Read Socially Unacceptable Online

Authors: Kelsey Charisma

Tags: #sex, #pi, #incest, #daddy, #daughter, #brother, #sister, #dominate, #fuck, #alpha male

Socially Unacceptable

BOOK: Socially Unacceptable
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Socially Unacceptable



Kelsey Charisma






Kelsey Charisma on Smashwords


Socially Unacceptable

Copyright © 2015 by Kelsey Charisma

ISBN: 9781310026317


[email protected]




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This book is for sale to ADULT
AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit scenes
and graphic language which may be considered offensive by some
Please note that if a warning is
on the cover, then the following material is pseudo-incest between
either a former or present stepfather and stepdaughter or
stepbrother and stepsister.
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All sexually active characters in this work
are 18 years of age or older.



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From the best selling
erotica author of Don’t Tell!, Invisible Condom, and Forbidden
Love, Kelsey Charisma gives you Socially Unacceptable. Six
one-handed books in a single bundle, written for her fans as a huge
thank you! In these forbidden pages you’ll find taboo relationships
so scandalous and sexy they cannot be mentioned here!





Other Titles by Kelsey

























Teaching Tawny Taboo: A Daddy Deflowering

“What exactly are you wearing?” William asked
with his head cocked to the side. He scanned Tawny up and down with
furrowed brows of concern. She shot her gaze downward, and smoothed
her hands along her sides. While he watched, she tugged at the
frayed edge of the jean miniskirt. Jerking the waist down until it
tightly hugged her curves charmed him, or at least she hoped he
stared because he liked the look of her tone legs, the way it
squeezed her feminine hips, and how she showed off more than mere

“Why? You like it?” She grinned, and then
showed off her best assets by tugging her midriff down. The thin
cotton clung to her tits. Her tone stomach had a dust of glitter
spray. Hopefully William noticed it all. She exercised hours each
week to have a nice body, because she wanted him to appreciate it.
These days she dressed in less for him, too, even if he wouldn’t be
seeing her long.

Because she was about to go out, she snatched
a sweater that would keep her ass covered all night. There was no
point in flaunting her taut body for all the boys in her senior
class. She didn’t have crushes on any of them.

Tawny liked her stepdad and had ever since
they went to the fair together earlier that year. They had so much
fun, and she forgot he was a blast to hang out with. They shared a
bag of cotton candy while listening to a halfway decent traveling
band, and she suddenly saw him completely differently. He no longer
looked like the guy that chose to raise her when her mom got hooked
on meth. He was an attractive man with a youthful face, deep
dimples, and solidly-built physique. Besides an occasional
domineering streak, where he demanded respect or needed her to cave
to his wishes, they got along perfectly. They laughed together a
lot, and as silly as it sounded, she wanted someone that made her

“No, I don’t like you wearing such shorts
skirts and revealing tops. It gives me anxiety, and that’s not
enjoyable. Where the hell are you going? I’m going to worry about
you all night dressed like that.” He gave her a typical dad
response, but Tawny grinned wide. Because she was a naive eighteen
with a mad crush, she easily jumped to conclusions; convinced he
cared because he considered her his to look at, she wanted to kiss
him. A little jealousy did the ego good.

“My heart is pounding, Tawny.” She crooned
oh, dad, and then comforted him by pushing her breasts into his
chest with a hug. With a brief sweep of her lips, she kissed his
cheek. “I don’t want you to butter me up. I want you to go change.
You can’t leave the house like that.”

“I’m not. I’ll be out till midnight at least,
so I’m taking a sweater.”

His eyebrows almost touched as his temper
boiled over. The response smacked of blatant disregard, and he
wouldn’t let her get away with it. He firmly held onto her wrists,
held them to her chest, and kept her back at arm’s length. “Being
sweet and delightful won’t work, baby. You’re definitely not
staying out till midnight. In fact, you’re not going out at all.”
He glowered at her when she giggled with flattery, but he acted
overprotective and she knew why. He wanted her, and he didn’t want
to share. She liked that. “We need to talk—have the talk.”

“The talk?” She smirked. He solicited open
dialogue about sex. The subject wasn’t her strong suit, considering
she was a virgin, but since he squirmed when bringing it up, that
gave her the confidence because he was treading new territory, too;
neither had experience.

“Yes, Tawny, the talk.” He quickly released
her as if he didn’t want to begin the conversation with touching.
He took a step back and then other. While he spoke, he continued to
put space between them for comfort. “You know which one I’m talking

“How detailed are we getting here?” If she
could throw in a lot of dirty talk, he’d get turned on. It would be
fun to make him hard. In a blink of an eye, she formed ideas that
would entice him. She’d enjoy asking him why boys liked wet
pussies, what was up with them stealing panties, and later she’d
take off her shirt and ask her why one nipple liked licked more
than the other if they looked totally alike. Truly those questions
were a subject of curiosity.

