of sheer masculine pride. He trailed a finger from her lips down to the neckline of her dress. “Would you stop me if I touched your breast?”

She closed her eyes. “Not if you kiss me again when you do.”

No hardship there. It did however take a good few seconds to trail his fingers down to her nipple. The instant their lips touched, Angus lost focus. Lost himself to the sinful pleasures of her mouth.

Chapter Two

Good grief.
Had thinking ever been this difficult?

Lily doubted it, but only for a second, then she stopped thinking and gave herself over to the bliss of a simple kiss. Or not-so-simple kiss, seeing as it drew all her mixed-up emotions into one big ball and dropped them in the middle of her stomach, where they lurched up and down like a rollercoaster.

Maybe she was on a rollercoaster. God knew she hit a high every time Angus slid his tongue over hers. And dipped low when he pulled away, making her pay attention, making her answer questions. She didn’t want to pay attention. Didn’t want to do anything that required active thought.

She just wanted to continue on this ride for a very, very long time.

His finger whispered over the swell of her breast, his touch so light Lily almost questioned it being there at all. Almost, except for the fact that on contact, her nipple tightened into a hard, sensitive bead, and sensation shot straight to her pussy.

Desire, sweet and pure, burst through her. And Lily wanted. Just…wanted. Hungered for more. She shifted in her seat, ground down in an effort to subdue the sudden ache in her groin, the all-consuming need and emptiness.

It was all she could think about. All she could focus on.

Well, that and the taste of wine in her mouth. Rich, decadent wine, enough to intoxicate her.

Perhaps that explained her sudden need—greed—to be touched. To find satisfaction. Perhaps she was drunk. But then, explanations weren’t important. Not now. Not when that featherlight touch that set fire to her breast trailed down her sternum and lower, tantalizing her belly like it had her nipple, leaving scalding flames blazing in its wake.

“Are you thinking about him now, Lily?”

The question was whispered in her ear, warm breath fanning down her neck, making her tingle.

Thinking about whom?

“Do you see his face when I touch you? Imagine his eyes looking at you?”

Whose face? Whose eyes?

Blake’s? Or the dark, almost black eyes that haunted her nights?

She opened her own to find that same black gaze staring down at her, the same passion she felt blazing in their depths.

“Do you?”

She’d thought of Blake, but right now… “I see your eyes.” Wow. Where’d her breath go? Why did she struggle to talk? “Your face.”

And that was about as long as she could keep her eyes open. Her lids were too heavy to continue staring into that dead-sexy, dark gaze. Especially when his touch had moved. When he now trailed his finger along the inside of her leg. Her bare leg.

How’d it get there? Hadn’t her dress covered her leg? Did it matter?

The instant her eyes closed, he kissed her again. Molded his lips to hers and tangled their tongues together.

No one had ever kissed her like Angus did, ever made the world disappear or reality recede with just the simple press of his mouth to hers. No one had—

Oh, dear Lord!

His touch was no longer comprised of one finger. No, now it was his whole hand, tickling her inner thigh just inches from her very wet panties.

Lord, how had he reached so high? More importantly, when had her legs opened to allow him access?

Even as she wondered, she drew her thighs farther apart and whimpered into his mouth. Pulses of heat throbbed through her, her need reaching fever pitch. She almost jumped off the seat when he trailed his finger along the elastic of her panties.

“Easy,” he whispered.

“Touch me,” she begged. “Please, touch…me.”

His hand stilled. “Touch me…who?”

Who’d he think she wanted him to touch? “Touch me…me.”

An amused snort tickled her neck. “Say the name, Lily. Who do you want to touch you?”

Blake too, but right now…Angus. Words eluded her. Need consumed her. She groaned in frustration.

“Just the name, Lily. It’s all I ask, and I’ll touch you.”

She shifted again, this time in desperation, seeking his hand, seeking relief—and found none. But the whisper-light touch feathered over her other nipple, sending that same jolt of heat straight down her center.

She struggled to say his name. Struggled to think. Angus’s dark gaze and dark hair formed on the insides of her eyelids. “Angus,” she breathed. She’d fantasized about him for weeks. Hadn’t she told him as much?

His hand disappeared from her breast and slid over her panties, right where moisture seeped from her pussy.

“Like this?” he whispered.

“No.” Definitely not like that.

He slipped a finger beneath her panties, and hot skin touched her sensitive lips.

“Like this?”

“Yes!” God, yes. Like that, and so much more. Instinctively, she rubbed herself along the finger. Sensation flooded through her.

A masculine groan echoed through the car. “So wet, Duchess.”


“You’re this wet for me?”


He grazed the side of her neck with his teeth and then soothed the sting with his tongue. At the same time, he stroked slowly over her lips and clit, back and forth, barely touching yet applying enough pleasure that her head grew foggy.

Exquisite. It felt exquisite. She should tell him, express her pleasure, but the only sound she seemed capable of making was a husky purr from deep inside her throat.

Lily rocked her hips in time to his strokes and pushed against his hand, wanting more, wanting skin-to-skin contact.

His skin was hot and rough, his touch capable and knowing. This was the hand of a man accustomed to both physical labor and a woman’s body.

“Soft. Like silk.” He groaned again and claimed her mouth with his own.

She gave herself over to his kiss, to his touch, to his caresses. And when he slid his finger inside her channel, her desire reached new levels.

Oh, yes, this was a man used to a woman’s body. A man who knew how to touch it just right. His finger was thick, the skin rough, and it felt perfect inside her. Almost as good as if felt when he slid in a second digit. He gave her a couple of seconds to grow accustomed to the stretch and then fucked her soundly.

BOOK: Summer Wine: Taste of Seduction, Book 1
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