Read Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore Online

Authors: Lucy J. Whittaker

Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore (7 page)

BOOK: Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore
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Lucy felt every sensation that Dean was exposing her to. 
She had never had anyone take such care with her. This time was so unlike the
violent mating that had taken place last night in his bed.  He hadn’t hurt her,
she had been just as enthusiastic as he had been, but this time was so much
different.  It was as if he was making love to her.

Dean watched her face intently as he moved inside her.  Many
emotions passed across her features, and then her eyes got heavier as her
breathing quickened.  He could feel her body start to quiver, like a pulse deep
inside her was searching for a way out.  He felt her orgasm curling around his
cock as she stiffened beneath him, he held still deep inside her as she rode
out the waves.  She strained against him, clasping her legs tighter around his
waist.  He latched onto her earlobe and then let her hands go as he moved
faster and faster inside her, seeking his own release.

Lucy felt like she should be participating more, after all
he was doing all the work.  But, holy smokes, he was like a machine, his hips
moving like a piston.  He stiffened and thrust deep as he came inside her,
letting out a guttural moan against her neck.  She could feel his penis pulsing.

He collapsed on her for a few seconds, giving her his full
weight, and then he rolled off her, wrapping his arms around her to pull her
with him till she landed sprawled across his chest.  He stroked her smooth back
in one caress, running his hands down to cuddle her buttocks.

“I know I have to go, but I don’t want to.” he said.  “Even
though it’s Saturday I still have work to do, although it’s in the stables
today, so I don’t mind as much.”  Dean felt so content right now, he didn’t
know if it was from the great sex, or something else.  He realized he was
willing to see if his relationship with Lucy led somewhere.  She didn’t seem to
care about his money and best of all, she wasn’t crazy.  He had been the one to
instigate their relationship.

“How big is your stable?”  Lucy asked as she stroked his jaw
with one finger, slowly tracing the whiskers that had grown there overnight. 

“What you saw yesterday were just the horses we ride for
pleasure.  The race horses are in a much bigger stable behind that one.”  He
paused for a few seconds as he looked at her.  “Do you know how to ride?”

Lucy smiled.  “Yes… but it’s been a long time.”

“Maybe I’ll take you for a ride one day, would you like
that?”  He looked at her eyes as they widened a bit.

Lucy let out the breath she had been holding and gave him a
small smile; she liked the idea of spending time with him.  “Yes.  I’d like
that.  Your property is beautiful Dean.  I’m sure the rest is just as nice.”

“I don’t want you to go unless you are with me though,
okay?  If someone asks you, tell them no.”  His felt his face harden as he
thought of her with anyone else, especially Max, he had seen the way they
looked at each other.  Just like when he and Lucy had first met, there was an
instant attraction there.  Max had backed off, but he hadn’t hid his interest
in her.  He was his friend, but for some reason he felt very possessive of her.

Lucy leaned up a little to look at him for a second.  That
had seemed suspiciously like a warning.  “All right, I know you don’t like to
talk about your father, but his doctor is coming this morning.  I need to be
there when he comes.  I have some questions for him.”  She waited for him to
close himself off to her, but he didn’t.

“I understand, you can tell me about it later.”  He sat up
and looked back at her as he got off the bed.  He grabbed his boxers that were
hanging off the nightstand.  He had been in such a hurry to interrupt her
shower that he hadn’t paid any attention to where he had tossed them.

Lucy lay on her side and watched him move, she sighed as she
took in his beautiful body.  Man he was so hot, what the hell did he see in
her?  She had a few extra pounds in her hips and thighs, something she had
struggled with her whole life.  It seemed no amount of exercise would get rid
of it.  Her friend at the club she visited had told her that is was her body
make up.  She was tight everywhere else.  He had said her ass looked great the
way it was and then asked her out, but she had refused.  She wasn’t ready for a
relationship.  She hadn’t been prepared for Dean, he had hit her hard that
first night he had touched her, and she never had a chance.  She grinned as she
thought of something.  “Have I told you how hot you are?”  She stifled a giggle
as he looked at her with a startled expression.

