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Authors: A. C. Warneke

Stone Lover (5 page)

BOOK: Stone Lover
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    She smiled brilliantly, “No… no, of course not; it’s just that Rhys had said something… odd. But, you see, I love my apartment; it is amazing and perfect and within walking distance of my job and I doubt that there is anything you can say or do that will change my mind.”

    His brows drew together and he scowled briefly, which only enhanced his beauty. It was an expression Melanie was pretty sure he was more comfortable with. He quickly donned his neutral mask, a slight smile curving his perfect lips. “And if I told you the building was haunted?”

    Her eyes widened and her mouth spread into a huge grin, “Really?”

    His scowl returned, deeper this time. “It’s not true.”

    She frowned, sadly disappointed. “Oh.”

    Before he could speak again, she cocked her head to the side, the thing that was niggling at her mind for a few minutes finally stepping forward. It probably would have been there sooner had she not been overwhelmed with such perfection of face and form, times three. “How do you know about my apartment and the building it’s in?”

     Her eyes widened in alarm and she came to an abrupt halt on the dance floor with sudden realization. Holding onto his forearms, his hands at her elbows, she breathed, “You’re my neighbor, aren’t you? Oh, god, I am so sorry; I didn’t mean to go through your apartment but I couldn’t find any other way of getting on the roof and there is this gargoyle up there and I swear I would never break anything. Please, I didn’t mean to trespass and I didn’t cause any harm, but…. What is it?”

    He silently stared down at her, practically holding her up by her arms. Pressing his lips together, he let his eyes roam over her face, lengthening the silence, making her incredibly uncomfortable and anxious. Tightening his jaw, he narrowed his gaze, as if willing her into submission. She did not go easily. It wasn’t until he tightened his hold on her and gave her a demonstration of his superior strength that she finally relented just a little, relaxing just a bit.

    When she lowered her chin, still holding his gaze, he finally spoke, “My property is off limits, mademoiselle.” She opened her mouth to protest but he cut her off. “You are to refrain yourself from using my apartment to gain access to the roof; you are to refrain yourself from visiting the roof at all or I will have you evicted.”

    Impossibly, her wide eyes widened and her gaze darted to Vaughn for a moment before returning to him. In a breathless whisper, she asked, “You can do that?”

    She could almost hear his teeth grinding together as his nostrils flared and he glared. “I can and I will.”

    But he only said she couldn’t go through his apartment; he never said anything about the roof at all; she could find another way up. Bit by bit, she began to speak, “So, if I were to find another way to get up there….”

    “There is no other way,” he ground out.

    “If I find another way,” she repeated, stubbornly, staring up at him with slightly narrowed eyes. “I can go up there?”

    He let out a long-suffering sigh, he closed his eyes as if in pain. “If, and it is a very unlikely if, you can find a way, you may go up; but only during the day.”

    A delicate eyebrow arched upwards at that strange concession. “Why not at night?” An mischievous smile curved her lips and lit her eyes and she looked up at him through her lashes, “Do you have drunken orgies up there at night? Something too carnal for my delicate sensibilities?”

    He huffed out an unexpected laugh and Melanie sucked in a dazzled breath at how it transformed him into a major deity. Clearing his throat, his face quickly returned to the stern frown. “No; there are no drunken orgies, or ghosts, or virgin sacrifices. You just shouldn’t be up there at night. That is, if you can get up there at all.”

    “That’s too bad,” she stuck out her lower lip before her expression melted back into a teasing smile. This guy wasn’t so bad; he was just a big old teddy bear.

    “Don’t go getting any funny ideas about the type of person I am, mademoiselle,” he said ominously, eerily echoing her thoughts. She held his green gaze as he lowered his head and cradled the back of her skull in his broad palms. It never occurred to her that he was going to kiss her; he didn’t seem to be interested in her in that way. But, suddenly, warm lips were covering hers, demanding submission.

    She tried to jerk her head away but he held her motionless with his hands as he deepened the kiss. Heat poured into her body and she reluctantly relaxed in his grip, feeling his tongue tease her lips; feeling the strength of his erection against her belly. She wasn’t sure what to do with her hands, so she left them on his chest, not quite pushing him away, but not letting him get any closer. In spite of her effort to resist, her eyes drifted shut and she fell into his kiss.

    Within moments, she no longer felt his lips on hers and everything seemed oddly frozen. Slowly, very slowly, he released his hold on her and she looked around the room: it was like she was in a waking dream. Everything was silent, everything was still; the lights were muted and everything was slightly blurry, like she was seeing the world through a soft focus lens.

    Her attention returned to the black haired man holding her in his arms. His lips were moving but all she understood were the words, “Brother” and “Apartment” and “Forget.” He really was too beautiful, even as self-contained and unapproachable as he was. But tit was Vaughn in all of his golden glory that made her heart race and her knees go weak. It was strange that three men, three brothers, could all be so blindly attractive but it was only one that made her blood boil.

    The thought made her smile; she finally found someone to make her blood boil. How strange. Was he someone she would be able to consider a friend as well as a mate? Why was she already plotting out a long term relationship? She had shared one dance with the man; it wasn’t enough to base an entire future. Hell, she was just kissing his brother! Sometimes, her over-active day dreams even disturbed her. Whatever; it was still fun to imagine what-if, even if nothing were to come of it. She would tell Jenna about her strange and wonderful New Year’s dance with the impossibly gorgeous Vaughn and the two of them would giggle about it. Jenna would tease her for her infatuation and after they finished giggling they would find Ferris and have a bowl of ice cream while watching a cheesy romance.

