Stepbrother Romance: My Alpha Cowboy Stepbrother (Stepbrother Romance, Taboo, Forbidden, Stepsister, New Adult, Western Romance, Cowboy Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: My Alpha Cowboy Stepbrother (Stepbrother Romance, Taboo, Forbidden, Stepsister, New Adult, Western Romance, Cowboy Romance)
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must have drifted to sleep, for it was dark when I awoke. Edward was kneeling over me, he looked worried. Still half-asleep, I fumbled with my disheveled clothing. Outside the torrential rain had abated somewhat, and was now only a steady downpour. Flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder still rolled intermittently across the turbid sky. 

“Someone's coming,” Edward whispered, pressing a finger to his lips.

I had barely finished brushing the straw from my clothes when a figure appeared at the door. The figure held an antique umbrella, which reminded me of the wings of a bat. It was the Aunt!

“What are you two doing out here?” asked the Aunt. “Nothing, unseemly... I hope.” Cold gray eyes scrutinized us over the top of her hooked nose and wire-frame spectacles.

“I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, Auntie,” replied Edward nonchalantly. “We took shelter from the storm, though I'm touched that you troubled yourself to look for us...”

“Hmpphh...” replied the Aunt, who looked as though she was about to add something further to the conversation, but then turned on her heel and marched away.

Edward waited until Mildred was gone, then said, “We'd better be more careful. She's got my father under her thumb, and she could make life very difficult for us if we give her an excuse. Sometimes I think the only thing that's kept her alive this long is spite... You know, they investigated her for the death of her husband, he died from poisoning. He used to sneak off to his tool shed occasionally for a drink. According to the police report he accidentally poured rat-poison into his coffee instead of whiskey. The police questioned the staff, and a maid had seen my Aunt entering his shed that morning – and she had always made a point of avoiding it in the past. It was well known that their marriage by that stage was merely a symbolic, legally and financially convenient arrangement. My Uncle had been maintaining a mistress for years by that time, but recently his affairs had become public knowledge, much to the shame – and rage – of my Aunt. Somehow, we all knew she had poisoned him, but we said nothing; we had no proof. Well, all expect for my father, of course. He's always seen her as a harmless old woman and will not hear otherwise. The police questioned her a couple of times, but in the end they were forced to rule that it was 'accidental poisoning' due to his poor eyesight.”

“Well, I know every family has its skeletons in the closet,” I said, taken aback, “but that's a pretty dark secret... I would say that maybe you're being paranoid, but that woman has given me a bad feeling since I first laid eyes on her.”

“I know what you mean...” he replied distantly. “Okay, enough with the family history! It looks like the rain has died down a bit. Let's get back to the house while we can.”




he following day we had agreed to go riding again, mostly to throw Mildred off the scent, although I did want to get more riding practice. I had slept well the night after our first passionate tryst, and had awoken early feeling refreshed.

The sun had only been up a few hours by the time I had eaten breakfast, and it was still an hour until I was due to meet Edward at the stables. The storm had now passed us by, though the air remained fresh, scented with the musky aroma of wet vegetation and damp earth. A cool breeze softened the heat of late-summer sun.

I skirted by the stables to see if Edward had arrived early, but apart from the half-dozen horses they were deserted, so I decided to go sit down by the lake for a few hours. Following a hoof-worn track, along the bottom of the hill, I soon arrived at the lake. Tiny waves glittered in the morning sun, whipped  white by the gusty, southerly wind. A wooden jetty protruded into the lake near the bottom of the hill. A pair of well-maintained, wooden sailing dinghies bobbed gently against their lines, squat masts swaying in the breeze. Removing my shoes, I dangled my feet in the warm lake and watched the dragonflies swoop and dart across the surface of the water.

The lake itself was a wide, curving oval about half a mile long, but just a few hundred yards wide. It ran along the entire southeastern side of the house, at the bottom of the more gently sloping eastern side of the hill. This side of the small hill was cut into a series of grassy terraces, planted with exotic flowers and shrubs. Halfway down the hill, between the house and the lake, I noticed gazebo surrounded by blossoming cherry trees, with a view out across the lake and to the forest beyond. A flash of reflected sunlight from its shadowy interior caught my attention. Perhaps I was paranoid, but I could have sworn I saw a figure moving beneath the shade of the gazebo roof.

It could only be the Aunt, I thought, poking her crooked nose where it doesn't belong, no doubt. I shivered, despite the warmth of the sun; that woman gave me the creeps. If anything, more so, now that I knew the family's dark past. Determined to enjoy the day, I convinced myself to ignore the intrusion and focused on the day ahead. For awhile I sat on the jetty, watching as fat carp swirled lazily beneath the water, occasionally thrashing to the surface to snap at a low-flying insect.

