Read Stripping Asjiah II Online

Authors: Sa'Rese Thompson.

Stripping Asjiah II (7 page)

BOOK: Stripping Asjiah II
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“Turn her on her side; give me a 60cc syringe and a spinal needle.”

Keyshia cried out in agony as he shoved his dick inside of her infected pussy. For hours he raped her over and over again.

“Pulse/ox is coming up.”

A sigh of relief washed over the staff as they all exhaled.
Suddenly everything seemed as if it was on fast forward. The bright light that had beckoned for her to walk towards it slowly began to disappear.
Everything began to rush into Keyshia‟s mind at once and although she didn‟t know his name, she knew his face; his eyes, but most of all she remembered that horrific scar across his neck.
“Alright, good job everybody; now let‟s get her closed up.”

“E xcuseme.” Tapping the sleeping girl lightly, the nurse waited for her to awake, “Miss?”
Danielle opened her eyes and sat up immediately once she recognized the nurse.
“Is she…?” Worry filled Danielle‟s deep brown eyes as she searched the RN‟s face for answers.
“No…no; it‟s okay. She‟s stable. She‟s being taken to the ICU for recovery.”
“Can I see her?”
“She‟s heavily sedated due to her injuries, but sure; I‟ll take you to her.” The nurse took Danielle by the hand and helped her up from her seat.
“I have an extra shirt in my locker that would probably fit you.”
“Huh?” Danielle looked down and realized that she probably resembled something out of a Stephen King movie.
“If you need anything you can go to the front desk and have the receptionist page me; my name‟s Ashley. Your friend is down the hall; room 3a.”
Her feet felt like cement blocks as she approached the room. All of her emotions began to spill over her cheeks as she looked through the window at Keyshia.
Bandages covered most of her swollen face, a sling was supporting her left shoulder and IV‟s were hooked up to her arm, one most likely giving her medication while the other supplied blood.
Chills caused the hair on the back of her neck to stand on end as she thought of the man she encountered in the hotel hallway. What if he would‟ve grabbed her? Would he have killed her or just beat her and left her on death‟s doorstep? She could‟ve easily shared the same fate and been lying in the room next to her. Why had God spared her?
She inhaled and exhaled deeply trying to calm herself. She didn‟t want to start crying and appear weak when it was Keyshia who was in the most pain.
She quietly pulled up a chair and sat down.
“Hey, I don‟t know if you can hear me but you‟re safe now.”
Taking her hand, she wrapped her rosary around her fingers and began to hum softly until she fell asleep.

Chapter Nine

“A -ja! Aja!”
As soon as I entered the house, Hope was the first one off the couch to greet me.

She was sitting in the front room with the other kids watching 101 Dalmatians.
“A-ja the dogs say woof! Woof! Woof!”
Picking her up, I laughed as her cheeks turned a bright red, “Hey Mama.”
“Hi Asjiah,” The other foster kids; Tiffany, Dorian, and James all waved hello to me without taking their eyes off the screen.
“Hey everybody,” I placed Hope back on the sofa and went into the kitchen.
“Well it‟s nice to see you still live here; where you been at?”
I really wasn‟t trying to do this with her right now. I had been through enough and it was barely after one. All I wanted to do was take a long hot bath, eat, and go to sleep, “Over CJ‟s house.”
Marie looked over her glasses and gave her granddaughter a quick once over, “Oh yeah?”
Before she could grill me any further, I opened the door to the hallway and went upstairs.
Almost two months had passed since I had actually spent the night in my own room.
Marie didn‟t really protest or try to stop me from leaving. I think she found comfort in the fact that I would be going to school soon so she gave up on trying to tell me what to do.
Given everything that had happened over the summer therereally wasn‟t shit she could tell me anyway. You couldn‟t protect me from your son, so did she really think I was going to listen or take her advice on anything else?
When I told CJ I was pregnant he insisted that I stay with him. At the time I thought it was a good idea due to everything that had happened to me here, little did I know he only wanted to keep me under constant surveillance to make sure I actually went to the clinic. Too bad his little plan didn‟t work out.
My room was always the coldest in the winter and the hottest in the summer; now that I was with child my body temperature made everything seem ten times worse than what it actually was.
I took a quick inventory of my closet and my bedroom making sure everything was how I left it the last time I was here. Satisfied I took my shoes off and gathered toiletries so I could bathe.
I liked my bath water hot. Almost to the point of scalding but comfortable enough so I could sit in it. In some weird way I thought that having the water this warm cleansed me of any impurities that the world had rubbed onto me during the day. I thought that it helped rid me of any bad thoughts I created this steam subconscious in fog and allowed me to think clearly. was having at the moment; that it inside my brain that covered my
I undressed and submerged myself into the searing tub of water blocking out everything else around me.
I traced the faint line that had begun to appear on my stomach and smiled as I thought of how much my life would change over the next seven months. I entertained baby names although I was unsure on whether I was having a boy or a girl but I was getting tired of referring to my child as “it”.
“Baby Jai,”
I liked the sound of that. Jai could be a boy or girls name and it provided comfort in the simple fact that it reminded me of my mother.
I lost myself in the scent of Dove body wash and daydreamed about all things baby until my fingertips and toes resembled shriveled grapes. I dried off, wrapped myself in a towel, put on my robe and went back upstairs to my room.
I had overlooked the neatly folded stationary when I first walked in here, reaching for the letter; I spread it out on the bed so I could read it while I moisturized.


