Read Soulmates Dissipate Online

Authors: Mary B. Morrison

Soulmates Dissipate (13 page)

BOOK: Soulmates Dissipate
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“Well, keep in mind that soulmates dissipate for more reasons than one. And the other woman ranks at the
of the list.”

“Look, Candice, I’ve got to run. But I promise I’ll think about what you’ve said.”

“We can walk out together,” said Candice.

“Okay.” Jada felt confident that regardless of what Melanie’s intentions were, Wellington would never allow anyone to ruin their relationship.

“Let’s see, keys, phone, purse, credit cards, make that credit card.” Jada tossed the other cards on the kitchen table.” I’m ready.”

They took the elevator down, and Candice exited
at the lobby. Jada went down one additional level to the garage. She got in her car, dropped the top, and turned on her radio. She pushed button number five for 102.9.

“We’re going to take you way back by special request. Ladies, if you’ve got a good man you’d better look out for—“The Clean-Up Woman.” This is the Mellow Man giving it to you straight. Take those blinders off of your mind. Stop being captivated in time! Because the clean-up woman is busy, and if you get
—oh well.” Complete silence. Then Jada heard the intro to Betty Wright’s song. Jada immediately reached for her cellular and speed-dialed Candice’s number.


“Candice. Did you call KBLX and make a special request?”

“No. Why? What’s playing?” Candice asked.

“Listen to this.” Jada turned up the volume on her radio.

Candice busted out laughing.” No, girl, I did
make that request, but you must admit, it is timely.”

“Candice, this is not funny.”

“Have fun shopping,” she said.” And don’t forget to buy
good-bye gift.”

Jada parked in the circular driveway. Her hand traveled to ring the bell.

Melanie opened the door.” Hi, Jada. I’m so excited. I really appreciate you taking me on this shopping spree
in the city,
“Melanie sang. Melanie’s hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Her makeup was flawless. Her manicure and pedicure matched her red lips. Her black jean shorts hung loosely over her hips. The black Victoria’s Secret top exposed more cleavage than Jada cared to see.

“Well, today is your lucky day,” replied Jada. Jada tried to exhibit the same level of enthusiasm.

“And yours!” responded Melanie. She combed her nails through her hair.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jada questioned.

“Oh, nothing. Stop being so serious. I’m just ready to have fun.”

“Where’s Wellington?”

“Upstairs, relaxing. He said he was tired after grooming the lawn all morning.”

“I’ll just be a moment. Let me run upstairs and say hello to my baby.” Wellington was stretched across the bed sound asleep. His arms were spread wide. He snored. Jada decided not to wake him. This man looked good even in his sleep. She kissed his lips and pulled the covers up to his chest. When she went downstairs, Melanie was in her. car. Jada reflected on some of the things Candice had mentioned.

The drive downtown would take about twenty minutes.” How have you enjoyed your vacation?” Jada asked once they had gotten on the road.

Melanie looked relaxed. Her cherry-red lips curved and parted.” I’ve had a wonderful time!” Jada expected her to say more.

“What time are you heading out tomorrow?”

“I haven’t decided. Have you heard this joke?” Melanie paused.” A woman walks into an antique record shop and asks, ‘Do you have Hot Lips on a six-inch?’ The owner looks at the woman and responds, ‘No, but I’ve had Hot Lips on a twelve-inch.’” Melanie slapped her leg and laughed.” I love that joke!”

“That’s pretty good,”Jada agreed, laughing.

“So which stores are your favorite?” asked Melanie.

“I love them all. I have yet to find a store that doesn’t have something I like. I love being creative.”

“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. You just can’t go wrong shopping in San Francisco. They have all of the major designer stores. Have you decided where we’re going to party tonight?” asked Melanie.

“Maybe. Do you like oldies like Parliament?”

“What? There’s a place in San Francisco that plays oldies?”

“You can find anything you want in San Francisco,” Jada responded.” The question is: Can you afford it?”Jada parked in the Centre’s garage. Melanie bounced in her seat then hopped out of the car. It was a typical Saturday afternoon. The mall was packed with people of all nationalities. Almost every shopper had a bag. Saks. Gucci. Victoria’s Secret. FUBU.

“Let’s go in the lingerie store,” Melanie suggested.

“Oh, you’ll love this store. It’s one of my favorites. Actually, any lingerie store is my favorite as long as the items don’t look cheap.”

