Read Stolen Online

Authors: Bec Botefuhr

Stolen (6 page)

BOOK: Stolen
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“Okay, after dinner.”

After dinner has finished, I help Nessie clear the plates.

“Love you don’t have to do this.”

“It’s okay Nessie, I really don’t mind.”

“You’re an
, truly.”

“So are you.”

She smiles and strokes my face, what is it that she likes so much about me? If she knew of my past, she would turn away in repulsion. I cringe and whack on a fake smile.

“Alright, it’s time for that song. You can’t get away with it.” She laughs, dragging me into the lounge where the men are having a drink.

“Boys, pay attention. She is going to sing
” Nessie cries, clapping her hands.

I sit down at the piano and being slowly playing it. I sing lightly, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

Every night
in my dreams, I see you
, I feel you…that is how I know
go on…”

When I have finished I look up, and everyone is silent. Blade is staring at me; I can’t describe the look on his face. Bill and Jock have their mouths open, and Nessie is crying.

“Oh my dear lord in heaven, not only do you look like an
, but you sing like one.” She cries rushing over and hugging me.

“Thanks.” I blush.

was amazing!” Jock compliments, much to my surprise.


“Wow.” Blade finally breathes.

I smile and join Bill on the couch. He begins asking me questions about myself, and I spend a good hour chatting to him. In that time, Blade
and Nessie get up and go
into the kitchen. When Bill excuses himself, I go to join the two when I hear them talking. I stop and listen, curious.

“Blade, she is beautiful.”

“I know mamma.”

“Like a
, with that gorgeous blonde hair and brown eyes. She is so stunning.”

“You are telling me.” He whispers.

“Why aren’t you with her?”

“She is only eighteen.”


“There is just a lot to it, it’s not that easy.”

“Do you like her son, I see how you stare at her?”

“I do mamma, I have tried hard not to but I do.”

“Why try not to? There is something you haven’t told me?”

“No mamma, I just want
to take it slow is all.”

“And you can but tell her how you feel, girls like that are hard to find. There is something about her; she truly is an

“I know, believe me I know. She is tough too, tough as they come.”

“You don’t need to push tough, you need to push love. Tough is only good when it is needed.”

“Are you doing okay mamma?” His tone grows soft.

“I am getting there.”

“How long do you have without treatment?”

“That’s not for you to worry
. Let’s just work on what we have right now, I want my boy’s to be happy. Please take this chance you have with her.”

“I wish it were so easy.”

“Life can be as easy or as hard as you make it son.” She advises, gently.

“I know mamma.”

When I hear them coming out, I quickly duck back to the couch. Nessie smiles warmly at me when she comes around the corner.

“Oh love did those men ditch you?”

“Yeah, it’s okay.”

“Well we better think about getting home mamma.” Blade says quickly.

“I guess so, come and see me soon please.” Nessie begs.

“I will mamma.” He promises, hugging her.

“Emerson, beautiful Emerson! Please won’t you visit too?”

“I will.”

“Good bye my sweethearts.”

Once everyone has finished saying goodbye; we get in the car and head home. None of us speak much, but all of us are thinking the same thing, what is happening here? I can’t stop thinking of the conversation Blade, and Nessie had about her not having much time. I have to ask, but I will wait until we get home.


We arrive home, and once we are inside, I stop the two men. It is now or never; I need to know. Something is wrong with their mother, and I get the strong feeling it is why they kidnapped me.

“Hey guys, can I speak to you?”

They both look over at me and then nod, sitting down.

“I heard what you said to your mum tonight, both of you. About her not being well, I want to know what is happening and don’t tell me nothing because I am not stupid.”

“She is sick, dying actually, and she has no chance of getting any help unless she gets treatment.” Jock says, and I feel my chest tighten. Sick? Not Nessie.

“What is wrong with her?”

“She has cancer but the operation and treatment she can’t afford. Which shortens her lifespan dramatically.”

“That’s why you have me?”


I look down; it isn’t for them
it is for their family. All this to save their mum; my heart goes out to them and the risk they have taken, I have to help them.

“I have money,” I say and both heads snap up. "Not a million dollars, but I do have money.”

“The million dollars was just a good try, we don’t need near that much.” Jock chuckles.

“How much do you need, truthfully?”

“Two hundred thousand, that is medical treatment for her plus a refurbishment to both shacks.”

“I can get that much for you.”

“You would do that?” Blade finally speaks.

“Of course I would, the way your mum treated me tonight, I have never had that before. In fact, I have never been loved like that before; my family has made it very clear how they feel about me. You two as much as you have been hard on me, have been very kind also. You could have hurt me, but you didn’t,” I pause a moment, “Well you could have hurt me a lot more. I don’t hold any anger towards you boys for what you are trying to do for your family, and I like being with you both, I really do. From the bottom of my heart, I am truly sorry to hear about your mum, and I do want to help you.”

