Read Strangers Online

Authors: Iris Deorre

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Interracial, #Romance

Strangers (3 page)

BOOK: Strangers
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Dam you Mark!
How could he do this to me? How could he weaken me so much?

There was a loud knock at the front door. I checked the time it was twelve twenty. My heart thudded and my stomach did a somersault. It was him wasn’t it, I just knew it. Who else could it be? I could be wrong; it could be the postman with a package. But then again I wasn’t expecting a delivery. The knock came a second time. This time I got up from my home office desk, smoothed down my skirt and headed downstairs.

I was right, standing with a naughty smile on his face was Mr Mark Hirst, boy I wanted to melt. He wore black jeans and a tight black t-shirt. There was still the stubble across his face and the eyes, man those bloody eyes! He didn’t say a word as he captured me into his arms and walked into the house as if he owned it. He put me down just in the passage, took off my glasses – I hadn’t realised I’d kept them own – put them to one side where the phone sat and began to kiss me. It was passionate, his hands were strong against my face as he brought me into his face. We kissed for an extremely long time before I pulled back.

‘What are you doing...doing here?’ I breathed.

‘I’m on lunch coming to have a taste of you.’ He moved forward and captured me into his arms. I did not fight him; instead I weakened into the strong arms. What was happening to me? The fight in me, the independence had suddenly disappeared. I wanted him, I wanted him to do bad things to me and I didn’t want to stop him one bit. He lifted me and walked into the living room slowly putting me down on the carpet. I giggled.

‘What’s so funny,’ he asked towering over me with his cute smile.

‘This, this is funny, what am I doing?’

‘Making love to me.’ He kissed my forehead.

‘Really, you call this making love?’ This was a joke and yet I didn’t stop it.

‘I do.’ He kissed down from my forehead to my cheek across to my ear. ‘I do,’ he whispered then took my earlobe by the tip of his teeth.

His hands caressed my breasts and I lay helplessly taken, not knowing where to put my hands. He moved up again and stared down at me then kissed my lips. This time my hands found their way to his black locks that I loved so much. He was gentle and yet he took me in such away that there was no fighting him. He lifted my top and caressed my breasts, I closed my eyes to the ceiling above and took in the sensation of his mouth and his hands on my body. My body tingled and my clit pumped and swelled as I felt him go for the zip to my skirt.

‘Let me help you with that.’ I wiggled out of the skirt.

‘Nice very nice.’ He moved down towards my pelvis and began to kiss over my panties.

‘Oh my god!’ I let out as he slowly lowered my knickers. I was such a whore! I giggled again at the thought.

‘Enjoying this I presume?’

‘Indeed.’ I giggled again.

‘Good.’ He tossed my panties aside and widened me. ‘Yummy.’ He placed a finger between my pussy lips and began to run up and down it not taking his eyes off me.

‘Hi,’ he smiled.

‘Hi,’ I said shyly back.

‘You are super cute.’ He stopped his finger right in the middle, not entering the hole but teasing it gently.

‘I think you’re super cute too.’ I smiled.

‘Good, then we must talk about it.’ He pushed his finger into me, just the tip.

‘Ahahah...about what?’ I wiggled closing my eyes then opening them again.

‘About this, about my finger in your juicy bits, and my lips on yours, he kissed me and my hand on your breast.’ He pushed his finger a little deeper and again I squirmed.



‘Yes, okay.’

He laughed then pulled out his finger and put it into his mouth.

‘Hmmmm.’ He kept his eyes on me. ‘Talk about the best lunch time break ever.’

For a moment he began to strip down and I watched as he revealed his sexiness to me.

‘Have you recently been abroad?’ I asked eying his magnificent tan.

‘Spain, with my mates a week ago, it had been years since being abroad.’ He was over me his cock dangling above me ready to enter. ‘Do you like?’ he asked noticing my eyes on his thick wand.

I smiled.

‘Ah you like.’ He wiggled over me. ‘I’m sorry if I have to be quick but we must talk soon.’ He suddenly pushed in his thickness, it caught me by surprise.

I grasped onto his broad shoulders as he began to plough into my wetness. I closed my eyes, panting and squeezing on for dear life. He lifted my left leg then thought better of it and lifted both my legs to his shoulders.

