Stripped - Complete Series (13 page)

BOOK: Stripped - Complete Series
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What were they about to tell her that drew such sober cloaks onto their faces?

She was half-afraid to find out…


“Well, what do you think?”

Rebecca’s head was still buzzing from what the brothers had just told her.

Placed on the table before them was a collar. It was different from the one they normally used for play.

This one was discreet-looking, to look innocent enough when worn in vanilla circles. But she would know what it stood for. Their property.

Rebecca had read up something about them a while back. It was something given and worn to be symbolic in a dom-sub relationship, yet allowed privacy in non-kinky environment. The one Alec and Tristan had for her was simple, chic and stainless steel. It had a center open-heart ring amidst two silver-plated O-rings. It was by held up by a stainless steel chain choker with a flat diamond link chain. It was beautiful.

We want you to wear our collar
, they’d told her.
But this is no ordinary collar. It marks you as our property. You’ll put it on whenever we require; many times in public. And you’ll have to sign a contract.

Rebecca’s eyes had bugged slightly to see the papers placed next to the collar.

Alec had smiled at her confusion. “Of course, it’s not quite a legal document that would hold up in a court of law. However, it acts as a record of our mutual understanding, one that all three of us will sign voluntarily.”

Rebecca picked it up and looked down at the words. Her heart beat less frantically as she read the details.

“All in all, it’s simply a common sense agreement based on trust,” added Tristan. “We’ve long discussed our limits and such and as you can see, we put it all there in the wording.”

Rebecca nodded to show she understood, though she was too much in shock to speak.

Tristan’s hand rested on her thigh, rubbing reassuringly where she sat on Alec’s lap. His eyes looked compellingly into hers. “Like the collar, the contract is simply a representation of what we share. Basically, you’ll be consenting to be our full time submissive.”

Alec’s palm was skimming warmly up her bare spine, making her dazed eyes turn to his. “You don’t have to put your career on hold or anything. This isn’t that type of arrangement,” he said lightly, “And of course your general routine continues. But you’ll move in with us and we’ll decide how your hours are spent when you’re not working. You’ll still keep your friends and other social pursuits, but you’ll be our sole property and obey our will in all things.”

“I…I don’t know what to say,” Rebecca breathed, staring down. Her heart flitted with joy.
They wanted to keep her.

Alec cradled her face in his hands. “Tristan and I have wanted this for a long time. Yes, we’ve had short liaisons with submissive females - but they did nothing to blunt our appetite for the real thing. They never turned out to be the right match. No chemistry; bad timing…or we simply didn’t trust them enough.”

“But we trust you,” Tristan said, hand trailing up her quivering thigh in that possessive, feral way that stirred the flames in her belly. “Rebecca…others were just the wrong fit. There was simply no one we wanted to stick with for the long term. We simply weren’t ready to compromise. And yet, Alec and I knew it was just a matter of patience and resolve.”

“We showed up at that blind date not really looking for anything. Never guessing we would finally find the one that would be perfect for us,” said Alec, patting down the waves of her hair as they spread over her shoulders. Then his smoky grey eyes looked up to meet hers and it was like a spear of heat shearing through her bones.

“We just need to know if you think we’re the perfect Masters for

Rebecca drew in a shuddering breath. She knew this was a big step, what they were asking of her. This went far beyond sharing fantasies. Things had moved to the realm of real life.
. She knew such relationships existed; knew exactly what it entailed.

For the past three months the brothers built up her imaginations, those inner whisperings and ramped them into irrepressible urges that only they were truly able to exploit.

She knew that if she wanted to dwell in her new-found persona of submissive, she wouldn’t have better Doms to share it with. Alec and Tristan were always able to answer whatever questions she ever had; they talked about her emotions, her personality and her fantasies. They asked questions that were pertinent, even invasive which showed they cared about her day-to-day even when she wasn’t with them.

She couldn’t hide the truth from them. About how much she wanted this to mean.

The look in their eyes; strong, compelling…blended in with the touch of their hands on hers. Infiltrating her mentally and emotionally.

Now as they spoke to her she felt penetrated from all directions; her body tingling as their questions and words made her mind wander even beyond the touch of their hands. Her head went right on swimming.

“Well…I don’t really have a complicated life to wrap up,” Rebecca began haltingly when the brothers paused to let her respond. “So it wouldn’t be such a problem to go along with…everything you both suggested. I mean my rented apartment for one; I could easily give notice on that, and move my stuff into storage.”

When she paused, Alec put in, “We didn’t mean to spring this on you. You can take all the time you want to think about it.”

But even before he finished the sentence, she was shaking her head. They’d put a lot of thought into this; the contract, the collar. She looked from one to the other and she felt her heart sing. How could they not care? They had to.

“I don’t need any time,” she whispered, and looked up at her glinty-eyed lovers. “This is what I want too, very much.”

She couldn’t tell them she also wanted a lot more. Wanted to feel like she mattered as much more than their “property”. And when she saw the pleasure in their expression when they heard her reply, she told herself she had more than enough reason to keep saying ‘yes’ to these irresistible two.

From the beginning she’d warned herself to face the fact that neither of them were exactly the type for sentimental frills. They weren’t going to get ‘caught up in the moment’ and give her a whirlwind romance. Alec and Tristan seemed too practical-minded for that.

As always, she pushed any such thoughts far away; before they could set any negative mold in her mind. She’d been so sure they’d have tired of her by now and moved on to something or someone new.