“I don’t know what to say Em.” Blade whispers, his deep gaze penetrating through me.

“Me either, thanks.” Jock chokes.

“Don’t mention it, one condition though.”

“Name it?”

“Don’t lock me down there anymore, I don’t intend on running nor would I dob you two in. Just let me out.”


I smile and to my complete surprise Jock comes over and hugs me. This had started out to be a horrible situation, but now I find myself wanting to stay here. To be with these boys and their family – my family right now is a distant thought in my mind. Jock heads outside to gather himself, and Blade sits down beside me.

“What you’re doing, I don’t know how to thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, it is the least I can do. Your mum was so kind to me.”

“She did love you.”

“Hmmmm, Blade?”


“I heard what you said to your mum.” I admit, nervously.

“You did huh?” He gives me that lazy grin.



“Well, is it true?”

“Sure is.”

“Oh, I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything then.” He chuckles.

“No, I want to. I feel what you feel; I just don’t know what to do about it. I have never felt something like this before.”

“Well, I am a bit of a lady killer.” He jokes.

“Ego, ego.”

“Yeah, well...I am hot what can I say.”

I laugh and shove him. “Yeah you go alright.”

“And you…” His gaze grows a little lusty.

“Hmmmm, I didn’t know you noticed.”

“Believe me, I noticed.”

I blush.

“I tried not to notice, but there was something about you right from the start. Instantly you were questioning us, trying to scare us off. It was meant to be the other way around; we were meant to scare you, but we didn’t.”

“Believe me you did, I just didn’t show it. I don’t like to show those sorts of things.”

“Well you did a good job hiding it, I am blown away at your strength.”


“You know in fairy tales when they say that you are meant to feel this wonderful heart flutter?” I ask, smiling shyly at him.

“Yeah, I guess.” He laughs.

“Well I never felt it before. I was with Caleb for two years, and I never felt it, then I met you…”

“You felt it?”

“I felt it.”

“I am flattered.”

“I bet you are,” I tease, and try hard to avoid his deep brown gaze. “Have you been in love?”

“Nah, not really. Not like the movies make it anyway.”

“The movies are all a rip off, you know?”

He grins. “Too true. What about you?”

“I thought so, but I am not so sure now.”


“Well I never felt the flutter with Caleb, I just found him attractive…I guess.”

“Now he is digging your best friend huh?”

“Yeah, show’s how much I meant to them both.”


“Can I tell you something?”


“I don’t want to go home.” I admit.

“Then don’t.”


“You don’t have to go home, you can stay here as long as you like or at least until you know what you want to do.”

“I know, but if the police find me, then you two could get into trouble.”

“Well that’s easy, we drop you home, you say you had no idea who we were. Then wait a few months, get the money and come back”

“Do you really think it would be that easy?”

“I reckon it could be, if you wanted it to be.”

“I am scared of going back there, about how I will feel.”

“You won’t know until you go back.” He offers gently.

“I guess, I just don’t want to risk you two getting caught. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you guys.”

“Thanks, it’s nice to know.”

I stare at him for a long moment. Then I get the strangest urge; he must have noticed it because a knowing grin creeps across his face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Oh sorry, it’s nothing.” I stammer.

“No it’s something, tell me.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Come on, what is it?”

“I was thinking about kissing you…” I blurt, then curse inwardly.

“You were?” He grins, sitting back and crossing his arms.


“No it’s okay, again I am flattered.”

“You are very handsome you know, best looking man I have seen.”


“So…can I kiss you?”

“Why do you want to kiss me?”

“I don’t know, to see what it is like. I have only kissed one person; you can say no.”

“Go ahead.” He smirks.

“Really, that’s it… go ahead?”

“Do you want some help?” His smirk widens.

He moves close and grips the back of my head, slowly pulling me closer. When our lips touch, I melt. Kissing him is so different to kissing Caleb. Blade is soft, gentle, luring. His tongue snakes out into my mouth and I moan. He tastes sensational. I tangle my hands into his hair and reef him closer. He doesn’t let me do too much more, slowly, he pulls away.

“Why did you stop?” I whisper.

“Can’t give it all to you, got to leave something for the imagination.”

“Of course.” I sigh happily.

“Didn’t you want me to stop?”

“Not really, no.”

“They usually don’t.”

I laugh. “There is that ego again!”

“You’re not so bad; a little bit I could teach you.”

“Like what?”

“Like where to kiss and how.”



“Well teach me.”

“Later, if you’re lucky.” He smiles standing up and walking into the shower.

I lay back on the couch and laugh to myself. Jock walks in and sits down beside me.

“What’s so funny?”

“Your brother.”

“I saw that little moment there.” He smiles broadly.

“Sorry!” I blush.

“No, I am glad. I haven’t seen him smile like that for a while.”

“What about you? How long has it been for you?”

BOOK: Stolen
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