“Uh…no, I guess you haven’t.”  Was she teasing him?  He
doubted it with the way her eyes had been tracking him.  He felt his face crack
into a grin as she rolled to her stomach to hide her smile from him.  He
quietly moved closer to her and swatted one delightfully shaped butt cheek.  It
swiftly turned pink and she gasped as she sat up suddenly, rubbing her abused
bottom.  “Bad girls get spanked Lucy.”  He said sternly to her.  He watched as
her eyes flared at him, but her face and chest were flushed with excitement. 
Interesting, he had never spanked a woman before, but he had a feeling they
would both enjoy it.  He swiftly kissed her shocked mouth and trailed one
finger down her neck, enjoying her shiver.  “We’ll finish that later.”  Then he
actually whistled as he slipped out the balcony door.


Lucy watched Stan talk with his doctor.  He had made remarkable
progress the last few days.  She had thought at first that he was getting a
second wind, something that came up with people just before they died.  But now
she wasn’t so sure.  He had been off his oxygen for two days now, and his last
breathing treatment had been the first night she was here.  Jeff was helping
him with some physical therapy and he had progressed to a walker for short
trips around the room.  He got tired easily, but he looked really good.

Jeff drew some blood for a few tests the doctor wanted to
run. They were obviously old friends; they joked and laughed once Stan’s exam
was over.  Stan had introduced her to Henry, she liked him instantly.  He said
he had been retired for a while, but he still saw a few patients from time to

When Henry was ready to leave Lucy asked if she could walk
him out.  He nodded to her and said goodbye to Stan.  He planned to come back
to see him in a few days to check in on him, unless he needed him sooner, then
all they had to do was call.

“Lucy I can tell you have something on your mind.  You can
talk freely to me.”  Henry said.

Lucy looked and made sure no one could hear them.  She was
beginning to get some suspicions.  “I really don’t understand what is going
on.  I’ve seen Stan since he got sick.  He is a completely different man.  I’m
glad that he is doing so much better, but I don’t want to give anyone false
hope.  It’s strange though, it’s almost as if he was exposed to something and
now that he’s away from it, he’s doing better.  I really never expected him to
recover.  He was at death’s door the first night I took care of him.  Do you
think he could have been poisoned or something?”  She worried her lip as she

Henry raised his eyebrows at her.  “It is hard to believe
that he was that bad.  I suppose heavy metal poisoning or maybe arsenic could
have caused his symptoms.”

“Is there a way to test for that?  This is so far out of my

“Most of it would be out of his system by now, unless we
could test his hair.”  Henry looked at her thoughtfully for a moment and then
he rubbed his forehead.  “Can you discreetly get some of his hair for me?  I
don’t want to cause any alarm, or let anyone know what we are doing.”  He
opened his bag and pulled out a specimen cup.

Lucy took the cup from him.  “I know I can, he just had his
hair trimmed this morning before you came.  I’m sure the bin hasn’t been
emptied yet.”  She looked up at him. “I’ll be right back.”

Henry stood in the hallway and watched her go back into
Stan’s room, hiding the cup in her skirt.  If Lucy’s suspicions were real, how
could he tell Stan and Dean that an attempt had been made on his life? 
Thankfully he only had to wait a few minutes and then Lucy came back with the
container.  He placed it in his bag and as she walked him out he gave her some
instructions for Stan’s care.

Henry stood by his car and shook Lucy’s hand.  “I’m glad
that Stan has you taking care of him Lucy.  You care about him that is plain to
see.  I just hope everything turns out all right.”

“Me too, thank you doctor.”

“Please call me Henry.”  He smiled as he got inside the car;
he was rewarded with a warm smile from her as she waved to him. 

She watched him drive away with a heavy heart.  Did she do
the right thing?  She looked up and noticed Alcide standing in the doorway
watching her.  She went back into the house and ignored him as she passed by. 
She needed some answers and she knew who she needed to talk to.

She made her way through the house, out the patio and into
the garden.  She and Reggie had seen Nicole out here yesterday; maybe she came
out here in the afternoons.  She went further inside till she came to the
trellis and walked under it.  She smiled as she saw Nicole sitting on the

“Hey Nicole,” Lucy said.

“Hi Lucy,” she said as she moved over to make room for Lucy
to sit with her.  “How are you today?”

“I’m fine,” Lucy hesitated, how did she do this; none of
this was really her business? “I know you saw me leave Dean’s room last night. 
Does it bother you that we have been together?”

