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Authors: J.A. Low

Suddenly Dirty

BOOK: Suddenly Dirty
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Suddenly Dirty

Copyright @ 2016 JA Low

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Max Henry is in no way affiliated with any brands, songs, musicians, or artists mentioned in this book.

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Cover Design @ Book Nerd Fan Girl

Editor @ Trish Bacher

Formatting @ Max Effect


To Ev

Wish you were here to see me finally release this book.

You were the first person to read this story all those years ago and even though there has been many different version I hope you liked how it turned out.

Even though it’s probably a little more racier than you would have liked.

“Who the fuck are you?” I scream, scrambling out of the bed. My hands tremble as I point the brass lamp towards the dark figure hoping it will protect me.
Who the hell was in my bed?
Suffering from a wicked case of jet lag after arriving in Los Angeles from Sydney yesterday, I made sure I didn’t drink too much last night. Did I forget that I brought someone home? Last I remember we were eating sushi and knocking back sake shots in West Hollywood. We finished the night dancing in a gay bar with a rowdy bunch of drag queens, singing the classic Aussie hit “Land Down Under” by Men at Work. Shit, maybe someone spiked my drink; could that be how I ended up with a stranger in my bed?

“Who the fuck are you?” The deep-voiced stranger questions me as if I’m the one in the wrong.

We stand on the opposite sides of the bed in silence staring at each other through the darkness.

He takes a step around the bed towards me.

Oh no, you don’t mister.
I shake the lamp at him again as if I’m brandishing a fearsome weapon.

“What the hell are you doing?” He asks, sounding like a dirty, rough cowboy; someone that’s probably used to wrangling cattle or something equally as hot. Maybe he likes to wear chaps. Hmm, chaps now that sounds hot.

Shit! Why the hell am I focusing on his sexy accent instead of the dire predicament I find myself in? For all I know he could be a wanted Hollywood Hills rapist, and here I am thinking about his sexy voice.
Stupid, so bloody stupid, Sienna!
“Don’t fucking come near me. I have a weapon.” I scream at him, again making sure he knows I’m serious.

The stranger takes two steps into the early morning light streaming through the glass patio doors. Oh my God! The lamp falls to the floor with a thud, my hands cover my mouth in shock. I haven’t seen a naked man in the flesh, besides my ex-husband, in almost a decade. This one looks a lot like Evan Wyld, one of the world’s hottest rock stars.

“Like what you see sweetheart?” He cocks his head to the side, smirking. “Most women do.”

Tearing my eyes from his length, following the hard ridges of where his V meets his hips, my tongue darts out wetting my lips as my eyes trail further up over an impressive six pack, towards arms full of colorful tattoos. Okay, this can’t be real; my celebrity crush is standing in front of me, naked! I had to pinch myself because so many of my dreams have started off just like this.

“You’re not dreaming, sweetheart,” he confirms, his hardening cock bobbing with each step he takes towards me; it’s mesmerizing.

Focus Sienna. “You’re naked,” I blurt out of nowhere. Maybe I shouldn’t focus on that, anything but that.

“Looks like I am,” he smirks, flashing those killer dimples. I swear my panties disintegrate.

“What are you doing in my room?” I ask, my question stopping him for a moment.

He looks around slowly taking in his surroundings. “No, I’m sure this is my room, Sienna.”

He’s wrong, because seriously, how stupid could I be to be in the wrong room. I glance around the room; everything looks similar to the one I left my bags in. Except for the guitar standing in the corner. My stomach sinks, shit, I am that stupid; I’m in the wrong room.

He moves towards me again.

I take two steps back hitting the solid wall behind me; shit, I’m stuck. My heart is racing, my body feels like it’s on fire. I press my thighs together because I can feel the ache rising through me being this close to him.

His eyes are roaming over my nearly naked body; each spot his gaze settles, goosebumps prickle my skin. “You are a beautiful woman, Sienna.”

Hot rock star thinks I’m beautiful; I want to fist pump the air. “You’re not so bad yourself.” That had to be one of the worst comebacks ever. As panic rushes over me, all I can think to myself is;
quick Sienna, think of something to say to recover from this embarrassment.
But as usual, I make things even more awkward by staring at his cock. “What is that?” I breathe out in astonishment.

“That is my cock.” Evan’s voice deepens. “A very hard cock.”

I roll my eyes at him. “I am well-versed on cocks, I know what one is.”

