Read Summer Solstice Online

Authors: Vanessa Lockley

Summer Solstice (5 page)

BOOK: Summer Solstice
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So when he pulled himself through my window moments later, I sat up in bed with a grin. It seemed that now we could pick things up where we'd left them.


Seth didn't say a word as he crossed my carpet and then sat next to me on my bed. Taking my face softly in his hands, he gave me a grin, before closing the distance and meeting my lips with his own. The chill that I had felt the night before returned and I knew in an instant that this wasn't just a passing lust for either one of us. This had been building up for years and now that we were acting on it, it only seemed to be getting stronger.


All day I'd thought about this, about Seth.


Returning his kiss almost feverishly, I threaded my fingers through his hair. Boldly, Seth laid me back down in my bed as he settled himself above me, his kiss only getting bolder. I couldn't fight off the moan that escaped me and slowly, Seth pulled his face away from mine as he released a small laugh.


"Hi," he whispered, his forehead touching mine, one hand playing with my hair, the other on my side.


"Hi," I whispered back, staring at his face.


"I came back," he said, as if he were trying to explain why he'd come with a simple statement.


"I'm glad you did," I returned simply. We stared at one another for a moment, before I leaned forward and brushed my lips against his cheek. "I'm so glad you did."


His hands moved to my shoulders, before they started slowly sliding their way downward. When his fingertips touched my bare thighs, I felt the nerves settle into my stomach again. "You're wearing the same thing to bed," he commented, a devilish grin on his face.


"It's still hot out," I teased. "Don't think I keep doing this for you."


Which wasn't really true.


When I got ready for bed that night, I had thought about wearing shorts. But I figured that Seth had already seen me in my underwear – twice – and really wasn't feeling all that self-conscious about it. If he hadn't liked it, he would have already run for the hills.


His hands moved back over my hips slowly. "There are bows on your underwear," he commented, as if he'd never seen a pair of girl's underwear before. "Bows."


I had to laugh at him. "Are you jealous that you can't wear such fun underwear?"


He grunted. "How do you know that mine don't have bows on them too? Or sequins?" The vision of Seth wearing such underwear made me burst into laughter. "Hey," he said, poking me in the side. "Stop laughing."


"You would never wear anything like that," I said to him.


"Wanna bet?" he asked, his eyes lighting up.


"Sure" But before I could set the stakes, his lips landed on mine again.


This time, his hands grew more possessive as they landed anywhere that my skin was bare. When he slid one hand upwards and caught my tank top, his other hand quickly went to meet the bare skin. I could feel the flames erupt from every one of his fingers. Sinking further into his kiss, I moved so that my legs could wrap around him.


"Lexi," he groaned. This move – rather strategic on my end – had brought a rather intimate area of his body into contact with one of mine. And let's just say, whatever I was doing, I was doing it right.


"What?" I asked innocently, wrapping my legs tighter around him.


"Stop teasing me," he groaned, dropping a kiss on my ear.


"I don't know what you're talking about," I said innocently, lifting one of my legs higher and pushing his hair out of his face. Seth's breathing had increased and I watched as he closed his eyes. "Are you going to pull away?" I asked, after a minute of silence.


He opened his eyes and his darkened gaze made my heart beat faster. "I should," he said simply.


A coy smile spread across my face as I shifted my hips beneath him, thus bringing him even closer to me. If we'd been naked we would have found ourselves in a rather compromising situation but with clothes on, it was so much easier to frustrate him and feel his reaction.


"But" I goaded, tracing my hands from his shoulders, down his back.


One more adjustment of my hips had him groaning into my neck. "Lexi," he mumbled, but I didn't listen.


Instead, I wrapped my legs tighter around him again. "I'm just getting comfortable," I said, as innocently as possible.


"Yeah, right," he muttered. "You're all but grinding against me."


"Now why would I do that?"


"I think you know."


Lifting up the back of his shirt, I touched the bare skin on his sides. "Maybe I'm just trying to see your underwear," I whispered.


I started to laugh at my own comment, when his lips reclaimed mine again with such a fever that I didn't expect it. I practically melted into the mattress. His lips were so soft, but his tongue was so demanding. His hands were once again everywhere. It was like sensory overload. I was doing my best to keep up with him.


When he moved his right hand up and cupped my breast in his palm.


Surprise at his ministration forced me to jump. This action only brought our hips closer together and this time, we both moaned.


Pulling away from him, I asked, "What are you doing?"


Squeezing my breast, he gave me a grin that would mirror a Cheshire cat's. "Turnabout's fair play."


"Is that so?" I asked.


He brushed his thumb across my nipple as if that were the answer. Leaning forward, I hid my face in his neck and moaned. God, I hope we weren't being loud. That was the last thing I needed my parent's hearing strange noises and coming to check on me where they would find me in this totally compromising position.


