Read Star Fire Online

Authors: Buffi BeCraft

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Star Fire (7 page)

BOOK: Star Fire
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Kiev captured her lips in another searing kiss. With a shove, Sasha moved aside the survival kits she’d been assembling, dumping them on the floor. She sprawled across the coverlet and smirked up at him. “Come on, Spartacus, we don’t have all day.”
Gaseous fire?
She fought not to laugh out loud. The man was sexy, strong, smart, and
not a poet.

He attacked the buckles on the side of his breastplate. “You know, those references to your culture are both irritating and mysterious. What is a Spartacus? Another man?”

Sasha slipped her hand up the open edge of his wrap and under-linens. Kiev swallowed hard as she found the knot holding his modesty in place and unravelled the thing. “Never mind. He is not here and I am.” His heated gaze travelled over her possessively. He claimed her mouth before she could respond, thrusting his tongue between her teeth. Tangling, meeting him, the kiss mimicked sex. Her explanation dissolved in a moan as she stretched up against Kiev, wanting, needing him inside her.

In a swift manoeuvre, he covered her body with his hard, chiselled one. Sasha smoothed her hands over the perfection of him, realising that this wasn’t some bodybuilder. She met the intense look in his eyes, took in the square jaw. This man was a weapon, his body and mind honed for the purpose of protecting his people with the edge of a sword and the cunning of his ancestors. She stiffened, suddenly uncomfortable. What if she didn’t measure up to the past?

Kiev glided his hand over her breast, softly kneading the small mound before sliding down to take her nipple in his mouth. His sound of appreciation thrummed through her body. Sasha arched into the pleasure. He switched to the other breast while his hand covered the one his mouth had just vacated. Work-roughed fingers plucked at her nipple, making her shudder with need. “Kiev. Please.” She pulled at his rock-hard shoulders. “Let me touch you.”

Suddenly he sat up, his legs caging her and pinning her without crushing. He caressed her breastbone, making her belly quiver as he traced the soft surface with his fingers. Her vagina ached in response, so needy that she could feel the wetness trickle from her body.

She pressed up, sliding her hands over his thighs. He traced over the sides of her breasts, making her pant. God, how she wanted him to fuck her. She opened her mouth to beg, aware that she’d never asked a man to have sex with her. Either it had happened or it hadn’t. And damn if she’d ever been the one to expect more than a one-night stand.

“Do you trust me, Star Fire?” His hand stilled on her stomach. His expression was unyielding.

Sasha frowned, pushing upward. “Fuck me, Kiev. It’s about sex, enjoying life, making the moment count. Not trust.” She tried to slide out from underneath, to turn the tide and ride him until the universe imploded with their climax. Damn, but he
how this worked.

One eyebrow arched over his unreadable eyes. In a moment, he moved, pinning her before she could shift out from under him. Between them, his erection was big, pressing against her belly, tantalising her with the possibility. He slid one of his big thighs between hers, his knee pressed against her clit. Automatically, she lifted, riding him, though not how she’d expected. She shuddered at the thought of his cock sliding into her. His balls hung heavy, making her change her mind. She wanted to be on top, to inhale the musky scent of his body as she sucked and nibbled his cock. Sasha, like Tasha, wanted to set the pace, feel the ultimate power as he lost control and came—either in her cunt, mouth, or hand. She wanted to watch that precious moment when he gave himself over to her.

Kiev moved his knee away after one delicious slide. With his other hand, he caught and pinned her wrists above her head. Their height difference made the move easy. Sasha rocked, testing his grip. Not sure if she should be angry, she squinted at him suspiciously. She wriggled experimentally, watching his eyes track her bouncing tits. “What gives?”

“Do you trust me?” His expression said that this was the deal breaker.

She frowned, relaxing into his hold. Nervous, she almost waited too long to answer. With a huff of exasperation, she nodded once.
I don’t have to be in charge all the time,
she told herself.
Really, it will be all right to let go.
She bit her lip, hesitant. Maybe it would be fun to not be responsible for a change.

Kiev watched as she stopped resisting. Her small, perfect breasts taunted him with a smattering of freckles. Glancing down, he was amazed again at how beautiful she was. The red colour of her pubic mound beckoned him to explore her pussy with his mouth and his fingers. She nodded, then bit her bottom lip as he moved off her. He aimed a finger at her, mimicking her. “Stay. Do not move.” He raised his eyebrow at her again when she shifted her arms from above her head. With a wary countenance, she settled, stretching her small but firm body out on the bunk, her arms above her head as he wanted.

