Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (5 page)

BOOK: Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Cade moved between her thighs until the head of his cock nudged her swollen folds. He leaned his forehead against hers, and she
spread her labia so his swollen, purple head disappeared inside her.
She sucked in a harsh breath. “More.”

Cade pushed a little deeper. Their groans mingled, and his breathing got heavier. He slid inside slowly until he filled her completely and then gathered her close.

“Oh, God,” she moaned, squirming and grinding against him.

Cade captured her lips and kissed her deeply as he started moving. In and out, his long length invaded her body, slowly picking up speed as she urged him on. Guttural sounds and the heady scent of their sex filled the room. Cade’s thrusts became harder, each one sending her over the edge a little farther.

* * * *

Cade wanted to make this last for her. He wanted to make her feel so good she would never want anyone else. It might be stupid. Ayala never gave any indication she wanted him as anything more than a bedmate, but he couldn’t help the way he felt.

When they were together like this, he couldn’t think clearly. He could only feel, and his control slipped away as his wolf took over. His muscles bunched as his thrusts became more animalistic. His frenzied reflection in the glass behind them mirrored the passion he was feeling. The image disappeared, replaced by sparks of light as his climax approached.

Suddenly Ayala threw back her head and howled as strong, grasping spasms milked the release from his cock. Feeling her powerful orgasm filled him with satisfaction, and his own harsh growl melded with hers as he filled her with his seed.
Your body belongs to me now, even if it’s just for a little while.

They stayed locked together for long minutes until their breathing calmed. Finally, his depleted cock slipped from her body. Ayala struggled to get out of his embrace, but loath to let her go, he tightened his hold on her.

She licked her swollen lips, and he saw where his stubble had reddened the skin on her neck and face. It pleased him to see his marks on her, and he decided he wanted something more permanent on her flesh, his bite mark, a sign of claiming.

Ayala looked at him from narrowed eyes. “Cade, let me go. We can’t stay like this.” He released her reluctantly, and she stood. “You have to leave.”

Cade bent to retrieve their discarded clothes. “Let’s shower first, and then I’ll go.”

Ayala sighed but nodded agreement, and he followed her upstairs. Cade stepped into the stall first and adjusted the water. When the temperature was just right, he moved back and made room for Ayala. She stepped under the spray and leaned her head back, letting the water run over her body and soak her hair. A shower caddy hung from the spout, and she reached toward it for the shampoo. Cade beat her to it. “Let me do that.” He massaged the lavender-scented shampoo into her long hair, loving the way the silky strands slipped through his fingers.

“Mmmm,” she mumbled. “Feels good.”

“To me, too.” He rinsed her hair and turned her so she faced the wall. Grabbing a bar of soap, he started at her shoulders and worked his way down. When he reached her firm ass, he felt himself getting hard again, but he continued down her delicious body, washing her thighs, her calves, her feet. Then he stood and pulled her back against his chest, his erection nudging her ass as he soaped her breasts and rolled her nipples.

Ayala whimpered, spread her legs, and wiggled back against the hard rod between her cheeks. Cade slid a soap-slick hand over her belly and lower. His fingers traced her slit, massaging the tender folds. He felt her legs tremble, and he kept a tight hold on her with one arm around her waist. Nipping her lobe, he whispered in her ear. “Tell me what you want, baby. My cock or my tongue.”

In answer, she turned in his arms and her mouth covered his hungrily, her tongue stabbing at his lips. His mouth opened, inviting her in, and her tongue sought his.

“Okay, sweetheart,” he murmured against her lips as he pressed her back against the tiles and maneuvered her hips so the spray hit her soapy cunt. She gasped as the warm water pulsated against her clit.

“Oh, God. Cade, that feels so good.” She gripped his arms hard enough to leave imprints.

“Better than my tongue?” he murmured.

“No. I want your mouth on me.” Whimpering, she tried to push him down.

Cade got to his knees, the water pouring over his back, and nipped the inside of her thigh. Ayala moaned and pulled on his hair, guiding him to where she wanted him most.

“Wait,” he groaned hoarsely. Tugging on her wet curls, he separated her labia and licked along her cleft. Looking up, he caught her heavy-lidded gaze. “Is that what you want, baby?”

“Oh, God, yes,” she hissed.

Grasping her ass, he drew her closer and lapped at her, carefully avoiding her clit peeking out of its hood.
Her little mewling noises drove him crazy, and he plunged his tongue inside her, exploring and tasting. God, he would never get enough of her.
Her fingers tugged at his hair, her hips rocked against him. She was close. He started using his tongue in earnest, plunging it inside her folds, teasing circles around her clit. She moaned and begged for release. He flicked his tongue over her hot button, and she shattered, clutching his shoulders and convulsing against his face in a series of shuddering spasms.

He scooped her up and carried her out of the shower. Grabbing a fluffy, white towel from a hook on the wall, he wrapped it around her and sat on the toilet, Ayala on his lap.

She snuggled into his arms. “You didn’t come.”

He rubbed her back with the towel. “There’s always next time.”

“The women will be back soon—”

“I didn’t mean now.” He paused, wondering the best way to say what was on his mind—a claiming and a formal union. He wasn’t very good with pretty words and flowery speeches and Ayala never gave him a chance to try. “Ayala, I’ve been thinking about us and—”

Ayala struggled off his lap and wrapped the towel around her. “I think I hear someone at the door. You better go.” She ran out of the bathroom and across the hall into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

His jaw dropped. Shit! Oh, well, there’d be time later.