“It won’t be as bad as you think,” he said
with a reassuring smile. However, he looked tense, so it wasn’t
believable. He folded his arms over his chest, a sure sign he built
a wall between them.

Tawny didn’t like seeing him shut down as he
was, and would much rather stay home all night and flirt. For his
sake, she gave him a way out. “At seventeen, kids are having sex by
now, daddy. You’re a year late.”

“What?” He blinked at her with wide eyes, and
apparently confused he looked down to his feet to think. After a
quiet moment, he looked back up at her with a scrunched nose.
“You’re not sexually active. Right? You didn’t sneak out.

“No,” she assured him. Something about seeing
him nervous made her more at ease. She smiled, and came to him.
Then she took his hand and kissed it. He pulled out of her grip,
because he apparently thought she worked some angle again, and
tried schmoozing. So she jumped up on the counter and sat by his

“That’s it? You’re not even going to

“What do you want me to say?”she asked,
getting comfortable by leaning against his arm. “I’m a virgin.”

“Right,” he nodded, but kept his eyes
downward to think. “I mean…when would you have time?”

“True,” she said, and because he obviously
needed more convincing so his perfect world would be aligned again,
she added, “I’m a straight A student, and play two sports every
season. Plus we go to the gym every night. The weekends I spend
working with you on your boat to save spending-money for our Egypt
trip—my graduation present.”

“Clearly you have time to go out now,

“So?” she hummed, and kept the note while
staring him down. He apparently refused to speak until she
convinced him, because he gave her the same look—both daring the
other to answer first. “Would you like to check how tight I am down

He snorted out a laugh from the unexpected
answer. “No, baby, I’ll believe you.”

“Good, because I’m telling you the truth.” He
was so jealous she couldn’t help giggle with triumph. He had it bad
for her—just as much as she liked him.

In relief he took a deep breath and put his
hand on her knee and rubbed up to her skirt, as he took a moment to
let the anxiety wear off. They watched his hand, neither pointing
it out or what it meant.

“Thank goodness. I thought there for a second
I really failed you.” Putting his arm around him, she hugged him,
because she clearly scared him.

“Then this is the perfect time to have this
conversation as long as you don’t treat me like a child, because
I’m not.”

“I know, baby. You’re a young woman.” He
grinned, and added, “Let’s park it on the couch. For some reason
I’m always envisioning this conversation with us sitting down

“Okay, let’s get this over with,” she said,
but she was about to make this torture for him, making him spell
out things that were naughty and wrong to share between a daddy and
his baby girl.

“My thoughts exactly.”

He followed her into the living room, and
they sat facing each other. They grinned at one another, but the
smallest gap of silence made the situation awkward. He must have
felt uncomfortable too, because he stiffly said, “Maybe if you tell
me what you know. I’ll know where to begin.”

“Seriously? That’s putting all the pressure
on me. Sex in general is new to me, but you’ve done everything at
least once and said it all to women you’ve,” she waved her hand so
he’d get the point. She wanted to talk sex, not past relationships,
so she decided to cut herself off. “You know.”

“Right! Sorry!” he said, and then he put his
arm across the back of the couch, looked up to the ceiling and
thought where to begin. After figuring it out, he brought his
attention back to her.

“I’ll skip basics and start with the
importance of wearing condoms.”

“Sounds good.” She shrugged.

With a curt nod, and a stern, monotone voice,
he stressed with importance: “Chances are, you’ll have a strong
desire to skip a jimmy. You’ll want him to think you feel amazing,
and you’re the best lay he’s ever had. Maybe you’ll get off on
thinking he might get you pregnant because it’s risky as hell.
After all if you get pregnant, a good man will stay with you, but
in truth, wearing a condom feels no different and he’ll want you to
get an abortion because you’re both young. The stress will be a lot
for him, because he’s a little shit that doesn’t deserve you, and
he’ll decide dating you isn’t worth the hardship of a baby and
break up with you. Meanwhile he’s cheated, given you Herpes, and
then left you broken. So do yourself a favor and just wear a
fucking condom like your life and future depends on it, because it


“It’s the truth. This immature kid that is
lucky enough to be with you a handful of times isn’t worth risking
your future for. A lot of guys lie and say anything they can to get
in your pants, so you really need to be careful. You’re the only
one who is going to care about you out there. Don’t skip a condom
ever, ever, ever until you’re married—ever.”

BOOK: Socially Unacceptable
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