Sliding off the bunk, he walked to the pile of discarded clothes. She made a soft sound as he crouched. Looking over his shoulder, he was pleased to see the desire in her eyes. She liked his body. That was good.

Kiev pulled a scarf from the pile and slowly stood up, dragging the satiny softness through his other palm. It was a long one and it dragged through his fingers suggestively.

She watched him, then trailed her appreciative regard to his erection. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, making him think of her mouth on him. Oh, yes. He wanted that, but later. The idea of her hot, wet mouth sliding over his cock made him harder. Kiev tightened his grip on the scarf, letting the cool texture of it remind him of the task at hand. He cocked an eyebrow in a silent question. Would she or wouldn’t she?

Sasha’s breath hitched again as she finally understood what he meant to do. She moved restlessly, as if trying to decide if she wanted this or not. Suspicion clouded her blue-green eyes.

“Do you trust me, my Star Fire?” He walked slowly to the bunk, a little surprised that she hadn’t bolted yet. Sliding one knee back on the mattress, he straddled her again.

“Trust you? We’ve known each other for less than a day.” She tossed her head, a small hitch in her voice revealed that this position was far out of her comfort zone. She was rattled, breathless, staring at the scarf as if it were a snake ready to strike. “You know, I’m pretty picky about who I sleep around with. And if you’re going to do what I think you want to, I’m not so sure… If I say no?”

“If you say no, then I do not tie you up.” He waited, wanting to do this. Wanting her trust. “We’ll go slower and…
to the situation.” He’d be disappointed, but would learn to live with it. Kiev had learnt to deal with a lot of disappointment in several lifetimes. His voice lowered. “Perhaps fuck you from behind.”

Sasha whimpered as he slid his hands up her sides and over her breasts. He took his time, tweaking each tight nipple. She shuddered out a breath that made her breasts jiggle. He couldn’t resist bending down and taking the treat into his mouth, smiling in satisfaction when she moaned and wriggled restlessly beneath him.

“Arms up,” he murmured when she tried to touch his hair. She huffed again, but obeyed. Kiev straightened, encouraged as she fought the need to take charge. She wet her lips again, killing him with the imagery. She fisted her little hands tightly, tense as a board, but kept the position he’d left her in.

“Okay, Kiev. I trust you, you big Boy Scout.” Sasha shuddered, the words sounded heartfelt. “Right now, this time, I’m all yours.” The uncertainty flared in her eyes again, demanding that he be very careful with her, or this would be first and last time she’d allow this. Finally, she glared up at him, a defiant, delicious display. She had no idea of the honour she’d given him by placing herself into his trust. Barely, he restrained himself from plunging his aching cock into her. She was small enough that he didn’t want to hurt her accidentally.

He held his triumphant smile in check—this was his element, and he had no intention of frightening her off now.

“This doesn’t mean you’re the boss of me, though. This is my ship. My mission,” she warned.

Kiev wouldn’t have it any other way.

Sasha’s body was one big nerve ending as he bent to kiss her. His mouth claimed hers and his tongue slid past the seam of her lips, demanding entry. Automatically, her hands lifted of their own accord to embrace him.

With a growl, Kiev pulled away, capturing her wrists in one large hand. Damn, but he had all the grace of a powerful predator, all lean muscle as he threaded the scarf around and between her wrists. The sight of him trapping her sent a strange thrill through her.

“Do you remember before?” Kiev asked, his voice low as he secured the end of the scarf to the small ring above the bunk, originally intended to secure personal items, not people. She supposed it worked just as well. Sasha tested the bonds, she couldn’t
try. As Tasha, she’d never have let him do this.

His hand on her breast took her breath away and her attention from her tied wrists. “Do you remember me as Dirrel, making love to you? My mouth on your clit?”

He slipped his fingers down her belly, past the erection she felt pressed between them. She wanted so badly to slide him against the wetness of her engorged pussy. Sasha whimpered and pulled on her wrists, a weak attempt at escape. She knew that if she put the effort into it, wanted him to stop, he would. And that would be it. Likely for good.

But strangely, Sasha wanted to please him.
, the ice-bitch who didn’t put up with whiny, demanding men. The revelation surprised her. Kiev, Dirrell, and all the men he’d been in between—both parts of her psyche wanted him. She accepted the man he was.