‘Oh my god!’ I pressed into the carpet, my hands grasped onto the clothes that lay near by as he pumped into me. He kept his eyes on me, smiling only slightly, watching as I weakened under his charm, under his sexy body. He lifted my top with his one hand and pressed hard against my perky breasts not slowing down the pace. Faster and faster he moved, expertly he twisted his hips, moving back and then twirling forward.

‘Oh yes, yes, yes!’

‘I love that voice baby, yes, yes.’ He breathed heavily and this time began to push heavily into me. I watched, panting as his temples tensed and finally his eyes closed and he began to let go. That did it for me, it didn’t take much for me to come soon after.

‘Thank you Ms Jacobs.’ He rolled off me.

‘This is nuts.’ I had to laugh, what else was I to do? ‘But I enjoyed every moment of it!’

‘I am glad.’ He moved across and kissed me on the forehead.

We only lay there for a few minutes when Mark got up and began to pull on his jeans and top.

‘About that talk,’ he said.

‘Yes, what about it?’

‘I want to do it soon.’

‘Okay.’ I began to pull on my skirt.

‘Do you like flowers?’

I laughed.

‘So do you like flowers?’

‘What girl doesn’t like flowers?’

‘I’m sure you could find a lady that doesn’t like flowers.’

‘Maybe but to answer your question yes I do.’

‘Great! What are your favourite flowers?’

I had to think, I loved roses but I also loved oriental lilies.

‘I love lots of different flowers but I guess my favourite would be oriental lilies.’

‘Nice choice babe.’ He tightened his belt.

He was a bit vague about things and I wondered whether it was just the way he was or he was playing games with me. I eyed him curiously offering nothing back.

‘So?’ He crouched down to look at me, again those eyes made me melt. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow same time.’ He got up without giving me a chance to answer him. ‘Oh and by the way.’ He stood at the living room door about to leave. ‘Dress warm.’ He walked out without another word.

‘Okay,’ I said to myself but not without a smile on my face.


e’s a mysterious one isn’t he?’ Grace said over the phone after I’d sorted Lloyd out. It was the usual routine of catch up on the latest about the man.

Grace had been my friend since we met at university many years ago, I won’t go into the details of how many years ago, I’ve lost track of how long ago that was. Anyway I was studying journalism and Grace was studying early years education. We actually met in the library one afternoon while we were both doing research. We kind of hit it off from there and never stopped being friends. While I got married and had Lloyd and then got divorced, Grace had a long term partner. She’d been waiting for him to pop the question for ten years but it’s never happened. At first it seemed to bug her but now she’s just getting on with her life and living off the thrill of my life at the moment. Which I don’t mind at all.

‘Yep you can say that again.’ I took a sip of my hot chocolate. I felt relaxed and on top of the world. The sex was doing me a lot of good.

‘Do you think he’s playing games with you?’

‘I thought that at first but then I thought hey, I’m forty, there’s nothing wrong with a little fling at some point in your life.’

‘You’ve got that right, I could do with one.’

‘Grace? That would hurt Joseph.’

‘He wouldn’t even notice, trust me. He has more love for his Xbox than he has for me.’

I giggled at the statement; Joseph was so laid back nothing would phase him. I think this is why they’ve lasted so long, she just bullies him all the way along in the relationship.

‘So do you think it’s going to go anywhere?’

‘I don’t know.’

‘Maybe I should rephrase that. Do you want it to go anywhere?’

I took another sip of my drink and thought about it.

‘Do you remember when I said I didn’t want a relationship?’

‘How could I forget, you were so adamant that you never wanted a man in your life again.’

‘Well I might need to take back those words please.’


‘It’s the strangest thing. One day you don’t care if a man never speaks to you again and then suddenly this gorgeous creature enters your life and blows that thought out of the water. Mark has taken that away. I’ve began to think about having a man in my life. I’ve actually began to fantasise.’

‘Wow that’s a big step.’

‘I know.’

Grace knew how much I’d meant it when I’d said it. I guess when you’ve been hurt deeply enough just once, it’s enough to turn you off completely.

‘Today he asked if I liked flowers.’

‘Awww, he’s a romantic.’

‘Is he?’

‘Yes, it’s obvious he wants to get you some.’

