Read South Beach: Hot in the City Online

Authors: Lacey Alexander

South Beach: Hot in the City (4 page)

BOOK: South Beach: Hot in the City
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But then Trey began to pump up into her, which made her open her eyes, drew her back to exactly where she was. She braced her hands on his stomach as she began to ride him, fuck him.

Her body urged her to undulate in slow, rhythmic circles on him—but her brain told her not to get that lost in the experience, so instead she met his upward thrusts, powering her body down onto his, letting a rougher pleasure dominate her. His low groans were like fuel that pushed her onward, had her sliding up and down his length until she was bouncing, coming down firmly each time, fucking him as hard as possible in this position.

They moved together that way until she was nearly overcome by exhaustion and had to stop—and she leaned over to rest against his chest without thinking about it. That was when she found herself kissing him there, running her fingertips down his stomach, turning his breath thready.

And then, suddenly, there was no more fight in her. No more reasoning. Only the realization that she was trying way too hard to keep this from feeling too good—and that she no longer possessed the power to keep her instincts from taking over.

“I want to make you come, baby,” he rasped as a warm sea breeze wafted over them.

She said nothing in reply, only knew that she wanted that now, too.

As she resumed moving on him, the primal instincts of her body taking over, she found herself wishing she were naked like him, naked and natural and free on the beach, like when they were young. And yet it was wiser to keep her dress on given where they were, and the knowledge reminded her they were doing something forbidden, fucking where anyone could come upon them at any time, and that was exciting in a whole different way. Still, she reached down and pulled up the skirt of her dress, lifted it to her waist in front, so that both of them could see where their bodies connected. Languid sighs of pleasure left her as she gyrated on him in a hot, slow grind.

His hands molded her ass now, stimulating her further, and she no longer even tried to resist peering into his eyes. It was harder to see here beneath the tent than it had been out in the moonlight, but she still found his eyes sparkling on her with dark lust. “Ride me, Holly,” he told her. “Fuck me with that hot little pussy.”

The words fueled her. There hadn’t been much dirty talk when they were young, but she liked knowing that apparently they’d
changed in certain ways.

Soon, though, her eyes were dropping shut and her head falling back, and the pleasure mounted, climbing higher, higher—until the orgasm came breaking over her like an ocean wave. She started to cry out, then bit her lip trying to be quiet even as the surging pulses swept through her with wild disregard for where she was. The climax was amazing and intense, longer than most, somehow
than most. But she chose not to examine that last part too closely, not to ask herself why.

“Oh God,” she breathed, leaning over on him again, feeling the warmth of his arms closing around her, the warmth of…shared pleasure, intimacy. And one last small urge to fight her emotions rose within her, but she was just too tired now.
Quit. Give in to it. Just for a little while. It doesn’t mean anything. You’ll get your control back when you need it. You will.

Only…would she? Really?

As emotion raced through her, just as potent as the orgasm she’d just experienced, she began to fear she’d made a very big mistake by fucking Trey Kennedy.

Chapter Five

“Kiss me, Holly,” he said deeply, and she didn’t hesitate to lift her head from where it rested on his chest and deliver a warm, deep tongue kiss that she felt all the way to her toes.

“God, that was good,” she murmured breathlessly. And yet she’d chosen her words deliberately. Not
you were good
, but
that was good
. Because she didn’t want to panic. This didn’t
to be a mistake. As long as she maintained
boundaries here, she could keep it all under control; she could still make this what she wanted it to be.

And what was that again?
Her head swam from all she’d just experienced—was

Catharsis—you want catharsis.
Oh yeah, that was it.

You want to get him out of your system once and for all by fucking him and being done with it. You want to show him how strong and resilient you are. And you want to make sure he knows he was an idiot to ever let you go.

And okay, at the moment that was beginning to seem like a bit of a tall order, but as she snuggled against him, she worked very hard to come back to herself, to center herself, to remember that she
strong and resilient. He’d made her that way. And she
think he was an idiot—any man would be lucky to have her, then

And, well, as for the sense of…getting caught up in it, feeling it too much—all she could do was roll with it. Roll with it and have faith that afterward she’d still be her tough, sturdy self.