He captured one nipple, rolling it between his lips as his fingers delved lower. She felt him slip two fingers inside her while pure sensation shot from her breast to her belly. She lifted her hips, wanting more. His fingers teased, sliding through the swollen lips of her pussy, almost putting pressure on her clitoris. Sasha rocked against him, driving him deeper.

Maddeningly, he stopped, not quite withdrawing. She whimpered in protest. “Do you remember?” Kiev’s question was a demand. Sasha nodded, gasped as he finally pinched the little nub of flesh and rolled it under his fingers. Her pussy clenched, trying to entice him back inside.

He pressed and teased, sliding two fingers into her channel, then a third. In and out, he worked her, pulling her thighs up when she gained leverage to try to take over the rhythm. She shifted off balance and he rammed his fingers deep while he pinned her. Sasha’s breath came out on a sob as he set his own rhythm and the pace of her desire.

“Did you like it when Dirrel was underneath you, his cock deep inside, while you rode him?” Kiev’s voice was rough, his hand in her pussy fondling her depths. “Do you remember?”

“Yesss…” She gasped.
So close, so close.
Oh, God, she wanted to come.

Kiev stopped suddenly, his hands leaving her body so that she cried out, fighting against the bonds. She stared at him, wild-eyed, her chest rising and falling in frustration. She was desperate for more, she was so close…

Kiev moved back on his heels and licked the juice from her cunt off his fingers. “I am not him any longer.” The heat in his dark eyes belied his calm words. He crouched above her like a great lion possessive of what was his, his cock poised and ready against the russet colour of her mound.

She stared in fascination as he reached down again slowly, with a smirk as he watched her track his movements. Her body shuddered as he gave her an open palmed caress over her swollen, wet lips. Her eyes closed, rolling back as he touched her again, harder, pressing his rough palm against her aching body. Her breath shortened as her body wanted to go over the edge to bliss. He stopped again, cooling the moment. Sasha tensed, opening her eyes, grinding her teeth in frustration.

Kiev raised that one infuriating eyebrow, then lifted his palm to show her own wetness. She watched, fascinated as he reached down, his eyes on her as he slowly wrapped his fingers around his erection. Shifting, he moved so that he was between her legs. He spread his own stance so that she was open, exposed. Sasha wanted to tug on the bonds, but the sight of him captured her attention. Still he held on to his erection. He slid his fist down, fondling his cock as she watched.

Sasha glanced up at his face, so serious as he worked his own body. She rubbed her thigh against his, noticing that his hand tightened for a moment. “Do you remember Dirrel doing this, Star Fire? Did he look at your body, imagining how tight you are, while he hand-fucked himself?”

She barely shook her head, watching the wet slide of his hand, wanting that thickness inside her. He stopped, waited for her to meet his stare, and smirked. Sasha licked her lips. She couldn’t speak past the need. “No. He…you didn’t. ”

Kiev let go of himself to grasp her hips. His erection pressed against her opening as he lifted her. “It arouses me to see you beneath me of your own consent. In my keeping.” Kiev’s arms bulged as he thrust inside, ripping a groan of pleasure from her. “I am myself.
do this.” He thrust again, pressed deep inside, then pulled out to fill her again.

“I know. I trust you, Kiev-Dirrel,” she whispered, holding tightly to the scarf that bound her wrists.

Kiev searched her face. Satisfaction bloomed in his chest. Fire and brimstone, she was so beautiful. He leant forward, sliding his hands beneath her shoulders while he settled fully between her legs. Her tightness squeezed his cock while her legs gripped his hips. He thrust. He stopped as she gasped. He filled her completely. She was so hot, wet, firm. It was amazing.

The tight grip on his body almost made him come, but he controlled himself, burying his face in her neck. Sasha held on, letting him do all the work. Later, another time, he wanted to give her full rein, but not now. The scent of woman and musk driving him wild, he pressed his lips against her neck, tasting the flavour of her body.

Working himself in and out, he inhaled the scent of her neck, licked the sexy salt from her skin. He couldn’t resist the pristine pale skin and suckled hard, circling his tongue while she shivered beneath him. He couldn’t claim her with words, not yet… Deliberately, he sucked harder on the skin, marking what was his. Sasha’s intake of breath, her ragged moaning as she climaxed, pulled a growl from his chest.

BOOK: Star Fire
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