Read Solid Foundation Online

Authors: J. A. Armstrong

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #Romance, #Lesbian Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Lesbian Fiction, #Short Stories

Solid Foundation (2 page)

BOOK: Solid Foundation
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so, but hell is different for different people.”

put her hands on Candace’s shoulders. “Candace,” she said softly. Candace
looked up in surprise. “You need to decide if you can give Jameson what she

does that mean?”

means exactly what I said. It’s been a year, Candy. Give her all of you, or you
will lose her.”


smiled. “You know exactly what I am talking about. Sooner or later you are
going to have to trust her completely or you are going to have to let her go.”

do trust her.”

trust yourself,” Pearl said. She kissed Candace on the forehead and smiled.
“Now, I am going to leave you kids to your weekend.”

Candace called. Pearl stopped and turned back. “Thanks.”

smiled. “You’re welcome.”

Chapter Two

“Hey there,” Jameson
greeted Candace from the doorway to the kitchen.

turned to find Jameson holding up a large paper bag. “What is that?”

Jameson said. “I had my Dad run and grab it while I showered.”

he joining us?” Candace wondered.

This is a private affair,” Jameson answered as she placed the bag of Chinese
food on the table.
“Well, we do have
Jinx to contend with, but I will slip him a chicken finger to keep him quiet.”

laughed and walked over to Jameson. “I missed you this week.”

smiled at her lover. “I missed you too.”

food?” Candace inquired.

love Chinese food. Sometimes I think you
it more than you love me,” Jameson joked.

a chance,” Candace promised. Jameson sat down across from Candace and started
pulling out the various containers.

tell me…what prompted you to come home so early?” Jameson asked.

had a conference call late yesterday.”

Jameson urged. “Is that why you sounded so stressed out last night on the

was part of it. I promised to have a decision by the first about running for

nodded. “Okay. What’s the other part of it?” Candace was toying with her food.

will change things,” Candace said quietly.

took a deep breath. “In my experience things tend to change whether you want
them to or not.”

looked across at Jameson. She was often amazed by Jameson’s candor and her view
of life. Many times, it had been Candace to reassure Jameson. Their roles had
now reversed. “I know. I just,” Candace chuckled. “Maybe I just wish I had a
fortune cookie that could actually predict the future.”

the future, huh? What would you want it to say?” Jameson asked. Candace smiled
but did not answer. “Well,” Jameson said with a deep breath. She fished in her
pocket under the table and pushed a fortune cookie across the table to Candace.
“Maybe you should try that one.”

looked at Jameson quizzically. “What are you up to?” Candace asked
suspiciously. Jameson just shrugged. Candace looked back at the cookie and
opened the package. She took her time and broke it open to retrieve the
message. She studied it
for a

ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for.

Candace was lost in her
contemplation of the message. She looked up and was startled to find Jameson
kneeling in front of her. “Jameson?”

“It’s true. You can build
a strong
, majestic ship, Candace. It
isn’t worth its weight nor its grandeur if you never sail it. You can’t ever
hope to see the world if you are too afraid it will sink.”

“Jameson, I…”

“Would you be quiet and
let me do this, please?” Jameson asked lightly. Candace smiled. “I know you are
afraid of what this will mean for us. I think we’ve built a strong ship. I
trust it to sail across some rocky waters and still find its way,” Jameson
said. “I love you. I
you to
navigate, if you’ll trust me to keep the ship safe and cared for.”

“I trust you with my
life,” Candace said.

“Then share it with me,”
Jameson responded. “Marry me, Candace.”

“Jameson, I…Did you just
ask me to marry you?” Candace asked.

“I think those were my
words,” Jameson said nervously. Candace could not find her voice and the
silence began to unnerve Jameson. “Maybe I…”

Jameson’s words were
silenced by a kiss. “Yes.”

“Yes, you will marry me?”
Jameson asked in disbelief.

Candace laughed. “Of
course, I will marry you, you lunatic.”


Candace laughed harder.
“Are you actually surprised?”