“Check out this black lace bustier with the matching garter.” Melanie waved the garments in the air.

“That’s sexy. But you haven’t checked out this transparent crotchless leopard cat suit. This is so me.” Jada held it in front of her and admired herself in the mirror.

“I bet Wellington would love to see you in it,” Melanie commented.

he would.” Jada placed the outfit back
on the rack.” Let’s go to the top floor where the really expensive shops are.”

“Let me try this outfit on first. I’ll be right with you, you go ahead,” insisted Melanie.

“Okay. I’ll represent the advance team. Meet me in the shoe department of Nordstrom,” said Jada. It had been a long time since she’d had this much fun shopping.

They shopped on every single floor from top to bottom. Jada would never forget how Melanie charged over ten thousand dollars on her platinum Visa. She watched the salesperson get excited about the commission. The cashier’s eyes blinked faster than the scanner flashed. Then Melanie reversed all the charges and told the woman, “The color of money is green,
and cream—not white. I bet your ass you’ll think twice before you show disrespect to another black customer.” Melanie tucked her card in her purse, tossed her head back, and walked out. Jada and Melanie laughed out loud as soon as they got outside.

“I almost forgot,” Melanie said.” I have to pick up my packages from the lingerie shop.” The woman behind the counter remembered Melanie. She handed her two overstuffed bags with wrapped packages.

“What on earth did you buy?”

“Just a few play things for fun. It’s starting to get late. Can we go to the exotic shop?” asked Melanie.” I’ve been looking all over for these special imported fur-lined handcuffs. They must sell them in San Francisco. I couldn’t find them anywhere in D.C.”

“I know exactly where to take you.”

“Oh great! This is so wonderful,” Melanie said.

Jada was glad the shopping spree was almost over.

“We’re getting ready to close, ladies,” said the salesman at the pleasure shop.

“But it’s only five o’clock.” Melanie tugged on the door.

“I know what time it is.” He flipped the
sign to

“But I came all the way from Washington, D.C., just to shop at your store,” Melanie pleaded.

He paused.” Do you know what you want?” He turned the key.

“I sure do,” said Melanie. She charged into the small store as soon as he cracked the door.

“Okay, I’ll let you in but you have five minutes to make a purchase,” the man said. Jada walked in.

“Thank you. I’d like two pairs of fur-lined handcuffs and two of the matching blindfolds.”

“Why two pairs?” Jada asked.

“Well, one pair is for home and the other is for travel. A true diva is always prepared,” responded Melanie. She winked at the man behind the counter.

“Thank you, ladies, and please come again and again and again and again.” He smiled and locked the door.

“We’d better head back to Wellington’s,” suggested Jada.

“I need a nap before we go out,” Melanie said.

“You too?”Jada commented.

“Yes. It does wonders for the body and mine needs it.”

“I agree. Mine too.”

When they arrived at Wellington’s, Jada immediately walked over to Wellington and gave him a
long, endearing French kiss. He was kicked back in front of the TV. Watching the Forty-niners.

“My goodness, is there anything left to purchase in the city? It looks like you two have bought it all,” he said. His body was stretched across the chaise longue. Jada was glad he had on a lounging jacket to cover himself. Her daddy has always said, “Never advertise things that are not for sale.”

“Just a few things,” Melanie responded.

“A few, yeah right, if you insist,” Wellington replied.

“We’re going to take a nap before we get dressed to go out,” said Jada. As she turned toward the spiral staircase, she heard Wellington clear his throat.

“How about another?” His luscious lips protruded beyond his nose. Jada pranced over, straddled him, and planted a nice long kiss.

Melanie’s eyes shifted away from them.” I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone,” said Melanie.” Wake me at eight.”

“I’m going to take a shower first, so all I have to do is freshen up. Wellington, would you please make sure I’m up by eight-thirty, sweetheart.” Jada blew him a kiss on her way up the stairs.

“Oh, I’ll make sure you are up by seven-thirty,” he said. Then he licked his lips again. The phone rang.” I’ll get it,” shouted Wellington.

Jada listened from the top of the staircase.” Hey, Walter, what’s up? You recovered from doing the lawn yet?” Wellington asked.

Jada went into Wellington’s bedroom. She heard Wellington’s voice escalate but couldn’t understand what he was saying. She opened the door and listened.