Chapter Five

The baby let out a piercing wail, startling everyone at the mating ceremony. All eyes turned to watch the infant struggle in its mother’s arms, little plum-sized fists waving in the air. Amid the laughter of the others, only Ayala frowned. If anyone had asked the she-wolf why she was so annoyed, she really couldn’t say. She didn’t want a child of her own. Not really. Maybe it was because the child was a half-breed. She still couldn’t believe the Alpha had accepted the human woman, Janis, and her half-human, half-Lycan baby into the pack. The woman had mated Noah and Wade, two wolf-shifters who had been Ayala’s bed partners many times in the past. Not that she wanted either man for herself, she just thought they deserved better. But the goofy expressions on the men’s faces told a different story. The two Lycans seemed blissfully happy and totally smitten with their human wife and hybrid baby. And Ayala didn’t understand Janis at all. Weren’t human women supposed to be more independent than Lycan females? She’d always thought so, yet Janis had given up a career and her own apartment in the city and tied herself to two dominating men. Well, Ayala would be more than happy to take her place in the free world, even if it meant hiding among humans.

And now there was to be another mating. The Alpha had arranged a ceremony for not only Gage, Tanner, and the she-wolf, Kate, but Kate’s human boyfriend as well.
At least Shiloh Ford would only be around when he wasn’t traveling with the rodeo.

The community room had been cleaned, the tables set with white cloths and colorful Indian pottery. Handmade dream catchers hung from the ceiling and floated over the guests. And the smell of barbeque wafted in from outside.

The Alpha smiled indulgently. It had been a long time since the pack had heard a baby’s cries. Wade juggled the infant in his arms, and the baby’s cries ceased. Everyone turned their attention to the Alpha. Alex nodded to the foursome waiting for his signal, and they approached. The barefoot bride fairly floated in a sleeveless, floor-length white dress. Her long, black hair flowed loose over her shoulders, and she wore dream catcher earrings with colorful feathers. The grooms looked very handsome in their white pants and loose, white shirts with red
grosgrain ribbons. Flashbulbs went off in a frenzy of picture taking, and a jolt of jealousy speared Ayala. If this mating produced children, at least the offspring would have family pictures to jog their memories. She had nothing. Everything had been lost with the massacre of their people in the Pine Barrens. New traditions and new pictures were all any of them had.

Ayala and the other three unmated Lycan women came forward and wrapped the bride and her grooms in blue blankets, representing weakness, sorrow, and failure. The Alpha blessed their union, and the quad shed the blue blankets and were enveloped in white, representing happiness, fulfillment, and peace.

After the ceremony, there was much hugging and kissing, and Ayala joined the other women outside to carry in platters of chicken, steaks, and ribs. Electronic music played, and the alcohol flowed endlessly. She picked at a plate of food and tried to decide if she could leave without seeming impolite.

* * * *

Brady stared at Ayala, picturing her standing by his side in a long white dress, smiling up at him, promising to love, honor, and obey him for the rest of their days. Cade elbowed him and brought him back to present day reality. Brady frowned when he noticed his friend eyeing Ayala with interest, and he couldn’t help the little growl that escaped. Cade gave him a funny look, and he turned away.

Cade wasn’t the only man studying Ayala, and it was damn hard not to be jealous. Earlier today the Alpha had announced there would be no more mating schedules. The men were free to find mates without the worry of sharing their attentions. Ayala was beautiful and a skilled bed partner, and any one of the men, Cade included, would mate her in a heartbeat. He didn’t intend to give them the chance. Ayala belonged to him, and he intended to press her for a commitment. He started across the room to ask for a dance.

Cade got to her first. He whispered a few words in her ear and led her to out to the dance floor for a slow number. Cade held her a little too tightly for Brady’s liking.
Next time he’d move faster. A few turns around the floor, and he’d cut in. Cade was a good dancer. The bastard. They floated closer, and Brady got ready to make his move. He took a few steps toward them and—

The Alpha stepped up to the dancing couple, and Alex tapped Cade on the shoulder.
“Excuse me, you can’t keep this beautiful woman all to yourself.”

Cade released his hold on Ayala, but instead of taking her in his arms, the Alpha led her outside.
What’s that all about?

Brady caught Cade’s eye, and his friend walked over to join him. “What’s going on?”

Cade shrugged. “Don’t know. I was just about to make my move and wham, bam, Alex steps in and sweeps her away.”

“Move? What move?”

Cade leaned in a little closer. “Don’t say anything, okay? I don’t want anyone to know yet. I want to surprise her.”

Brady nodded, tightlipped. Cade’s eyes sparkled with an intensity Brady had never seen before. Damn it to hell! His best friend wanted his woman. Why hadn’t he made his move sooner?

Cade was practically bouncing on his toes. “Now that Alex has loosened up and started thinking rationally, I’m going to take Ayala for my mate.”

Brady’s heart stopped. “How do you know she wants a mate?”

“They all want a mate, a home, cubs. I’ll take good care of her, give her everything she needs.”

Brady wanted to punch the smug expression off Cade’s face. “You’re crazy. She’ll never say yes.”

Cade narrowed his eyes. “How do you know?”

BOOK: Stanley, Gale - Spitfire [Southwest Shifter 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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