“I don’t know! I never
asked anyone before and
… Wait!”
Jameson exclaimed. Candace jumped. Jameson
reached back in her pocket and pulled out a stunning sapphire and diamond ring.
“I have to do this right.”

Candace took a breath and
watched as Jameson took her hand. It was the most endearing thing she had ever
experienced. Jameson’s expression was priceless. Candace found herself wishing
she could record the
although she
was certain she would never forget it. Jameson took another deep breath and
then looked at Candace.

“Candace, will you marry

Candace was ready to
remind Jameson that she had already answered, but the earnestness in Jameson’s
eyes stopped her. “Yes, Jameson. I would love to be married to you.” As Candace
spoke the words, she realized the truth in them. She’d been proposed to before;
more than once. She’d been married. She’d never once in her life felt the way
did at
this moment. This was not a
proposal formulated in the dreams of a young girl about fairytale weddings. It
was not the
that came as a
business arrangement. Candace did not
want to marry Jameson, she wanted to be married to Jameson. Looking at Jameson,
she was certain her emotional sentiment was shared equally by her lover.

Jameson slipped the ring
onto Candace’s finger. She was shaking so hard that Candace reached out to
steady her. “I’m sorry,” Jameson whispered. “I’m just so nervous.”

Candace smiled. “I love
you, Jameson.”

Jameson looked at
who was smiling compassionately at
her. “I don’t know what lies ahead. I do know I don’t ever want to be without
you again, no matter what.”

Candace closed the
distance between them and kissed Jameson lovingly. “I don’t
to be without you either.” Jameson placed
her head on Candace’s shoulder. “Are you all right?” Candace asked.

Jameson chuckled. “One
more thing I never thought I would do,” she admitted. “And, one more thing I
can’t wait to do.”

Candace closed her eyes
and held onto Jameson. She understood that sentiment
. Life had changed dramatically for them both in a year’s
time. Candace had never been happier in her life. That was one of the reasons she
was reluctant to change anything. Jameson was right.
was inevitable whether they invited it or not. That was
clear. Candace didn’t need a marriage proposal to trust in Jameson’s
commitment. What frightened Candace was the possibility of her life causing
Jameson pain. She needed a reminder that nothing could cause either of them
more pain than being apart. Candace felt Jameson pull back and opened her eyes.

“Whatever you decide,”
Jameson said. “I will be beside you, ring or no ring.”

“I know,” Candace assured
Jameson. “Just one favor?”


“Limit the tree climbing.
I already have twenty years on you. I can’t afford to lose anymore off my

“If I can reach them
without the roof?”

Candace laughed.


Candace woke up and looked over at Jameson. Jameson
was sleeping peacefully. Candace reached out and brushed the hair out of
Jameson’s eyes. Instinctively, she looked down at the ring on her finger. “Oh,

“Hum?” Jameson grumbled.

Candace smiled. “Nothing.
Go back to sleep,” she whispered.

Jameson pried one eye
open. “Why are you awake?”

“Go back to sleep,”
Candace said again.

Jameson forced her eyes
completely open and looked at her lover. “Second thoughts?”

“What?” Candace asked.

“Are you having second
thoughts about us getting married?”

Candace kissed Jameson in
reply. “Not in the slightest, no.”

“What is it then?”

Candace kissed Jameson
again. Her kiss was filled with passion and Jameson gave over immediately.
Candace’s hands dropped to Jameson’s back and pulled her closer. Jameson was
astonished by the intensity of Candace’s touch. They had made love for hours
before falling asleep contentedly. She wondered when and why this emotional
tide had resurfaced in Candace. She was happy to surrender to it. Candace’s
hands were mapping out Jameson’s body methodically. Her kiss continued just as
unhurriedly. For a moment, Candace would pull back and gentle her exploration,
just grazing Jameson’s lips with hers. Then, in another instant she would trace
Jameson’s lips with her tongue and her searching would begin all over again.
The dance went on and on while Candace’s hands caressed Jameson lovingly.