My mind kept turning to the day before. It seemed surreal to look back on it now, as though it was a dream. The dull ache between my thighs was testament to its reality. I shivered with remembered pleasure as I recalled how Edward’s thick shaft had filled me so satisfyingly, how I could feel his swollen head rubbing inside of me, stretching me.

              I must have fantasized for longer than I thought, because it seemed like only a moment had passed, then it was time to meet Edward at the stable. As I arrived I saw Edward waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

              “You're on time today I see...” he laughed. “We'll have to behave ourselves today, I've seen my Aunt lurking around on the veranda.”

              “I saw her too, about an hour ago near at the gazebo, I think,” I replied. “Anyway, who says that I'd want to misbehave again?”

              Edward looked thoughtful for a moment, then walked slowly towards me. Standing just a few inches away from me, he slid his hand inside my panties. I moaned and my knees went weak for a moment as his finger slid between my wet lips. Withdrawing his hand, he licked the damp finger.

              “Your body betrays you, my dear,” he said, winking at me.

              I laughed, and grabbed the bulge in his pants.

              “Yours too,” I answered, grinning as I felt it throb and swell beneath my grasp. I cupped his balls in my hand and squeezed gently, “and you are a terrible pervert, Edward.” I laughed, surprised at my new-found confidence, then kissed him quickly. With a spring in my step, I walked to the stable and changed into my riding gear.



dward had finished saddling a gray mare for me by the time I had changed into the riding gear. His black stallion waited nearby, pawing impatiently at the white gravel. Edward grinned as he saw me approach, his eyes lingering on my body and mouth.

              “Looking good, Sandra,” he noted appreciatively.

              “Thanks,” I replied. I considered returning the compliment, but decided he was already cocksure enough without my encouragement.

              Edward offered me his hand, and helped me into the stirrups. I fastened my helmet straps more tightly beneath my chin. To be honest, I felt more than a little nervous. The mare was at least fifteen-hands high, and I was certainly not an experienced rider.

“Don't worry, she's a gentle young girl,” Edward assured me, sensing my distress. “No jumping today. We'll just go on a little canter around the estate.”

Edward mounted his horse and nudged the beast into a slow trot. I waited for him to pass then followed his lead. The mare was happy to follow the other horse without much persuasion, allowing me the chance to view the estate as we rode. By noon we had reached the far side of the lake and were following a well-worn trail through the lush green woodland. The wind had died down and it had begun to grow hot, so the shade beneath the leafy canopy was a pleasant respite. Even here it was apparent that the land had been meticulously maintained. Low hanging branches had been trimmed away and the cut wood had been stacked neatly here and there, awaiting collection. Despite the obvious human touch on the forest, it was still busy with life. We even sighted a deer grazing cautiously in the distance.

My stomach growled and I realized that I had not thought to bring anything to eat. Even if we turned back now, it would still be at least an hour till we could get back to the house. Edward was riding a few yards ahead, as the trail was not wide enough to ride side-by-side. We were now passing close to the lake shore, where willow trees and reeds crowded the water’s edge. A short way ahead, nestled among the deciduous trees, a small log cabin came into view.

“Time for lunch!” announced Edward, as we arrived outside the tiny house.

Edward sprang from his saddle and deftly secured the reins of our horses to a rail, below which a watering trough had been built. Edward helped me down from my saddle, and I followed him around through a small garden of wild flowers and herbs, towards the front of the cottage. Here, on the lake-ward side of the cottage, there was a low porch. A wicker-work table and chairs were arranged beneath the shade with a view through the trees and across the lake. A small jetty protruded into the water, I remembered seeing it from the mansion the day before, but the house had been hidden beneath the trees.

              Passing through the carved oak door, we enter the house. Inside the décor was cozy, but indulgent. Overstuffed red-leather sofas surrounded a thick, ottoman rug, which lay before finely worked, granite fireplace. Beyond the small lounge there was a compact, hardwood and quartz-marble kitchenette. A steep set of stairs ran along the opposite wall, up to a small mezzanine bedroom had been fitted between the rafters.  Tired from the ride, I collapsed in a sofa and watched as Edward prepared a plate of cheese, meat and biscuits from the cabin's small fridge. Depositing the food on the coffee table – a polished two-foot thick slice of a great tree –  he returned quickly to the kitchen and poured us each a glass of sweet rosé. I was famished, and had already begun tucking into the impromptu feast by the time he returned.

              “Hungry?” he asked wryly, as I bit into my third cracker, stacked high with honeyed ham and strong cheddar.

              “Mmhmm,” I managed, and took a sip of wine. “I guess I worked up quite an appetite yesterday.”

              More than that, I thought to myself. Until then I had heard, but never believed, how good sex could be, and now I knew it to be far better than I had imagined. At least, it was with Edward. I took another swig of wine, I knew what I needed, and I was going to take it.

              “...and I'm still hungry,” I told him. Standing up from my chair, I pulled free the laces of my blouse, baring my breasts.