Not to be outdone, his other hand lifted to my other breast where he repeated the action.


"Seth," I moaned. "Stop it."


He brushed a kiss on my cheek. "Or what? What are you going to do about it?"


And in a moment of pure boldness, I moved his hands aside, reached down, and pulled my tank top over my head. Seth's jaw fell open as he looked down to stare at my naked chest.


And stare.


And stare.


Finally, I smacked him on the side of the head. "Stop staring. It's not like you've never seen naked breasts before," I told him, pulling his attention back up to my face.


"I know," he whispered, then gave me a cheeky grin, "but these are your naked breasts."


Before I could offer him a rebuttal, his hands went back to their previous position and he literally took all the words right out of my mouth.


He was beautiful and at that moment, he looked at me as if I were beautiful too. Experimentally, I moved my hips again, causing us both to moan once more.


"You're playing with fire," Seth whispered, before dropping a heavy kiss to my neck.


"So?" I asked, moving my hips once more. "Maybe I just really want," I began, moving my hips slowly, "to really see your underwear."


And before I could comprehend what was happening, Seth moved one hand to my hip, lifting me up into him, as his mouth landed on my chest.


"Seth" I whispered loudly, before biting my lip. "What are you doing?"


But his lips didn't leave my breast and he shifted his hips down into mine again. "Seth," I moaned. Between his tongue and his hips, I was going into sensory overload.


His lips left my breast and began to climb up my neck again, his hips continuing their ministrations. Even though there were a few layers between us, I could still feel all of him pressing into my center. The friction of it all was enough to make me hot. His hips picked up the pace as he buried his face in my neck.


"Lex," he whispered harshly.


And when he snaked his free hand down between us and touched me where I needed it most, I flew apart.


I knew without a doubt that it would be Seth that I would give my virginity to. Maybe not tonight or even tomorrow, but eventually.


And as I came down off my high and his lips stilled on my neck, I smiled.


Because I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else.


"Lexi," he whispered, dropping a kiss on my forehead. "Lexi, I



But I placed a finger over his lips. "Don't say you're sorry," I told him simply. "Because I'm not."


He opened my mouth and caught my finger between his teeth in a playful bite. "I'm not either," Seth said once he'd released my finger.


"Then what were you going to say?" I asked, confused about what he could say about what had just transpired between the two of us. We were definitely more than friends after that so any comment made in that direction wouldn't make sense either.


"I was just going to tell you that I can't show you my underwear," he explained, grabbing my hands and lacing our fingers together. I shot him a confused look, but he answered before I could even form words. "I can't show it to you, because I'm not wearing any."




And thus our routine was established. Practically every night Seth would climb through my window and leave the same way hours later. During the week he would bring me home or drop me off and on the weekends, we would 'bump' into one another at the bar or I'd stop over at their apartment to do 'laundry' when Rich was at work. Needless to say, I had plenty of clean clothes.


Sarah and I would hang out practically every night and every night, I was practically bursting to tell her what was going on with Seth. I was so nervous about how she'd react, however, that I kept my mouth shut. Sarah wasn't a virgin, but she didn't spread her legs for just anyone. What would she think if she knew that Seth crept through my window every night for some action and then back out?


Not that we'd had sex.


We'd come close, but we'd always managed to back off. While it had been a line that I hadn't wanted to cross at first, I felt myself growing more and more frustrated whenever we would stop.


Three weeks into our 'relationship,' I was doing laundry at Seth and Rich's apartment. If Rich thought it was strange how often I did laundry, then he didn't ask about it. I figured he must have thought I did my laundry and then went home.


Rich had just left for work when Seth walked into the laundry room and wrapped his arms around me.


"Hi love," he whispered, dropping a kiss on my forehead.


"Hey." Hugging him back, I sighed. I hadn't ever thought I'd be in this position and now here I was.


"I like you," he told me.


I laughed. "I like you too."


It was a quiet night. We had watched "Fight Club" with Rich before he'd gone to work and now my laundry was done. Which meant we had the whole night in front of us.


"Want to go get ice cream?" he asked, swaying me back and forth in his arms.




We went to the local Dairy Queen, arguing along the way over the fact that I liked Edward Norton's portrayal of the main character in "Fight Club" more than Brad Pitt's. I argued that Edward played the narrator exactly how I'd pictured him when I'd read Chuck Palahniuk's novel, while Seth argued that Brad played the perfect psycho. Needless to say, by the time we got our ice cream and returned to Seth's car in the far corner of the parking lot, the argument still wasn't settled.


"I can't believe that you think Edward Norton is the better of the two characters," Seth said, shaking his head. "At least Tyler Durden invented fight club. Norton's character doesn't even get a name."

BOOK: Summer Solstice
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