Star Crossed (Starlight #3)

BOOK: Star Crossed (Starlight #3)
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Copyright © 2014 JS Taylor.


All rights reserved.


Devoted Books

35 Cambridge Road, Hove


First Edition May 2014


The characters in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.


ISBN: 10

ISBN 13: 9781484854150



Printed in the United Kingdom


Chapter 1


‘Rise and shine gorgeous. Time for breakfast.’

I blink awake to Adam’s deep voice at my ear.

‘Mmmm,’ I say, sleepily coming to. ‘Something smells delicious.’

I slowly register where I am.
Adam’s apartment. We snuck away before the big party last night.

I should have been celebrating my success on
Sing-Win. But Adam was worth missing the party for.

I gaze up into his blue eyes, wondering whether I should be embarrassed about last night.

It was pretty wild.

Adam’s expression gives no indication he’s thinking the same as me.

‘Come and eat,’ he says, taking my hand to guide me out of bed. ‘Breakfast fit for a pop star.’

His Irish accent is warm and lilting. I will never get tired of hearing his voice.

I smile, rubbing my eyes.

Pop star huh
? I guess that’s kinda true.

An unexpected thrill flashes through me.
Last night, I was officially voted through to the Sing-Win final. Just me, solo. Something I’m still coming to terms with. Adam managed to steal me away to his apartment before I had to deal with the reaction of the other groups.

Stop worrying about your ex band-mates,’ says Adam, guessing my thoughts. ‘George and Tammy are happy for you. Come eat.’

I nod slowly. Being a solo artist was my dream. But I never meant to perform on
Sing-Win without Tammy and George. I still have a tug of guilt to be performing alone. Even though both my ex band-mates have insisted they’re happy for me.

Adam tugs me out of bed, and I grin at his impatience.
He’s fresh from the shower, and wearing only a towel around his waist. So I’m treated to the full glory of his muscular tattooed chest.

I fell asleep naked, so I grab at a fresh sheet to wrap myself in.

‘Surely you don’t need that?’ he asks, looking disappointed.

Stop being so bossy!’ I exclaim, covering my nakedness. Once I’m partially dressed, I let him lead me. Whatever’s for breakfast smells amazing. And my tummy growls at the prospect of food.

You liked being bossed last night,’ he teases, his blue eyes on mine. A flurry of erotic recollections flood my mind. My face reddens as my body pulses at the memory.

I certainly did like him being bossy…

I avert my gaze from Adam, and fix it on a low table in the large bedroom, where he’s laid out an enormous breakfast spread.

Wow!’ I say, taking in bacon and eggs, fresh pastries, hot buttered toast, fresh fruit, and what looks to be porridge, with honeycomb.

this?’ I ask incredulously, wondering how he did it. I wasn’t aware Adam’s London apartment even has food in the kitchen.

Not exactly.’ He looks slightly sheepish. ‘I ordered it in.’

You ordered breakfast?’ I laugh. ‘I didn’t even know you could do that. You are
rock and roll!’

He laughs back.

‘I know, I know,’ he replies. ‘I got into a habit of ordering food, when I was touring in Korea. Take out is on another level out there. Come sit,’ he adds, drawing me down to the little table.

I sit cross-legged, and he drops down beside me.

Early-morning Adam is impossibly gorgeous. His stubble is dark against his chin, and his eyes have a not-quite-woken-up sex appeal. The black hair that I love is tousled, and his eyes look even bluer than usual. He even smells delicious.

I reluctantly look away from Adam’s handsome face and back to the table.

‘When were you in Korea?’ I ask, considering the breakfast spread.

There’s so much to choose from
, I’m a little overwhelmed.

Years ago,’ Adam says, helping himself to a plate, and heaping on eggs and bacon. ‘Back when I was a young tearaway.’

I glance at him as I take a croissant. Sometimes I forget that Adam has done so much, before he settled into music production.

‘I had a blast,’ he adds. ‘You can order take out for absolutely anywhere in Korea. Seriously. You could phone up and say you’re on a particular street corner, and someone would be there in ten minutes with fried chicken.’

I laugh at the thought.

‘Sounds like a bad habit to get into,’ I say.

Maybe. Maybe not,’ Adam replies. ‘You can get incredible take out in London nowadays.’

I take a bite of croissant. It’s amazing. Warm, rich and buttery.

‘This is totally incredible,’ I mumble, taking another huge mouthful.

All butter,’ Adam says, looking pleased. ‘I get delivery from this organic place called The Farm. They cook everything fresh.’

I guess rock stars don’t need to cook for themselves,’ I tease.

Wait until I get you to my LA apartment,’ he promises. ‘I’ll make you a proper Irish friend breakfast that will blow your mind.’

Adam smacks his hand to his head suddenly.

‘Wait,’ he says, ‘I nearly forgot. Coffee.’

He leaps to his feet in one lithe movement.

‘Just wait,’ he promises. ‘The best is yet to come. I make a mean cup of coffee.’

I smile at his retreating figure, and drop my gaze back to the breakfast spread.

Jeez Summer. Some guy you’ve got.

I feel a little surge of happiness in my heart. A guy who – well not cooks, but
me breakfast. I could get used to this.

I hear a whirr of grinding in the kitchen, and
then the smell of fresh coffee beans floats through. Then, Adam returns holding two white coffee cups.

Cappuccino ok?’ he asks, ‘or latte?’

Cappuccino please,’ I say, beaming at him. ‘You don’t have to do all this for me,’ I add, as he seats himself next to me again, passing me the coffee. ‘I’ll get spoiled.’