“Wanna make it even better,” he said then, voice deep as the night and brimming with masculine arrogance.

You can’t improve upon perfection.
She kept that thought to herself, though—yes, it was good to have a little control back—and simply said, “How?”

His eyes narrowed with naughty intent. “How about instead of telling you, I just show you.” Then he placed his hands back on her ass to raise her up off his erection. She didn’t necessarily want to go—she loved the way he filled her—but he didn’t give her a choice. And she felt immediately empty when his cock left her, even letting out a small gasp of disappointment.

But Trey didn’t seem to notice, didn’t react at all—instead he lifted her rear higher still, until she was upright on her knees, and then he was pressing her toward him where he sat in the chair, only partially reclined. Finally he murmured, “Hold your dress up again, over your cunt.”

She sucked in her breath at the demand, then did as he said. It put her pussy on display only a few inches from his face. And even though she’d only come a couple of minutes earlier, it pulsed like crazy again already. At being so closely examined by him. And because she knew what was coming. That was when he used his palms on her ass to pull her even closer, pressing her mound to his mouth for a deep, intimate tongue kiss.

She couldn’t hold in the hot cry that escaped her as the pleasure shot through her, permeating her senses. “Oh! Oh God,” she whispered—but then as he continued licking her, nibbling at her, she adjusted and sank into it, finding a rhythm against his mouth.

She’d had a lot of sex, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever gone flying this headlong straight back into such overwhelming delights this quickly after orgasm. And yet, even when she hadn’t been ready for more pleasure, there it was, assaulting her. As quickly as it began, she felt powerless against it, her body moving of its own accord—she couldn’t have stopped if she’d wanted to. And although she knew
was the one eating
, she couldn’t help thinking it was all too delicious.

A startlingly short time had passed before she knew she was going to come again. So short that she wondered if she’d ever had two orgasms so very closely together before. And no sooner had the thought struck her than the climax was upon her, taking her over, jolting her pelvis against his face, rough and jagged as it zigzagged through her like an out-of-control pinball. “Unh!
!” She heard the noises leave her and couldn’t have contained them if her life had depended upon it. Forced to release her skirt and take hold of the back of the chair with one hand, she didn’t know if she’d ever felt anything like this in her life.

Even longer than the first, by the time the orgasm passed, she thought she might collapse at any second. Thankfully, Trey chose just that moment to let go of her ass and let her slide back down his body. She landed straddling his hips once more and felt his lovely cock—still hard as a marble pillar—jut firmly into the valley of her ass.

Her eyes met Trey’s in the dark, just briefly, before she leaned forward, letting her forehead come to rest against his. She couldn’t help it—she was lightheaded from all the sensations that had just racked her body. She could smell her sex on his face.

And then it hit her how…aggressive she’d become during that last part, how her body had driven her. “Did…did I hurt you?”
Why do you even care?

“Nope,” he assured her. “I loved every second of it. You?”

“How could I not?” she asked. Damn it.
Quit being so honest.

They rested that way a minute, silent, no words needed—until Trey suddenly said, “Stand up.”

“Huh?” she whispered, surprised.

“On your feet, baby. I’m not done with you yet.”

Trey couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so wrapped up in sex, the last time something had felt so perfect—so wild and yet simply so
at the same time. And now his animal instincts were guiding him.

He appreciated that Holly looked unsteady as she stood, and he rushed to follow, eager to get back inside her warmth. Glancing down to make sure his condom remained in place, he wordlessly guided her behind the chair, stood behind her and lifted her hands to close them over the back of it, then grazed his fingers up her arms before reaching under her dress again. Hiking the skirt back up, he molded his palms to her hips and eased his aching cock back into her.