Yet they’d just told her she was their perfect choice; and that they wanted her to be with them long-term. It wasn’t a declaration of undying devotion; it certainly wasn’t a promise of forever. But sometimes, life tasted so much better when you focused on the here and now.

here, now
, as Alec and Tristan finally led her to their newly prepared playroom, Rebecca felt the greatest excitement of all knowing they were about to pass a new threshold into discovery - in more ways than one.


Rebecca was wearing her new collar when she went into the equally newly appointed dungeon/playroom.

Her breath caught the moment she looked inside, and found she wasn’t surprised by what she saw. The room had been designed and portrayed just like she’d expected from persons who knew how to pay attention to detail; who showed refinement in all things.

Could a place of pain be called beautiful? This dungeon playroom would fit that description perfectly. An array of leather, metal and wood set the framework for the large enclosure. No wonder they’d taken so much time and discretion to have this place done. There’d hardly be any need to use the any of the commercial dungeons or private club playrooms the brothers had taken her to occasionally in the past. Now they had everything they could possibly need right in this room. No fetish; no fantasy would go uncatered to in such a place. The atmosphere itself crackled with a dark, sensuous and dangerous presence; an unseen force that all at once, set her at peace even as she shivered in fearsome anticipation.

The brothers came in after her and the door closed behind them. They smiled when she told them how perfect it all was. Better than even her wildest imaginations.

The opulent bed, the various traditional BDSM fittings and accessories…the toys and props all on display…It was a true torture chamber, not softened even by the glossy cherry painted concrete walls, or silk beddings and curtains. Sin and danger of the most intimate kind would rule here, promising the bounty of pleasure for Rebecca if only she truly first submitted to be plundered by these two overlords of domination.

Rebecca was turned to face the room, her back towards them. Alec brushed aside her long, loose hair from her shoulders so that the long length of her creamy neck was exposed. She felt lips press softly to her heated flesh, and her body quivered beneath their kisses. A low whimper spilled from her parted lips, and she leaned back against the solid wall provided by their embrace. Behind her to the right and left, she felt the nudge of their burgeoning arousal. And their desire breathed as one.

Tristan’s tongue ran along the path of her throat, up to her ear where he nibbled gently on her lobe. In the voice that never failed to make her pussy thrum, he whispered, “No questions; no talking. Tonight is about fantasy. Ours and yours. Those are the only rules.”

A thousand shivers later, Rebecca felt light fingers draw her panties down her thighs to her ankles. She lifted her feet in their four inch black heels till she was completely divested of her last scrap of modesty.

Still facing her away from them, they danced their touch over the curves of her body; down her spine and along her hips and over the roundness of her rump. And then came those teasing hands round to her front, tripping from one pebbly nipple to the other. Rebecca closed her eyes, head thrown back as she softly panted. The things their hand could do. Every brush of their fingertips felt brand new.

“Your beautiful body never ceases to amaze,” growled Tristan close to her ear. “These gorgeous breasts; so firm and full. Your small waist and sexy thighs. All curves. All ours.”

Hearing her body spoken of like that made Rebecca feel she was swimming in her own juicy arousal. She couldn’t speak, nor show a sign of protest when they led her to the

Before now their sex and games had been peppered with every day, household implements. A hairbrush, candles, clothespins - and the occasional belt or crop. Tonight, in their very own home dungeon with its exhaustive toy box, Rebecca knew the brothers would be spoiled for choice as this or that item to punish, tease and please her with.

Many times during the long period of bondage, domination and sensual discipline which followed, Rebecca couldn’t help but wonder, “
What am I doing? Why do I let them use me this way? How could it possibly feel so right?”

And yet the reason was so clear; searing her senses the same way as did the wax they dripped on her quivering, helpless frame. Bound to the St. Andrews’ Cross which dominated a corner of the room, Rebecca found abundant answers to the questions in her head. Each time they lashed whip, crop or cane upon her naked flesh, her purpose became as vivid; as high-res as the colorful welts that rose on her punished skin.

“You know why we find you so desirable?” murmured Alex, as he held a humming vibrator to her pussy, already so swollen and wet it felt like a separate part of her being. She moaned and moaned, conscious of Tristan tugging on the nipple clamps linked with a chain to her tits.

“Because you’re a perfect blend of angel and hussy; innocence and naughtiness,” Alec added thickly. He glided the vibe over her clit and made her scream and cream.

“Am I right, Tristan?” said Alec as an aside to his brother, who chuckled softly. His hand reached to cup underneath Rebecca’s pussy, exposed by her widely spread thighs.

“Ah yes, definitely right, brother,” Tristan said on a rasp. Rebecca’s vision was one straight white blimp in a field of black when Tristan shoved two fingers into her moistness and shafted her while Alec buzzed the vibrator continuously on her helpless clit.

“The good girl in her wants to beg and plead for us to stop, yet here she is, nice and wet. Very wet. That makes her a very bad girl indeed,” Tristan noted.

Rebecca couldn’t take much more of this; on the verge of combustion with every zip of the vibe as well as the carnally delicious finger-fuck. Close, yet so far. Because the brothers never let her reach that point of no return, easing her back from her plateau each and every time.

She was covered in tears and juices of sweet agony when she was then taken from the cross and straight to the bench over which she was bent face down. It was designed to leave her precious ass in full display, her defenselessness compete when her arms were bound high behind her back.

But then when Alec unzipped his thick, hard cock and grabbed her hair, making her take him deep in her mouth, Rebecca let herself get lost in the pleasure of his taste, his domination. Behind her, Tristan spanked and caressed her ass in turns with a leather paddle; till her arousal both burned and thrilled. Then the brothers switched places; Tristan surging his steel shaft past her stretched lips while Alec made her ass jiggle and throb with either the paddle, crop or cat tails which were close to hand.

BOOK: Stripped - Complete Series
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