Read Staring Into the Eyes of Chance Online

Authors: Kay Dee Royal

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal

Staring Into the Eyes of Chance (13 page)

BOOK: Staring Into the Eyes of Chance
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Olivia shut off the water and wrapped a towel around her, overwhelming emptiness and sadness filling her. With her body still damp under the towel, she walked out of the bathroom and climbed under the covers of the bed, unsure of her next step with Chance and wondering if he even wanted her.


Chapter Fourteen


Chance sensed her in the next room, in his lair, in his life, filling his heart and every cell in his body. Consummating his love for her would change her life as she had always known it and would she even want it, the whole package, him, forever.

He sat there, sleep a distant venture. His mind spiraled with all the scenarios of how she might decide the unfolding of their future. He struggled inside, unraveling the realization she might choose life without him. Now that he found his primal-mate, he would never feel whole if she left him, exactly like his father.

With his acute sense of hearing, Chance heard her in the other room, his blood roared through his veins in anticipation, but then her bed sheets rustled and the bedside light clicked. He’d never experienced a broken heart. Yes it had cried out, wounded when his father died, and then again with the death of his brother, but neither matched the rejection of his mate.

His body tensed. A run as wolf would release some of his building anxiety. Maybe Trevor needed a run also, which reminded Chance he needed some talk time with his friend.

“Trevor, how are you coming with communication to Jasmine?”

“She’ll be flying in early morning, boss.”

“Good. Find anything out about the bodies you found on Olivia’s property?”
He didn’t want Olivia hearing about any dead bodies on her land.

“Already on it. See you in the morning.”

Chance sensed Olivia’s emotion. It flooded him, making him forget about a run with Trevor. Apparently he left enough of himself on her that he could gather her moods, her sorrow, indecision, resentment, and her deep abiding passion for him. She needed him, but could he fill her need?

Chance made a decision, and he hoped to hell it was the right one. He steadied himself, already aroused like a wolf following a potential mate in heat. He quietly opened her door and moved in silence through the dark until he reached the edge of the bed. Olivia’s face was buried in the pillow, her body shaking as sorrow poured out.

“Love?” he whispered, knowing she sensed his presence and also knowing she wanted him.

“Chance?” She turned her lovely tear-streaked face toward him. “Please, tell me why you brought me here.”

“Because I can’t let you go. You’re instilled so deep inside me your rejection would crush me forever.” He stood unmoving, waiting.

Olivia dropped her head back on the pillow, staring at him with seeing eyes, even in the darkness. He knew she recognized his need.

“Tell me who I am to you. What happens next?” she asked.

Chance sat on the bed, wanting her in his arms, to reassure her, protect her, and claim her for all time.

“You are the woman I’ve waited for my entire life. The woman I love, my primal-mate. I want consummation of our love which will make you mine for a lifetime, Olivia.” His legs trembled, his arousal building, heat rising. His breath caught, heart hammering against his ribs. “Olivia, don’t make me wait another minute for your decision,” he whispered, struggling with saying the words that might bring rejection closer.

Olivia threw the blankets back and yanked the towel from her body, tossing it on the floor. Blood sizzled through his body, hardening and thickening his cock, but he waited for her answer.

“Claim me, Lycan. I’ve been waiting a lifetime for you as well.” Chance sensed her seriousness and her arousal.

“Once we do this, there’s no turning back. No changing your mind.”

“Thank God for that. I would be lost and empty without you in my life.” Olivia grasped his hand and pulled him into the bed.

Chance released the breath he’d been holding, it rushed out as a growl, hungry and thirsty. He sank down, climbing in beside her and taking possession of her mouth. His tongue urged her lips apart and drew her tongue into his mouth, suckling the tip of it. Fire burned through him, like snapping whips, leaving him aching and hard for her.

Her fingers grazed over his chest, circling his nipples, and then slid lower, undoing his jeans and unleashing the most painfully swollen erection he’d ever had, his balls already tight. Olivia’s silken touch drove him wild in lust. She moaned softly into his mouth, sending another whip of electricity through him, and then she suckled his tongue, doing things, working it like she’d worked his cock the last time they were together. He pulled away from her tantalizing mouth or he wouldn’t last another minute.