‘I never thought about it that way. I mean we haven’t even been on a proper date. We’ve started at the wrong end of the relationship. It’s supposed to be date first before sex, isn’t it?’

‘Yeah who made those rules anyway? And you’re old enough to do what you want.’

‘You know what you’re right.’

After we’d exhausted the topic on Mark we moved onto Joseph, trying to decipher who he was, we’d been trying that for ten years and still hadn’t made any progress.

‘Do you think I’m going to hell?’ I asked randomly.

Grace laughed.

‘Why would you think that honey?’

‘This wasn’t the way I was brought up.’

‘Oh sweetie are you judging yourself again? This isn’t the 18
century and if you go to hell give me the address and I’ll come and get you.’

I laughed.

‘Don’t worry about it, have fun like you said.’

‘Got it.’

We only spoke a few minutes longer, mostly about Lloyd. Grace thought he could do with moving up a stream.

‘He’s too bright for his own good.’

‘You can say that again. I feel like I’m the child sometimes and he’s the adult.’

‘Anyway I better go pull Joseph off the Xbox, he owes me some of his time.’

‘Good luck with that.’

After I put down the phone I walked upstairs to check on Lloyd. He was fast asleep. I tiptoed slowly to give him a light kiss then went to my office to do some work. Work I’d abandoned because my mind had either been occupied with thoughts of Mark or he was actually screwing me. After midnight I finally made it to bed only to get a few winks. I felt like a teenager all over again, buzzing on the inside and loosing sleep over a boy!

Chapter Four

loyd was in a bad mood and the morning was a struggle. He refused to shower, eat his breakfast and didn’t want to go to school. I felt his head he wasn’t hot at all and then I took his temperature, he definitely wasn’t’ sick and there was no way I was keeping him off school just because he said so.

I sat and watched him defeated as he gazed at his bowl of cereal, we had exactly an hour to go.

‘Tell me Lloyd, why won’t you cooperate today?’

He folded his arms and gazed at me angrily.

‘Did someone upset you at school?’

He shook his head.

‘Then what is it, tell mummy so we can fix this.’

‘Firstly I don’t want rice crispies anymore.’

‘Okay.’ We were making progress. ‘Would you prefer some cornflakes?’

‘No actually I would like some toast,’ he said rather snottily.

Now before you judge me for letting Lloyd get his own way, you have to understand that if I wanted to get out of the house on time it was the best solution. I’ve seen doctors to make sure he’s alright and he’s fine just too old for his time.

‘With peanut butter please,’ he added.

‘Will you have a shower after that?’

‘Not until you tell me the truth.’

Here we go!

‘About what pumpkin?’

‘The man, I know you’re seeing a man.’

‘Really Lloyd, what gave you that idea.’

‘Mums are not supposed to lie. So tell me the truth mum.’


‘You’ve been rather happy lately and you’re wearing make up and dressing up. Mums don’t do that.’

‘Oh yes they do.’

‘Only if they’re going out or going out to work. Mummy you never dress up.’

How could I tell my son I was seeing someone when it could mean nothing at all? I’d always promised myself never to involve him unless it was absolutely necessary.

‘Lloyd, mummy only has a friend who’s a boy, that’s all, it’s nothing serious.’

‘A boyfriend you mean.’

The toast pinged and I buttered it with peanut butter.

‘No a friend who is a boy.’

I pushed the plate under his nose.

‘What’s his name?’


‘His name or I won’t eat.’

I honestly could kill him sometimes but he’s my son and I love him to bits even though he drives me up the wall at times.


‘Mark who.’

‘Mark Hirst, now eat!’

He sat silently for a while deciding whether not he wanted to eat then decided to eat. I sighed with relief.

We were finally out of the house five minutes later than normal but we were out and I was grateful. Grateful and keen to see what the day held for me.


ark knocked at the door at exactly twelve o’clock. I’d put on my dark pink skinny jeans, a warm cotton long top with a cardigan. I threw on my windbreaker, I wasn’t sure where or what we were doing but I’d taken his advice. It was pretty cold out there.

‘Hello Ms Jacobs.’ He handed me a bouquet of roses mixed with oriental lilies.

‘Oh beautiful!’ I smelt them and invited him in. ‘Thank you!’

‘I hope they are to your perfection.’ He followed me into the kitchen.

BOOK: Strangers
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