Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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It happened and the camera doesn't lie.  I learned that early on, so the night before a shoot I'd put the books aside and get a full night's sleep.


I admire your tenacity.


When you want something badly enough, you learn to be tenacious.  It's been worth it.  I'm the first one in my family to graduate from college, let alone get advanced degrees.


Your family must be so proud,

Cray said.


My family thinks I'm a snob.  They're in Norway and I seldom see them.


I'm sorry, Angel, that must hurt.


They gave me a loving upbringing and instilled values that I carry to this day.  I'm forever grateful to them.  They can't accept that I yearned for a good education and a better life for myself and would willingly leave the family fold.  They'll never understand.  They're simple folk and I hurt them when I left to pursue my dream.  Is that so terrible?


Honey, no.  I believe that everyone has his or her destiny and to not follow that because of outside pressure is wrong.


Are you saying that to absolve me of guilt?


No, Angelica.  My family are lawyers.  It's a flourishing firm dating back three generations.  My father and grandfather made it clear for as long as I can remember that I would follow in their footsteps.  I'm the oldest of five children.  My three brothers are attorneys.  My sister, who's the youngest, is a maverick like me.  She works for me, but in reality is my right hand man, meaning the oldest and the youngest strayed from the fold, didn't follow the Phillip's tradition and it doesn't matter that we've been successful beyond measure.  They're still disappointed that we didn't get our law degree and join the family firm.


Did they ostracize you?


No.  They accept us as part of the family, but it still confuses them why we'd chase another dream, our destiny.  You'll meet them someday.  You'll like them and they'll like you.  There's no animosity.


Are we going to keep seeing each other?

    He chuckled and said in a teasing tone of voice,

That's what people who are going to get married do, isn't it?

    She sat up straight and said,

When is the wedding going to take place, you impetuous handsome man?


It depends on how long it takes you to organize a wedding the size you want.


Hmm, do you have a lot of family and friends who must be included?




Scads, meaning a hundred, two hundred, what?


I can narrow it down to two fifty I guess.


That many guests take time.  How big will the cake need to be?  That's important because I love cake.

    He laughed and said,

I'm getting the impression you love food, period.


Do you find that distasteful?


Is that a pun?

  A car pulled in front of the restaurant and Cray said,

Here we are.  We can finish this discussion at a later time.  It's time to eat.  Bet you're hungry.


My stomach is concave; I'm so hungry.


Let's hurry then.


I hope you can afford this.

  She giggled.


Can you loan me money if I can't?


With interest, yes.


A typically American response.

  The owner and host greeted them and Cray said,  

Good evening, Antonio.  Miss Andersson is famished so lead us to the table and let's begin.

    They ate their appetizer and salad and Angelica said,

I'm coming here again and again.  The food is superb and I approve the presentation.  They don't keep us waiting between courses and yet they don't rush us.


You sure you're not a food critic on the side for the New York Times?

    She leaned next to him and whispered. 

How did you know?  Don't blow my cover, please.

    Halfway through the entree, she rested her fork on the plate and said,

I'm getting full.


It's about time.  I thought you'd never reach full.

  He smiled and she laughed.


I'll eat more, but I need to let it digest for a few minutes.  Cray, I want to invite you to a boring, stuffy faculty tea tomorrow afternoon that I must attend.  Will you go with me?


You make it sound so enticing, how can I refuse.

  He chuckled.


I'm giving it to you straight, testing your devotion to me,

she said and giggled.


Is it appropriate for me to hob nob with the elite who live in ivory towers and fill our youth with their take on society?


Probably not and I hope you won't express your slanted views to any of them.  I want you there to show a certain professor that I'm taken.


Hmm, the plot thickens.  Can I tell him you're going to be my wife?


No.  I'd prefer to keep that between us for a while.


Oh, the cruelty that you won't announce to the faculty or the world at large our absolute devotion and love for each other.  There's a pain around my heart that's agonizing.


Laying in on a bit thick, aren't you?


Give me the low down on this Romeo.


He's a nice man.  He's fifty or so.  His wife died of cancer two years ago and he's lonely.


Nothing that bad yet.  Is there more?


Yes, he's shorter than me and when I let fly with a swear word he calls me his naughty girl.

    Cray threw back his head and howled.


That's not all,

she said.


He doesn't have a penchant for dirty jokes like you do.


Oh, hell, he doesn't know about that.  He'd die.  He won't say the word come because it has a sexual connotation.

    Cray almost fell on the floor laughing. 

You're not serious.


I am, too.  You can't believe the circuitous route he takes to get his point across rather than say come.


Will it embarrass you if I discuss orgasms, copulation and premature ejaculations with him?


I don't want to see him die of a heart attack on the spot, so please refrain.


What's this guy teach?



    Cray laughed again and said,

You're kidding.  That can't be true.


I'm not kidding.  The students laugh behind his back because he calls the female anatomy lady bits.

    Cray held his stomach he laughed so hard. 

Stop, you're killing me.


I swear it's the truth,

she said.


Promise you'll introduce us.  I had some wacky professors, but this guy is beyond.

    She gave him a devilish grin and said,

So you don't think I should entertain going out with him?


That's your choice, but I suggest you never show him your lady bits.

    She smirked and said,

He's probably a wildcat in bed.  That would suit me when the horns come out to play.


Yeah, but if the halo's on you might find it offensive.


I suppose the situation is moot since we're getting married.  I can't imagine you accepting anything but exclusivity.


Good point, darling.


Let's order dessert.


You want more to eat?

he asked, raising his hand and beckoning the waiter.

    The waiter arrived and Cray said,

The lady would like you to tell her the dessert offerings and I want to know if there's a dishwasher position open so I can pay.

    She grinned while the waiter rattled off the dessert list.  When he finished and she ordered she said,

Don't worry if my date leaves a puny tip.  I'll supplement it from my meager earnings.

  The waiter stared from one to the other and shuffled away.


He thinks we're crazy,

Cray said.


He'll think you're wonderful when you leave him a large tip.


What if I can't afford it?


You can.  I googled you this morning.  You're worth millions.


Is that why you're going to marry me?


No.  I suspect you have hidden talents I've yet to uncover.


What makes you think that and when do you plan to see for yourself?

    She leaned against him in the cozy curved banquette and said,

Patience is a virtue.


I hate those old bromides.


How about good things come to those who wait?

she asked and snickered.


You used the word come.  I'm shocked.

    Angelica's Italian ice cream arrived and she dipped her spoon in the smooth, creamy dessert, took a bite and purred.

    The spoon entering her mouth and her purr went straight to his groin and a vision of her naked in his bed with her legs spread visualized in his mind and he groaned.


What's wrong, Cray?

she asked, concern etching her voice.

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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