That,’ he says, kissing my nose, ‘is fine with me.’

I take a sip of coffee. It’s so fresh
my mouth fills with flavours.

You’re right,’ I say, ‘you do make a mean cup of coffee.’

I taught myself,’ he says proudly. ‘I always have a good coffee machine and freshly roasted beans, in all of my apartments.’

On the other side of the room, a phone beeps, and Adam frowns distractedly.

‘Work?’ I ask, feeling the familiar restrictions return. For all the perfection of spending this morning with Adam our relationship is still a closely guarded secret. And his links to Sing-Win make us complicated.

He nods, and returns to his plate of food.

‘I’ll answer it later,’ he says. ‘Try the bacon. It’s really good.’

I take a plate, and pile
on some bacon as directed.

So… You own Sing-Win now?’ I ask, thinking we might as well get this conversation out of the way.

It’s done,’ agrees Adam, forking eggs. ‘I own the show.’

He looks serious
all of a sudden, and I wonder how exactly I should take this news.

That’s… Good, isn’t it?’ I ask, picking up a piece of bacon and nibbling.

He nods.
‘It’s a good thing for the music.’ He says. ‘The producers didn’t give a shit about nurturing talent. They just wanted ratings. This way I can look after you more closely.’

. Is that what this is about? Looking after me?

I pick up my coffee cup, and take a careful sip of the creamy cappuccino.
I’m struggling with the ethics of having my boyfriend own the show.

Adam, be honest with me,’ I say. ‘Would you have bought the show, if it wasn’t… If it wasn’t for us?’

His dark brows crease.

‘Probably not. Why should that matter?’

It does matter.’ I protest. ‘I want to get through on my own merits. I don’t want any advantages.’

You won’t have any advantages,’ he says, ‘but you must see Summer. I needed to protect you from all that ugly TV stuff.’

That’s exactly what I mean!’ I retort. ‘If you protect me, then you
giving me an advantage, aren’t you?’

I toy with my coffee cup.

‘I’m really grateful,’ I conclude. ‘Truly. But doesn’t it seem wrong, for me to be on a show that you own?’

No, it doesn’t.’ Says Adam bluntly. ‘It would seem far stranger, if I left my girlfriend to the mercy of uncaring producers.’

His girlfriend!

I’m still getting used to that title. It gives me a little buzz to hear him say it.

All the other acts have to deal with uncaring producers,’ I point out gently. ‘I’ll bet you did too, when you started out.’

Adam frowns deeply at this.

‘I’d never let you be exposed to the shit I had to deal with as a young singer,’ he growls.

I’m battling with an uncertain feeling. Part of me loves that Adam has done this. Another part of me thinks it’s not fair to the other contestants.

‘I appreciate that,’ I say carefully. ‘But aren’t you in danger of being a bit controlling?’

To my surprise Adam grins.

‘I wish,’ he says. ‘I still have the TV network to deal with. I’m not in total control Summer. I wish I was.’

Adam frowns slightly.

‘But now I have much more ability to protect you,’ he concludes.

You promise you’ll be even-handed?’ I say. ‘No giving me special treatment?’

’s scowl melts to a grin, and he snakes a hand onto my upper thigh. My insides twist with desire.

Depends what sort of special treatment you mean,’ he says, closing his fingers softly.

You know what I mean,’ I reply, swallowing, in an attempt to drive away the sudden lust he’s conjuring. ‘I’m serious Adam.’

Ok.’ He stops the tantalising grip on my leg, but doesn’t remove his hand completely. ‘I take your point. Don’t worry Summer. I always play fair.’

So long as you do.’ I take another sip of coffee to distract myself from the fact his hand is still on my leg. And it’s encouraging all kinds of dark thoughts. Why can’t I think straight with this man around?

So,’ says Adam, looking at me carefully. ‘You know it’s the mentor round next?’

I nod.

I think I know where this is going

Which means we’ll be able to spend a lot more time together.’

I look up at him sharply.

‘You’ll be my mentor? I thought mentors were randomly assigned?’

I’ve pulled a few strings.’ Adam smiles. His hand is back to inching higher now. I can completely tell what’s on his mind.

It takes all my effort not to melt into his touch. But this is important.

‘Then you’re already giving me special treatment.’ I point out.

Adam’s handsome features contort as they consider this. His hand has stopped moving.

‘Not to mention,’ I add, ‘causing trouble for yourself.’ I frown. ‘Adam you would be the first person I would want for a music mentor. But not like this.’

Adam slides his hand away, looking upset. I feel as though I’ve been severed.

Stick to your guns Summer. This is important.

If you and me, are to stand a chance,’ I say, ‘I need to make it on my own merits. Or fail by my own merits.’

There’s a long pause, as Adam considers my words.

‘Ok then,’ he says. ‘I’ll think about it.’

You’ll think about it?’ I’m starting to get mad now. ‘You can’t make decisions about my life like that.’

I can though,’ he says, with a faint smile. ‘I own the show.’

He reaches forward so both hands are on my thighs.
My body tingles at his touch.

I want to mentor your singing,’ he says, his low voice saying something different entirely. ‘It’s something I’ve wanted since I met you. We could do great things together.’

But…’ My voice comes out weakly. I can’t resist him this time around. Waves of heat are surging up my legs.

So how about, I take you back to bed,’ he says silkily. ‘And I’ll show what a good mentor I can be.’

That’s not fair,’ I murmur.

No,’ he admits. ‘It’s better than fair.’

His thumb slides in between my legs.

BOOK: Star Crossed (Starlight #3)
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