              “We don't have time. My Aunt...” he protested, but with little conviction.

              “I don't care,” I replied, and slowly pulled down the zipped of his pants.

              Edward sighed with pleasure as I slowly slipped the swollen head of his already-firm cock into my hungry mouth, then shivered as I ran my tongue around its edge. Looking up, I saw Edward roll his head back against the rest of the chair. His cock and body shivered with pleasure as I swallow him down deep, then slowly pulled back, again and again, faster and deeper each time. His face flushed with agonizing ecstasy. It was surprisingly easy to take his cock deep in my throat from this position, and his reaction to my effort was somehow causing my body to react too. I could feel the warm, tingling sensation burning between my thighs. The haze of lust grew thicker in my mind, as my instincts began to take control of my thoughts. Hastily, I stripped my pants off, over my boots, and straddled over his cock.

              Absently, a part of my brain wondered if it had gotten bigger since yesterday, and how the hell I was going to fit it inside of me. Fortunately, the rest of my brain ignored the thought. Despite my pussy being thoroughly soaked in anticipation of his huge cock, I doubted whether I could take him without his help. Slowly, I forced myself down onto him, guiding him into me with one hand. The tip of his cock was big, I gasped as it began to squeeze into me. Finally, the head of his cock slipped inside, slowly followed by the rest of his thick shaft. I moaned with pleasure as I felt his hard, warm flesh penetrating me, filling me completely.

              For a moment I couldn't move, impaled on his huge phallus as my body shook with the first waves of pleasure. Then slowly grew used to the fullness and I began to ride him, slowly at first, then harder and deeper. Edward held my hips as I rode, but I did not want his help, I wanted to take him. Dominate him. I grabbed him by the wrists and held them down above his head. All the while, I rode his stiff cock, pushing it deep with each thrust. Finally, I came, wave after shivering wave. Some animal instinct caused me to bite into the firm muscles of his chest. I felt him cum, the warmth of it spreading inside me. Each pulse of his cock sent further shivers tingling through my nerves.

              I lay atop of him awhile, catching my breath, until finally I had the strength to rise. There was a sore, red bite mark on his lightly haired chest.

              “Oh, sorry,” I said, kissing the wound gently.

              “I barely noticed,” he laughed, “and actually, I kinda liked it.”

              “Me too,” I replied, pulling myself free of his cock. I smiled, “but I guess you noticed that...”

              “Mmhhmm...” he replied, with an impish grin.

              Edward then rose from the coach and kissed me softly. His hand lingered awhile on my rump, and he took my nipple gently in his mouth.

              “Hey! Careful, or we'll have to do it again,” I teased.

              Edward laughed, then firmly spanked my buttocks, “and I certainly wouldn't object, but we should get back before my Aunt gets any more suspicious of us.”

              Our horses fed and watered, we followed the trail as it continued around the lake, emerging from the forest on the eastern side of the house. The earlier breeze had calmed, and the air was still and pleasantly warm. The sky was clear but hazy. The rolling meadows and forests were bathed in an amber glow as the sun passed its zenith and began to sink slowly towards the horizon.

              “I'm not sure we can get away with that again tomorrow,” said Edward, nodding towards the veranda at the top of the hill.

              Following his gaze I saw the silhouette of Mildred, her form distinct even at this distance in her heavy, dated, black-lace dress.

              “Yea,” I replied, remorsefully.

              We arrived at the stables a short while later. I helped Edward groom the horses and stow away their tack. We worked in silence, each lost in thought.

              “I know,” said Edward, as we walked together up the winding stairs towards the house. “Tomorrow night, just after midnight, meet me down by the jetty, we can row across to the cabin, or sail if there is a breeze.”

              “Sounds romantic,” I replied. “It's a shame we have to sneak around, although it is quite exciting.”

              Edward was about to reply and then stopped. Ahead, the aunt was now sitting outside the house, near the top of the stairs. We walked past her in silence, the tension in the air felt palpable. It was a relief to finally enter the house, though I now dreaded the evening meal, where we would have to face her accusatory gaze once again. I pushed the thoughts from my mind. Just ignore her, I told myself, there is far too much good stuff happening in my life right now to let some sour crone ruin it for me.

              It was still a couple of hours until dinner when I got back to my room, so I decided to have a long bath to relax my aching muscle from the day's riding. And not just from the horse riding, I reminded myself, smiling. I thought back to the sex in the cabin, where the undiscovered dominant side of my nature had exposed itself. Perhaps it was Edward's easy going nature that had given me the confidence to be who I wanted to be. Either way, I was enjoying my newfound confidence as much as the sex. Tomorrow night seemed too far away...


BOOK: Stepbrother Romance: My Alpha Cowboy Stepbrother (Stepbrother Romance, Taboo, Forbidden, Stepsister, New Adult, Western Romance, Cowboy Romance)
8.57Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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