Strollers & Stilettos: A Sexy Contemporary Romance (In Stilettos Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Strollers & Stilettos: A Sexy Contemporary Romance (In Stilettos Book 4)
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Alec’s piercing eyes darkened to a silky, navy color. “So exactly where should I be placing those kisses?” He nuzzled her neck. “Here?”

Jaya arched into the kiss, shivering slightly as he grazed her neck with his teeth.

“Mm, lower.”

He chuckled. “Lower, is it? Is this a game of hot and cold? Because this could get very interesting.”

He placed a hot, open-mouthed kiss along the column of her throat and sucked. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but with enough of a pull to make her core contract, hungry for him. It was the same way he sucked on her when they were making love. As if he were trying to consume her whole.

“I—ahhh.” She moaned. “I like hot and cold, but why don’t we go with warm and warmer?”

“Or hot and hotter.” Alec trailed kisses down to her collarbone and again used his teeth.

Jaya shivered, reveling in his touch. He knew her body well. He knew she could come from that movement alone. She was his Stradivarius, and he was the perfectly crafted bow.

When he shifted to her breast, Jaya lay back on the desk, propping herself up on her elbows. His hands fisted in her threadbare T-shirt, and he yanked, tearing it down the middle from hem to collar. She gasped, and heat pooled between her thighs as the cool air hit her nipples.

Alec hissed. “Now this is more like it—you laid out for me like a feast. I could get used to this. You sure you don’t want to have this be your permanent job?”

“Only you could make sex slave sound like an interesting proposition.”

He chuckled. “When I see you laid out like this, I’m not entirely sure I’m joking.”

When his lips wrapped around a distended nipple, Jaya bit her lip. Heat speared her core, and she wiggled, desperate to bring her sex into contact with him.

While he suckled, he teased a thumb over her other nipple, bringing it to a hard, pebbled peak. Releasing his hold on the one, he kissed his way over to the other and tasted, sucked, laved, and nipped.

Jaya bit her lip and writhed as tingles spread from her toes up her calves then through the center of her body. “Oh, God, Alec.”

He jerked her hard into his body, bringing his throbbing erection against her clit, and he suckled her deep.


Alec gripped her legs open and settled further between them, rotating his hips, rubbing his cock against that sensitive place. Simulating how he would make love to her. With a long lick of his tongue over her nipple, followed by a light nip with his teeth, he brought her close to orgasm, and Jaya gritted her teeth to keep from crying out.

He dragged himself off her breast and met her gaze. “You taste so good. Like melted chocolate on my tongue.”

Rocking her hips beneath him, she panted. “Good try, but still not where I wanted you to kiss me.”

He chuckled. “Oh, really? Let me see if I can figure this out. I’m eager to please.”

“How eager are you?”

The corner of his mouth tipped up in a lopsided smile. It was the one he always gave her when his mind was occupied with something else. Like when he was too horny to find the humor in something. “Very eager.”

Alec nuzzled her breast again before laying her back. He kissed each rib before kissing the hollow of her belly.

Jaya squirmed when he parted the remnants of her T-shirt. “Why, Mrs. Westhorpe, did you know you’re not wearing any underwear?”

Jaya shrugged. “The better to seduce my husband.”

“Well, consider him seduced.”

With his thumbs, he separated her lips and lapped at her. The first stroke of Alec’s tongue on her folds had her moaning. He was firm, sure. He knew how to make it good. Knew exactly what she needed, sliding inside her, while his thumb stroked over her clit in lazy circles, drawing her response from her.

Her orgasm hit quickly, but Alec kept licking at her, occasionally sucking on her clit, relentlessly drawing another orgasm out of her.

When she fell back, too weak to move, Alec kissed his way up her body. “Mrs. Westhorpe, are you too tired? A couple of orgasms, and you’re ready to throw in the towel?”

His cock nudged her sex, and Jaya moaned. Even though she felt limp and boneless, it didn’t mean she didn’t want him. She always wanted him. Pulling him close, she kissed him as she raised her hips to meet the hard length of him.