Jameson found Candace’s
tenderness incredibly arousing. Candace had not ventured to touch her in any
way that was overtly sexual. She allowed her hands to roam over Jameson’s hips,
her back, stomach, shoulders, thighs, and neck, lovingly exploring every curve
and dip of Jameson’s body. When Candace’s kiss finally strayed to Jameson’s
neck, Jameson gasped. “Jesus,” Jameson whispered hoarsely.

Candace’s mouth continued
a slow assault down one side of Jameson’s neck and then up the other. She
stopped and placed a kiss on Jameson’s lips before running her tongue leisurely
down Jameson’s throat until she reached Jameson’s breasts. Jameson closed her
eyes and sucked in a ragged breath. Her heart skipped wildly when Candace’s
fingertips barely brushed over Jameson’s nipples. Jameson wanted to call out to
but she could not seem to make
the words come. It was as if she were suddenly drowning; drowning in a sea of
passion and promise. She reached out for Candace and Candace stopped to kiss
the palm of Jameson’s hand without words.

The sensation of
Candace’s tongue beginning to circle her nipple forced a sigh to escape
Jameson’s lips. Candace looked up and watched as Jameson’s expression changed
from startled to hopeless surrender. She smiled and dropped her kisses lower.
Jameson thought her body might have caught fire. Every nerve was pulsing in
anticipation. She opened her eyes to see Candace above her. Her hands grasped
onto Candace’s as Candace’s hips began to sensually rotate against her. Jameson
traced Candace’s lips with her finger and arched her back to meet Candace’s
movements. Her heart was pounding with pleasure.

“God,” Jameson breathed.
“You are so beautiful,” she said with wonderment coloring her voice.

“Jameson,” Candace called
through a moan. Jameson’s body moved rhythmically against hers. She held onto
Jameson’s hands as if they were her anchor. Jameson was her safe harbor. She
looked into Jameson’s eyes as their bodies melded together in an erotic dance.

Jameson moved her hands
to hold Candace’s hips, guiding her impossibly closer.
She felt a stirring in her center and held on
more tightly. Candace dropped her hands back to Jameson’s breasts and gently
tugged at her nipples. Jameson was softly being transported, much like a leaf
by a faint breeze. Jameson was
drifting upward, dipping and gliding, helpless to resist the tumbling. She felt
no inclination to control the flight. Instead, she let go. Candace was the
wind; the air in her lungs, the breath that had given Jameson’s existence new
life. There was never a need to pretend, to fear or to hold back with Candace.
Whether Candace carried her gently or sent her soaring in a violent swirl of
energy, Jameson would always land safely, quietly, and lovingly in Candace’s
embrace. As much as Candace could lift Jameson in what often seemed an endless
whirling spiral of emotion and desire, she was also the earth; the rock that
grounded Jameson.

Jameson’s body rose at
the same instant that Candace sank into her. “Jameson,” Candace whispered just
before her body erupted in a multitude of sensations. Jameson followed, her
body climbing and trembling. Candace kissed Jameson urgently as her body
shuddered against an onslaught of uncontrollable physical pleasure. Her muscles
clenched and her heart thrummed violently in her chest. Jameson returned her
kiss with fervor and held on to her hips firmly. Jameson wasn’t sure that she
would ever reach the ground. Each time she felt herself begin to settle,
another gentle breeze would lift her and she would find herself gripping
Candace in an attempt to remain grounded.

Finally, Jameson pulled
Candace down to her firmly. “Jameson?” Candace’s voice called gently. Jameson’s
only reply came in the form of a tender kiss. She sighed and held Candace

“Thank you,” Jameson
said. Candace was puzzled. “Yes, thank you,” Jameson said again. “For letting me
love you.”

Candace smiled.
“Sweetheart, I think it’s me who should be thanking you.”

“No. It isn’t,” Jameson
said. Candace propped herself up to look at Jameson. “I’ve never told you

“Told me what?”

“Why it’s so hard for me
sometimes…To let go, I mean,” Jameson said. Candace listened attentively. “It
was a long time ago. I thought I knew who I was. I didn’t have a clue, you
know?” Jameson said. “I don’t know why I have never told you this.”

BOOK: Solid Foundation
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