Chance kissed the corner of her mouth and Olivia licked his lips, while her scandalous fingers pumped and squeezed. Sweat broke out and ran down his face, moisture coating him like a blanket. He focused on the burning barn, an attempt at keeping Olivia’s fingers from sending him over the edge. Chance kissed her earlobe, her neck, pressure building inside him from Olivia’s consistent hand rhythm.

He grabbed her hands. “Stop.” His body held suspended above her, his mind grasping for anything, beating down his rising point of no return. His breath rasped out between tightened lips. Olivia lay still beneath him.

“Damn, woman, you’re pushing my limits,” he croaked.

“Then act like the Lycan you are and claim me.” Olivia arched her breasts into his chest, her pebbled nipples drilling away at his resolve. There’d be no closing the door on her opened invitation. Her legs splayed wide, inner thighs touching his outer thighs, and the scent of her arousal assailed him. He bent and nipped her right nipple. His fingers grazed her slick folds. Olivia thrust her hips against his fingers, and he obliged her by sinking two, stretching her. She moaned and raised her hips hard against his fingers until they buried deep, her inner muscles clenching and her hips grinding.

“You little wanton.” Chance pulled his fingers out and licked them. “You taste…mmm, like my primal-mate.”

“We haven’t mated yet, taste me after,” she said on a breath full of passion that seized his heart with want for her.

Chance lay beside her, tucked his hands around her hips, and swung her body on top of him, his back pressed into the mattress. Olivia quickly straddled his hips, her knees planted, thighs open. Her moist, hot folds hovered over his erection. He reached for both taut rosebud nipples and rolled them between thumb and forefingers. She arched and moaned, rocking her wetness back and forth across his throbbing shaft.

His hands dropped down, with one hand he cupped her sex, lifting her higher. He guided his cock down her slit, the smooth hot friction against its head almost uncorking as it rimmed her passage. She stationed herself above him and slammed her hips down, swallowing his cock whole. Olivia screamed, matching his roar.

His hands clutched her, holding her in position as his hips rolled and pitched, slowly pulling his shaft from her clenching muscles, only the crown remained inside. She wriggled her hips free and slammed back down, taking all of him, her movements rhythmic, hard, and furious. Olivia’s hips beat him, and her inner muscles suckled him, rocking him in and out of her.

Chance fingered her clit, circling and rubbing. She gasped, moaning, thrusting her hips harder, and Chance matched his fingers to her rhythm. His testicles tightened, a rush prickled across his scalp, pressure building, climbing. “Damn, Olivia, I’m coming, last chance.” He barely got the words out.

“I’m taking my Chance.” She rode him, not breaking stride, bucking faster and faster. “Oh God…” Olivia screamed, her body shook, inner muscles convulsing around his cock. Her gaze caught his and held for a suspended moment.

Then he pulled her body down, opened his mouth, and latched onto her shoulder. His bite drew blood, Olivia screamed again. His body stiffened, cock planted deep within her rippling passage, shooting his seed inside his mate. He shook with aftershocks as Olivia’s muscles continued milking him. He lapped her blood, closing the wound that marked her as his.

“Oh my God, that was heaven.”
Love for her streamed through him, his body absorbed her blood and her sexual juices, as his semen and saliva would absorb into Olivia’s body, forming their bond.

“Chance? Did you say we just made heaven?”
Olivia looked down at him with wonder in her eyes, her hips still rocking ever so slightly, arousing him all over again.

“Welcome to the world of the Lycan pack, my love.”

“I can’t believe that I can hear actual words coming into my psyche from you.”
She leaned across his chest and kissed him, his cock thickening steadily inside her. “Does this mean I’m going to be able to shift into a wolf?”

“No. We’ll talk about that later…not now.” Chance didn’t want to explain what might happen. There was a way, but her Lycan sensitivities needed full developing and even then, he wasn’t sure he’d consider putting her through it. Some human bodies weren’t strong enough to withstand the pain in their first shift and they died. He wouldn’t risk losing Olivia.