Alec bit out a curse. “Baby…so hot…”

His cock teased her entrance for only a moment before he sank into her. He hissed, and she moaned low. With every thrust, he hit her deep inside. His big hands splayed her legs wide as he watched himself fuck her.

“Alec, please. Oh, God.”

Alec held her tight as he pounded deep, never once taking his gaze off of where their flesh joined. His voice was low, commanding. “Again, Jai. I’m not going without you.”

She met him thrust for thrust, but she whispered, “I don’t think I can.”

“Yes. You. Can.” Sweat dripped off his brow as he leaned over her and kissed her. The combination of long strokes and the friction over her clit made her tight sheath pulsed around him. “Come for me, Jai.”

Another orgasm rolled through her, and Alec quickened his pace. He held onto her tight, as if afraid to let her go, as if holding onto her was his lifeline.

With trembling fingers, Jaya reached up for his face and stroked her thumb over his cheek. “I love you, Alec. You’re mine.”

With a hoarse groan, he shuddered on top of her. When he could finally breathe again, he pulled her into the chair so she sat astride him and tucked her head into his neck. “And you’re mine.”

Chapter Six

Was she supposed to be this tired? Jaya turned off the shower and instinctively listened for the baby monitor. Sure enough, Alexa was awake.

Jaya grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. “Alec, can you grab Alexa? I need to toss on some clothes.”

There was a beat of silence. “Sorry, Jai, I need to get to work.”

“Yeah, I know. But you’re dressed, I’m not, and chances are she needs to be changed. Or fed. Or she’s scared. Or all of the above, so she probably can’t wait until I’m dressed.”

He pursed his lips but nevertheless jogged out of their bedroom. Once she’d tossed on a pair of linen slacks and a cotton pullover, she went to find them. She paused in the doorway and frowned. Alec was entertaining the baby in the crib, squeaking her bunny at her as she cooed, but he hadn’t picked her up.

“Is she wet?”

Alec shrugged. “Don’t know.”

More than a little exasperated, Jaya puffed out a chuckle. “You mean you didn’t check?”

“Sorry, I’m not good at this baby thing, okay? I don’t really know what to do with kids.” He kissed her absently on the cheek then added, “Now, I really have to go. I’ll see you at the office, okay? Let’s get a list of those nannies going.”

“I’m already all over it. I have some interviews this morning.”

“Good. In the meantime, I’ve got Caleb chasing down her family. I know you don’t want her in foster care, so the next option is family.”

She nodded. He’d bent for her, so she could be a little flexible. “Thank you. It means a lot that you heard me.”

“Like I said, I don’t want to fight with you. We don’t see each other as much as I’d like as it is. I’d rather not spend any of that time fighting with you.”

“We’re on the same page.”

He nodded then braced his arms in the doorway. His signature move for when he had something to tell her and was worried she wouldn’t like it. She’d gotten accustomed to the position over the years. If he had something difficult to say, he braced himself in the doorway as if instinctively looking for an immediate exit.

“I, um, I won’t be around this afternoon.”

“Why, what’s up?” She picked Alexa up and took her to the changing table. She

The baby greeted her with a smile and little excited kicks.

“I’ll be taking a paternity test.”

Jaya froze for a moment. She didn’t believe that they needed to take one. She knew he wasn’t the father of this baby.
But do you really
? Alexa looked just like him.

No, look-alike or not, she knew Alec. He wouldn’t have slept with someone else. He loved her.

But you two were broken up.

Okay, fair enough, he wouldn’t have had unprotected sex, for sure. She shook her head to clear the niggling voice of dissention. She believed in him. “You know you don’t need to do that for me, right?”

He nodded. “I know. But I still need to do it. The tabloids are going to get a hold of this at some point, so it’s a preemptive strike.”

“Okay. If you feel like you need to do it.” Jaya put Alexa in a fresh diaper and onesie. “I know you. I’m not worried.”

He sighed, the tension rolling off of his shoulders a little. “Thank you.”

“Stop it. Now aren’t you going to be late, or do you want to help me feed the baby?”