I wrote this letter a while ago as a precaution in case something happened to me and if you are reading this; then you already know what it means. Before you get all worked up, don’t worry; I’m fine. I know you may not understand my reasons for doing certain things but know that your big brother is a lot smarter than you think he is.

A lot of shit went down over the past few months, we had people close to us take their masks off and reveal their true faces, some stabbed us in the back as soon as they got the chance to; shit I’m still trying to pull the knives out of mine. They’re trying to break us A’, tear us down until we have nothing left. I’m not going to let that happen.

I can’t go into detail but know that everything can’t be handled in the streets; sometimes you have to submerge yourself in the jungle in order to catch the lions, sometimes you need to be standing right in the middle of the grass in order to see the snakes feel me?

Gabe and I are locked up out in Mansfield; not to worry little baby, I haven’t left you alone. Soon enough you will see who really has your back. In exactly two weeks I need you to come and see me; until then be safe.

Love always,


Your guardian Angel

P.S I know how much you’ve wanted a car, look underneath your pillow and you will find the keys to a brand new Civic. It’s in the back yard in the garage, hope you like it.

I felt dizzy and the room began to spin. I placed my hand on my stomach hoping my sudden change of emotions wouldn‟t provoke the baby to make me throw up. When the hell did all this happen? I looked down at Bear who was lying at the foot of my bed as if he could answer my question.

“Angel‟s in jail?”
Chapter Ten

The full moon casts an eerie glow into an almost pitch black room. The steady ticking of the clock made it hard for him to fall asleep, not that he could go anyway; tonight his mind was filled with fantasies, thoughts of what it would be like, what it would feel like to hold him. He wasn‟t sure when he first began to have these feelings but it seemed as if they were getting stronger and stronger.

His little cousin Micah was at the age where he was beginning to inquire about girls and sex and he would always come to him with his questions. However it didn‟t seem like the boys curiosity was being fulfilled with words, to him it seemed like he wanted live demonstrations, experiences that would help him to better understand. Micah looked at him the same way his sister looked at his father the first time he pleasured her. Sure, she would say that she didn‟t want it to happen but he had witnessed the whole thing and he knew she was lying, he saw the passion in her eyes, the uncertainty that came from not knowing what to say, not being able to relay the feelings that she had for him. She wanted it. Her mouth said no but her body said yes.

She always wanted to be the woman of the house, and acted as if she was while their mother was gone; his father had merely given her the opportunity. Showed her what it was like to be just that; a woman.

He laid in silence and listened to the sounds of the house. If these walls could talk all of his family‟s dark secrets would be told. They would tell stories of his mother‟s rape, the infidelity, the incest; to him his behavior was normal, he was simply another apple that had fallen off his father‟s tree.
His breathing was steady as he got up and walked over to where his cousin was sleeping. He was filled with this nervous energy, this uncontrollable desire to touch him. Careful not to wake him, he pulled the comforter back and got into the bed. Micah‟s fourteen year old body was so warm, his skin was so soft. Nestling his head behind his neck he inhaled the alluring scent of cocoa butter. His hands traveled down the front of his pants until he was holding his adolescent penis.