“You and Wendy are trying to erase my circle and I don’t understand why!” Wellington’s voice echoed through the house. Jada expected Melanie to step outside her room but she didn’t.

“I’ve never interfered with your marriage! Have I? Good-bye, man. I
talk to you later, but for right now, just stay out of my business!”

By the time Wellington clicked the phone, Jada was downstairs.” Baby, is everything all right? What was Walter talking about?”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll talk to him later.” Wellington leaned back on the chaise. Jada placed her hand inside his jacket and slowly smoothed her hand over the soft hairs on his chest.

Wellington was still disturbed. Jada thought it best if she deferred asking him any more questions. She went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of chilled Dom Perignon. On her way back into the living room, she noticed Melanie coming downstairs in a black lace ankle-length robe.

“Hey, nobody told me the party started already,” said Melanie.” I’ll get a glass and we’ll toast.”

Melanie’s departure date could not come soon enough. Jada sat on the sofa. Wellington moved next to her and draped his arm over her shoulder.

Melanie pranced out of the kitchen with a full champagne glass in one hand and a newly opened bottle in the other. She plopped down on the opposite side of Wellington, crossed her legs, and said, “A toast to soulmates.”

Wellington’s mood started to improve, so Jada went with the flow.” A toast to soulmates,” Wellington and Jada repeated in unison. Their glasses tipped together.

Melanie went into the kitchen and brought
back another bottle of champagne.” Let’s just celebrate a great union of new friendships.” She poured Wellington and Jada another glass of champagne. After five empty bottles lined the table, Melanie excused herself.” I’m going to go upstairs and shower. I’ll be back.”

Jada was happy Melanie had left. She batted her eyelashes at Wellington.” I brought some chocolate for
The Ruler.”
Wellington went from six to nine in five seconds. Clothes trailed from the couch to the shower. Wellington didn’t wait for Jada to dry off. He tossed her towel on the floor and kissed her chocolate mounds. In the middle of foreplay, Melanie walked into the room wearing a red sheer robe. Her fingers barely wrapped around the handle of the overstuffed shopping bag she’d brought from the mall.

Wellington froze. The tip of his tongue stiffened. He flicked it back and forth across Jada’s nipples. Jada’s breasts were sandwiched between his hands. Jada looked at Melanie, then at Wellington, then at Melanie again. She couldn’t believe Melanie was bold enough to just walk into Wellington’s bedroom without knocking or anything.

“What the hell are you doing?” asked Jada.

“I bought the two of you
presents,” responded Melanie. She handed Jada the neatly gold wrapped package tied with black lace. “You might want to put this on.”

Wellington’s erection throbbed uncontrollably between Jada’s thighs. With his legs straddled on each side of Jada’s hips, his dick began to penetrate the opening between her thighs. The head of his penis grazed her clit.

“Wellington, this one is for you.” Melanie laid
Wellington’s package by the side of the bed.” Carry on.” Melanie walked toward the bedroom door.

“Wait!” Wellington paused.” You don’t have to leave.
stay.” Wellington looked at Melanie out of the corner of his eyes. His caramel lips swung from nipple to nipple like a pendulum. Then he bit each tip. Jada’s nipples hardened. The sensation spread throughout her body and traveled down to her vagina. It pulsated faster than the throbs from Wellington’s penis.

Jada felt rather adventurous from all the champagne. And it was obvious Wellington wanted both of them.” You don’t have to leave, if you don’t want to.” Jada couldn’t believe she said that. She had never been involved in a ménage à trois. But she had fantasized about it on many occasions, especially while she made love. Plus, after tomorrow, Melanie wouldn’t be around.

“Are you sure? The two of you don’t mind?” Melanie asked.

“Oh, we’re sure,” Wellington answered.

Jada eased from between Wellington’s legs. She went into the bathroom. When she opened the package, she was pleasantly surprised. Melanie had bought the leopard outfit and all of the accessories. When Jada walked into the bedroom, Melanie had already handcuffed and blindfolded Wellington. Melanie’s red robe dangled off the foot of the bed. Wellington’s two hundred and twenty pounds of tasty caramel candy was spread across the bed six feet and four inches long. His little head stood at Melanie’s attention, and sporadically danced back and forth as if it were doing
Girl, that was quick.” Jada posed by the bathroom door.

BOOK: Soulmates Dissipate
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