    And if she were to occasionally dream of Vaughn at night, she would do so with a wistful smile, wondering what if?

    Armand was done speaking, a smug, self-satisfied half-smile on his wicked lips. She blinked a few times and the world came whooshing back; sight and sound assaulted her senses and the floor was once more beneath her feet. The music was blaring from the speakers, the people were talking over the noise; what a rush!

    Shaking her head to clear the remaining cobwebs, she smiled up at him, “Whoa, I’m sorry, I must have spaced out for a second. What were you saying about the apartment and your brother? I’m assuming we’re talking about Vaughn, right?”

    He stared down at her, anger and astonishment twisting his perfect features. She had a feeling that surprise wasn’t something he was familiar with. When he continued to just stare at her, she glanced over his shoulder and saw Rhys laughing. Next to Rhys, Vaughn glared at Armand, the rage very apparent on his handsome face. Even furious he was gorgeous; she didn’t think she would ever tire of seeing his many different moods. Hey, if his brother was her neighbor, there was a good chance that he visited and maybe….

    “Who are you?” A soft voice asked and she jumped, temporarily forgetting she was still standing on the dance floor.

    “Pardon me?” she asked, not quite understanding his question. She must have spaced for quite a while; she was still a bit fuzzy. “Did you just ask who I am?”

    He nodded, still slightly thunderstruck.

    Realizing her error in manners, she stepped back and held out her hand. Automatically he took it but didn’t seem quite sure what to do with it so she pumped it up and down. “I’m Melanie Jacobs; your neighbor.”

    God, if words could kill, judging by his stricken expression, she just struck a fatal blow! She stepped back, mortified by whatever social faux pas she just committed, “I’m sorry; perhaps I’m not what you expected?”

    “That would imply I expected you.” His expression was grim.

    “I’m sorry?” She wasn’t sure why it came out as a question; he just seemed to need an apology, though she wasn’t exactly sure for what she was apologizing.

    Quicker than she could possibly imagine, his fingers were wrapped around her upper arm and he was holding her close to his body. His breath was hot against her ear as he hissed, “Leave him be.”

    “Why?” she tilted her head back so she could see him and watched his expression darken ominously. Despite the inherent threat in his frozen eyes, she was not afraid. Even when he thrust her away and she stumbled a bit before finding her balance. Her head was still a little foggy and she remembered she had drunk an Explosive Orgasm she had just before dancing with Vaughn; maybe the alcohol was finally hitting her.

    “We’re leaving,” Armand growled. “I’ll deal with you later.”

    It took her a moment to shake the rest of the fuzziness away and when she did, Armand had disappeared. She looked over her shoulder and was disappointed to see the two men carting her would-be lover off, obviously against his will. Vaughn’s jaw was tense as he struggled against their combined efforts. It was strangely thrilling to find a man wanting her badly enough to fight not one but two brothers. Unfortunately, it was vastly more annoying that he was being hauled away.

    As the trio stepped through the door, his eyes caught hers and he mouthed, “I’ll come for you.”

    Or maybe she had just watched too many romantic movies and was projecting her desires. Still, she didn’t think anyone was going to come close to matching this attraction she felt for the golden Vaughn. It was scary how one glance changed everything; spotting a stranger from across the room and knowing that he was the one for her.

    But she knew him; she danced with him once upon a dream….

    Oh, wait; that was a cartoon she once saw.




    “Wow,” Frankie beamed after Melanie squeezed her way through the crowd and rejoined her friends at the bar. Several empty shot glasses were strewn in front of the two girls and a group of young, testosterone-laden guys were drooling over Frankie and Vanessa. “Who were the three hotties?”

    Melanie smiled a little self-consciously, strangely reluctant to discuss Vaughn just yet; she wanted to keep him to herself for a while. “Apparently the dark-haired one, Armand, is my neighbor and the other two are his brothers, Rhys and Vaughn.”

    “Ah!” Frankie grinned, pointing her finger at Melanie and bouncing a little in her seat. “I know that look; you’re smitten!”

    “What?” Melanie tried to wipe all expression from her face but the loopy grin seemed to not want to disappear.

    “That smile,” Frankie continued, oblivious to all of the men trying to snag her attention and absurdly interested in Melanie’s romantic quests. “You wore it when you fell in love with that actor.”

    “It wasn’t the actor,” Melanie corrected, unable to prevent the silly smile from growing. There was such a familiarity with the three men, as if she had known them forever; she felt tremendously comfortable with them. Even when the dark man demonstrated his power over her, she wasn’t at all worried that he would harm her. In fact, she felt safe in their presence. “It was the role he played….”

    “Some mythical fairy king or something.” Frankie shook her head and waved her hand through the air, dismissing the obscure movie that few people had ever even heard of before. “You have the same smile; which brother is it?”

    Before Melanie had a chance to open her mouth, Frankie answered her own question, “I bet it’s the black-haired one, isn’t it? Armand? I swear, I have never seen such a glorious specimen of manhood; I’d consider having an affair with him despite how madly in love I am with Lee. I bet that man knows how to do things….”

BOOK: Stone Lover
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