“I love you, always and forever,” Olivia whispered.

“As I do you, love.” His hips moved against hers, his gaze caught in hers, redirecting another rush of blood to his cock. He kissed her mouth fully and flipped her onto her back, rolling his body over top of her. He took her all over again, slow and steady, until she screamed and he roared, sated, spent. He stretched out along her backside and fell into a blissful sleep, entangled together, inside and out.


Chapter Fifteen


Olivia sensed his absence before she opened her eyes. The scent of Chance, strong and defined, swilled around her along with something else, fresh coffee and an applesauce muffin? She climbed out of bed, her sex raw and exposed, soothed by cool air.

Running into the bathroom, she satisfied her bladder and took a quick shower. After pulling on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a flannel shirt, she made the bed and tidied up the room. Her mind reached for Chance. Olivia walked into the main room, expecting him, and after a thorough search of the suite, recalled he told Trevor that they’d meet this morning. She found his note on the table.


Dear Heart,

Dir raided your pantry and brought the goods back here. There’s an applesauce muffin warming in the oven and a fresh pot of coffee on the counter. Eat. Drink. I’ll see you after my meeting.

Loving you,

Your Lycan mate


Her heart beat a song of passion, nothing about all she had lost so long ago. Ray was another lifetime, one that had never included her. Olivia realized her life had just taken a major turn, a new adventure, and her mind and body resonated with all that entailed. Lycan existed and she was mated with one, for life.

She didn’t really understand all of the changes occurring in her body, enhanced smell and hearing, her psyche, and getting used to her new telepathic ability would take time. The youthful physical changes she definitely appreciated, although none of it made sense. Her fingers swept over the back of her shoulder, touching the sensitive marking of her mate.
How strange, perhaps this is a Lycan’s version of a wedding ring.

Olivia ate and drank as directed, missing her green tea with lavender, which made her realize she had business at her house; her animals, the hawk and groundhog. A sudden fear crept up from her belly. She had no idea what time it was, no windows in an underground facility showing where the sun rested in the sky.

Olivia walked from room to room in search of anything with the time. She ran out and down the short hall, charging through the door. No one was there. She didn’t feel comfortable opening doors, who knew what lay beyond a Lycan’s door?

“Hello,” she called. She reached for Chance through her psyche again, stronger, more concentrated.
“Chance, where are you?”

“I’m at your place.”

“I need to be there, my hawk and groundhog need attention.”

“No worries, Lindsey took care of them this morning.”

“Is everything okay? She shouldn’t have gone there by herself.”
She waited moments before Chance came back inside her head.

“We’re here because Trevor went to her house early, but she wasn’t there, so he followed her scent. It ended at your house, only she’s not here either, but her car is parked in your drive.”

Olivia couldn’t breath. Tears welled, her throat constricted, choking her.
“Chance you need me there. I know my property better than you do.”

“There’s no way in hell I’m bringing you in on this. We’ll find your friend, my love. Sit tight, I’ll be back soon.”

“No. I won’t sit by while that beast has my friend. Come and get me, now, or I’m walking.”
Olivia’s frustration fed her adrenalin. She was getting out of there.

“You don’t know the code to get out.”

“I’m smarter than you think. If you don’t want the village authorities coming down on this place, you better get your sweet ass over here and pick me up. You’ve got exactly twenty minutes.”
Olivia saw what that beast did to Rebel and her goats, and it wouldn’t happen to Lindsey. She said a silent prayer.

Hang on Lindsey, stay alive, we’re coming.

Olivia had no idea how long twenty minutes would be without a clock, but Chance didn’t know that, hopefully. She still wasn’t sure how far into her mind he could travel. She possessed her own built-in firewalls, even though she couldn’t sense humans so much, some of them could still come knocking on her consciousness. A psychic gave her some exercises. They gradually helped her build a resistance for mind manipulators and energy vampires. She wondered if that ability enhanced with her new Lycan sensitivities.

BOOK: Staring Into the Eyes of Chance
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