“But sweetheart, you haven’t seen mine before; look at it, IT. IS. PERFECTION” Evan’s hand wraps around his cock, slowly starting to stroke back and forth.

My temperature is rising, I think someone turned the heating on in the room because the sight of Evan Wyld palming his cock is hot. As I can’t keep my eyes off of him, I question again, “What is that ring?”

Grinning mischievously, his eyes flash back down to his package. “That darlin’, is a Prince Albert piercing; I also have a pubic piercing at the base, ribbed for your pleasure.” Our eyes meet; a smirk crosses his face, sending heat all over my body.

“And women like that?”

Evan gives me a half smile, his hand stills along his dick. “Yes sweetheart, they do. I made one woman faint after experiencing it.”

That sounded hot and scary. I want to touch it the way he is touching it; but I can’t, that would be wrong, so very, very wrong. This is Evan Wyld, famous rock star and my new boss.

“I can see it in on your face; you want to feel it.” Ocean blue eyes challenge me.

Just a little touch wouldn’t hurt. Vanessa and Derrick told me last night I should try new things.

Evan smirks as we both look down at his thick, hard length. Taking my hand in his, placing it over his cock. I hear a small hitch in his breath as my hand makes contact with his velvety skin. My thumb rubs across the metal tip; my grip tightens around his shaft, sliding back and forth just like he was doing earlier. With each tentative touch of my fingers, Evan hums with pleasure.

“You’re killing me, Sienna,” Evan groans. His large palms hit the wall behind my head steadying himself as I continue my exploration.

Evan’s face is inches away from mine; his warm breath touches my skin, setting my nerves on fire. Our breaths quicken with each of my strokes against him. Soft lips press against mine; a tentative tongue licks along the seam of my lips, teasing me to open for him. I can’t fight it anymore; I need this kiss, it has been too long since someone has touched me. Our tongues duel with each other, the hunger in both of us fueling the wild nature of the kiss. Strong arms are now lifting me up off the ground, pushing me hard against the wall. My legs wrap around Evan’s waist naturally, anchoring myself to him.

Wearing nothing but my bra and panties, it feels intimate having his cock stroking me. The hard metal of his piercing rubbing against my now wet, cotton panties. The tiniest bit of fabric separating us from each other, teasing me with an orgasm, which is there just out of my reach.

“You like the way my cock is stroking against you, making you wetter,” he murmurs against my skin. “‘Cause I do”.

Sharp, sensual bites trail down my neck, adding to the sensory overload that is hitting my body. Evan’s nose nudges away the top of my bra; I feel so powerless to stop him. He sucks one of my hard nipples into his mouth, making me whimper. My head falls back hitting the wall behind me. His hips keep a steady rhythm against me, over and over again. Damn this fabric. I’m ready for him to rip them right off me. I want Evan Wyld to fuck me, and fuck me hard against the wall. I feel feverish with need.

“Fuck, your tits are incredible,” he mumbles into my breasts, appreciating their fullness with his large, calloused hands as he palms each of them.

My nails scratch down his back with each push against me. My whole body starts to tingle, every nerve ending on high alert. With one last bite against my nipple and a hard thrust with his metal ring against my clit, he makes me come … and come hard. “Oh my God,” I scream, as an intense orgasm rips through my body. Shit, what did I just allow to happen?

The only sound in the darkened room is our labored breaths. Pushing him away, I need to get away from him. I let my feet fall to the floor in my readiness to run.

Evan is standing before me, his cock looking very hard as though he is only a couple of strokes away from coming himself. Indecision runs through my mind; do I finish him or get the hell out of there? Seeing my dress and purse on the floor beside him, I choose the coward’s way out by grabbing them. I mumble my apologies and escape out the glass doors onto the patio. Looking around, I realize my room is the next door over, relief floods me as I scramble towards it. I enter my room and slam the door shut locking it. Sliding down the back of the door I whisper to myself, “Shit, what the hell have I done?”

Months Earlier

I open one eye then the other, staring up at the shadows dancing across the ceiling. Through the dark alcoholic haze, unfamiliar items in the room come into focus, my hangover clawing hard into my temple, trying to rip it apart from the inside. What the hell happened last night at my birthday party? It takes me a moment, but everything comes flooding back in technicolor. Flashes of each scene from last night. How did everything go so wrong? Rushing from the bed, I stumble into the bathroom throwing up the contents of my stomach into the porcelain bowl.

BOOK: Suddenly Dirty
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