“What the….” Startled Micah tried to turn around. “Ssh…it‟s okay.” Covering his mouth with one of his hands he hushed the frightened boy‟s voice forcing his head back towards the wall while he pulled his pajama pants down with the other.

“No…no…” Barely audible Micah hoped someone would hear him.
“I promise, it‟s gonna feel real good.”
Without warning he pushed himself inside of him causing Micah to yelp in pain. He could feel the warmth of his tears wash over his hand as the frightened little boy cried.
He knew they were tears of joy, tears of elation, of relief that finally he was getting what he wanted. He was doing nothing but giving Micah what he so eagerly asked for. Showing him how to be a man, how to let go of his insecurities and indulge in his sexual desires, he should thank him. Now he would know what to do with all the little girls he liked.
Pumping back and forth, he continued to sodomize the young boy until the sun came up.

T he knock on the door was faint, maybe if he wasn‟t so exhausted he would‟ve heard it, he would‟ve had time to run back over to his bed and pretend as if nothing had happened, but as he listened to the knob turn and the door squeak open he knew it was too late.


Kim stood in shock as she looked at her son. At first she thought he was dead. His frail body was still and the sheet he was using to cover himself had spots of blood on it. Looking from him to her nephew she was confused, her mind couldn‟t process what had happened although all the details were right in front of her. Before she knew it her hands were around his neck and she was dragging him out of the bed.

“You sonofabitch, how could you do this?”

“He…asked…for…it…” Gasping for breath he tried to free himself.
“Kim!” Jai rushed in the room and immediately tried to help her brother.
“This sick bastard raped Micah! He raped my baby!” She began to cry again as she tightened her grip, “Look what he did to my baby!”
“Stop, let him go, you‟re gonna kill him!”
A passing car snapped Cash back into reality as the bright headlights threatened to reveal his hiding place. Stepping away from the blinding light, he camouflaged himself behind a tree.
Jai was so naïve, so blind to what was really going on; she didn‟t know any better, she was only trying to help. Staring at the window Cash watched as his niece‟s bedroom light came on.
“Had she known I would be the one to take her daughter‟s virginity she would‟ve let Kim kill me.”

Chapter Eleven

I wasn‟t able to sleep for long. After reading Angel‟s letter I drifted off for a moment only to awake with the fear that someone was watching me. I got up from the bed, and stared out into the night.

For a moment I was certain that I saw him, standing right across the street waiting, stalking, plotting out his revenge. Was I crazy? I mean I saw the blood myself, I slit his throat. I knelt in front of him after he collapsed on the floor; I was there staring into his eyes as his life faded away.

Angel shot him; there‟s no way he could‟ve survived. It couldn‟t be.
Cash was dead right? Wasn‟t he?
I looked out my window one last time before checking the locks and closing the curtains. I walked into the other room and made sure I had locked that door as well. It was too quiet in here, reaching for the remote I turned my TV on just as my cell started to ring.
“Is this Asjiah?”
Great, just what I needed. Now I had to deal with some chic playing on my phone. I sprawled out across my bed and rubbed my temples, preparing myself for an argument.
“Who is this?”
“You don‟t know me but…”
“Listen, if you‟re calling to tell me that you already fucked or that you are fucking CJ, congratulations; thanks for joining the club, your tshirt will be in the mail.”
“What? You don‟t want a t-shirt?”
“No, I…I…”
“You what; do you want a button or a key chain instead? A member‟s only jacket maybe?”
There was a loud noise in her background followed by a baby crying. I didn‟t know if I could take her telling me she was already his baby mama.
“No…I was calling because…”
“Because what? Spit it out.”
”Keyshia‟s in the hospital.”
“What?” I sat up and moved the phone to my other ear. Did I hear her right?
“What did you say?”
“She‟s at Cleveland Clinic in the ICU; you were in her phone as her sister so I…”
I didn‟t let her finish. I dressed, grabbed my jacket, the keys to my car and ran down the stairs.
Could this day get any worse?

I hate the smell of hospitals. Death seemed to linger throughout the hallways, loitering alongside the beds of patients near their last breaths waiting to carry them off to their final resting place.

BOOK: Stripping Asjiah II
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