“Me?  Heavens no.  It’s been so long since he has been
interested in someone, I’m glad.  I like you Lucy; I think you are good for

Lucy smiled at her, she was so nice. “I was wondering if I
could talk to you about something.”

“I thought you might, what would you like to know?”  Nicole

“Why don’t your dad and Dean get along?”

Nicole sighed.  “Oh, where should I start?  First off Dean
controls the estate, all but the horses that is.  Dad has control over all the
horses, breeding, racing, what animals are bought or sold.”

“That bothers Dean?”  Lucy asked with a frown, granted she
didn’t know him all that well, but it seemed odd.

“Sort of, he wanted to have Jasper put down, but my dad

“Jasper! Put down, what on earth for?  He’s a wonderful
animal.”  Lucy was shocked.

“I had an accident a few years ago.  Dean was convinced that
Jasper was to blame, but my dad didn’t think so.  They fought about it for
quite a while, and now they don’t talk, any communication comes through

“I’m sorry for saying this, but I don’t like him.  I’m not
sure what it is, but there is just something about him.”

“Don’t be sorry, I don’t like him either.  He is a very
dangerous man.  He and Dean have been friends for years, since they were
young.  Only dad and I have seen his dark side.  He hit on me a few times, but
I refused him.  I caught him striking Jasper once with a crop.  When I slapped
him and told him to stop he raised his fist to me.  If my dad wouldn’t have
come just then I have no doubt that he would have hit me.  My dad tried to fire
him, but since Dean and he are friends, he refused, he thought we were blowing
things out of proportion.”

Nicole stared off into space for a minute. “My accident was
Alcide’s fault.  I was out riding and he threw up a blanket or something as I
was riding by.  Jasper bolted and I fell off.  I don’t remember what happened
after that.  I was out for quite a while.  He left me there to die.  I could
feel blood on the back of my head and I couldn’t move, I think my arm was
broken.  Jasper came back and stayed by me and then I blacked out.”

“Oh my God, that is awful.  Did you tell Dean?” 

“He wouldn’t listen to me.”

Lucy reached out and took her hand.  “I’m so sorry.  I’m
glad you told me though, that explains a lot.”  She thought back to Dean’s
warning about not riding with anyone but him.

They sat in companionable silence for a while, just pushing
the swing gently and enjoying the garden.  Then Nicole turned to Lucy and took
her hand again with a smile.

“Do you think you can help my brother?”

“With what?”

“He’s broken; he needs someone to love him.”

Lucy looked at her a little startled.  “Uh…I won’t be here
that long Nicole, besides I don’t think your brother is looking for that.”

“You already love him don’t you?”  Nicole asked with a small

Lucy let out a long heavy sigh.  “Is it that obvious?”  She
gave her a rueful smile in return.

Nicole’s smile widened in response and she let out a little
laugh.  Her eyes lit up as she spoke again.  “Will you do me a favor?”

Lucy shrugged her shoulders, “sure.”

“Can you go and give these to Jasper for me?  I can’t go
around him right now; he still gets skittish around me.  Reggie told me that he
likes you.”

They stood up and Nicole handed her something.  Lucy looked
down at a roll of wintergreen lifesavers in her hand and laughed. 

Nicole smiled and nodded to her.  “Just a few though, it’s
just a treat.”

“Okay, I’ll go right now.  Thanks for talking to me; maybe
I’ll see you later.”

“You’re welcome Lucy”, she gave Lucy a wave as she left the

Lucy wandered back to the stables and she smiled when she
saw Jasper come to his door as she came inside.  How did he know she was here?

“I have a treat for you handsome.”

Lucy pulled out a few of the candies from the roll and held
them in her hand with her palm flat.  She giggled as he nibbled the treats
gently from her hand.  She reached up and stroked his head and his soft ears. 
She murmured to him and sighed when he pressed his head against her chest.  She
felt bad for him.  He was such a gentle horse; she would have to make it a
point to visit him every day.  Maybe all he needed was for someone to love
him.  She put the candy into the pocket of her dress and laughed as he searched
for more.  “Oh no baby, that’s all you get for today, I don’t want you to get
any cavities.”  She said in a husky voice.  She rubbed his head for a few more
minutes and promised to come back tomorrow.

BOOK: Someone Perfect for Mr. Moore
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