A low moan left her, heating his blood even more. God, she was amazing. It was still hard to believe this was Holly—his Holly—but he was happy to adjust to the changes in her. And finding out she’d become a ravenous sex kitten…well, it would be hard to be disappointed by that.

As he began pounding into her—again, again, again—he got lost in his lust, and in older feelings, too. He wasn’t sure how this had happened—how she’d ended up back here where they’d met, or how he’d so quickly ended up fucking her brains out on the same beach where they’d once fallen for each other—but as a whole host of emotions gathered around him, circling him ferociously, all he could do was embrace them, accept them, and decide he’d sort through them later. Peering past her pretty blond head to the ocean in the distance, he couldn’t help thinking that this felt like nothing short of a miracle.

She cried out with each hard thrust he delivered, fueling the fire inside him more every second.

“More! More!” she demanded through clenched teeth and he was thrilled to give her what she craved, what they
clearly craved.

He fucked her that way until he couldn’t think straight any longer, until his legs were about to give out and he suspected hers were, too. And then finally he succumbed to the need for release and growled near her ear, “Fuck, I’m gonna come, baby—hard,” just before he exploded, climaxing in five rough strokes into her soft, sweet flesh.

A second later, they collapsed to their knees together in the sand.

He found himself wrapping his arms around her from behind, still buried inside her, and kissing the back of her shoulder where it was revealed by her sleeveless dress. “You’re perfect,” he heard himself whisper without weighing the words. He didn’t even
weighing them—when it came to Holly, he had nothing to hide.

A minute later, he helped her get to her feet, and after slipping back into his underwear and shorts, drew her down into the lounge chair again, this time just to lie together. And after a few more minutes of companionable silence, he realized he had a lot to say to her. The truth was, he’d had a lot to say to her for a long time—and now he finally had the chance, so he should say it before he spent ten
years mired in regret.

“Holly, baby, I need to tell you something. I need to tell you how sorry I am for the way I let things end when we knew each other before.”

She lay nestled against his shoulder and when he looked down at her, she met his eyes yet didn’t reply. He couldn’t read her look but went on. “I don’t have any excuse except that I was an immature kid who couldn’t handle a long-distance relationship—and I just didn’t have the guts to break it to you like a man. And if it makes a difference at all, it’s been…one of the biggest regrets of my life. I
a man, and I should have acted like one, even at nineteen.”

When next he glanced to her face, he found her lifting her eyes briefly to his, but then pulling them back down just as fast. “It…it’s nothing for you to beat yourself up for, not that big of a deal.”

He couldn’t help being a little surprised. Yeah, she was clearly a strong, independent woman now, but back then, she’d been…innocent. And, well, even a little fragile he’d thought. Which was the main reason he hadn’t had the guts to break up with her—he’d been afraid she’d crumble and that he wouldn’t know what to do, how to handle it. “No?” he asked, leaning his head back slightly.

She gave her head a gentle shake. “Sure, it hurt at the time, but I moved on. That’s how teenage love works sometimes.”

Huh. That wasn’t what he’d expected, but…“Well, I’m glad.” And then he even admitted, “I didn’t move on so fast myself. But eventually.”

“Good,” she whispered so quietly he almost didn’t hear it.

And something in the utter softness of her voice reminded him all over again, and made him wonder if…if there was still any part of Holly Pettit that was
fragile? Maybe not. And…hell, maybe it didn’t even matter. Either way, he was…damn, he was downright smitten.

“Holl, it’s…it’s amazing to see you again, to be with you like this again. Can I see you tomorrow?” And he was surprised by how hard his heart beat after he posed the question, like a kid asking out his first date.

“I really don’t like to strand Lori,” she said. “I mean, we came on this trip together.”

But he was quick to assure her. “You don’t have to strand her. How about I meet you two at the pool, or the beach?”

“Don’t you have to work?”

He cast her a quick smile. “I’m kind of a big shot here, fishie. I can take the day for myself if I want. And I want. Meet me on the beach at noon?”

Chapter Six

BOOK: South Beach: Hot in the City
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