He glanced down at his suit. “I’m gone.”

She blew him a kiss, shoving aside the sense of dread and worry. It didn’t escape her that he took every opportunity he could to not touch the baby. What would happen if they eventually got pregnant?

She picked up Alexa and kissed her soft, dark curls. “You and I are going to have to work hard to acclimate uncle Alec to babies.”

Alexa merely cooed then grabbed a hank of Jaya’s hair.

Jaya winced. “I’m glad we’re in agreement.”

* * *

After two hours of fifteen-minute first round interviews, Jaya didn’t have much hope for finding a nanny from their current batch. So far, there was the punk girl with the skull rings who’d said she’d likely play Marilyn Manson for the baby. Then there was the one who’d shown up in her husband-stealer outfit of tight skirt and push-up bra and asked three times what it was like being married to one of the former most-eligible bachelors in San Diego. And, of course, there was the one who really wanted a job with Adele Westhorpe and hoped Jaya would put in a good word since she couldn’t get an interview. One had seemed promising, but then Alexa had taken an immediate dislike to her when held.

“So, what’s this I hear about a kid?” Micha’s voice came from the front door.

“Shh. Alexa’s sleeping.”

Ricca was right behind their statuesque friend and smacked her on the arm. “Poor Jaya probably hasn’t gotten any sleep.”

Jaya nodded. “Yeah, poor Jaya would be right.” Smirking at Micha, she added, “Now what would have happened if you’d walked in on me and Alec in a compromising situation?”

Micha grinned. “I would have enjoyed my eyeful. Have you seen your husband?” She shrugged. “Besides, Caleb is in a meeting with him right now, so unlikely you can be in two places at once.”

Jaya nodded. “True.” And to be honest, she was happy nothing had changed with her relationship with Micha and Ricca since she’d gotten married. She’d always made it clear to Alec that the girls were her family.

Micha modulated her tone. “So, where’s this kid?”

Jaya pointed to the bassinet. Ricca barely stifled her squeal. Micha was less enthused but did take a peek. Both of them immediately looked up and stared at her.


Micha glanced down at Ricca. “You want to tell her or do you want me to?”

Jaya frowned. “Tell me what?”

Ricca’s normally sweet smile morphed into one of concern. “Jai, you realize that she looks like—”

Jaya shook her head. “I know what it looks like, but he says she’s not his and that he didn’t sleep with anyone. I believe him. Matter of fact, he didn’t need to deny it. I know what he’s capable of.”

Micha pursed her lips. “Honey Bear, I’m down for this whole stand-by-your-man thing, but even you have to be a little wary. She’s the fucking spitting image of him.”

Ricca and Jaya said in unison, “Language!”

Micha rolled her eyes, but a little muffled cry from the bassinet had her looking chagrined. “Sorry,” she mumbled. Then she turned to the baby. “I’m not curbing my language, kid, so you’ll need to ignore your Auntie Micha.”

Much to Jaya’s surprise, Alexa gave Micha a wide, toothless grin and reached for her.

Micha backed up a step.

Ricca reached for the baby, and Alexa let out a wail.

Jaya couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry, Ree, looks like Micha is the pied piper with the swear words today.”

Ricca pouted. “But kids love me. I’m great with kids!”

“And I’m terrible with them,” Micha said, backing up some more. “You pick her up in my place.”

Jaya shook her head. “If you know what’s good for you, I suggest you pick up that baby post haste.”

Micha rolled her eyes but still scooped Alexa out of the bassinet. She was rewarded with excited kicks and happy babbling. The baby reached for Micha’s hair, and Jaya warned, “You might want to tuck your hair into a bun though, because if she gets hold of those pretty curls, you’ll have a distinctive bald patch in your head. And as much as I love you, I don’t think bald will be a good look for you.”

“Got it.” For all her bluster, Micha was a natural. She held Alexa in her arms, cuddling her.

BOOK: Strollers & Stilettos: A Sexy Contemporary Romance (In Stilettos Book 4)
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